


朝から空模様が気になって仕方ないのですが。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













前回も申しました通り「ブルームーン」とは月が青く見えるわけではないはないのですが、暦月に満月が2度ある時、2番目の満月を「monthly Blue Moon」と呼ぶことからきております。これは1年に満月が13回起きた結果なのですが、月の満ち欠け(朔望)の周期は平均29.53日ですので、れに基づいた「太陰暦」の1年(太陰年)は、地球が太陽の周りを回る周期を基にした「太陽暦」の1年(太陽年)より11日短いため、同じ暦月に満月が2度到来する現象がまれに起きるわけです。


























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

I have been concerned about the weather since this morning. Yes, I was wondering about tonight’s celestial show, the “Super Blue Moon.

According to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, it has been 13 years since the last super blue moon in January 2010.


Here again is a review from the previous super moon, and today I have reviewed it in more detail.

As I mentioned last time, the term “blue moon” does not mean that the moon appears blue, but it comes from the fact that when there are two full moons in a calendar month, the second full moon is called a “monthly blue moon. This is the result of the full moon occurring 13 times in a year. The average lunar cycle is 29.53 days, so a lunar year based on the lunar calendar is 11 days shorter than a solar year based on the earth’s revolution around the sun, so the phenomenon of the full moon occurring twice in the same calendar month This is why the full moon occurs rarely in the same calendar month.


The length of a solar year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 seconds, while the length of a lunar year is 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, and 34 seconds. This means that on average, every 2.7 years, there will be a year in which the full moon occurs 13 times a year. As an aside, the first full moon in such a year rises by January 11, but this year’s January full moon, the “Wolf Moon,” was on January 7.


The full moon at the end of August or the beginning of September is sometimes called the “fruit moon” because it coincides with the time of year when various fruits are ripening. Either way, you can feel the desire to make it special.


This full moon also adds a “super” meaning to the aforementioned blue moon. This is because the moon’s orbit around the earth is not a perfect circle but an ellipse, and the distance between the moon and the earth changes during its orbit.

Therefore, a “super moon” is the moon when the perigee of the moon coincides with the full moon. I have gone around a lot, but that is what it all boils down to.


Compared to a full moon at apogee, the size of the moon as seen from the earth is about 14% larger and its brightness is about 30% brighter, and the brightness of the moon was clearly visible at the last supermoon. A supermoon is generally defined as a full moon when the moon is closer to the earth than 90% of the distance between perigee and apogee, and according to this definition, this “super blue moon” will be the largest of the four “supermoons” in 2023.


With all this previous information, I was very eager to see the “Super Blue Moon” with my own eyes, but I also wanted to see it under the most beautiful conditions and at the most perfect time. I was greedy again.


Further research revealed that the best time to see a “blue moon” depends on the difference between sunset and moonset, and the ideal time is just after moonset, when the full moon appears in the dusk sky with the sun still up, creating a wonderful sight.


To make things even more perfect, the full moon in Japan will be at 10:36 a.m. on August 31, so it is not possible to see the perfect supermoon in Japan. However, if the sunset and moonset times of the three days before and after the super blue moon are the same, we should be able to see the super blue moon in our area.


I have already discussed many details, but I am more concerned about tonight’s weather than anything else. I hope that a super blue moon will appear in the sky this evening…” I was checking the weather forecast with a restless look on my face this morning.

Have a good day.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





フランス展、覗いてきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





先日名古屋高島屋にて、「フランス展 2023 La vie est Belle! ~人生は素晴らしい」が、行われておりまして少しですが覗いてまいりました。それにしてもフランス物やはりどれもデザインにはただならぬこだわりを感じます。アンティーク物も出店しているということで後学のためにそちらのブースも覗いてみたのですが、お値段をみるなりなかなか購入することはできなかったかったのですが、覗くだけでも面白かったです。


















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The other day, we visited the “French Exhibition 2023 La vie est Belle! I felt that the design of all French items were very particular about their design. I also took a peek at the antique booth to learn more, but I couldn’t buy anything at the price, but it was interesting just to take a peek.

Actually, I enjoy sewing, so I looked around to see if there were any interesting parts or materials related to Western-style sewing.

It seems that Western (thimble) thimbles are very popular as collector’s items, and these antique thimbles caught my attention. Originally, thimbles were used to protect fingers when sewing, but in the West, various thimbles have been made as gifts and collectibles because they are said to bring happiness to women and to be good luck charms for marriages. There are thimbles from various countries such as the U.K., the U.S., Canada, and Portugal, and some of them have standard flowers, birds, and butterflies drawn on them, while others are designed for sales promotions and have POP designs with product names on them.

The thimbles I saw yesterday were ceramic ones with those pictures on them, but of course there are also metal ones. Also, many of them have the names of places on them, and some of them, like the Souvenir Spoons, seem to have been made as souvenirs in various places, so I think they are for decoration or collection rather than for practical use.

I have been sewing for 10 years, but I have never used this thimble. I don’t think it is absolutely necessary for me to use it, but if it is made of ceramics, it may be impossible because it slides around…. But if it is made of ceramic, it might slip… If it is made of metal, I might be able to use it depending on the shape…. I was looking at the small thimble with my imagination.

I sometimes try to imagine the age and situation of antiques and antiques that I look at, but when I look at this thimble, I think that people in those days were sewing with needles just like me, and the movements and scenes of sewing come to my mind more realistically. I am very happy to be able to travel back in time.
If I could travel back in time, I would like to have a sewing talk with the nameless sewist and ask him or her many questions…my imagination has run wild to that point.

Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




気分だけでも台湾旅行(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫路通 骨董買取 古美術品買取)









台湾で人気のライフスタイルショップ「神農生活」が2021年にこちらに日本初進出しました。台湾土産として人気の高いお茶に特化した新ブラント、約100種類が揃う台湾茶のセレクトショップ「Oolong Market 茶市場(ウーロンマーケットちゃいちば)」です。


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Last night’s sudden thunder and rain caused the cancellation of the Bon Odori dance and presentation at the neighborhood festival for the first time in several years, which was unfortunate.

I don’t feel safe even if I stare at the weather forecast this summer.


Personally, I am still in the summer vacation mood and am still basking in the afterglow of my vacation.

The real destination of my recent visit to the department store where I enjoyed Satsuma Ware Nishikite was here.

The majority of the floor is filled with Taiwanese tea, Taiwanese goods, Taiwanese cuisine, and sweets.

A popular Taiwanese lifestyle store, Shennong Seikatsu, will open its first Japanese branch here in 2021. A new brand specializing in tea, a popular Taiwanese souvenir, is the “Oolong Market Tea Ichiba,” a select store offering about 100 varieties of Taiwanese tea.


The adjoining tea salon offers about 15 varieties of Taiwanese tea with sweets. The unique menu includes “special teas” blended with pineapple or mango jam and served in wine glasses, and “cup teas” served in large 400ml tea containers.


The charm of Taiwanese tea is that the aroma changes drastically from the first to the second and beyond, as you add hot water to taste it. Oolong tea alone varies with the degree of fermentation and roasting, sometimes tasting like green tea and sometimes like black tea.


This is an old story, but when I was staying in China, I often went to a teahouse (tea shop) to buy tea. When we were having a hard time choosing, the children would be seated at the tea table before we knew it, and the owner would brew tea for us and even offer us sweets.

This endless loop of tea and sweets is one of the pleasures of Chinese tea, but be careful not to drink too much.

When I was invited to tea ceremonies in China, a variety of teas were poured into cups as small as a boar’s cup with exquisite timing and without interrupting the conversation, and I would continue drinking for several hours with sweets that went with each tea. You lose track of how much you are drinking.

The most fragrant teas are brewed in a long, narrow cup called a monko-hai, and after the tea is transferred to another cup, only the fragrance remaining in the monko-hai is enjoyed. This is a practice not found in the Japanese tea ceremony. The Chinese character for “listen” means the act of smelling the fragrance.

And sometimes, Chinese tea even has a sweet taste. It was a luxurious time that changed my concept of tea.


I wanted to try Taiwanese tea for the first time in a while, but I could not resist my appetite and ended up having a hearty meal of roasted rice, mixed noodles, and bean flowers at a Taiwanese restaurant next door.

I also bought some seasonings that are popular in Taiwan, so I think I will be able to enjoy the Taiwanese mood for a while.


See you again soon.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




にっぽんど真ん中祭りが今年もはじまっております。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫路通 骨董買取 古美術品買取)













そしてですね、このお祭りは「観客動員ゼロ=全員参加型」の祭りをコンセプトに掲げており、中でも参加者も観客も一緒に踊りが楽しめるどまつり名物「総踊り」では、2010年に見事ギネス世界記録™ “世界一の総踊り”として認定されております。とにかく、参加して踊れはいいんです。













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This morning, the sky was a clear blue again, and I left my house prepared for another hot day…but the other day, the annual summer event “Nippon Doshinchu Matsuri” started here in Aichi Prefecture.


The Nippon Doshinchu is one of the largest dance festivals in Japan, commonly known as “Domatsuri,” which takes place in the hot midsummer city of Nagoya. It is a new style of festival in which anyone can participate, with about 200 teams and 20,000 people from Japan and abroad performing dances with a rich regional flavor.


Here in Aichi Prefecture, I often hear from my acquaintances and their acquaintances that they are on a team or that their acquaintances are participating in the festival. In addition to this festival, I have been able to see the team’s performances at various places throughout the year, so I have become familiar with the life in Aichi Prefecture. However, this festival seems to be a very special and big goal for the teams.


The scale of the festival is so large that it usually attracts about 2 million visitors over the four days, and during the festival period, teams dance not only at the main venue, but also at various other venues, turning the streets of Nagoya into a gorgeous festival atmosphere. Each team performs to the rhythmically arranged music of the emotional local culture, and their gorgeous costumes and spectacular performances, but the best part is the wonderful smiles of each and every dancer. The energy and smiles of all the dancers are so infectious that they overflow throughout the venue, cheering up and inspiring everyone.


The “So Odori” dance, a festival specialty, in which both participants and spectators can enjoy dancing together, was certified by Guinness World Records™ as the “World’s Largest So Odori Dance” in 2010. Anyway, it is good if you can join in and dance.


The charm of the festival is that everyone can experience the excitement of not only watching, but also being the star of the show. I was not able to cheer for the team at the venue, but I watched the live-streaming yesterday.


The dance, costumes, and stage direction were gorgeous and overwhelming. I thought I would not be able to find the team of a friend’s child, but I happened to find a close-up of the team! There he is! I couldn’t help but cheer, clutching my cell phone! I guess this is what it means to be energized. I was able to participate in the live-streaming as I did, so I was able to participate even if I had to shout out loud through my cell phone screen. This is exactly what I mean by “full participation.


This year’s “Nippon Doshinchu Festival,” filled with excitement, excitement, and enthusiasm, will end tomorrow. Many teams participate in the festival, and even if you can’t make it to the venue, you can still participate like I did.

I am sure you will be dancing when you get there.


Have a good day.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




名古屋市千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN










浮世絵の波にダイブしてきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









「空間体感!動き出す浮世絵展 NAGOYA」




今回の動き出す浮世絵展ですが、葛飾北斎、歌川国芳、歌川広重、喜多川歌麿、東洲斎写楽、歌川国貞など世界的な浮世絵師の作品 300 点以上をもとに、3DCG アニメーションやプロジェクションマッピングを駆使して大人から子 どもまで楽しめるグラフィカルなデジタルアート作品として描きだすおり新しい浮世絵展でありました。








他にも6 つのテーマごとの立体映像空間浮世絵の世界に没入できるのですが、しかも会場内は全て撮影OKでして、どのテーマもたくさんの浮世絵の傑作の数々がダイナミックに躍動する世界に没入できる新しい感覚の展覧会でしてありました。(動画しかお伝え出来ないのが残念)















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, the Koshien finals came to an end. It was truly wonderful to see both students sweat and cry with emotion in this hot weather. The other day, I was wondering if it was this sense of realism that made me fall in love with sports.

Along with that, the feeling that we are coming to the end of summer vacation hit me. I remember that in the distant past, I was chased by summer vacation assignments at this time of the year, and even at my age, the end of August still brings on a mixed feeling of sobbing and blues, or is it just me?


In the midst of this blue and somber late summer, a friend of mine invited me to go to a “Space Experience!


The “Space Experience! Ukiyo-e in Motion: Ukiyo-e in Motion in Nagoya”.


I had been interested in woodblock prints and Ukiyo-e for a while and wanted to check it out, but how could they express the world of Ukiyo-e by using projection mapping? What will it be like? I was a little skeptical. However, my impression was more impressive than I expected, and I would like to reflect on my initial skepticism.


The Ukiyo-e in Motion exhibition is based on more than 300 works by world-renowned Ukiyo-e artists such as Katsushika Hokusai, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Utagawa Hiroshige, Kitagawa Utamaro, Toshusai Sharaku, and Utagawa Kunisada, and uses 3DCG animation and projection mapping to create graphical digital artworks that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. The first Ukiyo-e exhibition was the first act of the exhibition.


The first act of the Ukiyo-e exhibition was very impressive. The first act of the Ukiyo-e exhibition was very impressive, with the theme of “indigo” and the dynamic display of waves and the sea painted by Ukiyo-e artists such as Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige.

The theme of “expression of water,” which had been a lifelong theme of the Ukiyo-e artists, was set in motion by the use of video technology, and the world picture ships, whales, and fish jumped out of the uki paintings they had created, expressing exactly how they jumped out of the ukiyo-e and swam leisurely through the rough waves. Visitors could freely immerse themselves in the scene, and conversely, they could feel as if they had entered the Ukiyo-e. Unfortunately, I am not able to show you the actual moving scenes on this blog, but please check out my poor photography on Instagram and other social media to see the actual moving images.


In addition, you can immerse yourself in the world of Ukiyo-e in the 3D image space for each of the six themes, and you are allowed to take pictures inside the exhibition hall. (It is a pity that I can only show you a video of the exhibition.)


The theme of the exhibition was not the expression of water or the movement of people, but it must have been the eternal theme for the painters of that time to find a way to express this movement. People at that time could not have imagined the possibility of shooting video, so you can see from all the works that they were very focused on how to incorporate this momentary movement and breathing into a single frame, and when you actually see them in motion like this, you can see… ah… I get it! I know what you mean! When you actually see them in action like this, you can feel how real they are. I am sure they are thinking, “Yes, yes, that’s what I wanted to express! I’m sure they are thinking, “Yes, that’s what I wanted to express!



The exhibition will be held until August 28 (at the Museum of Fine Arts Building (former Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) in Minami Building, Nagoya), so if you have time, please visit. If you have time, please visit there. Even if you are a skeptic like me, I am sure that your impression of digital art will change.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




薩摩焼錦手に偶然出会いました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎















































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Autumn is still far away and the relentless sun is shining on us.

In the midst of it all, I made the mistake of rushing back home to pick up something I had forgotten, and I am running out of energy even more.


Well, I was hit by a typhoon while returning home, but I also had a wonderful encounter.

While wandering around a certain department store, I came across a corner where glittering pottery was on display.

It was open for free viewing, so I decided to take a look.


There was a line of pottery called “Satsuma Nishikite” with a loupe.

It was hard to believe that they were painted by human hands, as they were so intricately designed that it was difficult to see with the naked eye.


When I asked one of the staff members, “You can’t take pictures, can you?” he replied, “Well, I guess so…” I gave up and let him take his time.

After a while, I was approached from behind and told, “You can take a picture now. He said, “I know some of our customers feel uncomfortable about having their picture taken. There is no one here right now, so please go ahead.” I turned around and saw no one but me.

When I turned around, no one was there but me.


I was allowed to take pictures while the staff explained about Satsuma Nishikide to me.

I am not sure how much my photographic skills can convey, but I would be happy if I could share the delicacy with you.


It is hard to tell from the photos, but the pieces other than the flower vase are very small, the size of the palm of one’s hand, and painted with such precision. Because of the wide variety of colors, at least four firings are required, and the production time is said to be enormous. He said that these items were returned from Europe.


Let me summarize what I was explaining. Satsuma-yaki pottery dates back to the time when Korean potters brought by Shimazu Yoshihiro during the Korean invasion (1592-1598) opened kilns in various parts of Satsuma. Of these, three kilns still remain today: the Nayogawa, Tateno, and Ryumonji kilns. Satsuma-yaki is also broadly classified into “Shiro-mon” and “Kuro-mon” based on the material of the clay used.

The potters produced Shiro-satsuma, a beautiful white-skinned pottery in the foreign land of Satsuma, while thinking of their hometown in Korea.

Because Kagoshima is covered with volcanic ash from Sakurajima, which contains a lot of iron, white clay was very precious.

Come to think of it, the cup used to drink Satsuma shochu has a black image.

Then came a remarkable change at the end of the Edo period: in 1867, the Satsuma clan exhibited Satsuma-yaki at the Exposition Universelle in France, where it was highly acclaimed, and Satsuma-yaki, once a domestic industry, turned around and became an export product to foreign countries.

The domestic industry turned around and Satsuma-yaki was exported to foreign countries. This was called “Kyo Satsuma” (Kyoto Satsuma).

The large vase by the 12th generation Chinjukan exhibited at the Vienna Expo in 1873 was highly acclaimed, and Satsuma porcelain nishikite was widely recognized in the West as “SATSUMA” and throughout the world.


Ryotaro Shiba’s short story “Hometown Oblivious” describes the life of the 14th generation Chinjugan Shen, one of the descendants of the Chinjugan Shen family. Short story! I would love to read it.


Well, I will see you again.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



名古屋市守山区のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







甲子園の詩(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎

































そして あと一回を残した無念と


でも やっぱり甲子園はそこにあったという思いと


高田高校の諸君 君たちは甲子園に一イニングの貸しがある

そして 青空と太陽の貸しもある













Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

How did you spend your Obon holiday?


I was supposed to go back to my parents’ house to meet my friends, but I had to give that up because of a direct hit by a typhoon on that day. Many of you may have had to change your plans in various ways.

There was also a high school baseball team that was defeated because their cheering squad could not make it to Koshien in time.

It must have been disappointing.


The final eight for the Koshien tournament is finally here.

The opening ceremony this year featured Ikusaburo Yamazaki singing “Eikan wa Kimi ni Kakeru” (“The Crown of Glory Shines Brightly for You”). His heartrending voice must have cheered up the nervous athletes.

Speaking of Koshien songs, there was one more. Kimi yo hachigatsu ni hotturete,” with lyrics by the hit song maker Yuu Aku, is also well-known.

Toki yo tomare yo just once / To the young man who made a miracle happen / Clouds are bubbling up in Koshien / Kimi yo hachigatsu ni hotture nare

I love these lyrics, and as I get older, just hearing them makes me cry.

He too was passionate about baseball as a child and wrote an autobiographical novel, “Setouchi Shonen Yakyu-dan,” which was later made into a movie.

Set on Awaji Island after the war, the story depicts the interaction and bond between a female teacher and her children through baseball. Masako Natsume, who played the teacher, was really beautiful.


Mr. Aku also wrote another 363 poems titled “Koshien no Uta – To the Undefeated” (Poem of Koshien – To the Undefeated), which was serialized in sports newspapers for 28 years starting in 2007. Like any sporting event, Koshien is filled with stories of losers.

In his “Koshien Poems,” Yuu Aku watched the National High School Baseball Players’ Association (Summer Koshien) games from the first round to the finals, and wrote a poem about one game each day.

One of his most frequently featured poems is an episode about a game at Takata High School in Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture.

It was the summer of 1988. It was the first time in 56 years, and the first postwar cold game, that the game had been played in the rain. The score was 3-9 in favor of Takata High School, and the game could not be resumed until the ninth inning.


In Koshien, it is rare for a game to be called a cold game, and the game is usually a rematch. This is because a big upset can happen in Koshien, where all the teams are very strong. In fact, there have only been three cold games in the history of Koshien. In addition to the difference in score and the weather, the conditions for a cold game are that seven innings must be completed in the semifinals and nine innings must be completed in the final game.

In the midst of this tragedy, Aku Yu never sympathized or pitied, but gave a poem of encouragement. It is titled “Cold Game.”


The first battle Takata High School dreamed of was the Koshien

The rain that weighed down the uniforms, the mud that tangled my feet

and the scoreboard smoking white

And the disappointment of one more inning left

And the pride in my heart that did not give in

But the thought that Koshien was still there

And so many things soaked into our hearts

You, the students of Takada School, you owe me one inning in the Koshien Stadium.

And you also owe me the blue sky and the sun.


How much this poem must have encouraged the players of Takata High School. The poem was turned into a stone monument and left almost intact in front of the school building that was completely destroyed in the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Another outstanding poem is “Letter to the Losing Pitcher,” written to the pitcher of Ube Commercial (Yamaguchi Prefecture), who left Koshien with the only “sayonara balk” in the tournament’s history after a fierce 15-inning extra-inning battle.

Ogaki Nichidai High School of Gifu Prefecture lost after an extra-inning tiebreaker in this year’s tournament. The game ended in a daze due to a battery error with victory in sight. It was hard to watch, so I changed the channel.


If Mr. Aku Yu were alive, what poem would he have given to these two battery members?

I am sorry. I get so passionate when I talk about Koshien.

Thank you for your time.


I will see you again.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



名古屋市名東区のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN








