5月, 2024 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




【贈答品買取】名古屋市名東区のお客様より買取致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)
























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





本日は「天下五剣」について(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






































































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I noticed that the hydrangeas on the side of the roads and at the entrance of houses are getting ready to bloom, and some of them are already in bloom. It feels like the season is changing at a blinding speed and we are finally moving into the hot season. I feel like saying, “Wait a little longer…” However, I am looking forward to this season when my favorite hydrangea blooms in various places with various flowers.


Now, I have been talking about swords since the other day, and I would like to continue tweeting about swords, so please bear with me for a while.


By the way, did you know that among cultural properties classified as national treasures, swords (Japanese swords) are the most numerous (about half) (Tachi, Otachi, Daitachi, Tanto, etc…)? (Swords, spears, and naginata are also included in a broad sense.) There are 14 swords that are called “Meimono,” or swords with a unique name (No.). Meimono swords are often referred to by both the name (No.) and the swordsmith’s name (inscription). For example, a sword with the inscription “Mikazuki (No.) + Munechika (inscription)” is called in this way.


The swordsmiths who make (forge) Japanese swords are classified into schools or schools of swordsmanship according to region and characteristics. The most famous swordsmiths are “Antsuna”, “Munemitsu”, “Raikokumitsu”, “Yoshimitsu”, “Nagamitsu”, “Kunishige”, “Saumonji”, “Kanesada”, “Muramasa”, “Hizen-no-Kuni Chukichi”, “Masamune”, “Toratoru”, “Teiji” and “Mitsuyo”.


Among these, there are five swords known as “Tenka Goken,” which some of you may know as the most famous swords in Japan. The five swords are Mikazuki, Dojikiri, and Odonta, three of which are designated as national treasures, Onimaru, a Gomotsu sword, and Sujumaru, an important cultural property. All five swords are classified as “Tachi” in the Japanese sword classification. (*“Gomotsu” refers to items owned by the Imperial Household and held by the Imperial Household Agency.)

There are various theories, but it is said that the term “five swords under heaven” was already in use during the Muromachi period (1333-1573), and it was only after the Meiji period (1868-1912) that the term was fully established. In the Muromachi period, it is said that the swords were already considered valuable and valued.


Let me briefly explain the details of the Five Swords of Heaven.


Dojigiri Yasutsuna

Dojigiri Yasutsuna is a national treasure owned by the Tokyo National Museum and was made by Ohara Yasutsuna, a swordsmith of the Heian period. It is a national treasure owned by the Tokyo National Museum. Along with the Ookanehira, a famous sword said to have been made in the late Heian period (794-1185), it is praised as the “double grand champion of the East and West” of Japanese swords, with a blade length of about 80 cm and a warp of 2.7 cm, and is famous as a sword with “amazing cutting ability.

The blade is so sharp that there is an anecdote that “Machida Chotao,” a master of test cutting, cut off the bodies of six criminals with a single swing of the “Dojikiri” and the blade even cut into the foundation below, which is a bit scary.


Speaking of the Dojikiri Yasutsuna, legend has it that “Minamoto no Yorimitsu,” a military commander in the mid-Heian period, cut off the head of “Shuten Doji,” a very vicious demon who lived in Oeyama in Tamba Province and annoyed people. It is said that the name “Dojikiri” was given to the sword because of this legend, and so legendary episodes can become the name of a sword in this way. Dojikiri-Yasutsuna is exhibited at the Tokyo National Museum about once a year.

2. Onimaru Kunitsuna

Onimaru Kunitsuna is a tachi sword made by Awataguchi Kunitsuna, a swordsmith of the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and is the only one of the Five Swords of Japan owned by the Imperial Family. The Awataguchi clan is famous for having produced many famous swords, including Onimaru. Onimaru Kunitsuna is a sword with a blade length of approximately 78 cm and a warp of approximately 3.2 cm, and is known as a treasured sword of the Hojo family. The name “Onimaru” is derived from an old legend that the fifth regent of the Kamakura Shogunate, “Hojo Tokiyori,” was tormented by a nightmare of a demon, which he dispelled by holding this sword in his hand, which is also the name of a legendary episode.
Therefore, not a few people have an image of Onimaru Kunitsuna as “the sword of the devil cutter”. There is also a legend that even Toyotomi Hideyoshi, an unparalleled lover of Japanese swords, avoided owning this sword because the owners of this sword abhorred the bad luck of having been defeated in battle.


Due to its nature as a “goimono,” Onimaru Kunitsuna is the only one of the Five Swords of Japan that has not been designated as a “national treasure” or “important cultural property. Because of the limited opportunities to exhibit the sword to the general public, photographs of the sword in books and other publications are limited to those taken on the rare occasions when they are available.



3. Mikazuki Munechika

Mikazuki Munechika is a tachi sword made by the Heian-period swordsmith Sanjo Munechika, and is a National Treasure owned by the Tokyo National Museum. Sanjo Munechika lived in Sanjo, Kyoto in the Yamashiro Province, and is known as a master swordsmith of the late Heian Period.


This graceful sword has been described as “the most beautiful” among the five swords under heaven, and it continues to be called “a masterpiece among masterpieces.
Many people who are not familiar with swords are familiar with “Mikazuki.


The name “Mikazuki” is derived from the crescent-shaped pattern on the blade. It is said to have been a treasure of the Ashikaga family, but it is also known to have been handed down to the Tokugawa shoguns for a long time, and Mikazuki Munechika is exhibited at the Tokyo National Museum about once a year.



4. Mitsuyo Oodenta

Oodenta Mitsuyo is a tachi sword made by the Heian-period swordsmith Miike Denta Mitsuyo, and is a national treasure owned by the Maeda Ikutoku-kai, a public interest incorporated foundation located in Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Originally a treasured sword handed down to the Ashikaga shoguns, it passed through the hands of Toyotomi Hideyoshi to the Maeda Toshiie family and has been protected by the Maeda family for generations to the present day. With a blade length of approximately 66 cm and a warp of approximately 2.7 cm, this sword is characterized by a shorter blade and a wider body width compared to other swords.


The name “Odonta” comes from the fact that there were two swords in the Maeda family collection, one long and one short, both made by “Nenta Mitsuyo,” and the longer one was simply called “Odonta. It is also known as a sacred sword that can protect against illness and demons. Legend has it that it cured Hideyoshi’s adopted daughter “Gohime” of illness and repelled demons at Fushimi Castle.




5. Suzumaru Tsunetsugu

Juzumaru Tsunesugu is a sword made by Aoe Tsunesugu, a swordsmith of the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and is a National Important Cultural Property owned by Honko-ji Temple in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is said to have belonged to Nichiren, a monk of the Kamakura period and founder of Nichiren Buddhism, and was given to him by his followers for protection when he was exiled to Mount Minobu.


It is a well-known story that Nichiren wrapped beads around the handle of this sword and used it not as a weapon but as a protective sword to ward off evil. It is said that the name “Sujumaru” is derived from this episode. With a blade length of 81 cm and a warp of about 3 cm, it is the longest sword among the Five Swords of Heaven.


After Nichiren’s death, the whereabouts of Suzumaru Tsunetsugu were unknown for a long time, but Shozo Sugihara, a sword researcher from the Ministry of the Imperial Household, found Suzumaru in an auction held by a noble family.
He offered to return it to “Minobu-san Kuon-ji Temple,” a temple associated with Nichiren, but the temple refused his offer because the authenticity of the sword was not certain.
Shozo Sugihara had no choice but to consult with Honko-ji Temple, a Nichiren Shu temple near his home at the time. As a result, it has been dedicated to Honko-ji Temple to this day.




Well, I would love to see it…. I would like to mutter, “I would love to see them,” but in fact, I was able to see Dojigiri Yasutsuna and Mikazuki Munechika at the “National Treasure Exhibition” at the Tokyo National Museum two years ago, and how did I feel in front of the famous swords?


I remember how I felt in front of the swords, especially the way they were displayed. I first looked at the overall shape without thinking, and then I looked at the scenery of the blade and felt as if I was being pulled into the scenery.


In particular, when I looked at the crescent moon on the blade of Mikazuki Munechika, I was sure that I saw a crescent moon floating in a night scene of light black ink in the blade. Although I am a novice, I was impressed by the crescent moon floating in the light-ink nightscape. I was impressed. I was also excited to think that famous warriors were also drawn to the edge of the blade and the scenery, as I explained earlier. The brightness of the blade is still burned vividly in my memory, so I guess this is how people become swamped with swords.



So long, and have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

噂のピカソ「青の時代」の絵を確かめてきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I visited the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art to see the Costume Jewelry exhibition. It is the Picasso painting that was the talk of the town last year.


Pablo Picasso “Woman with Blue Shoulders” (1902) oil on canvas


Did you know that a new discovery has been reported in this oil painting by Pablo Picasso, which is in the collection of the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art? One of the works from the “Blue Period,” “Woman with Blue Shoulders,” has been found to have another figure painted underneath it.


The reason for this discovery seems to have started from the discovery of the “Blue Period,” a period of his works.


Picasso was born in 1881 in southern Spain and worked in France. His career and works need no explanation, but he is a master artist who created “Cubism,” an artistic expression that can be called a “revolution in plastic arts,” and continued to open up new horizons in the art of painting while changing his style until his death at the age of 91.

He painted “Woman with Blue Shoulders” at the young age of 20, before Picasso advocated “Cubism. I had thought that he had painted works like his masterpiece “Guernica” from the beginning, but I was surprised to see that he had once painted a picture in which we can read the expression on the artist’s face.


He was shocked by the suicide of his close friend, Cashemas, and began to focus on the themes of “life and death” and “poverty” at that time. He was shocked by the suicide of his close friend, Cashemas, and began to focus on such themes as “life and death” and “poverty. He used the color blue as an expression of this, and his works, which were full of sorrow and sadness, became known as the “Blue Period.


In fact, recent investigations have reported several cases in which other paintings have emerged from the lower layers of the “Blue Age” works. The Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art had been expecting that there might be another painting underneath this one, and in 2014, we began a full-scale investigation of this work.

The reason why there are so many such cases is that the “Blue and Blue Period” was a time of poverty, and Picasso was a young artist and not a successful one at the time, so he had a lot of unsold works left on his hands. He had no money, so he “reused” some of his old paintings by painting over them and creating new paintings on top of them. Today, it has been discovered and several reports have been made.


With such expectations, I have conducted various optical investigations of this painting for four years until 2018, including infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray transmission, and fluorescent X-ray, but no clear image appeared and no significant results were obtained. The results were so frustrating that we could not say “yes” or “no” to the question of whether there was something there…! It seemed that they could not make up their minds to “find it”.


In 2023, they embarked on their final research. The National Gallery of Art has recently been conducting a survey using a hyperspectral camera, which is capable of taking images by dividing light into smaller pieces according to wavelengths. The National Gallery of Art has recently conducted a survey using a hyperspectral camera, which is capable of taking images by dividing light into different wavelengths.


This research has produced remarkable results in the analysis of the “Blue Age” works. With the feeling of “If this doesn’t work, we’ll give up,” the “hyperspectral camera” photography will be conducted last May.

After a detailed data analysis, the image finally appeared.


When the image was examined closely, a figure with its head bent and slumped over emerged, completely different from the painting on the surface.





Since there are also lines that appear to depict arms and legs, there seems to be no doubt that this painting was also done by Picasso, but at this point, “we cannot be 100% sure,” according to the curator, and since no signature can be confirmed from the painting below, Soeda focused on the similarity with another Picasso painting from the same period. So, curator Soeda has focused on the similarity with other Picasso paintings of the same period.

As an example, he cited a work called “Soup,” which is representative of the “Blue Period. In “Soup,” the woman is curving her back and turning her head downwards, which is very similar to the lines of the figure found in the present painting. Since there are many other figures of similar composition in Picasso’s works of the same period, it does not seem unnatural, and I think it may be some kind of preparatory sketch that Picasso painted. He said.


Another interesting point of this discovery is that the “back” of the figure, which is bent significantly, seems to match the “head” line of the “Woman with Blue Shoulders,” which was eventually painted. It seems to coincide with the line of the “head” of the “Woman with Blue Shoulders,” which is ultimately painted in the present work, and I realized that Picasso used a part of the outline of the lower painting to paint the “Woman with Blue Shoulders” above it.

Perhaps Picasso “reused” some of the lines of the lower painting after he painted it, or perhaps he was inspired by the lines to create a new form.


We do not know exactly how Picasso painted at that time, but it was a very interesting discovery that gave us a glimpse of his creative process. I looked into the picture for a while with such a thought in my mind, but I couldn’t see the picture below. With a little imagination, I tried to superimpose the bottom picture on the top picture in my mind. Yes, I think I saw it.


Have a good day.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN

【掛軸・版画・書籍買取】千種区のお客様より買取致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























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10:00-18:00 OPEN


細部まで六角形にこだわった急須です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















月落ち烏啼いて 霜天に満つ

江楓漁火 愁眠に対す

姑蘇城外 寒山寺

夜半の鐘声 客船に到る





















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today is a beautiful sunny day with low humidity, making it a pleasant day to walk outside. At Fumikosha, we have opened the doors and windows to let in plenty of fresh air. I wish this sunny day would continue, but I guess that is not going to happen.


A Chinese teapot has joined our store. The shape is hexagonal and has a sense of stability, but it is also cute. If you look closely, you can see that the handle, spout, and even the knob are hexagonal.

On the side, a Chinese poem by Zhang Ji is written, and on the other side, a landscape is drawn.


I was curious to know what was written on it, so I looked it up.


Maple bridge stays the night

The moon is falling, crows are singing, and the frosty sky is full

Fishing fire of Jiangfeng, against the melancholy sleep

Outside of Gusu City, Cold Mountain Temple

The sound of bells at midnight, arriving at the passenger boat


The moon was setting, crows were crying, the sky was full of frost, and it was getting cold.

Fishing fires dotted among the maple trees along the riverbank, and my eyes were dazed and sleepless from the longing for the journey.

The poem was written when he was ordered to work as a local official in the south, and seems to express his sad feelings.


It is said that the more a Chinese teapot is used, the more lustrous it becomes. As the tea soaks into the clay, it tastes better and the surface becomes shiny. It is fun to cultivate the teapot.


In China, kyusu is also called “chafu” (tea pot), and other tea utensils include chahai (tea cup), chakai (tea sea), and chaban (tea board). When all of these items are arranged together, the atmosphere of a tea party becomes more festive.

As the etiquette is not as detailed as the Japanese tea ceremony, it is easy to enjoy the tea ceremony.

Personally, I like the fact that you are allowed to pour hot water into the tea pot so generously that it overflows and spill it boldly on the tea board. Can you spill it so boldly? I don’t think there are many opportunities to do so.


The other day, my stomach was upset after a greasy meal, and I desperately searched for Chinese tea. I found some pu-erh tea that I had received as a gift and drank it for the first time in a long time. I had a friend who said that pu-erh tea is good for dieting, and it certainly seems to work.

It has a unique flavor that some people don’t like, but I recommend it after grilled meat.


I will see you next time.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN

今で言う人気の「フォント」ということでしょうか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.
Today is a rainy day. The first typhoon of the year has hit the area, and it looks like there are some areas with warning-level rain today. Please watch your step when you go out.
The typhoons are named in the order of their occurrence, with 140 names proposed in advance by member countries of the Typhoon Committee, an international organization.
The name of typhoon No. 1, “Ewiniha,” was proposed by Micronesia and is taken from a traditional word in the Chuuk Islands meaning “god of storms.

Yesterday was “Hyakunin Isshu Day” in reference to the completion of “Ogura Hyakunin Isshu” by Fujiwara Teika, as I tweeted here the other day.
It is said that “Ogura Hyakunin Isshu” was completed in the 13th century, and it is wonderful that it is still around us as a part of Japanese culture nearly 800 years later.

The Hyakunin Isshu continues to be loved as “karuta” even today.
The Ogura Hyakunin Isshu is thought to be a collection of excellent poems selected by Fujiwara no Teika, a court noble, at the request of Utsunomiya no Yoritsuna (Renjo), a son of Teika and Tameie of Alexandria, who selected one poem each by 100 poets from Emperor Tenchi to Juntokuin and wrote them on 100 pieces of colored paper at Saga Ogura villa.

The poems are arranged in chronological order, and all were selected from the imperial anthologies 1 to 10, of which 94 are from the Yatsushiroshu. The largest number of poems, 24, are from the Kokinshu, and the largest number of love poems, 43, are from the Yatsushiroshu. The largest number of love poems, 43, are from the “Kokinshu. The number of authors is 79 males and 21 females.

Among the characters in the historical drama “To the Luminous Kimi,” which is being broadcast right now, there are eight people who were chosen for the Hyakunin Isshu, including Murasaki Shikibu, Sei Shonagon, Fujiwara no Kouto, and Akazome Emon. I have become familiar with the name “Mahiro” from the TV drama “Mahiro,” but when will she appear as “Murasaki Shikibu”?

I digress. Fujiwara Teika, who compiled the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, was said to have been evaluated at the time that his handwriting was accurate and quick, but that he was not a good writer.
He did not think his distinctive style of calligraphy, called “Teika-sama,” was very good. This style of calligraphy became popular from the Muromachi period (1333-1573) to the Edo period (1603-1867). It seems to have moved to a familiar and tasteful brushstroke for the people of the time, and it is said that Tokugawa Ieyasu and others also used it, so it must have been a popular “font” as we know it today.


The charm of “Teika-sama” is that each character is clear and imposing. Many of the old typefaces are written in a series of unbroken kana or gyosho, but there are few examples of this kana renga. It is said that Fujiwara no Sadaie started using these characters for ease of reading and copying.
If this is the case, it may mean that he was thinking of those who would read his handwriting later on.

See you soon.














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10:00-18:00 OPEN

シルバーのジュエリーが似合う季節です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

When I see dogwood blossoms, I remember the time when I started working at Fuhkosha exactly one year ago. I am still going off on tangents as I write this blog.


I have been curious about this silver case for a long time. It was presented to Mr. Taizo Ishizaka, a Japanese businessman, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs before the war. I have been looking at it with great interest because I can hold it in my hand, although it had been placed somewhere in the world far away from me.


It must have shone brightly in the past, but it has acquired an austere taste over the years.

Silver has a long history, dating back to around 3000 BC, and gold and silver jewelry has been excavated from tombs and other burial sites. In ancient times, silver was thought to be rarer than gold. This is believed to be because gold is found in the form of “natural gold,” while silver is more often found as “ore” than as natural silver, making it more difficult to extract. It is said that silver was 2.5 times more valuable than gold, and in medieval Europe, silver was sometimes plated over gold. It is hard to imagine nowadays. However, after the development of silver refining technology, silver production increased dramatically and the value of gold and silver reversed.


The Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine in Japan was discovered during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and it is said that it was developed as a silver mine in 1526. Production increased with the introduction of the haifuki method from the Korean Peninsula, and blossomed during the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1600), and was directly controlled by the shogunate during the Edo period (1603-1867). At this time, one-third of the world’s silver was produced in Japan. Marco Polo famously wrote that Japan was “Zipangu, the land of gold” in his travelogue “The Book of Marco Polo,” but silver was also abundant in Japan.


Many people will probably be wearing cool silver jewelry in the coming summer months. I also feel like I unconsciously pick up silver when it gets hotter. It seems that silver products and silver jewelry are made of 95% or 92.5% pure silver. Although 100% purity seems to be better, it tarnishes easily and is too flexible to be deformed. Therefore, silver was mixed with copper and other metals to make it easier to handle and to make a variety of products.


In the 17th century, silver products became popular in Europe, and silver tableware was used by the upper classes for meals. Research shows that in France, people ate with their hands until the custom of using cutlery was introduced in the 16th century. Hand-held? Were there no hot dishes or soups? I was a little curious and looked up the culture of chopsticks in Japan. It is said that the culture of chopsticks was introduced from China around the Asuka period. Chopsticks are a simple and rational tool that allows you to eat with only two thin sticks.

This is a digression, but it is said that the reason why European royalty and wealthy people used silver tableware was because silver easily undergoes chemical changes and it is easy to detect when food has been poisoned. Even in China, emperors used to eat with “silver chopsticks. It is a bit of a dangerous story, but it is a fact that people in high positions always have to worry about such things while using beautiful and shining silverware.

As a person who can enjoy a meal in good humor, I feel sorry for them.


I will see you next time.

















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ビタミンカラーで元気になれそうです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It’s another beautiful day here in Nagoya. As I walk outside, I notice that the azaleas and dogwoods are almost finished and the streets are filled with bright, lovely yellow flowers instead.

These flowers are called “Japanese buttercups. I don’t think I used to see many of these flowers in the past, but I see many of them on main roads and sidewalks, and their yellow flowers look good in the sunlight as summer approaches.


Speaking of yellow flowers, Van Gogh is known for his “sunflowers.

In 1987, Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance (now Sompo Japan Insurance) won the bid for “Sunflowers” at Christie’s for a staggering 5.3 billion yen, a sum that stunned the world.


It is said that Van Gogh painted this painting to hang in his “Yellow House” in Arles, southern France. Van Gogh’s original idea was to paint 12 pictures of 12 sunflowers in a vase, which is the number of Christ’s disciples and the number of artists he intended to invite to Arles.

Van Gogh’s vision was to create a community in Arles where he could live together with his fellow painters and become financially independent. It is said that “sunflowers” symbolized the sun and utopia (community) for Van Gogh.

Of the painters he invited to live together in Arles, Gauguin was the only one who actually came to Arles. In the end, however, his life with Gauguin fell apart after only two months. Two years later, he ended his life by his own hand.


Currently, there are a total of six of Van Gogh’s masterpieces, “Sunflowers” painted with a vase of flowers. Surprisingly, there are so many.

Actually, seven were produced; one was privately owned by a Japanese national, but was destroyed in an air raid in 1945.

The most famous is the Sunflowers in a Vase, but there are also four earlier paintings of different compositions, known as Sunflowers in Paris. The existence of Sunflowers of Paris was unknown until 1889, when it was mentioned in a correspondence with Gauguin.



The bright yellow and orange flowers are called “vitamin colors,” and are known for their energizing qualities.

It is said that colors have a mysterious power to heal people’s hearts. It is said that colors can express the depths of the psyche that cannot be expressed in words.

It is said that mental care and color therapy using colors originated in ancient Egypt, and color therapy has been attracting attention in recent years as it has been adopted in facilities for the elderly and in childcare settings.

With summer approaching, colorful clothes are beginning to appear on the shelves. It is easy to assume that such colors do not suit me, but I would like to try to find colors that suit me through a personal color diagnosis. Whether it is clothes or a car, if you choose exciting colors without hesitation, your life may become more enjoyable.

See you soon.















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