愛知県陶磁美術館がリニューアルオープンします。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
現在残っているのは口を閉じた吽型の一体のみでして、陶製としては大型で、高さ 51 cm、幅 24 × 39 cm あり、へらの痕は鋭く、たて髪は櫛目を使って描かれています。全体に淡黄緑色の灰釉が施されており、前脚が江戸時代の神社火災で損失し木で補修されているようです。大正2 年(1913)に国宝に指定され、昭和 25 年(1950)文化財保護法制定では重要文化財(工芸品)に指定されました。
そんな瀬戸のやきものの祖 加藤四郎左衛門景正(通称:藤四郎)が発見した祖母懐の地(瀬戸市内)では、現在も200体以上の陶製の狛犬を見ることができるそうでして、愛知県に陶製の狛犬が多いのは納得ですね。
It’s not yesterday’s cherry blossoms, but it’s getting warmer and some of you may be starting to soar. I was one of those people who was looking forward to going out somewhere this spring.
I was one of those people, myself, when I learned that on April 1, the long-closed Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramics will reopen this spring after a year and nine months of repair work.
The Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramics was designed by Yoshiro Taniguchi, a master of Showa Modernism architecture, and I am curious to see how the building has changed its appearance after a year and nine months of repair work. The renovations include earthquake-resistant ceiling repair work, floor and wall repairs in the exhibition rooms and other viewing areas, and the installation of LED lighting. In addition, new display cases were installed in the exhibition rooms, and washbasins created by ceramic artists from Seto and Tokoname were installed in the restrooms in the lobby on the first floor of the main building to create a more comfortable environment for visitors. I have heard some advance information about this and other things, but the weather is nice, so I think I’ll go visit.
Personally, I am interested in the notice of the exhibition of the ceramic guardian dog collection. Although not at the Shirogama Shrine’s Hakuryu Shrine the other day, I sometimes see these ceramic komainu in Aichi Prefecture. (Actually, I did not know about ceramic komainu until I came to Aichi Prefecture.)
One of the most famous ceramic komainu is the ceramic guardian dog that is the sacred treasure of Fukagawa Shrine in Tokyo. According to the legend of Fukagawa Shrine, Shirozaemon Kato Keisho (a.k.a. Fujishiro), the founder of Seto pottery, visited the shrine and received a divine revelation about the discovery of clay in his grandmother’s bosom (in present-day Seto City). It is said that he was so grateful that he dedicated a ceramic guardian dog to the god. After the dedication, it became customary for potters to dedicate ceramic guardian dogs to the shrine.
The only one remaining today is a closed-mouthed Un-gata, which is large for a ceramic piece, 51 cm tall and 24 x 39 cm wide, with sharp spatula marks and a mane of hair painted with a comb pattern. The entire piece is covered with a light yellowish-green ash glaze, and the front legs appear to have been repaired with wood that was lost in a shrine fire during the Edo period. It was designated as a national treasure in 1913 and as an important cultural property (craftwork) in 1950 when the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties was enacted.
In the grandmother’s bosom (in Seto City), where Shirozaemon Kagemasa Kato (a.k.a. Fujishiro), the founder of Seto pottery, discovered the pottery, more than 200 ceramic guardian dogs can still be seen today, which explains why there are so many ceramic guardian dogs in Aichi Prefecture.
With the reopening of the museum, the ceramic komainu in the collection of the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramic Art will be newly exhibited, so I must go and see them… I thought to myself as I looked at the museum’s website.
I must go and see them…” I muttered to myself as I looked at the museum’s website. (Staff Y)
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN