1月, 2022 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




とりとめのない鳥の話(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術風光舎名古屋店 古い物買取いたします)


















































Hello everyone

When I was walking this morning, there was something small green on the road.

When I approached it, the white-eye was crouching.

that’s right. It’s a small yellow-green bird that has white eyes and is often mistaken for a warbler.


I was right next to the tires of a car parked on a narrow road, so I was worried that I might have been run over and approached.

Then, there is no trauma and it seems that he is alive.

However, it was cold on the road as it was, and I felt sorry for being hit by another car or being eaten by a cat, so I decided to move it to a safe place.

When I tried to catch it, the white-eye slipped through my hand, flew low, and jumped into the gate of the house in front of me.

I was a little surprised because I thought I couldn’t fly, but I was relieved to know that the white-eye was still able to fly.

Perhaps he was crouching after hitting something and causing a concussion …

I made eye contact with the Japanese white-eye on the gate for a while and left the place saying “I’m fine”.


By the way, birds often come closer to me these days.

The other day, I went to visit Atsuta Jingu.


I ate lunch at “Miya Kishimen” in Atsuta Jingu, which was renewed around November last year and was very beautiful, and there was a ship monument in front of me.

When I tried to take a picture with the people I went with, a crow stopped at the tail of the ship.

The crow doesn’t move at all when we humans get on it.

Rather, they are looking at us with great interest, or even appear in the photographs.

I felt like a crow with an innocent look, so I’m sure he’s still a young child.

I wasn’t afraid at all because the crow didn’t seem to be hostile to humans.

Until we left the place, I was watching over it, or staying still, and let me take a good picture.


Also, the location has changed, even at Kamichikama Shrine in Atsuta Jingu.

As we talk, the footsteps approaching us.

Looking at the person who makes the sound, isn’t the male chicken, which is said to be the messenger of God, approaching?

It also comes very close. (About 3 meters?)

When we were happy and said, “Let me take a picture,” they spread their wings and decided on a cool pose, and everyone was impressed.


Feathered creatures are said to have the power to sense evil.

Therefore, I hear that people who have such things will not come near, but this time, I was a little happy that they came so close to me, whether it was a white-eye, a crow, or a chicken.

By the way, in the spring, I make the same voice as the warbler and enjoy the conversation. (Lol)

When I think that it’s such a season soon, my heart will be a little springy.


This time, I talked about birds ramblingly.

It looks like you’re all right … (?!)

see you.


(Staff M)



散歩への世界感が無限に広がるテーマ散歩。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古いもの買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



































Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.

These days, the days are definitely longer than at the time of the Dongzhi, and the sunshine seems to be getting looser compared to the place, so I’m not forgetting the season. I feel a little, but there are still some people in the area who are worried about snow. Please be careful. However, the seasons are advancing and returning.

It’s still cold, but I often see people taking a walk or walking. I often hang around like this.

By the way, what do you often do while taking a walk?

When asked what they were doing while taking a walk in a questionnaire, the 1st place was “looking at the scenery” (70.7%) and the 2nd place was “feeling the season” (61.7%), 3 The 4th place is “Talking with people walking with me” (45.0%), the 4th place is “Looking for beautiful plants and flowers” (40.7%), and the 5th place is “Taking pictures” (27.2%). Well, it’s usually like this.

I feel like this too. Occasionally, I enjoy taking a walk between modern roads and delusions while collecting information with the old map app, but it seems that the masters of walking have already created the theme of the walk.

The other day, I was watching a program where a walking master gave a lecture on TV, but (I’m sorry I forgot the program name) I found a new perspective that the masters’ motivation for walking is wonderfully high. I realized that the world of walking is endless.

For example, “an emo walk that looks back on the road that used to go through school”, “a walk that deliberately walks along a slender road that no one will go through and thinks about something useless”, “dare to get lost” , A walk that betrays me “(but keep a map or mobile phone),” I became a hero or a hero while listening to music such as drama and movie soundtracks and RPG (role-playing game) BGM “Walk to feel the mood” (please be careful about cars etc.) etc.

Also, if you are with someone, the way to enjoy it will increase, and if you are a child, you can find a lot of ones while finding colors. “Would you like to take a walk?” Is it the height of delusions and imagination anymore?

Well, it was a new discovery that walking with a theme is much more enjoyable than walking without thinking like this, but it is also an unexpected new thing for a random walk without thinking about anything. I think that it is a great thing to have an unexpected encounter with various discoveries and various happenings.

I’m rather random here, but the slow-moving scenery and roads that are different from the usual car movements give me a theme and give me freedom, which is modest. In any case, I love walking that inspires extraordinary feelings and imagination.

I’m such a no-plan walker, but I really like walking around the old highways. In other words, I am very interested in the road. There was a little chance for that, and it’s silly, but please listen carefully for a while.

A long time ago, I lived in Kyoto, but I found the old highway trace of the Heian period leading from the construction site next to my house to Byodo-in Temple in Uji, and I decided to investigate. This kind of thing happens frequently in Kyo-Nara, and the contractor is like again, but if you follow this highway, it seems that you are just passing under my house. (Although I can’t dig up under the house at that time) I was so excited to think that Fujiwara no Yorimichi might have taken a cow car or something to go to Uji Byodoin on this old road under my house. I did.

With that as a trigger, I become fond of old roads and old roads, but when I find old roads and old roads, I become a human being at that time and have a habit of delusion of historical facts, and a strange story without permission. I tend to make it, but I wonder if this is a delusional theme walk. If I dare to give it a name, would it be “a delusional walk that makes you feel like a human being on the old roads and old roads”?

If you have any questions about how to take a walk, let’s share information.


Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


一足早い春を見つけて…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古道具 買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)








































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

Today is also a daily routine posting in the morning.

It was a very warm day, so I took off the muffler on the way, took off the front of the coat, and walked with a little sweat.

When it gets warmer, my facial expression naturally relaxes, and before I know it, I walk with a smile.

Also, the number of people walking around the city will increase, so naturally, while giving a bow.

I discovered that I was working in such a calm mood!



What a cherry blossom is in bloom! !! !!

Moreover, although it blooms for about 3 minutes, it is probably Yoshino cherry tree.

Why? Is it designed so that somewhere in the Japanese DNA reacts when you see the cherry blossoms bloom?

From the bottom of my heart, “Wow, spring is coming soon …”

It’s the same every year.

Therefore, on the day when I drove under the row of cherry blossom trees, I couldn’t help but cry out with joy, whether I was alone or with someone.



Today, I read the news on the internet that the JAL / JTA Group delivered spring to 23 airports nationwide as soon as possible.


“The Japan Airlines (JAL) and Japan Transocean Air (JTA) groups shipped cut flowers of Okinawan Kanhi-zakura to 23 airports nationwide on the 21st. From Hokkaido to Kyushu, it will be exhibited at check-in counters and lounges at each airport to announce the arrival of spring, which is the earliest in Japan, and to appeal to warm Okinawa tourism even in winter. 』\


Speaking of cherry blossoms in Okinawa, it seems to refer to this Kanhi-zakura (Kanhi-zakura).

It is a subtropical cherry tree with a height of 10 meters, but it is relatively cold-resistant and seems to grow in the Kanto region.

In Okinawa, it is also called Hikanzakura (Hikanzakura), but it is often called Kanhizakura because it is confused with Higanzakura (Higanzakura) on the mainland.

It’s certainly a mess just to hear the name.

However, the pink color of Kanhi-zakura in Okinawa is darker than that of Yoshino cherry tree, and it is a bright cherry blossom color that is typical of Okinawa, so I think the difference is obvious in appearance.

The flowers have a clear color that suits the tropical country, and they give you energy.

Since it was delivered to airports all over Japan, the customers who came to the counter would feel a little warmer in the spring.


Even at the storefront of Fukosha, foliage plants are basking in the sun with bean dishes.

Little by little, the days are getting longer and spring is steadily approaching.

After a while after Setsubun, plums, peaches, cherry blossoms and flowers will be in full bloom one after another.

Now, I want to make a plan for cherry blossom viewing, where to go.

Do you have any recommended cherry blossom viewing spots?



(Staff M)














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

椿の花の頃の訪問者について(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古いもの買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Recently, if you go around for work, you will see camellia flowers. It’s sunny here in Nagoya again today. I found a camellia that was blooming in the blue sky in a corner of the city. I don’t hate the casual appearance of the trees, which seem to be completely familiar to the scenery of the city because of the roadside trees, and have bloomed before I knew it.

As usual, the observation of flowers has begun, and when you see them nearby, the flowers are very gorgeous. It’s a pity that it’s about to die and it’s about to fall, but the beauty of it in full bloom makes it a good place.


Origin is Japan, one of the beautiful flowering trees that represent Japan. Camellia is an evergreen tree. In Japan, there has been a culture of sacred evergreen plants for a long time. For example, pine is used as a gate pine for the New Year and is used as a yorishiro of the year god. It is also an indispensable tree for Shinto rituals. Since it is evergreen and lush even in winter, it is actively planted in shrines and temples, and although it may be a tree that dispels evil, it is often planted on the border of the house.


By the way, camellia is often said to be “sinister because it scatters like a neck falling”, but this is also a superstition. During the Edo period, the culture of enjoying gardening spread to the townspeople, and camellia also spread among the townspeople, but it is said that the samurai people who tried to prevent it spread such rumors. I think it was so attractive that I wanted to monopolize the camellia. However, even in modern times, it seems that the use of camellia in the name of a horse is avoided because it is associated with fallen horses.


Looking at such a camellia, I suddenly realized that Mr. N wouldn’t always appear at this time. Mr. N, that’s right, Mr. N, a piano tuner at my home, who always visits once a year.


I ask for it every year at this time, but for some reason I realized that it was this time for camellia. Mr. N, a tuner who visits once a year, asks you to tune your piano for more than a dozen years. What’s interesting? A person who works in tuning in France in summer and autumn and in Japan in winter and spring. I’m really looking forward to hearing about Mr. N’s French story every year, and Mr. N may be thinking, “Please forgive me,” but I’m sorry to say that I was caught by a curious aunt. , It is said that the story of root digging and leaf digging France is thrown in every year.


Under these circumstances, I couldn’t go abroad easily, so I wanted to hear about normal life that I couldn’t get into the news, so I laughed at the question the other day. (Excuse me.) If you talk about your favorite local areas in the vicinity, such as the fact that no one is masking Paris today, or France is good in the countryside, or Vermeer’s paintings, “You can see it in Japan as well.” But, no, I’m going to see the Netherlands when I go to Paris. ” The story unique to this resident is enviable and very enjoyable.


However, sometimes I also talk about the original piano.

The other day, I asked about the life of the piano. It seems that the life of an ordinary piano is at most 100 years, and German pianos (Steinway, Bechstein, etc.) are about 100 years, but for some reason French pianos (Pleyel (a long-established French piano that Chopin played) It is a prestigious brand, but it is not manufactured now), and it seems that it will last for more than 100 years. Apparently, it seems that a wooden craftsman started making pianos made in France, and Mr. N said that he was good at managing and preserving wood, processing and bonding techniques. I learned a lot.


And I use it for tuning work every year on my way home. I used it and praised it very much (the work using sewing needles is another face, staff Y). However, when I get here, I feel like a sewing child living in Paris. Well, this year’s tuning is over, dreaming of the French countryside that I’m sure I want to visit someday. Thank you, Mr. N, for this year as well.

I would like to wait for a year to look forward to the tuning of the piano and the story of France that will come next year when the camellia flowers.

By the way, why did Mr. N decide to go to work in France? By the way, I don’t know.


Well then, good luck.
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

おちょぼさんに行ってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)




























義隆の子孫 森八海(もりはちかい)がこの里を開墾し、




























Hello everyone. Staff M will post the shrine material as usual.

Right now, I’m addicted to visiting Inari-san, but the other day I came up with the idea.

That is “Chiyoho Inari Shrine” (Kaizu City, Gifu Prefecture), which is famous for its nickname “Ochobo-san”.


As many of you may know, Inari is a well-known god of business in the Tokai region.

Located in the fertile land between the Nagara and Kiso rivers, it is easily accessible from Aichi, Gifu and Mie prefectures, making it a great spot for many people to visit.

The way to visit is also unique, and a set of fried triangles and candles is sold for 50 yen next to the Chozuya, and many people buy it.

Probably because the fox of Inari’s family likes fried food.

However, these foxes are offered only fried foods, so they seem to be a little tired of it, and sometimes they want miki, or not.

When I came, it was about half and half of fried and miki.

And it was said that people who want to make a name should leave their business cards to Ochobo-san, and there was a place where they could put their business cards in front of the sacred hall, but this time I couldn’t find them.


The site of Chiyoho Inari Shrine is not so large, so if you visit the hall of worship or the sacred hall, the worship will end in a blink of an eye.

By the way, Ochobo doesn’t have a red stamp or amulet.

According to the shrine homepage

“Due to the ancient tradition, we do not award bills or amulets, nor do we record red stamps.

There is no ticket office in the precincts. 』\

There was. It may be a little different from other shrines.

By the way, I will quote the origin of Chiyoho Inari Shrine from the homepage.


“The history of Chiyoho Inari Shrine dates back to the Heian period, about 1,000 years ago.

Yoshitaka, the sixth son of Minamoto no Yoshiie, Taro Yawata
When he split his house, he was given the surname of Mori, and his ancestors, Reiji and Hoken,
He said, “Keep the portrait of Yoshiie for generations.”

After that, in the civilization year about 550 years ago,
Mori Hachikai, a descendant of Yoshitaka, reclaimed this village.
It was the beginning of the shrine that enshrined the ghosts transmitted from Yoshiie.

The company name is derived from the word “Keep in Chiyo”.
Nowadays, it is nicknamed Ochobo-san.

The god of worship is Omioya no Okami,
Inari Okami,
This is Mioyagami. 』\

So that’s it. Originally, this Ochobo-san was a shrine dedicated to ancestors built by the descendants of Minamoto no Yoshiie.

Inari Okami may have been enshrined there, hoping for a good harvest of the reclaimed land.

One day, Inari-san, who has a prosperous business, became more famous from the abundance of five grains, and now it has become a sanctuary for those who are doing business.

In any case, God is pleased that many people come to visit us.

I feel that the fact that there are many worshipers is also a proof that many of the shops have prospered since they came to visit.

After all, there is no doubt that it is a profitable spot.


However, there is another fun for Ochobo-san, which is to go around the shops that line the approach to the shrine.

There are many shops such as “Tamaya”, a kushikatsu shop famous for the president of Kinpika, a pickle shop, a greengrocer, a dried fish shop, a rice cake shop, a candy shop, and a potato shop. I will seduce the people who came.

I was hungry too, so when I noticed the smell of the Kushikatsu restaurant by knocking out, I was sitting in the store. (Lol)

Kushikatsu in Nagoya is definitely miso, but the freshly fried kushikatsu and “Dotemeshi”, which is also rich in hormones and stewed in red miso, are an inseparable set.

I’ve been married to Nagoya for over 20 years, and doteyaki is one of my standard dishes.

It’s a soul food that Aichi citizens love so much.

In addition to that, I lost the temptation of various shops, and while holding a number of handbags,

Ochobo-san’s worship walk ended happily.


There was a time when I was afraid to visit Inari, but when I started to visit

Feeling a lot of protection, mysteriously I want to go more and more.

Among the 80,000 shrines in Japan, Ukanomitama no Kami of Inari Shrine, which has 30,000 shrines, seems to be a god who warmly snuggles up to those who come to visit. I was happy to feel that.


Thank you for reading my story this time as well.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN









今後とも 古美術風光舎名古屋店をよろしくお願い申し上げます。















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

今日はカレーの日なんですって(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)





昭和初期の日本ではカレーは高級料理の一つで、めったに庶民の口には入らない特別なメニューでした。当時のレストランではイギリスのC&B社(Crosse & Blackwell)の高級カレー粉が主に使われていました。C&B社のカレー粉は高額にもかかわらず、圧倒的なシェアを誇っていたのです。その一方で、国産のカレー粉も販売されていましたが、「カレー粉はイギリス産」というイメージが強く、C&B社の3分の2という安い価格でも売れなかったようなんです。





















Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

Today January 22nd is “Curry Day / Curry Rice Day”.

On this day in 1982 (Showa 57), curry rice was served to about 8 million elementary and junior high school children nationwide to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the school lunch. In commemoration of that, it is said that this day was designated as “National Menu Curry Rice Day”. In addition, it seems that the All Japan Curry Industry Cooperative, which is a national organization of curry manufacturers, has set this day as “Curry Day”.

That “curry”.
The average number of times a Japanese person eats in a year is 73, and it can be said that curry is now a well-established national dish. However, it is surprising that curry became a national dish in Japan because of the food fraud case in the early Showa period.


Curry was one of the finest dishes in Japan in the early Showa period, and it was a special menu that was rarely eaten by the common people. At that time, restaurants mainly used high-quality curry powder from C & B (Crosse & Blackwell) in the United Kingdom. Despite the high price of C & B’s curry powder, it boasted an overwhelming share. On the other hand, domestic curry powder was also sold, but the image that “curry powder is made in the UK” is strong, and it seems that it could not be sold even at a low price of two-thirds of C & B.


However, in 1931 (Showa 6), a food fraud case was discovered in which a C & B can was packed with cheap domestic curry powder and sold, thinking that if a certain moonshine group looked the same, it wouldn’t come out. This incident was big news at the time, and the distribution of C & B’s curry powder stopped. Then the situation turned out to be unexpected.

When the cooks had no choice but to make curry with domestic curry powder, it became popular as “even domestically produced delicious”. Since that time, the technology of Japanese food manufacturers has been extremely high, and domestic curry powder made by imitating C & B’s curry powder has achieved a taste comparable to that of overseas products.


In the wake of the camouflage incident, domestic curry powder became known throughout Japan as “cheap and delicious.” From there, when it became possible to eat at a reasonable price, curry rice exploded in popularity and grew into a Japanese national dish. It seems that the reason why curry spread all over Japan was because the quality of domestic curry powder was recognized in the food fraud case.

Among the dinner menus at my home, the one that is often made to compete for the first and second place is “curry”. But actually, when I grew up, I started to feel that curry was delicious, but when I was little I didn’t really like it. The reason is that the day my mother went out for business was always curry. I used a pressure cooker to make it quickly, so I felt like it was a cut-out dish and I didn’t like it …

When I think about it now, my mother’s feelings are more outward than cutting corners, so maybe I didn’t like it because I felt like I didn’t have any affection in the curry. Or rather, I just missed the night without my mother, who is like the sun in my family.

Despite having such bittersweet memories, I also use curry for the menu on days when I have business or when I am busy. If you make it with a pressure cooker, it will be made in a blink of an eye, and even though it is not very elaborate, your family will be happy … (laughs). But in my case, there are days when the curry is insanely elaborate. In terms of percentage, curry with short-time cooking is 40%, while curry with time and effort is about 60%. (Isn’t it omission at a reasonable rate?)


As an adult, I became addicted to the deliciousness of Indian curry, so I started making naan by hand and making spice curry without using curry roux. If you are not satisfied with the taste, you may add a commercially available curry roux, but basically it is only spices. Even if you put vegetables in Indian curry, there is a rule that you can only put one or two kinds of vegetables, so if you want to eat a lot of vegetables, you can fried vegetables and put plenty on toppings.

Also, the spices are so versatile that the more you know, the more you get hooked. In the current language, it’s a guy who says, “Spice is really a swamp!” Once upon a time, it’s no wonder that the war broke out over spices, and if you use spices well, the food will be really delicious. The spices are so deep that I still don’t understand the beginning …

Today’s blog, which started from “Curry Day”, ended again with a personal story.

Thank you for your relationship.

(Staff M)















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

「HOUSE OF GUCCI」の様々なディティールがたまりませんね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古いもの買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It was very cold yesterday. Due to the cold weather these days, I tend to live indoors, and I’m worried about snow, so I can’t go to my favorite place for my hobby. I’m wondering if this is the case, but I can’t help it because it’s cold.

Well, the other day, I went to see a movie with my best friend who always tells me new information such as movies, literature, and entertainment. This work left a strong impression on me, so I would like to talk a little about it today.




Yes, you all know that Lady Gaga, who does not sing, is competing in the movie with a single performance, but other Academy actors are also Lady Gaga (2 nominated 1 award “Ali / Star”. Birth “’18), Jared Leto (1 award” Dallas Buyers Club “’13), Jeremy Irons (1 award” Reversal of Fate “’90), Al Pacino (9 nominations 1 award” St. of It is a work in which the actors of the brilliant Academy Awards and Oscar Awards such as “Woman / Dream Fragrance” ’92) play the people of the Gaga family who are collapsing.

Also, although not award-winning, Adam Driver (he played the role of Kylo Ren in the “Star Wars” series trilogy) and Salma Hayek have been nominated, so it’s a gorgeous cast. Also, it is later understood that Camille Cottin, the French actor who plays Paola Franchi, Maurizio’s second partner, shines aside without losing this acting battle.

It seems that I’m pretty misunderstood like a movie enthusiast when I say this kind of thing, but in fact, I’m watching a movie without any information on actors other than Gaga and Al Pacino. I was facing.


However, it was a work that conveys the seriousness of the impersonator, which would be quite reminiscent of this amateur, as if all the actors were actually like this. After that, I learned about the wonderful careers of the actors, so this is just a proof. Also, I sometimes saw pictures of actual Patrizi and Maurizio Gucci, but the way Gaga and Adam Driver got together was perfect, and this is what I came up with … lol.


By the way, the content of the work is spoiler, so I can not tell you in detail, but it is based on the true story under the supervision of GUCCI. In 1995, a major scandal occurred in which Maurizio Gucci, the grandson of the founder of a world-renowned fashion brand, was killed at the direction of his wife Patrizia. This work is a work that focuses on Patrizia who tried to control all of the brand, the “house turmoil” of the Gucci family from the 1970s when Maurizio and Patrizia met for about 20 years.


Also, as I mentioned at the beginning of this work, the actors are wonderful, but there are also many other points of interest, and the detailed behind-the-scenes of the huge brand is everywhere. In addition to dealing with batters (imitation products), the inner curtain of fashion shows, the commitment to leather unique to Gucci, how to use ultra-rare men’s shoes stored in museums, and Tom Hired as a designer Although it is a story that leads to a disappointing ending such as Ford’s bold idea, in the nostalgic scene era and the Showa generation where the clothes of Lady Gaga that change with each scene and the directly managed stores in NY are crowded with Japanese customers. Nostalgic, the culture is also reproduced, and it is fun to look for the details.


Also, the main stage of the work is Milan, Italy, but from the center of the city to the nature-rich lakeside, ranch, Newyork, Switzerland and other locations, and above all, the gorgeous GUCCI family, etc. It was a spectacular work in which the characteristics of director Ridley Scott called “List” are really perfect from the details to the images.


Well then, good luck.
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

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10:00-17:00 OPEN

大寒の候・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)































































Hello everyone.

Today, even though I was riding a bicycle, the wind was cold, and every time I waited for a traffic light, I was about to break my heart several times.

That should be it, when I looked into the calendar, it was “great cold” today.

It is about half a month that ends the end of winter in the 24th solar term, and is said to be the coldest time of the year.

Even in the news this morning, there was an image of an icefall with a frozen waterfall, and I was surprised at how cold it was when the flowing water froze.


However, it is said that the precious eggs laid on such a cold day are called “great cold eggs”.

It is said that when a child eats it, the body becomes stronger, and when an adult eats it, the fortune increases, and it is said to be auspicious.

Nowadays, chickens lay eggs all year round due to breeding, but in the past they did not lay eggs in the cold season.

Therefore, the eggs laid in the cold season are very valuable, and the eggs laid without losing the cold are believed to have nourishment and good luck, and it seems that they have come to be treated as a lucky charm.


There seems to be other good things to eat and drink during the cold season (from January 5th in the cold to February 2nd in the cold), so I looked it up.

First is “cold water”.

It seems that it has long been thought that the water drawn during the cold season has spiritual power.

During this coldest season of the year, the fertility of germs also declines, so if you have a well or spring water nearby where you can drink delicious water for free, you should get it.

And it seems that the preparation of miso, soy sauce, sake, etc., whose taste is significantly affected by water, is also done using this cold water.

The ones with the words “cold preparation” and “cold brewing” were prepared at this time.


Next are “Kanburi” and “Kan mackerel”.

Fish and shellfish in the cold season store nutrients for spawning from spring.

That’s why it gets fat and it tastes very good.

Cold yellowtail, cold mackerel, cold Spanish mackerel, cold clam, etc.

The other day, when I put mackerel on my table, my son, who hates fish, was impressed with “This is good. What is the taste of this fat …”.

It is a terrifying fish and shellfish in the cold season that attracts even those who dislike it!


At this time of year, “Komatsuna”, which is also a seasonal vegetable, is one.

Komatsuna is strong against the cold and becomes sweeter after frost, and the leaves become softer.

It is a green-yellow vegetable that is rich in vitamins and minerals as well as nutrients, including β-carotene, which has high immunity, and vitamin A, which protects the respiratory system of the throat and lungs.

It’s a very good food to build a body that can withstand colds and corona.


Speaking of vegetables, “mizuna” is one of them.

Originally, it is a season when it is very cold as a vegetable that is strong in winter.

It is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for the prevention of colds and recovery from fatigue.

It also contains a lot of nutrients such as potassium and calcium that help bone formation.


There is “kumquat” in fruits.

It seems that open-air objects are on the market at this time of year, and even if you walk on a walk, you will feel very rich when you see the kumquat trees that bear fruit like bells.

It is the skin that is rich in nutrients, and seems to be rich in vitamin C.

As you know, it also has a cough-preventing effect, and the old kumquat throat lozenge is famous.

At this time of year, someone will boil the kumquat sweetly, which is one of the pleasures.

By the way, I heard that it takes a lot of time to make.

You make a cut, take the seeds, and then boil.

It’s a moment to eat, so I’m really sorry …


In this way, I tried to find out that it is good to eat such things in “Dahan”.

I think it’s important not only to eat food, but also to spend time in a way that suits the season, in the sense that you can spend your time without overdoing it.

Also, I would like to cherish the old wisdom of not eating summer vegetables that cool the body in the cold season and eating digestible foods in the winter when the gastrointestinal function is slow. ..




When the “great cold” is over, the beginning of spring, “Lichun”, will be reached.

In order to welcome the spring comfortably, I decided to continue to do what I can do now.


Thank you for reading.


(Staff M)















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444


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愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


