5月, 2021 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




熱田神宮の白蛇に遭遇?!(骨董買取いたします。愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)


















Nice to meet you, everyone. I’m M, a new staff member who loves shrines. Thank you for your cooperation.

By the way, the other day during the rainy season, I went to Atsuta Jingu, which I often visit. Atsuta Jingu was built about 1900 years ago when Kusanagi’s sword, one of the three sacred treasures, was enshrined. It is one of the most venerable shrines in Japan. After passing through the torii gate and stepping into the approach, the space that was cleansed by the rain the day before is very comfortable, and it feels like it will be purified just by walking.


Next to the Chozuya, there is a large camphor tree that stands out. This is Okusu, which is said to have been hand-planted by Kobo Daishi, and is said to be over 1000 years old. There was a crowd around it. When I was absorbed in chatting with my friends without worrying about it, one person told me, “A snake has come out.” When I went to the crowd, it seems that the snake disappeared due to the difference in touch.


Mr. White Snake has lived in Okusu at Atsuta Jingu for a long time, and if you can see it, it is said that your fortune and good luck will improve. In fact, eggs are always offered next to the offering box in front of Okusu. However, I have never seen it even after many years, and am I really there? I was surprised when I thought. It was a moment that proved to be certain, though it wasn’t actually seen. The person who was nearby took a picture, so I showed it. Then it was a really white snake. According to the stories of the uncles around him, he is a blue general. We also received valuable information that it can be seen on a sunny day after the rain. The poikilotherm snake warms his cold body with the heat of the sun. Besides, there are trees everywhere, and it seems that they can go in and out freely, Mr. White Snake swallows whole eggs, and I have seen five swallows instead of one. etc. I intended to go to visit normally, but unexpectedly I encountered an extraordinary event, and it was an exciting time.


The white snake is said to be a messenger of God, and the snake is also said to be an incarnation of a dragon. Originally, Japan had a belief that snakes were gods, but at the same time that Buddhism was transmitted from China, dragon beliefs were also transmitted, and snakes and dragons are now treated as gods as well. Because both are precious beings, did our ancestors decorate snakes and dragon figurines from ancient times, and cherish snakes and dragons on tableware?

Why don’t you feel such a presence in your life?












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』





It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444


まだまだ続くよ梅雨 (骨董品買取致しております 愛知県 名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)























Nice to meet you, this is Staff T.

I’m very nervous on my first blog. (There is no tension in the title, but …)

Perhaps the tension may be transmitted through the screen … I can’t let everyone feel nervous, so I hope I can relax and write.

In the 3rd year of Reiwa, it seems that the rainy season will start earlier than last year. Even in the area where you live, it may rain, and you may not be able to dry your laundry, or you may have a hard time commuting, which may have various effects on your daily life.

By the way, I like rain, but when I tell my friends about it, it doesn’t respond very well. After all, there is an image that rain makes me melancholy … Some of you may think so. Therefore, I would like to talk about rain a little, hoping that you will know the benefits of rain and like it as much as possible.

Rain is not only bad, it can be good!


For example … During the rainy season when the humidity is high, dust does not scatter and dirt is most easily removed. Now that I’m more likely to stay home, it’s a good idea to clean places that I can’t usually reach when I have time. The rainy season is also the most skin-friendly time of the year. It keeps the optimum humidity of 60-65% for the skin.


And the reason I like rain after all is the healing effect. The sound of rain that falls gently has a relaxing effect, and it seems to have the effect of calming the mind and improving concentration. Furthermore, on rainy days, the illuminance decreases and the light entering the eyes becomes gentler. There may be unexpected demand for smartphone apps, such as those with rain sounds.

The sound of rain heard in the app is good, the sound of rain heard in the room is good, but the sound of rain heard under an umbrella is also quite good.


Nowadays, I said I like rain, but I only had a folding umbrella and no boots. When it rained, I wasn’t able to face the rain in perfect condition.

However, I finally bought boots recently.

It’s very convenient. And I wondered when the boots came from.

When I looked it up, it seems that boots started in England and were originally made of leather, but in 1852 they were made of rubber and waterproof. At that time, the majority of the population was farmers and pastoralists, and even in muddy areas, they wore clogs to work, and rubber boots were an explosive hit. It was also used in World War I and World War II. Knowing that such boots are now worn on rainy days, I thought it was very peaceful.

However, it seems that there is a fashionable thing to wear boots even on a sunny day, surprisingly when I look it up. I didn’t know it because I’m not familiar with fashion, but it seems to be a fashion item regardless of the weather.

Does that mean that fashion is free? It’s wonderful.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』





It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444



名作を生み出すため⁈(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取 古美術 風光舎より)









(スタッフ I 、最近は妄想だけでも楽しめるようになってきました笑)

























「軽井沢にて」『世界教養全集 別巻1 日本随筆・随想集』(平凡社)の一文です。








「輕井澤の雨」(『室生犀星全集 第五巻』新潮社)で表現しています。







他にも、北軽井沢には野上弥生子をはじめとした文化人の集まりが生まれ、法政大学村・通称 ”大学村” が開かれたりと、人が人を呼び寄せてお互いに影響を与えながら創作に励んだとのことです。




May is a precious and comfortable season, but this year is not very welcome. Crying

However, the rainy season continues for several days, so it is around this time that I want to enjoy a quiet outing.


On days when the temperature feels comfortable, it’s also nice to hang out on a bicycle.

It’s a good idea to take a walk around the neighborhood without hesitation, but when it comes to luxury, it’s ideal to feel the breeze of a summer resort.

(Staff I, recently I’ve come to enjoy just delusions lol)


From here in Nagoya, Karuizawa is probably the summer resort that comes to mind.

The experience of cycling around the lake (forgot the name .) is a long time ago, but I remember the feeling of being happy.

It’s a place where you really think “the air is clear!” And that humans have to touch nature (laughs).

I think there are many reasons why people are fascinated by this place both now and in the past.

It is also loved by many celebrities because it is close to Tokyo.

It is said that the writers, who were once called literary figures, spent a summer in a summer resort, even though they were swayed by horses and crossed mountains in the olden days.

From the Meiji era to the Showa era, it seems that modern writers also enjoyed their trips with interviews.

It seems that having a villa in a summer resort was the status as a place of creation.

At that time, the concept of spending time in a summer resort was “curing” rather than a resort.

It seems that the destination was “hot springs”.

In the latter half of the Meiji era, it seems that the development of the transportation network made it possible to travel one step further in Japan, but that is why there are many hot spring resorts in the existing inns related to literary masters.

Karuizawa was born as a representative of Japan’s summer resorts by foreign missionaries, but the first Japanese Navy captain who had a villa also visited the Kirizumi hot springs in Gunma prefecture for “hot springs”. At that time, there is also a description that he encountered the land of Karuizawa on the Nagano prefecture side across the Usui Pass.


The literary master Yasunari Kawabata is also one of those who had a villa in Karuizawa.

(His adolescence went to Yugashima Onsen in Izu so much that he could be called his second home.)

Therefore, I deepened exchanges with Saisei Murou, Tatsuo Hori, Hakucho Masamune, Eiji Yoshikawa, etc., and left the rich memories I spent with the writers in the essay “Akifu Kogen” (“Yasunari Kawabata Essay Collection” Iwanami Bunko).

When you’re traveling, you forget your title and the distance gets closer.

It must have been exciting (angry⁈) because there was no love like the modern men.

Hakucho Masamune, a novelist and playwright, seems to have been famous for his knickerbockers walking around the city in a dashing manner. is.

Also, in Karuizawa, where untouched nature remains, Mr. Kawabata never got tired of seeing the changing appearance of Mt. Asama.

He also said that he enjoyed saying, “When I rest the pen, I look at Asama and Jukai without looking at them.”

Hakucho Masamune also loved the cool air and soft greenery of Karuizawa as well as the summer resorts of Europe.

“Even in Karuizawa, which is only 3,000 meters above sea level, I sometimes feel like I’m in an ecstasy that feels different from when I’m in the lower world, such as on a sunny morning. I fantasize about the unknown Himalayan plateau, fantasizing about the unknown Himalayan plateau, and chasing the Scottish plateau and the Swiss mountains, which I have glanced at, while walking around the main road in Karuizawa. ”

This is a sentence from “At Karuizawa”, “Complete Works of World Culture, Separate Volume 1 Japanese Essays and Essays” (Heibonsha).

In 1945, when he was 61 years old, he set up a villa near Kumoba Pond, and this essay was written about two years later.

It is said that he praised this place because the taste of the story he reads is different in the clean cool air when no one disturbs him.

A forest bath that goes through the Harunire forest and wild grasses on the Shinanoji Nature Trail.

The place that humans originally want to charge nature seems to be the same in all ages.


Saisei Murou had a special feeling for the rain that fell on this land.

“Unlike the hot rain that drips on the deep, dry roads of Tokyo, the rain that shines from the bright sky when you see the sunlight away from the cloudy glass is calm even if it gets wet to walk. “Datsuta”

It is expressed in “Rain of Karuizawa” (“Muro Saisei Complete Works Vol. 5” Shinchosha).

Ryunosuke Akutagawa and others also liked to stay at “Tsuruya Ryokan,” which he had been patronizing for his writing activities.

Good news for those who want to travel back in time and see the atmosphere in which the masterpiece was born.

Fortunately, this Tsuruya Ryokan is still open in the same area.

(If you are a fan, you have already visited⁈)

While loving nature, this way of enjoying may be good in the Karuizawa enjoyment course.


In addition, a gathering of cultural figures such as Yaeko Nogami was born in Kitakaruizawa, and Hosei University Village, commonly known as “University Village” was opened. He said he worked hard.

Take a brush in the wilderness … Only by making your head flexible will you be able to create free ideas and masterpieces.

I’m not a literary master or anything, but as Yasunari Kawabata did, I just wanted to get rid of the mane who cycled through the larch forest. Lol











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444

皆さまの地域の皆既月食、いかがでしたか?(骨董買取致しております 愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Yesterday was the total lunar eclipse of Super Moon for the first time in 24 years. Were you able to observe in your area? I envy everyone in the area where I could observe. In Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, where the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located, the sky is cloudy from daytime, and I have a feeling that expectations are low from the morning. Sure enough, it was difficult to observe the total lunar eclipse.

Whatever the situation, what kind of memories did you have with this total lunar eclipse? This time, I had a disappointing memory such as “It was a LIVE broadcast at that time. I wanted to see it with the naked eye …”, but unfortunately “Where are you looking at the lunar eclipse 12 years later?” I also think that it is good to think about the next total lunar eclipse.

However, even through the LIVE broadcast, I was very impressed by the fact that the shadowing moon overlapped with the earth and the moon appeared red. At the moment when it changed to red body color, I was attracted to the aesthetic color for a while, and the earth was moving, I was standing on the earth, I mean, just standing on the star I felt like a star prince looking at the other star from there.














「忌むと言ひて 影に当らぬ 今宵しも 破(わ)れて月見る 名や立ちぬらん」——『山家集』より








By the way, how did people in the past see this kind of celestial phenomenon?

There are many articles about lunar eclipses that occurred from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period in the diary “Tamaha” by Kanezane Kujo and the history book “Azuma Kagami” in the Kamakura period. After all, people at that time seemed to think of the lunar eclipse as “a sign that something bad happened.” For people in an era who have no knowledge of celestial bodies, the moon suddenly begins to disappear and becomes reddish, which is certainly an illusion that the world is over.

Therefore, Kanezane Kujo actually uses the “one-character gold ring method” and the “Aizen Ou method” (a type of esoteric Buddhist practice, like a sutra to stop something bad from happening to a person) during a lunar eclipse. He chanted earnestly and said he didn’t see the moon.


In addition, Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate, sometimes stayed at the Gokenin’s house because of a lunar eclipse. It seems that this was to avoid the light of the lunar eclipse.

That being said, in “Tamaha” and “Azuma Kagami,” “lunar eclipse” is referred to as “lunar eclipse.” Whereas “food” simply means eating things, “eclipse” means eroding, that is, gradually changing from the edge. From this notation, it can be seen that people did not regard the lunar eclipse as a good one.

For those of you who used to think of such a detestable phenomenon as “lunar eclipse,” you would be surprised that the time will come when people will wait like a celestial show and see a total lunar eclipse. Right. It seems that many people at that time made unfortunate comments such as “I would have seen it if I knew the knowledge of celestial bodies …”.

However, there was always an outlaw in those days. Saigyo, a poet at the end of the Heian period. Saigyo has a song about the total lunar eclipse.

“It’s said to be abominable, it doesn’t hit the shadow, it’s broken tonight, and I see the moon.

The song says, “People say that the lunar eclipse is ominous and try not to hit the light, but I try to watch it even if I force it in such a month. The bad reputation of the eccentric weirdo I wish I hadn’t stood up. ” For Saigyo, it seems that the lunar eclipse was also an object that made me want to see it because of my curiosity, but I think it can be said from this song that the lunar eclipse was hated by the world. In other words, Saigyou Hoshi seems to have been a curious person who wanted to see anything, and tweeted, “I want to see it, but I’m called a weirdo.” It’s an interesting person.


Now, the next total lunar eclipse will be in 2033, 12 years later. Twelve years later, it would be fun to enjoy a lunar eclipse while remembering today’s spills in a corner of my head.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10: 00-17: 00 OPEN

ネーミングの沼に惹き込まれる。(骨董買取いたします 愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店) 





甘いけれども見た目の悪い「尻腐れ」のフルーツトマトを、とある農園で、「闇落ちとまと」という名前にしたら人気商品になったとの記事。そのトマト農家のアイデアが素晴らしいと話題になっています。 尻腐れは、主にカルシウム欠乏が原因で起きる生理障害で、トマトを甘くするために水やりを少なくすると出るもの。とても甘いものの、トマトの一部が黒くなるため、見た目から敬遠されてほとんど廃棄されてきたらしいのですが、「並外れた資質を持ちながら暗黒面に落ちたアナキン・スカイウォーカーみたいでかわいそうですよね!」ということで、闇落ちという名前にして直売所で販売したところ意外や意外、大人気に。黒い部分は切り落として食べるとのことです。  このアイデアには「名付けの天才」「考え方一つでこうなるのはいいね」などの声が寄せられました。食べてみたいというコメントや、食品ロスを減らせるとして賞賛する声もみられました。









先日NHKにて、国の重要文化財の名刀、「膝丸」別名「薄緑」(大覚寺蔵、長さ 2尺8寸9分(87.6cm)、反り 1寸2分(3.72cm))
























Hello, this is Staff Y.

The other day, I found an interesting article.

An article that a sweet but unsightly “butt rotten” fruit tomato became a popular product when it was named “Darkness Tomato” at a certain farm. It’s been talked about that the tomato farmer’s idea is wonderful. Buttocks rot is a physiological disorder mainly caused by calcium deficiency, which occurs when watering is reduced to sweeten tomatoes. Although it is very sweet, some of the tomatoes turn black, so it seems that they have been shunned from the appearance and almost discarded, but “I feel sorry for Anakin Skywalker who has fallen into the dark side while having extraordinary qualities!” So, when I sold it at the direct sales office under the name of Darkness, it was surprisingly mature. The black part is cut off and eaten. This idea received voices such as “a genius of naming” and “it’s nice to be like this with just one idea”. Some commented that they would like to eat it, and some praised it for reducing food loss.

I’m curious about “dark tomatoes”. I want to eat it. When you start to worry, you’re already drawn to the naming swamp, you there. No, I am there.


It’s not a “dark tomato”, but naming is important, and it’s not new to be attracted to the charm of naming. The sword boom of devilish blades and sword girls these days tells that.


The other day at NHK, a famous sword of national important cultural property, “Hizamaru” aka “light green” (Daikakuji warehouse, length 2 shakuhachi 8 inch 9 minutes (87.6 cm), warp 1 inch 2 minutes (3.72 cm))

The program about was being aired.

Hizamaru is a handy item for Genji, and according to “Sword Roll”, Mitsunaka Tada had a foreign swordsmith who had come to Tsuchiyama, Mikasa-gun, Chikuzen Province make it at the same time as “Higekiri”. He cut it down to the knee, so he named it “Hizamaru”. The famous sword “Hizamaru” will be caught in the waves of the times one after another and will fall into the hands of another owner.

The next owner, Minamoto no Yorimitsu, was sick, that is, when he suffered from malaria disease today, Onyudo appeared and tried to hang a rope on Yorimitsu. Pull out the hizamaru and slash it. As Onyudo was bleeding and following the traces of his escape, he disappeared into a large mound behind Kitano. When I broke the mound, a spider about 4 shaku (about 121.2 cm) was dead, so there is an anecdote that I called the Hizamaru a spider cut.

Yorimitsu handed this over to his third son, Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, but when Yorimitsu’s nephew Minamoto no Yoriyoshi went to subdue Mr. Abe in Oshu, he ate it with his knees in the imperial court and gave it to him. Hizamaru, who was said to be Yoshiie-Tameyoshi by Yoriyoshi, makes a snake-crying voice at night, so he is renamed Tamemaru. Is it true that the sword cries? Tameyoshi gives it to Kumano Bettō, who became his son-in-law, as a son-in-law. Koma donates it to Kumano Gongen. After that, when Minamoto no Yoshitsune came west to the Heike clan, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, a child of Kyoma, offered Hizamaru and gave it to Yoshitsune, who renamed it “light green”. This is where the name “light green” comes into play. It seems that light green is named after the spring mountain, and I wonder if the place I took over was a child facing the spring mountain.

Well, here it goes into the hands of Minamoto no Yoshitsune, who you all know.

Yoshitsune, who had a disagreement with his brother Yoritomo after the fall of the Heike, went down to Kamakura for explanation, but it is a famous story that he was repelled, but Yoshitsune donated light green to Hakone Gongen on his way home. .. In the 4th year of Kenkyu (1193), when the Soga brothers went to slaughter, it is said that Hakone Gongen’s Betto, Yukimi, gave this to his younger brother Goro Tokimune. After the slaughter, “light green” is eaten by Yoritomo. After Minamoto no Yoritomo, “light green” was given by Minamoto no Yoritomo when Tadahisa, the founder of the Shimazu clan, was appointed to the priesthood of Satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga in 1186. It is said that the “small Jumonji sword” was a Knee-maru and was subsequently introduced to the Shimazu family. Iku, the sixth generation Marshal, who had inherited the Hizamaru for a long time from north to south, found out that his firstborn son, Morihisa, was ferocious and was not a vessel to succeed the Shimazu clan, and handed over the Hizamaru to his cousin Motohisa. It was. After that, it was said to be useful for the Shimazu head family.

After that, it can be handed over to various places, but it is a famous sword. Therefore, some famous swords called Hizamaru still exist. The “light green” of Daikakuji Temple in Kyoto and the “light green circle” of Hakone Shrine are famous as existing ones, but it is true that the sword of Hakone Shrine is Yoshitsune’s “light green” = Hizamaru. Whether the sword of Kakuji is “light green”, the truth is darkness.


By changing the name from Hizamaru to various names and carrying mystery and origin, the famous sword will become more and more attractive.

Also, “light green” is different from this name, and considering the times when it changed with this sword, I wondered if there were any other survivors who witnessed such a heavy historical scene. I was more and more attracted to the swamp …

The name of the famous sword seemed to be interesting, so I will investigate it at another time.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』




It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444


影に隠れた⁈その存在(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取 古美術 風光舎より)




スタッフI の前回に引き続き、葛飾北斎の娘・応為(おうい)について綴らせていただきます。







「光と影・明と暗」その興味と感性が爆発! との見出しより__












































Hello everyone.

Continuing from the last time of Staff I, I would like to write about Katsushika Hokusai’s daughter, Oui.


Ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Oi, who has been attracting attention in recent years, had more genius skin than his father, Hokusai.

Hokusai, which has left many masterpieces, is also introduced with many charms.

Today is a close-up of the work of the daughter, Katsushika, who makes her father, Hokusai.

Excuse me for my personal study here.


“Light and shadow, light and dark” The interest and sensibility explode! From the heading __

First, “Yoshiwara Lattice Sakinozu” (around 1818-54)

This is a masterpiece of response, with “light and shadow” giving off a strong impression.

(It is a hand-drawn drawing drawn on Japanese paper with a size close to “large format”, which is the most common in ukiyo-e prints, and the real thing is much smaller than the impression you see in books etc.)

Even though I am an amateur, I feel that the colors of the fantastic atmosphere are different from the traditional ukiyo-e.

According to an interview with the chief curator of the Ota Memorial Museum of Art,

“The part that is illuminated by the light and the part that is not illuminated, or the shadows and shadows created by the light. Originally, there was no consciousness of” drawing realistically “in Japan, so shadows were not needed in the painting. In the 18th century, when Western paintings were introduced, the consciousness of light and shadow began to emerge. It is thought that this work was intended to be shown as a Western-style painting that was novel to the Japanese. . ”


As you can guess from the title, this picture of men looking through the lattice at Harimise, where the prostitutes are lined up, may look suspicious if you just listen to the situation, but from an artistic point of view, it is very modern. Impression.

The more you look at the colors that are created from the unique contrast of light and dark, the more attractive the work is.

Many people are drawn, but it is also characteristic that no one can see the face because they are blocked by the back view, silhouette, and lattice.

It seems a mystery as to what the intention is and what it implies, but I hate it again, I’m sorry! I think.

It is also interesting that the characters “O”, “Tame”, and “Sakae” are drawn as hidden seals on the three lanterns.

Like Hidden Mickey, who often says, the creators enjoy playing with this kind of play.

In the latter half of the Edo period, when Oi lived, the technique of drawing shadows was also used in Ukiyo-e, but it seems that there was no other way to improve the expression so far.

And it is said that the biggest highlight is the shadow part that is carefully drawn with the shade of ink in the place illuminated by the light.

I am convinced that the response is called “Magician of Light and Shadow” or “Rembrandt of Edo”.


The next representative work, “Yozakura Bijinzu” (mid-19th century).

“A young woman who runs a brush on a strip of paper with the light of a stone lantern on a spring night. The slender standing figure is also beautiful, and it is a first-class work as a beautiful woman’s painting. A work that you want to see with a close eye. ”

Although the whole is dark, I felt that it was not unpleasant darkness with a very soft impression compared to the works of male ukiyo-e artists.

According to the curator mentioned above, the night sky where the stars are twinkling is shown in gray, and the silhouette of the tree is shown in black, with shades of ink. As the distance from the light source increases, the pattern of the kimono decreases and the black area increases, and the shadow and bright areas are well connected by gradation. Maybe it’s drawn with a lot of calculations …

A lantern is also placed at the bottom right of the work to illuminate her feet, which is unique to women.

The delicate depiction of the dark areas also seems to strongly show the individuality of the response.

Also, maybe because it gives an extreme impression of the contrast between light and shadow, it is also unique that the part that is not exposed to light is painted black (this is rare).

And the protagonist.

In his late thirties, Hokusai drew a woman with a melon-like face and a good-looking face, and became widely popular as an expression unique to Hokusai.

The woman drawn by Katsushika Oi, who may have learned a lot about her father’s paintings, is said to be “the most beautiful Hokusai-style beauty,” and you can feel her dignity.

She then draws stamens on each of the flowers in the kimono pattern, and also has a geometric pattern.

Not only her obi, but also her undershirt and her half-collar are finely and carefully drawn.

The relentless drawing of details is also a point in this work.


“Fantastic colors like” Yoshiwara Lattice Sakinozu “and a composition that barely shows the face of the person who drew it.

By doing so, a strangely quiet world unfolds. It creates silence while drawing a lively atmosphere. ”

This imbalance seems to be the true value of the work.

The people of Edo must have been attracted to these fantastic works that have never been seen before …

I’m happy that I found something unnatural human body drawing and a mysterious sense of color that is different from Hokusai’s ukiyo-e.


Nishiki-e, which is a multicolored woodblock print, does not exist in the works, and it seems that less than 10 hand-drawn paintings remain.

Katsushika Oi, who was a daughter of Hokusai but was not well known.

It is a mysterious existence that seems to stir up our imagination.

If you have a chance, don’t miss it and see it with your own eyes.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444

本日のゲスト、『大黒天恵比寿』さんです(骨董買取いたします 愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)









本名を倬太郎(たくたろう)と言い、田中家から平櫛家に養子に入ったのち、田中(でんちゅう)と号しました。ですから、養子にいかないようでしたらお名前は、田中田中(たなかでんちゅう)でしたね笑。107歳でその生涯を閉じるまで、明治・大正・昭和の三代に渡って活躍しました。 岡倉天心と西山禾山に思想的な影響を受け、伝統的な木彫技術と西洋の彫塑を学んだ田中の作品は、観る者を引き込む緊張感と、人間味あふれる豊かな創造性を持っています。 なかでも井原地方の古い伝承に基づく《転生》(東京芸術大学大学美術館蔵)や、六代目尾上菊五郎をモデルに約20年の歳月をかけて完成した《鏡獅子》(東京国立近代美術館蔵、国立劇場展観)は、こんにち平櫛田中の代表作として知られています。














Hello. This is Staff Y.

Here in Nagoya, it is a sunny day in the rainy season, and it is quite hot today.

Today, Mr. Hirakushi Tanaka’s “Daikokuten Ebisu”, who is sitting here at the Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya store, is today’s guest.

Hirakushi Tanaka (1872-1979) was born in Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture, and is a representative sculptor of modern Japan.
His real name was Takutaro, and after he was adopted by the Tanaka family to the Hiragushi family, he was named Denchu. So, if you didn’t want to adopt, your name would be Tanaka Tanaka, lol. He was active for three generations in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras until he died at the age of 107. Tanaka’s work, which was influenced by Tenshin Okakura and Kasan Nishiyama and learned traditional wood carving techniques and Western sculpture, has a sense of tension that draws the viewer and a rich creativity full of humanity. Among them, “Reincarnation” (collected by the University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts) based on the old tradition of the Ihara region and “Mirror Lion” (Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art) completed over a period of about 20 years, modeled on the 6th generation Onoe Kikugoro. Kura, National Theater Exhibition) is known as a masterpiece of Hirakushi Tanaka today.

Hirakushi Tanaka’s charm is not only his work, but there are also many warm episodes and spills that convey it to his personality.

For example, when creating his masterpiece “Kyoroshishi,” Tanaka spends 25 days observing the dance from various angles at the Kabukiza Theater, where his model, Onoe Kikugoro 6th, is performing. Kikugoro said that Tanaka’s eyes, the rigor of his eyes, and the accuracy of his eyes when he was convinced by the idea and staring at the model were “like the eyes of a master of dance.” Around 1958, when the masterpiece “Kyoroshishi” produced by Tanaka over about 20 years was completed, a national theater will be built in Miyakezaka, Tokyo, and it is appropriate to decorate this new theater with “Kyoroshishi”. The government said that it would be a purchase for 200 million yen, but “I don’t need money. This work was not made by myself, but by Kikugoro 6th generation and two people. If I take the money, I can’t say hello when I meet the sixth generation in the afterlife, “Tanaka replies and donates it to the National Theater of Japan. Therefore, it is a spillover story that the Museum of Modern Art has decided to lend this work to the National Theater of Japan.

In addition, Hirakushi Tanaka was awarded the Order of Culture in 1962. Recognized as the highest peak in the wood carving world, the transmission ceremony Hidanaka was invited to the Imperial Palace along with other recipients. At that time, His Majesty the Emperor approached each and every one of them, and Tanaka asked, “What was your biggest pain?” There is also an episode in which Tanaka replied, “That was to eat buns.”

There are many other spills about Hirakushi Tanaka, and in each episode you can get a glimpse of how easy and entertaining Hirakushi Tanaka is and the size of the vessel. The time when Hirakushi Tanaka-san’s uniqueness can be seen in every work is probably the reason why Hirakushi Tanaka is unique.

Hirakushi Tanaka’s works can be viewed at the Kodaira City Hirakushi Tanaka Sculpture Museum (closed until May 31) and the Ibara City Tanaka Museum of Art (closed for a long time), where Tanaka’s old house and works are exhibited. I will. Please come and visit us when it opens.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』






It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444

古地図アプリにはまってます(骨董買取いたします 愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










































Hello, this is Staff Y.

A heavy rain warning has been issued today in Aichi Prefecture. If you are worried about heavy rain, please be careful about warning information.

Recently, I think that the more I get into the swamp, the more categorized and subdivided every neighborhood is, and the more I feel that the more I get into it, the more weird divergence will be released to the people around me. Generally, they are called “otaku”, but for example, “I like trains”. I don’t know much about riding iron, shooting iron, timetable iron, streak iron, etc., but there are many branches, but for those who are not interested, the difference is completely incomprehensible, but I like it. You can understand that glittering expression and uplifting feeling in front of something.


Before I say why I’m talking about this

As I say this, I am also a fan of historical antiques, and I will come out with “Old Maps” as one of the categories.

I would like to introduce the “old map app” as a simple way to get hooked.

The app I’m using has a specification that gradually switches between the old map of Edo in the Edo period and the map of modern Tokyo when it slides, but there are also apps that use the old map of the Meiji period.


However, it is interesting to look at it, but there is another way to enjoy it. It’s a historical verification (exaggerated) pretend.

Recently, there was a scene of “Sakuradamon Incident” in NHK’s taiga drama “Seiten wo Tsukete”.

That scene where Goro Kishitani, who plays Naosuke Ii, assassinates the Ronin of Mito outside the snowy cherry blossom gate. That is the place “Sakuradamon”,

On the screen, it looks like a thin bridge on the right.

If you are in Tokyo, you probably know the location of Sakuradamon, but yes, is it around the south of the Imperial Palace? Currently, the Metropolitan Police Department is in front of you.

(Sorry for the rough image)

(From Oedo Now and Old Tour)


Looking back on the day of the change outside Sakuradamon, the time was March 3, 1860.

It was the day of the Doll’s Festival. Since it was the Doll’s Festival, an event was held at Edo Castle, and it was a day when many people visited Edo. In the town of Edo, there are many daimyo processions of great daimyo heading to Edo Castle, and many spectators gather to see this at a glance. The plan is to use this crowd to defeat Naosuke Ii.

The weather is snow after a long time. The time is 9 am early in the morning. Naosuke Ii’s escort is sluggish due to wearing rain gear. It is a perfect situation for planning execution. First of all, some of the thugs get lost in the spectators and approach Naosuke Ii. Then, when a person named Mori, one of the thugs, cut the escort team, the change outside Sakuradamon begins. One of the ronin attracted the escort to himself and weakened Naosuke Ii’s guard, and while the escort was paying attention to the ronin, one of the spectators was confused by the basket on which Naosuke Ii was riding. ), Hit the pistol.

This shot signals the assassination of Naosuke Ii.

With the gunshot as a signal, other thugs also rushed into the basket and stabbed the basket containing Naosuke Ii with a sword. Jizaemon Arimura of the Satsuma Domain took the head of Naosuke Ii, but he died as it was stuck due to a wound received from the escort. It was an incident like that,

As you can see from this old map, at that time, there were many local samurai residences all over the country, and I was surprised at the number. It seems that it’s been about 2 hours just to go around the mansion, but lol.

Looking at this old map, I found the mansion of “Hikone Domain Ii Naosuke” in the large mansion on the left side of this screen.

Currently, this is a green area in front of the Parliament Building, and I wonder if there are always riot police guards.

The distance from the mansion to Sakuradamon is about 400 meters. On the day, Naosuke Ii left this mansion and slowly went to Sakuradamon due to bad footing in the snow. It must have been an incident really soon after leaving the mansion.

It seems that it was strange for the family to talk about this historical verification pretend with excitement, and it seems that it was just a strange dissociation of otaku.

Since my family’s eyes are cold, I am waiting for you if you like old maps.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』






It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444

北斎以上⁈その娘(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取 古美術 風光舎より)









(娘さんがいただなんて、しかも三女!さらには息子も二人!よく知らなかったのはスタッフI だけ⁈  勉強不足、すみません汗)






































Fukosha is having a rainy season today as well.

If it’s a rainy day, I’d like to learn about art education .


Hokusai Katsushika, a proud Japanese artist, has appeared on this blog several times.

It seems that Hokusai’s daughter was actually a genius painter more than Hokusai.

Isn’t that existence not so much spotlighted until now? I thought, but many works such as manga, anime, dramas, novels, and documentary programs with her as the main character were made.

(I didn’t know that she had a daughter, and she was the third daughter! And she had two sons! The only one I didn’t know well was Staff I⁈ Lack of study, sorry sweat)


Her name __ Katsushika Oi.

She is the author of “Yoshiwara Lattice Sakinozu” (Ota Memorial Museum) and “Night Cherry Blossom Beauty” (Menard Art Museum), and is an ukiyo-e artist who has been attracting attention for several years.

As for her response, she says her real name is Ei, and there are few reliable documents other than that she is Hokusai’s daughter.

There are about 10 works left by her, and most of them are hand-drawn beauty paintings.

(The exaggerated chiaroscuro and hand-drawn drawings with excellent detailed depiction remain.)

It seems that it is not clear what purpose they were made for, whether they were made to order, who the orderer was,

It is said that her birth and death years and her whereabouts are unknown even after Hokusai’s death.

It contains an element called a genius to give this mysterious feeling.


While continuing to support her father, Hokusai’s wild life and production, the content is “Onna Hokusai”.

It is said that there is a theory that Hokusai called “Hey!(Oi! in Japanese)” Because her picture number “Oi” came from.

She once married to a painter, but she pointed out that her husband’s painting was less than herself because of her father’s personality that she immediately said what she thought. Because she laughed, she was forced to go down three and a half.

It seems that she was known to have taken care of her and helped her painting work until Hokusai died.

Hokusai said that he didn’t care about what he wore and what he had to eat, and the room was all-you-can-eat. Did you say that and have a return daughter?⁇

Hokusai and Oi, who lost his wife in his later years, lived together for 20 years, so I think they had a good time with each other.

They haven’t decided on a cleaning duty, and even in an irregular life, no one can complain.

Bohemian, Banzai! I like it.

Draw, draw, draw as you like.

I can imagine the parent-child relationship and life style of a person’s house without permission.


However, a person full of mysteries __ The work seems to be more mysterious .

The best of these is the “Yoshiwara Lattice Sakinozu”, but since the one explained by the author himself is not left, it seems that solving the mystery is beyond imagination.

This is also interesting, and it will be the real pleasure of exploring art.


A town called Edo that enjoyed prosperity under the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Hokusai’s ukiyo-e that embodies it and would have been very entertaining to the viewer.

It seems that his daughter, Katsushika, was the master of bijin-ga, who said that he had made such a father, Hokusai.

<Speaking to Katsushika Hokusai, my beauty paintings must reach Aei->

Hokusai told his disciple Tsuyuki Iitsu, an art historian Kyoshin Iijima, a pioneer of Hokusai research, wrote in his book Katsushika Hokusaiden.

It means that her father told her that “Bijin-ga is not a match” for her work, and she gave up.


Despite having the skill to help her father’s work, Osamu himself is hardly evaluated and is an unknown existence.

But without a doubt, there were parents and children with multi-talented talent that would startle the world.

It seems that you can dig deeper into its charm!











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444

梅雨入りいたしましたね(骨董買取致します。愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)























ではなぜ、「梅雨」=(ばいう)=(つゆ) なんだろうという次なる疑問が発生。






How are you all doing?

This is Staff Y. Aichi Prefecture, where the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located, has recently entered the rainy season. Of course, it has been raining since this morning.

Here, the Tokai region is said to have entered the rainy season 21 days earlier than usual. I didn’t want to get into the rain so early … sweat. Laundry, mold, crumbled hair, wet feet, discomfort from a wet umbrella, a family in a bad mood … It would have been “May sunny” every year, and it would have been the most open season for men and women of all ages. (Today, the blog is rough)

Don’t turn your back on the rainy season (exaggerated …), and when you face the rainy season, you can see the surprising historical background of the word “rainy season”.

Before that, the word “May sunny” must be watched. It seems that it was a term that refers to a short sunny season of the rainy season (tsuyu) rather than the clear sky of early summer, and the rainy season should mean a cloudy or rainy period around June every year, but why not “rainy season” but “rainy season” Is it sunny in May? Even if you look up some Japanese dictionaries, it lists both the meaning of the rainy season and the meaning of the clear sky in May, and it seems that the two meanings of May are originally widely recognized.


The main reason why it came to have two meanings seems to be the calendar reform that took place in the Meiji era. In Japan, until the Edo period, the “Lunisolar calendar” was used, which was created according to both the phases of the moon and the cycle of the sun, but after the Meiji Restoration, it was necessary to use the same “solar calendar” as the Western powers. As you all know, the calendar was changed from December 3, 1872, the lunar calendar, to January 1, 1872, the new calendar.

As a result, the time pointed to in May has shifted about a month ago. However, it was around the Muromachi period that the rainy season came to be commonly used as a term to describe the rainy season in early summer. Before that, it seems that you used to say “long rain”. Moreover, this simply means long-lasting rain, and it seems that it is not a seasonal term, and since there was no word to describe the rainy season as a season, it could only be called Satsuki, which is the month (May). It seems to be a thing.

It seems that “tsuyu” was originally a word meaning water droplets, and eventually it came to express tears figuratively, and the adjective form “tsuyu keshi” to express tear-prone appearance and dampness. To go.

As the range of meaning has expanded, the rainy season in summer, which tends to be damp, has come to be called “tsuyu”. The word “tsuyu”, which stands for the rainy season, seems to have taken root in the Edo period, and people at that time probably named it the moist, tear-prone season, isn’t it?

By the way, the word for the rainy season before the name “tsuyu” remains in each region.

It is said that there are words “Nagaame” and “Nagame” in the Tohoku region and Okinawa, and these are thought to be remnants of the old way of saying “tsuyu” before they came to be called. “Baiu” is called “bai” in Chinese, but this reading has also appeared in the collection of Chinese poems in the Heian period. It seems that there is more left.

I used the word “May sunny” at the beginning, but when I searched for it, there were surprisingly many words with “May”. May rain (Samidare), May darkness (Satsuki Yami), May sky (Satsuki Zora) …. All of these are related to the rainy season in May of the lunar calendar, probably because there was no word for the rainy season in the past. What is the word “rainy season” (tsuyu) that was coined later?

Then, the next question arises as to why “rainy season” = (bye) = (tsuyu).

There seem to be various theories, but in the Changjiang River basin of China, the rain that falls when the ume fruits are ripe is called the “rainy season”, and the “rainy season when mold grows easily”. In Japan, the theory that it was called “rainy season” in the sense, and that it became “rainy season” by using the character “ume” that matches the season with the same reading because the wording is not good with mold. It was associated with “tsuyu”, it was associated with “tsuharu” because it was the time when the plum fruits were ripe, and it was associated with “tsuyu” because it was the time when the plum fruits were ripe and crushed. Did you call it “rainy season” in terms of meaning?

No matter what the meaning, the laundry doesn’t dry, the mold grows unknowingly, the crumbling hair is disappointing, the wet feet get sick, the discomfort of a wet umbrella withers, and the family in a bad mood is gone. I don’t know … These improvements seem to be severe, but the Chinese named “rainy season” to remind us of this unpleasant long rain, and the Japanese named it “tsuyu”. I am watching the rain through the window, which continues to fall, while being saved a little by what I have received.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』





