7月, 2021 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




美術解剖学の試験を終えて…(愛知県名古屋市千種区 高価買取 古美術風光舎)
















































Hello everyone.

No, are you tired?

Thank you for taking the first semester lecture exam at the university yesterday.

I took the exam in art anatomy, but I was able to bring in the hand-drawn notebooks I used in class, so I don’t think the overall score is bad. (How about that…!)

There were 3 questions in total on the exam.

The problem is to draw the front whole body skeleton, the back whole body skeleton, and the skull from diagonally above, and give details (names, etc.) to them.

I thought that the exam question I was expecting was like predicting the skeleton from a painting with a person such as St. John the Baptist. It was quite different from what I expected, but I managed to overcome it thanks to the materials that I could bring in.

However, if you are too particular about drawing the skeleton in this test, you will not have time to write details (names, etc.).

Because of the social distance, it was supposed that “please submit from the person who finished and leave” rather than moving all at once at the end, but only a few people left. I wonder if other people were too particular about it and didn’t have enough time …

Actually, I have never attended this lecture, and all grades are determined by the score of this final exam. There is no one who is not impatient.

Well, now that it’s over, be able to be! Is it like that?


By the way, when I took this art anatomy test, I remembered that cats have a different skeleton from humans, so their bodies are soft.

It’s true that cats can easily pass through even in a very narrow space if their heads pass through.

In fact, that liquid-like softness of cats has a secret in the collarbone.

The clavicle of a cat is smaller than that of a human, and humans are connected to the scapula, whereas the clavicle of a cat is connected to the flesh, not the bone.

Therefore, cats become cute like liquids, and humans are healed.

However, cats have more bones than humans. There are many tails, though … It’s also adorable when I think that cats express our emotions with a cute tail full of bones.

I will definitely see this! There is no such TV program, but what you watch on your TV in your spare time is mostly animal programs. There, cute and funny images of various animals are playing, and there you are struck by the cuteness of cats …

I had a cold image of a cat, but when I saw a video that imitated a human on the program, I was shocked.

Oh, I’m talking like a cat, but I’m a dog. (Recently, I’m getting caught up in the charm of cats …)

Unlike cats and human skeletons, dogs do not have collarbones in the first place. This is where the big difference with cats comes out.

Thanks to the clavicle of the cat, the cat can move quickly and dexterously like a cat punch. Dogs, on the other hand, do not have collarbones like cats, so they are dexterous and unable to move quickly like cats.

However, the lack of collarbones allows dogs to move their front legs faster. In other words, you can run faster. Fast-paced animals often lack the collarbone.

If you remove the human clavicle, you will not be able to move dexterously, so it’s difficult … I’m glad I had the clavicle.


To change the story, when I was watching an animal TV program before, I saw a rare dog breed ranking from the middle, but the first place was a dog with 90% wolf blood. The reason is simply that it contains 90% wolf blood.

A dog with wolf blood like this is called a “wolf dog”.

The wolfdog rice that appeared on the program was not the dock food that ordinary dogs eat, but raw meat with bones …

Surprisingly, the bones were also crushed. Is this … a dog? ?? I thought it was a dog. It looked like a wolf and was very cool.

If you are interested, please search.

The picture above is a wolf at Higashiyama Zoo, but if you sit like this, it looks like a dog! (Is it forcible …)


The story changes again, but when I heard “Wolfdog”, I remembered something.

It is a volleyball team called “Wolfdogs Nagoya”.

Kenta Takanashi, who is enrolled in Wolfdogs Nagoya, is also participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Men’s Volleyball. In the men’s volleyball, there are many people from Aichi prefecture and people with connections, which makes me very happy.

good luck!


I’ve talked a lot about it and it’s been messed up, but please forgive me.

Thank you to everyone who read to the end.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

夏季休業のお知らせ(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)












夏季休業期間: 2021年8月9日㈪~16日㈪







古美術風光舎 名古屋店 店主




HP: https://fu-ko-sya.com





特別展『揚州八怪』をお勉強しています。(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










Hello, this is Staff Y.

The other day, on Instagram, we announced that our shop owner visited the special exhibition “Eight Eccentricity of Yangshu” currently being held at the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts. This special exhibition “Eight Eccentricity of Yangshu” seems to have been held for the first time in 52 years since 1969 at the Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, and I envy those who went to see it. For those of you who haven’t been able to visit, the shop owner showed me the catalog today (it’s a fine catalog), so let’s feel like I went with me here.

By the way, I didn’t know much about “Yangshu Hakkai”. For the time being, we will introduce it from the basic knowledge, so please keep in touch with us.

First of all, what is “Yangshu Hakkai”?






“Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics” are the names of eight painters who created advanced and unique creations in the city of Yangzhou in the 18th century during the Qing dynasty. I have. However, there seems to be no established theory as to who should be assigned to these eight people. Since the eight people selected by the critics are different, Jin Nong, Zheng Xie, Huang Shen, Rizen, and Rihoyo are the first. , Huang Shen, Kosho, Rahei, Kohokan, Chen Zhuan, Kagan, Bian Shoumin, There are actually 15 names, including Yoho, Bin Tei, and Riben. In this special exhibition, the works of 12 of them are exhibited.




Yangzhou is a major city that prospered on the north bank of the Yangtze River in the lower Yangtze River, which is located in the northwest of Shanghai.











Once an unprecedented boom in salt dealers, the salt dealers built all over the villas and gardens, and in order for them to become literary, they called for relationships with talented scholars and literary people from all over the world, and later the Eight Eccentricity of Yangshu. Calligraphy painters will also come and go. A network is formed there, which can be called a wide variety of cultural salons, where merchants decorate their homes with magnificent landscape maps, and writers write poetry and enjoy sake. Probably. A culture of enjoying beauty will blossom.


The Eight Eccentricity of Yangshu that appeared heretical. What was epoch-making was that they made their paintings a special product, specified the price, and bought and sold them. For Zheng Xie, please pay in silver rather than gifts or food, along with a specific amount. He also said in his heart that he was from a former bureaucracy, and even bureaucrats couldn’t make it, and it was regrettable and embarrassing to be old and in need.


The calligraphers who came to Yangzhou to sell their paintings and earn a living, but although they have a deep education, they are somewhat human-like, and they have sent the harmful effects, dissatisfaction, and emotions of society to the calligraphy in the 18th century. We will pursue art that is not tied to anything in Yangzhou. Perhaps because of this, it seems that the aesthetic sense of people’s novelty and the individuality of the painter himself are expressed in particular, with an emphasis on the tastes of merchants and citizens, and the moral co-award.







It’s difficult to talk about their work in a single-minded manner, but the novel expressions that stimulate each other are sophisticated, somewhat playful, and above all, human-like, even if they suffer from illness, they get a job. Even if it is robbed, I can feel the momentum that brought the adversity and emotions to art in every work. The way of life is also strong, but the expression is also strong.

Well, let’s go to the important appreciation after studying Arakata. They are two representative people.

A work by Kinno.






“Lacquer book”, a style unique to Jin Nong. When he was young, he seemed to be doing calligraphy and seal carving, and he started drawing pictures when he was 60 years old, a late-blooming genius. This “regular script Guro Zuki” is a kind of “lacquer book”, but it is a typeface that does not have a regular script or a clerical script. Old-fashioned and novel.

However, unlike the calligraphy, the picture seems to be very delicate.









nd Zheng Xie’s work.


I mentioned earlier that I specified the price of my own paintings, but it seems that it was hard to say that it was a great success during the bureaucratic era, and after that, I will sell and live in Yangzhou. But he is strong.






The mark of this work is “Twenty years ago Old Itabashi”, but this is not me twenty years ago who was rushed to take the (bureaucratic) examination, both in terms of popularity and workmanship. Meaning such as. In short, we are selling self-deprecatingly. At that time, this producing power was quite good.


This is the work of Qi Baishi, a calligrapher who inherited the art of the Eight Eccentricity of Yangshu. Certainly, it has been inherited.










How about, Yangshu Hakkai. When I touched their people and calligraphy carefully, I didn’t have enough time.

It was only a part, but thank you for working with me along with my studies.



場  所: 大阪市立美術館 〒543-0063 大阪府大阪市天王寺区茶臼山町1-82【天王寺公園内】

会  期: 2021年6月22日(火)〜8月15日(日)

開館時間: 午前9時30分〜午後5時(入館は午後4時30分まで)

休 館 日  : 月曜日(8月9日は開館) ※災害などにより臨時で休館となる場合があります


[Special exhibition “Eight Eccentric Yangshu”]

Place: Osaka City Museum of Art 1-82 Chausuyama-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 543-0063 [Inside Tennoji Park]

Meeting period: June 22nd (Tuesday) -August 15th (Sunday), 2021

Opening hours: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm (admission is until 4:30 pm)

Closed days: Monday (open on August 9) * The museum may be temporarily closed due to disasters, etc.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


豊川稲荷の夜詣って知ってました?(愛知県千種区姫池通 高価買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























『YORU MO-DE ヨルモウデ』という夜間参拝アートイベントを開催しています。





そして出来たのが、街の活気を取り戻し、コロナ禍でも安心安全に楽しめる常設イベント、『YORU MO-DE ヨルモウデ』です。





『YORU MO-DE ヨルモウデ』はチケット入場制で、豊川稲荷では直接の購入ができないので、事前にネットで申込をし、



























(スタッフ m)


Hello. I’m a staff member who likes shrines and temples.

One of my favorite shrines and temples is “Toyokawa Inari”.

The official name of Toyokawa Inari, located in Toyokawa City, on the eastern edge of Aichi Prefecture, is “Toyokawa Kaku Myoganji”, which is a temple.

However, there is a large torii gate in front of it, and it is a mysterious place where some people mistake it for a shrine.

The reason why he is called Inari-san is that the secret Buddha of this temple, “Toyokawa Daki ni Shinten,” rides on a white fox.

It seems that it has come to be generally called “Toyokawa Inari” from the appearance of carrying rice ears.

Although it is not a shrine, it is considered to be one of the three major Inari shrines in Japan.

Since it was founded in the Muromachi period (1441), military commanders such as Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Ieyasu Tokugawa,

It was gathering faith from writers such as Watanabe Kazan. After the Edo period, business prospered among the common people,

As a god of family safety and good luck, the faith has spread all over the country, and it is said that about 5 million worshipers still visit each year.

If you’ve been to this temple, you’ll know,

If you go to the far right from the main shrine, you will find a place called Reikizuka, where many stone statues of foxes are enshrined.

The sight of the thousand foxes standing there and the many foxes with various expressions lined up is a masterpiece.

When I first went to the main shrine, I just visited the main shrine and didn’t know what was in the back, so I just returned.

When I told my parents about it, I was laughed at, “The back was amazing …”. It sounds like “Ninna-ji Temple”.

Even a little, the ancestors are different … (crying)


By the way, Toyokawa Inari is now collaborating with the company “Naked”, which is famous for its creative light production.

We are holding a night worship art event called “YORU MO-DE”.

It’s been a hot topic right now, so many of you may have already seen it.

I haven’t been there yet, but my friend went there so I listened to him.

The number of worshipers at Toyokawa Inari has decreased dramatically due to the coronavirus, so the locals wondered if we could do something about it.

The result is “YORU MO-DE,” a permanent event that regains the vitality of the city and allows you to enjoy it safely and securely even in the event of a corona.

Originally, it seems that the 22nd of every month was a fair to commemorate the opening day of the temple, but on the night of the 22nd, it was like a fair.

We will hold this event.

It seems to be held in July, August, and September, and there was also an advance reservation page on the net.

And it seems that you can enjoy this event from 22nd to 31st as a special event in July.

“YORU MO-DE” is a ticket admission system and cannot be purchased directly at Toyokawa Inari, so apply online in advance.

It seems that you will participate after issuing a ticket.

Distance lanterns will be rented at the reception in exchange for tickets. Here is it.


The light of the lanterns serves as a guideline for social distance, and naturally keeps you away from people.

There are also two patterns, one is a rose, which is a specialty of Toyokawa City, and the other is a white fox, which is the messenger of the god of Toyokawa Inari.

It is a mechanism that is projected on the ground.

By walking with a lantern in the dark, the person who owns it seems to feel a festive feeling and feel more enjoyable.

And this photo is the front torii gate. Dedication lanterns are displayed on the left and right, and they are colored with colorful lights.

It seems that you can see the projection mapping.

There seems to be a sound on the way to the main shrine, but it’s bewitching, like when I was a kid, in the middle of a test of courage.

A feeling of excitement. It’s a little fun, but it feels a little scary and indescribable.

Let’s call it a cool feeling on a hot summer night.

Night shrines and temples that you would never enter if you were alone. However, it feels like it’s only allowed during festivals.

The main shrine also seems to be reflected in various colors of light as shown in the photograph.

The color is completely different from the one you are used to seeing in a temple, and it seems like you are lost in a different world.

In addition, there are flower fortunes, glowing bills, glowing votive tablets, and fox masks, so you can enjoy Toyokawa Inari with a different feeling than usual.

After Corona, many people are tired of refraining from going out as they wish, but there is a place where you can enjoy yourself in a new way with peace of mind.

As the number increases, I feel that bright signs will come back among us.

I want to go.

(Staff m)












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


ウィスキーと和菓子の究極のマリアージュ(愛知県千種区姫池通 買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)











































Hello. This is Y from the staff.


I think there are many people who are busy watching TV during the Olympic medal rush every day, and those who are watching the game with alcohol in one hand. I think most of the people who read this blog are adults, but good news for adults? is.


I’ve heard rumors that whiskey and Japanese sweets are a perfect match.

Japanese sweets are indispensable as traditional food that Japan is proud of. When you hear Japanese sweets, do you think grandpa and grandma eat while drinking tea? No, that would be the case. Personally, I like anko, which is the kind of anko club that I make with people who are close to me. I didn’t know this ultimate mariage. How many years did I lose?


So, first of all, the sake to investigate.

The whiskey I investigated last night is BOW MORE. Founded in 779, Islay’s oldest distillery. Bowmore is characterized by its elegant smoky flavor, also known as the “Queen of Islay”. It is a whiskey that faces the sea directly and is stored over many years in a storage room where the scent of the tide wraps around. The point is that it is smoky, so it is a whiskey with a fairly strong habit. Recently, at my home, I tried this sake and tried it for the time being with BOW MORE 12 years rock, water and soda.


And what kind of Japanese sweets are suitable

Yokan, Kintsuba, brown sugar karin, Daifuku, senbei, castella … After thinking about what to try, we have prepared anko representative yokan, brown sugar representative karin, and rice representative senbei.

Since it is not very strong against alcohol, I decided that the subsequent investigation would be delayed at Rock, so I decided to start with water.


First of all, yokan. The condensed taste of the thick red bean paste and the flavor of whiskey ski are not defeated. Moreover, the flavor of whiskey is deepened. This shouldn’t be. I’m going to drink.

Next, the flavors of karin and brown sugar are entwined with whiskey. It feels like a light snack, which is also good.

Then, maybe because of the rice crackers and sweets that continued, this was also the case. The fragrant feeling of rice and the flavor of soy sauce are refreshing.

After that, I got on the right track and investigated with soda-wari, but personally, if I wanted to make it more mariage, would I recommend rock or water-wari? It’s just a personal opinion. Just lol.


So, when I wonder why they meet each other, Japanese sweets are often made from nuts and fruits, and anko is also made from azuki beans. It goes well with whiskey and is often combined with nuts and dried fruits, but it is also nuts and fruits, and its nickname is good. Also, especially yokan. The darkness of red bean paste is not defeated by whiskey. Is this a mariage?


The investigation was completed when I was completely drunk, but

At first glance, Japanese sweets and sake seem to be a strange combination. By removing the stereotypes and tasting them together, I was surprised at the unexpected compatibility and broadened my horizons. The point of mariage seems to be to find a common item in taste and balance the overall sweetness. This is just a personal impression, so if you are a sweet tooth and a liquor lover, we recommend that you first investigate by yourself. It’s worth a try.


So, please try this mariage, thinking that you were deceived while watching the TV broadcast of the Olympic Games. Oh, be careful not to drink too much with medals.


Note) Japanese sweets today as well. I don’t have alcohol because I’m working during the day.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN




中山道「大湫宿」を巡ってみました(愛知県千種区姫池通 高価買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)









Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

I was busy checking the Olympic TV yesterday, but how are you all doing?


When I was on TV and snuggling up to the male figures of the athletes, I was a little tired because I was a little tired, so the other day I thought of one of my hobbies, a day trip. There is always a no-plan to decide on the morning of the day, but this time I came up with a trip to Nakasendo and decided to go. I mean, it’s pretty close, so I’m just flirting, but lol.




From here, Okutejuku














Aichi Prefecture, where the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located, has long been a key point of transportation through many historical highways, including Nakasendo, Tokaido, Minoji, and Iida Kaido. The other day, I posted a blog near Arimatsu Narumi along the old Tokaido, which is a great place to go around such a highway.


So, this time it’s Nakasendo, but this Nakasendo, one of the five highways of the Edo period, was a highway that connected Kyoto and Edo, but everyone studied a long time ago.

Nakasendo is also called “Kiso-ro” because it passes through Kiso, and it was also used extensively for the change of attendance daimyo and the imperial family. This is because Nakasendo was an important road connecting Saigoku and Togoku. Unlike the Tokaido, which has the Oi River, Hamana Pass, and Kuwana Pass, the Nakasendo has almost no inconvenience of water, so it seems that many women walked along this road.

There are 69 post stations on the highway with a total process of about 540 km, and there are few places like the Tokaido where large main roads have passed due to subsequent development, so there are many post towns that retain the old landscape. I’m sorry. As a famous post town even now, Tsumago-juku, Magome-juku, Narai, etc. may often see images and photographs. In addition, Kisoji has become popular with overseas customers these days because they can experience the feeling of a time trip at once.


However, this time we would like to introduce “Okutejuku” (Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture), which you may not know. If you like history, you may visit this place once.

I will tell you the reason later, Okute-juku is the 47th inn from Edo, and it is the highest post town on the Nakasendo, which is located at a high altitude of 510 meters above sea level. 90 ri and a half to Edo, 43 and a half ri to Kyoto, 3 and a half ri to Oi-juku to the east, 1 and a half to Hosokute-juku to the west It was considered a difficult place for both travelers and horsemen. It was a small post town, but it seems that it had all the functions of a post town, with traces of Honjin, Wakihonjin, and wholesale stores.





It is a copy of a standard book that often appears in historical drama, but I can’t read it.










The townscape of the inn was 6 ken (340 meters) from Kitamachi, which went down the Terasaka at the western end of the 13th pass, to Hakusancho, Nakamachi, Shinmeicho, and Nishimachi. The Honjin is located in Kitamachi, the main camp is on the north side of Hakusancho, and the wholesale store and Wakihonjin are on the north side of Nakamachi. In addition, the land allocation of the houses is correctly divided into 6 and a half ken, and all the boundaries of the houses are guttered with masonry, which shows the installation of Shinjuku.


Here, “Okute-juku” is a post town where Princess Kazu stayed at this post when she was introduced to Edo Castle, and the main camp where Princess Kazu stayed is now the site of an elementary school, and Princess Kazu is on the way. There is a monument that is said to have been written. Some of you may remember that the recent NHK Taiga drama “Reach Beyond the Blue Sky” also had a story about its gorgeous swordsmanship.

The remaining Marumori residence (nationally registered tangible cultural property) has been preserved as a museum and a resting space, and according to the materials there, the procession of the Princess Kazu’s troupe lasts for four days. It seems. It seems that there was an unprecedented procession of 5,000 people, 2,800 people, and 800 horses, and there were 30 cottages in Okute-juku, but there were still not enough inns, and the Olympic Village It’s not, but it seems that it was a difficult preparation to expand the hut and raise the village in a hurry. I think it was a big fuss because many companions stayed here at Marumori House. In addition, the houses of Hatago, which are lined up now, also have the old shop name at the entrance, and the residents say that they usually call each other by the shop name.




My companion, I think he was healing the tiredness of the trip here









So, I was able to talk slowly with the guide. thank you for your help.

After that, I walked slowly along the highway while following the remnants of each Hatago, but because the Olympics were being held under the scorching sun, there were no visitors, and this was a luxurious feeling of monopoly. So, if you are a history lover and you can think of those days, it may be secretly now.


Also, if you go a little, you will see the cobblestone Nakasendo on the way to Okutejuku-Biwa Pass-Hosokute-juku. It looked like a long stone pavement climbing a mountain toward the pass, so I gave up this time.




From here, climb to the Biwa Pass













Nowadays, the national highway, Chuo Expressway, JR Chuo Line, etc. are all opened along the Toki River at the southern foot of the mountain. Surrounding the Osugi of Shinmei Shrine at the southern foot of the mountain, it retains its original appearance, but it is a Kiso road that stretches along the Kiso River, crossing a steep mountain pass, passing through a deep valley, and sewing the bottom of the mountain.


The lively voice of Hatago in the distant era and the sight of the lanterns welcoming you can certainly come to your mind. If you follow the highway as it is, you will reach Edo, and how exciting the highway is!













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



平和の時代の立役者はだれ?(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術 出張買取 風光舎 名古屋店)




















































Suddenly, I have a question after yesterday’s peaceful article.

If you are asked to answer one historical person who has a great influence on Japan becoming such a peaceful country

Who do you think of?

I would say “Ieyasu Tokugawa,” who opened the Edo Shogunate.

Until then, there was always a battle somewhere, and the era of war continued.

Wider territory, stronger troops, more financial strength. .. .. Conflict by the powerful people

It was the vulnerable ordinary people who were involved in it.

However, since Ieyasu Tokugawa opened the Edo Shogunate, there have been almost no wars or conflicts, and the lives of farmers and merchants have become richer.

Now I can live with peace of mind. And at this time, many cultures also developed.

Since the Edo Shogunate started about 400 years ago, a peaceful world has continued for about 260 years.

I visited Okazaki Castle, where Ieyasu was born, on the other day.


The origin of Okazaki Castle dates back to the first half of the 15th century. It started when the castle was built on the ground of Myodaiji by Ryoji Saigo, and then.

In the 4th year of Kyoroku (1531), Ieyasu’s grandfather, Kiyoyasu Matsudaira, moved him to his present location and became known as Okazaki Castle.

Ieyasu was born in Okazaki Castle on December 26, 1542.

However, he became a hostage of Nobuhide Oda (Nobunaga’s father) at the age of 6 and Yoshimoto Imagawa at the age of 8, and spent his boyhood in another country for 12 years.

Ieyasu returned to Okazaki Castle when Yoshimoto Imagawa died in the Battle of Okehazama in Eiroku 3 (1560), and was based there.

We have laid the foundation for the feat of unifying the world.

After Mikawa Heisei, Ieyasu enters into a conflict with Mr. Takeda. After Nobunaga’s death, Ieyasu, who succeeded in capturing Kai and Shinano, became a five-country daimyo.

He will compete with Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

In 1600, Ieyasu, who defeated Mitsunari Ishida in the Battle of Sekigahara, became a shogun and opened the Edo Shogunate.

After that, while taking the form of retiring to Sunpu in just two years, he took control and destroyed Toyotomi in two Osaka camps.

Ieyasu died at the age of 75, but the Edo period continued for about 180 years.

Born in the midst of the Warring States period, Ieyasu, who became an independent daimyo after a boyhood tossed as a hostage, expanded his territory with patience.

He gained power as a heavyweight of the Toyotomi administration, won the battle of the division of the world, and became a world man.

Then, after the 60th birthday, the administration was finally established, and it was solid in just 10 years.

Ieyasu has built a political system and laid the cornerstone of peace that has lasted for over 200 years.

What was the meaning of the battle for Ieyasu?

After the battle when Yoshimoto Imagawa was defeated

“You are the one who can take the world for people and eliminate their suffering.”

I was told by a priest.

He must have continued to fight for peace because his “heart for peace” was stronger than anyone else.


The reason why people love antique art like this today may be that peace lasted for a long time during the Edo period.

The many cultures that were born in those days and the love of art for the common people were born.

I think peace was an absolute requirement.

That’s why, even today, I was surrounded by wonderful things in the store, and in an era when they walked.

I am thinking about it. Feeling peace and richness of mind. .. .. ..

Staff m












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444


シリアからのお客様(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董 買取 古美術風光舎)







「シリア・パルミナ出土 紀元前」と裏に補記されているこちら。





































(staff m)



Hello everyone

Recently, there is a new item added to Fukosha.

It is an item from Syria and is said to be from BC.


This is supplemented with “Excavated in Palmyra, Syria, BC”.

I couldn’t find it in Palmyra even if I searched for it, so it may be Palmyra.

Palmyra was a huge trading city connecting Rome and the east from the 1st century BC to the 3rd century AD.

It is also a Sassanid Persian and western buffer zone, Greece, Mesopotamia, Persia, Rome,

Then, a culture unique to Palmyra was formed, in which the local culture is richly mixed.

Among the cities under the influence of the Roman Empire, there are not many places where the eclectic mix of different cultures remains as rich as Palmyra.

Queen Zenobia, who was in control of her in Palmyra in the 3rd century, challenged the confrontation for independence from the Roman Empire.

However, after a fierce battle, Palmyra fell. Zenobia was taken prisoner and taken to Rome.

Since then, the “Queen’s City” Palmyra has been on the path of decline.


Before the Syrian Civil War, more than 150,000 tourists from all over the world seemed to visit this beautiful site every year.

The amphitheater and bathhouses that are characteristic of the Roman city remained in a nearly perfect form.


However, Palmyra is located in the central part of Syria and was a key point of transportation, so the forces involved in the civil war are aiming to suppress each.

It has become a battleground. May 2015, new to memory. Extremist organization “Islamic State” (IS) defeats Syrian army,

When the ruins were put under power, the ruins began to be destroyed one after another as “promoting idol worship.”

Government troops regained control in March 2017, but by then valuable ruins had been considerably destroyed.

Considering the political situation in Syria, it seems that it will take a long time to restore the ruins.


An excavated item from Syria BC that joined the Fukosha.

It looks like nothing happened, but maybe by now

It may have passed through various shrines.

And at first, it looks like a relief, so I think there was not only the face but the whole body.

You may have friends next to you, or you have a lover. .. .. ..

Before I knew it, I came to Japan far away, with only one face.

And now, I’m a neighbor of Sue pottery in the Yayoi period in Japan.


The civil war in Syria is still extremely confused, and it seems that the endless civil war continues.

I myself have investigated the current situation in Syria and the process leading up to this point many times.

It was very complicated and I felt that it was not a problem for only one nation.

Still, I believe that the day will come when we will have a world of peace and no wars or conflicts.

Now that the Olympics, a festival of peace, is being held, there is nothing that must be resolved in the war.

There should be none.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444


色の効果(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取 古美術 風光舎より)








































Hello everyone.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics were held.

It’s 2021, but it’s strange to see a lot of numbers 2020.

I think there are pros and cons as to whether the Olympics should really be held in such a situation, but since it has started, I have no choice but to support at home.

Having said that, I only remember seeing the Olympics in class at lunchtime in elementary school.

It’s a big event in the world once every four years, but I don’t know much about sports rules and I’m not good at ranking personally, so I don’t watch much. The impression is that it started without knowing it and ended before I knew it … (I’m sorry if anyone likes the Olympics)

So I have no plans to talk about the Olympics in today’s blog. If today is about the Olympics? I’m sorry if anyone is looking forward to it.


Today I’m going to talk about color.

The opportunity was a university class, and I had a practical class where I had to make monochrome works, and from there I read a little book about color. I will talk about the contents. (Maybe all you know is …)


Have you ever heard about the effect of color in entertainment such as TV and magazines or in your immediate surroundings? Or in a school class in the past.

Color is the norm, and people are greatly influenced by it. Psychologically and physically.

In fact, the five senses work 87% for sight, 7% for hearing, 3% for touch, 2% for smell, and 1% for taste, and about 90% of the senses work. Therefore, it is greatly influenced by the colors that can be seen with the eyes.

There is a quiz that you can touch and hit what is in the box on TV programs, but that applies to the sense of touch, and since the sense of touch is only 3%, I do not know the answer immediately. That’s why it’s a game you can enjoy.

And have you ever heard that you lose your appetite in an all-blue room (sofa, desk, tableware, etc.)? People who want to go on a diet should eat rice on a blue plate …

This kind of topic comes up because color is the most influential factor in our daily lives, and our emotions are influenced by color.

In the classification of warm colors and cold colors that are often heard, warm colors feel psychologically warm, and cold colors feel psychologically cold. This is also related to the image you think of by color. The warm red color is reminiscent of the sun and fire, and the cool blue color is reminiscent of water and ice. The feeling of temperature of the thing in that image has a psychological effect.


At one workplace, there was a women’s toilet with gray walls and blue light. (Imagine)

There, she looked like a sick person in the mirror, and many female employees were absent. As an improvement, it seems that absenteeism decreased by recoloring the wall and neutralizing the blue light.

In addition, when the gray machine was repainted in bright orange, morale increased, accidents decreased, and employees who were in a bad mood started singing songs while working.

Also, I use a cooler in the hot season to cool the room, but even with the same temperature setting, the sensible temperature changes greatly depending on whether the wall color of the room is warm or cold.


Another experiment found that if a woman wore a pink blouse and lived in a room with pink curtains, her appearance and body would be rejuvenated, and her personality would become a bright, adorable and awakening beauty. There seems to be. It’s a little suspicious. However, pink is said to be a rejuvenating color. It might be worth the challenge … Pink has a calming effect, and if you don’t like it, you may want to try it somewhere.

There are powers hidden in colors such as “black increases wrinkles” and “green cures headaches”, and you can communicate and express your intention with colors. If you have a chance to buy something and are wondering which one to buy, you may want to choose by the color effect.

Also, in today’s social situation, people often stay at home, so it might be a good idea to think about the color of the room so that you can relax in such a house.


The content I talked about this time is about one-hundredth of the book I read, “The Secret of Color” (Junichi Nomura), so if anyone is interested in color from here, it’s interesting, so please read it. Please try.


By the way, the red color that Japan often uses for uniforms at the Olympic Games is more exciting than any other color because it is associated with many things that people need to live. Since it secretes adrenaline and raises the mood, it stimulates the fighting spirit in sports. The passionate and energetic image is perfect.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444

本日、オリンピック開会式(愛知県名古屋市千種区 買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)






Hello, this is Staff Y.

The Olympics are being held. It’s a difficult opening because there are so many things that I can’t tell you what to say.

Today, I received a few photos from Tokyo, so I would like to tell you about the situation in the near future with a few more photos.





This photo is the national stadium of the past. Yes, it’s in the stadium just after it was completed two years ago. It’s famous that this seat has a design that even non-audience can’t understand, with the audience in it like the test two years ago. It was a fine day, but the way the sun shines in from heaven becomes like a spot.





This is the outside of the venue. This is also the state two years ago. I told you in the news this morning that there are so many people around here because it will be held today.





This is a photo of the passage in the stadium. A very rare photo. It’s wide.





This is the Ariake area. There are many competition venues in the Ariake area, including tennis venues, gymnastics stadiums, and road bike venues, but you can see the gymnastics stadium and road bike venues on both sides from the aisle of Ariake Station.





This is the road bike venue. If you look at this up close, it’s quite a swell, but the way the course meanders is incomplete.







This is Ariake Gymnastics Center. The landscape from the outside looks like a disk. The interior of this stadium is surrounded by wooden beams, but I’m most interested in it. This stadium will also be used as an international-scale sports competition facility after the Olympic Games, and it seems that it will be used as an exhibition hall after the temporary audience seats have been removed and partially renovated. We use a wide variety of wood in various parts of the building, but this seems to represent the memory of the main site, which was once a storage yard. Specifically, the roof frame, exterior, spectator seats, exterior, etc. In addition, considering the characteristics of wood, we are pursuing the use of the right wood in the right place by making the best use of them. It’s a pity that I can’t tell you what’s inside.


The ceiling of the competition area shows the wooden frame as it is for the purpose of reducing the weight of the skeleton, and the concourse space that is the approach of the spectators is also externalized, and the wooden exterior is arranged in consideration of sound insulation performance and heat insulation performance. By putting them together in a tense composition, it will be an opportunity for athletes and spectators from all over the world to feel the simple beauty of traditional Japanese wooden architecture. If there is, I would like to visit it.





Well, it’s about evening. Road bike venue. It’s getting emo.





TOKYO 2020. Up to this point, it has started in an unexpected situation, but athletes, although we have not received any cheers, we are supporting you in front of the TV, so if you come here, please enjoy the competition.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444





