お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 123




2022 壬寅 (愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)     





先日のInstagramの『貝桶』が好評でして(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














その 貝合わせとは、蛤(はまぐり)の内側に書いた絵や歌を、ふたつ合わせる遊びのことで、今でいうカルタになりましょうか。貝合せは、美しい貝、珍しい貝を持ち寄って優劣を競うものでありましたが、同じ貝の蓋と身を合わせる遊び、貝覆いも行われるようになったようです。身と蓋の一方を地貝、他方を出貝とし、一つずつ出貝を出して合う地貝を選び、多く合わせた方が勝ちとなるまあ優雅な遊びであります。







幕末期 高さ:32㎝ 直径:35㎝ こちらの貝桶の素材はたぶん桐と思われます。持った感じは、大きさの割には軽いですね。普段想像する貝桶は雛様飾りの貝桶を思い浮かべる方がだいたいでしょうから、第一印象は「え?大きい」と、95%(適当です笑)の方は思われるのでは。

















Hello, this is Staff Y.


The bad weather from yesterday has affected each region. Please be careful, everyone.

Here in Nagoya, due to a typhoon-like storm, the autumn leaves of the trees suddenly fell apart this morning, and the scenery of the city became lonely at once. The area around Higashiyama, where the handsome gorilla and Shabani, which are my commuting routes, have become completely winter scenery, and the footsteps of winter are definitely there.

By the way, it’s a completely different story, but when I posted the “shellfish tub” in our store on Instagram the other day on my blog the other day, I received a lot of “likes”. Thank you very much. In addition, an acquaintance who saw Instagram asked me, “What’s going on inside that dream box?” I would like to visit. I mean, since I started working at our shop, I never thought I would spend time in the same space as the “shell tub” lol.


The term “shellfish tub” is out of season, but it is offered in front of the chicks, yes, that is it. It is a form of decoration tool for dolls, and it is a pair of containers for storing clam shells used for shelling, but it is available as a front decoration for inner chicks.

The shell tub is a tub for storing the clams used for playing “shellfish matching”, but the clam shells are used for the clams, and it is said that 360 pieces are a set, and bivalves like clams are Since it always fits only in the same pair, it seems to have been regarded as a symbol of women’s loyalty and the leading tool for wedding furnishings. It is an important wedding tool because it is the first in the wedding procession of the daimyo, and when the wedding procession arrives at the married house, the ceremony of “passing the shell tub” is performed first.

Kai-awase is a play that combines two pictures and songs written inside a clam, so let’s make it what we call a card game now. In shellfish matching, beautiful shellfish and rare shellfish were brought together to compete for superiority and inferiority, but the same shellfish lid and body play, and shellfish covering were also performed. One of the body and the lid is the mussel, the other is the mussel, and the mussels are put out one by one and the matching mussels are selected. Inside the shell, dynasty figures, flowers and birds, furnishings, accessories, treasures, etc. are drawn in Yamato-e style on the gold ground, and dynasty-style paintings are drawn in vivid colors on the octagonal shell tub with gold clouds. Is it okay to think of it as a longing tool full of dreams for the princess of a good family?

By the way, when my delusions swelled, I was able to appreciate the essential “shellfish tub” exclusively 10 cm in front of me, so I would like to tell you about it.

“Shell tub”

Late Tokugawa period Height: 32 cm Diameter: 35 cm The material of this shell tub is probably paulownia. The feeling of holding it is light for its size. Most people think of a tub with a chick-like decoration as the tub that they usually imagine, so 95% (appropriate laughter) think that the first impression is “What? It’s big.”

On the side, 360 degrees, gold clouds are fluttering around the gold ground, and gorgeous flowers and birds Fugetsu are scattered here and there, and a longing landscape that seems to cut out a scene of the elegant life of the aristocrat is drawn. Is it a nobleman who seems to be high-ranked, a woman who wears Junihitoe, and people who are attached? We are having a conversation in the mansion between the clouds. The colors at that time have faded, but it was probably a glittering and vivid longing tool. No, it’s gorgeous. Some of them had shells that were even more gorgeously drawn, so the girls were really excited.


And the inside of the lid of the question from the important acquaintance.


Yes, it has opened. The inside is also finished in a bright satin finish. Because of the lid, the gold inside remains very beautiful, and not only the sides but also the inside is not cut out. It doesn’t contain the shellfish that would have been in it at that time, but in this situation, you can imagine that the shellfish was also gorgeous.

How was the exclusive appreciation of “Shellfish tub”? If you are interested in the delusional story of the tub at that time while watching the “shell tub” that you see up close, please come and see the antique art Fukosha.


Well then, good luck.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

個人的なことですが…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 高価買取 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)















































Hello everyone. It is staff m.

It’s December from tomorrow, but it’s kind of like the end of the year.

CMs for year-end jumbo and New Year’s postcards are shown on TV, and if you go to the supermarket, you can see advertisements for Christmas cakes and New Year dishes.

Illuminations of various colors are given in the city, and it is exciting just to pass through them.

However, at the end of the year, the number of cars running on the road is increasing, and everywhere I get caught up in a little traffic.

Today, I will write something very personal, so please read it if you are interested.


Actually, my birthday is December 1st, the same as Aiko of the Emperor. that’s right. It’s tomorrow.

December 1st is also “World AIDS Day” set by WHO.

It is also a day to raise awareness of people with the AIDS problem, which is still regarded as an incurable disease, and to appeal for the prevention of the spread and the elimination of discrimination and prejudice.

Various AIDS-related events are being held all over the world, and it seems that educational activities are being held in various places in Japan as well.


When I looked into other things, it was said that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had designated it as “Life Day” as part of suicide prevention activities.

For those who are mentally driven and are troubled by themselves without being able to consult with anyone, a free consultation phone “Life Phone” is set up in each region from December 1st every year for a week. , It seems that they will respond to your worries and consultations.


It is also “Movie Day”.

On November 25, 1896 (Meiji 29), Japan’s first movie was released to the public in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, and when the Federation of Film Industry Associations set up a memorial day, I remember it sharply. It seems that it was established on December 1st as a good day.


I’m a little nervous because my birthday is on a pretty great anniversary, but since it’s a big deal, I looked back on this year.

The camera roll of the mobile phone is the easiest to understand, so when I looked at it, it was quite a volume.

Apparently, I’ve been the most active person in my history for the past year.

Since visiting a shrine is my lifework, I also visited a considerable number of first shrines.

It is also all over the country. Some prefectures went for the first time.

There, I met many ties and made connections.

I also had a lot of experience of doing it alone for the first time.


The reason why I spent so much activity was because my mother died earlier this year and I thought, “Life seems to be long and short.”

Her mother passed away in her 60s, but she finally said, “Do what you want to do while you can.”

If I saw my mother, who had a lot of things she wanted to go to and had a lot of things to do, suddenly declined in front of her, that was probably what she wanted to say the most. that’s what I thought.

I also thought her mother would be fine forever, so there are many places where she said she should go with her mother someday.

I was left with a lot of regret.

Because of this that really made me think about various things

“Let’s do what we want to do without procrastination.

Let’s go wherever we want to go.

Let’s go meet while we can meet the people we want to meet.

I will express my gratitude immediately.

Life doesn’t know when and what will happen. ”

Such an idea came to me and I decided to act.


I am also grateful to this blog for giving me the opportunity to look back on the year just before my birthday.

If not, it will be gone soon after I look back, because it’s December …

Thank you for reading.

(Staff m)














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

アートのドキュメンタリー映画を観ました(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)


































Hello, everyone.


Today I will talk about the movie I watched recently.

The title is “Price of Art”.

2017 art auction in New York.

It is a documentary film in which the opinions and critics of each writer regarding the auction are worried about the commercialization of art, and the gallerist is concerned about the future of art.

It was interesting to see very famous writers and works, and to feel opinions about art auctions from various angles.


Art auction … You’ve been featured in the news.

I remember … Banksy.

The moment the picture was sold at the auction, the picture was cut into pieces.

This feels provocative and ironic, as Banksy has a negative opinion of the art auction. However, the ones that are chopped up immediately after a successful bid are topical, and for better or worse, the price will be higher if they are put up for auction next time.

Gerhard Richter also seems to have a negative opinion about the art auction.

However, contrary to his feelings, Richter’s work was sold at a high price at the auction.

In the movie, Richter says it’s best to display it in a museum, while Auctioneer says, “That’s the graveyard of art.” At the museum, there are many works that can’t see the light of day because there are many works in the collection …


People who buy art at art auctions are ultra-rich people, not public institutions such as museums. When the ultra-rich people get a picture, they decorate it on the wall of the house and use it as an asset. At the museum, people with or without money can see it equally if they pay the entrance fee, but only those who bought the paintings that were dropped at high prices at the art auction can see them.

Richter describes his personal collection as “I’m sorry to add value to the house, painting is not the house.”


Watching this movie, I wondered if the artist thinks that the works sold at auction are “popular and fashionable” and the ones owned by the museum are “historically important”.


Basically, you can get it cheaply at auction and sell it at a high price. The paintings that I got for 100 million yen are similar to stocks, such as being sold for 1 billion yen if they are put up for auction now, so it may be an asset in a sense.


Why do writers have a negative opinion when the price is so high? You may be wondering, but even if the artist’s work sells at a high price at the auction, not all of that amount goes to the artist. Rather, it is bought cheaply first, and it is auctioneer that lifts it, so I do not know the price for the actual work.

However, the amount of money sold there is one indicator of the value of the work.

In addition, the auctioneer side can raise the original price and set the value of the work high.

A writer who was once popular but forgotten … It can be regained popularity by the hands of Auctioneer.

It’s the same as the brand image.


In this movie, you can see many works and writers, and you can see the inseparable relationship between art and money. It’s interesting, so if you are interested, please take a look.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN




大切な御品をお譲り下さいまして 誠にありがとうございます。
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN





大切な御品をお譲り下さいまして 誠にありがとうございました。















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

丹下健三展の続編でございます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



なんだか急に寒くなって参りましたね。このところの温かさに気を許して 手を抜いておりましたので暖房の準備などいろいろ焦っておりますが、どうぞ皆さまも体調など崩さぬようにお気を付けくださいませ。






































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It’s suddenly getting cold. I’ve been slacking off because of the warmth these days, so I’m rushing to prepare for heating, but please be careful not to get sick.

As for the story of the Kenzo Tange exhibition the other day, I didn’t mention much about the essential content, so today I will spell it out with photos, so please keep in touch


When you finally get inside, the first thing that comes to your eyes is the large photo panel of the Atomic Bomb Peace Memorial Park and the Memorial Hall, but since it is prohibited to shoot, you will enter while watching the exhibition. , You will be guided to this large exhibition booth.

At the exhibition booth, models of Mr. Tange’s early works, leftover materials, blueprints, etc. are collected and exhibited all at once. I never had such an opportunity again, so I realized that I’m glad I came in that sense as well. It seems that there are Tange school and Kuma school among young children who like architecture, and students and others were enthusiastic about taking pictures and taking notes. Anyway, the impression is that everyone who comes to see it has a long stay. As I said each, I noticed that I had been sitting there for an hour.


Aside from that, among the many materials available, the exhibition materials, models, blueprints, etc. are the most wonderful, and the number one attention is still “National Yoyogi Stadium”. The more you know, the deeper it becomes to the number one attention level


The two gymnasiums of Yoyogi National Stadium, the first gymnasium is 25,000 square meters, and the second gymnasium is one-fifth. Both have a “suspended structure”, with two main pillars in the first and one in the second, and the roof is a space suspended from the main pillars. It seems that the space that Mr. Tange aimed for was a pillar-free space that envelops the players and the spectators as one, so it is not just a design like a tent with a circular roof, but the first gymnasium is a trumpet. The second gymnasium looks like this, with the trumpet bell lying down and twisted a little. These vibrations are controlled by a hydraulic damper, which is excellent in maintenance and has a structure that is resistant to earthquakes.

Dampers were common in the design of bridges at the time, but it seemed that there were no buildings such as facilities that could lift the roof of such a huge space, but Mr. Tange said. He was motivated. It is said that the staff at that time was the first to make a challenge, so it was a very courageous challenge, but after all the pioneer of the times is the challenger. Moreover, I hear that the construction period was 500 days, so I think that people’s feelings were rising toward the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, but even so, I can not hide the surprise in the human wave tactics at that time.

Mr. Tange said that the initial budget was tight and he talked to the Prime Minister at that time, and he seemed to have the ability to put everything together as a producer now. In that sense, it must have been a pioneer of the times.


Also, at the time of the Olympic Games, thousands and tens of thousands of people come and go, and ensuring its liquidity was an important theme, but by shifting the entrance and exit, the Harajuku exit can also be seen from the Shibuya exit. It also creates a flow of people with smooth entry and exit, and also has functionality that allows the audience to evacuate smoothly even in the event of an earthquake, so what is in Mr. Tange’s mind at the examination stage? Did the picture come to mind?

It covers all the elements such as function, earthquake resistance, structure, budget, construction period, what the times demand, and challenges as an architect, but first of all, everyone has to say “beautiful”. I don’t feel like his greatness is concentrated in the absence.


When I was thinking about such things, I noticed the rough scribbles of the Yoyogi National Stadium written in a small notebook.

Everyone, it seems that Yoyogi National Stadium was born from here.

Starting from here, a lot of people were involved, a lot of technology and hard work were gathered, and the Yoyogi National Stadium was built, so that suspended roof that was built stands out even more proudly to me. It will look like this.

Why don’t you visit again as one of Tange’s works, a national stadium that has always fascinated us.

Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

イチョウの不思議(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)

































































Hello everyone.

It’s getting colder with every rain, and it seems like we’ll be rushing in the autumn when it’s easy to spend.

It was raining yesterday in Nagoya as well, and the cold weather became severe.

Even today, I walked around the store by handing out leaflets.

Recently, I’m a staff member with only such stories. (smile)


The ginkgo trees on the street were so beautiful that I stopped and took pictures.

By the way, I often see ginkgo trees like this, but I didn’t know much until I became an adult, so I’m going to talk about that today.



Ginkgo leaves are yellow even if they fall to the ground, aren’t they?

The other fallen leaves crumble when stepped on, but only the ginkgo remains shiny as it is.

So, have you ever slipped under a row of ginkgo trees after the rain?

In fact, ginkgo leaves contain ingredients that do not rot easily, and even if they fall to the ground, they are not easily decomposed.

And, as you can see, it’s not a hardwood, it’s a gymnosperm, but it’s not a conifer.

The mesophyll is thick and contains a lot of oil and water.


An acquaintance who married a temple before

“Ginkgo leaves do not burn at all when burned like other dead leaves, so they must be put out as combustible waste.”

He told me that he was tired of cleaning every year.

I remember being very surprised because I hadn’t noticed it before.

However, it is understandable that the ginkgo biloba leaves are hard to burn because they are as described above.


However, it seems that it is not suitable for burying in soil to make humus.

It does not contain much of the ingredients that earthworms and microorganisms find delicious, like hardwoods.

On the contrary, it contains a lot of unpleasant things, so it cannot be disassembled.

That said, it seems that it will decompose naturally over the years …


In addition, the ginkgo tree is known to produce the autumn taste “Ginkgo nuts”, and I was surprised at the mechanism by which the fruits are produced.

Did you know that ginkgo trees have males and females?

When I often walk under the roadside trees, the fruits are falling, and after someone steps on them, the unique smell is popping.

Yes, the tree on which the scented fruit is falling is a female.

As for the shape of the tree, it bears fruit, so the weight of the tree makes it feel like the branches are hanging down as a whole.

On the other hand, the male tree has a lot of branches growing up.

You can see it by comparing them.


However, even a tree expert cannot tell the difference between small trees, and even when planting trees, they are planting without knowing their gender.

So, if you plant ginkgo for the purpose of ginkgo nuts, is it close to a bet? I think that.

But, to my surprise, the fertility of ginkgo seems to be amazing!

Ginkgo is called anemophily, and pollen is carried by the wind, but the distance travels many kilometers!

It’s not a mistake of how many meters.

It seems that there is no particular need to pollinate for ginkgo nuts because it will fly freely in this way.



Other surprising facts.

Ginkgo seems to be one of the oldest modern tree species in the world.

It appeared in the Permian (about 299 million years ago to 251 million years ago) and seems to have flourished worldwide until the Middle Ages (Jurassic).

As evidence, it seems that ginkgo biloba fossils have been found all over the world.

However, in the Cenozoic era (corresponding to about 65 million years ago to the present day), it disappeared in various places and became extinct about 100 years ago, so it seems that the only surviving species is now.

Therefore, it seems that Ginkgo has been designated as an endangered species on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a “living fossil”.


(The photo is a maple in the neighborhood.)

As you can see, there were many unknown wonders about ginkgo, but (Is it the only one I didn’t know ?!)

When I knew it, I realized that it was a very valuable existence.

Ginkgo will soon be scattered and it will be in full swing in winter, but until then I wanted to enjoy the ginkgo trees on the streets.


Thank you for reading today.

(Staff m)















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

「丹下健三1983~1970戦前からオリンピック・万博まで」展図録が届きました!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)








































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Autumn leaves have finally become an overseas Chinese here in Nagoya. The leaves of the roadside trees are colored in various colors, and the roadside trees that have fallen on the road create a patchwork of colors on the normally dull road. However, it seems that it is not all good things, such as the faces of people who are tired of cleaning, but how about the autumn leaves front and your district that are finally in the city?

Actually, from the other day, I decided to tell you about Tange in the world of architects today, but by chance there was news about Kenzo Tange’s work. It is said that the Kagawa Prefectural Government Building, one of Kenzo Tange’s works, has been designated as a National Important Cultural Property.


On the 19th, the National Council for Cultural Affairs will designate the former main building of Kagawa Prefectural Government Building, East Building (4, Bancho, Takamatsu City) as an important cultural property (building). The Kagawa Prefectural Government Building is a masterpiece of world-famous architect Kenzo Tange, and it seems that the expression of modernist architecture, which incorporates traditional Japanese wooden architecture into concrete construction, was highly evaluated. According to the prefecture, this is the first time that a domestic government building built after the war has been designated as an important cultural property, and everyone in Kagawa Prefecture will be happy.

The old main building of the prefectural office has 8 floors above ground and the east building has 3 floors above ground, both of which are made of reinforced concrete and completed in 1958. The first floor has a wallless “piloti” and a lobby structure so that the citizens of the prefecture can freely enter and exit, and the Cultural Agency says “after the war, which embodies the spirit of democracy.” As a typical example of the building of the government building, it has a high historical value. ”

Actually, Kenzo Tange, a big senior at my high school. Perhaps because of my hometown, when I remembered the city where I was born and raised, I realized that Tange’s works were overflowing in the city as an adult. At that time, I lived for no apparent reason, but now I’m a little proud of it, and it seems that some people from all over the country are traveling around Tange’s works to see such Tange’s works.

By the way, when I unravel the memory of his childhood, the concrete color and smart design that are the characteristics of his work are revived in every scene of my memory. I’m even more impressed that I grew up in such a luxurious environment, but it’s already late.

Rather than that, here is what I originally wanted to talk about. The catalog of the exhibition “Kenzo Tange from 1983 to 1970 before the Olympics and Expo” that was held the other day has finally been sent, so please report after that.

The reason why I am so happy is that this exhibition was held at the National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs from July 21st (Wednesday) to October 10th (Sunday), 2021. , The catalog that was distributed free of charge was well received and ended during the opening period. Of course, it was not available when I visited, but when the reprint was decided and the mailing procedure was completed at the exhibition venue, it was said that it would be shipped at a later date, so I left the venue as soon as possible. However, when I forgot the catalog, it was finally sent the other day.

First of all, from the cover page. Although it is free, the size is B5, the thickness is 5 mm, and the paper quality is quite good.

The back side is the memorial hall of Hiroshima Peace Park in Hiroshima, which has just been built. The landscape and pavement have not been constructed yet. Can you see the Atomic Bomb Dome over the building?

And it is the page of the former main building and east building of Kagawa Prefectural Government Building (4, Bancho, Takamatsu City), which was designated as an important cultural property this time.

The concrete veranda, which is also a feature of the government building, surrounds the outer circumference of the high-rise building, and the small beams that support the floor in the room are extended to the veranda as it is, which makes the exterior lively and gives an impression like a portable shrine. Is not it. This is one of his early works, and although he was greatly influenced by Le Corbusier’s work, I have the impression that he is familiar with this work, Shosoin Azekura-zukuri. I received it. The precise and accurate structure that only Japanese people can do is piled up, and the overall impression is a hybrid that looks like Le Corbusier is mixed.


I actually saw the situation at the exhibition, but even in the catalog, I have drawn the drawings that are included in the drawings and structural calculations, but everyone, at that time, there was no personal computer or CAD. At that time, all the abacus, hand calculation, and drawings were hand-painted. Not only the splendor of such a building, but also one side of Kenzo Tange, who was also good as a businessman, and the appearance and hardships of many people involved around him can be glimpsed.


Now that it’s time, I would like to write more about the city as a whole, such as Yoyogi National Stadium, Tokyo Cathedral St. Mary’s Cathedral, and Tokyo.

See you again.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


