
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN
Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
It has been raining in Nagoya since this morning. It was a chilly start to the consecutive holidays.
How was your holiday weekend? Were you able to refresh yourselves?
For those of you who will be working or going to school from today, it may be difficult to get back to normal mode after the vacations, but let’s do our best together!
Well, during this consecutive holidays, I was facing my “parents’ home” with a heavy heart. For those of you who have also cleaned out your parents’ home, I take the liberty of thinking of you as my comrades.
For me, my parents’ house was unfortunately uncomfortable, “I don’t feel at home even if I stay there,” “The only time I come up and sit in the house is during Obon and New Year’s,” and I didn’t think it was a place I would come back to in the future.
Although I had my own thoughts about my mother’s inability to get rid of things, I think I had always thought that my parents’ life belonged to them and I was left to my own devices.
However, a few years ago, my mother became ill and I was forced to move back home. There I saw the reality of my parents’ lifestyle. It was the moment when I thought, “This is not good enough.
Today, I would like to write about what I realized when I faced the task of cleaning up my parents’ house, so please bear with me if you like.
I started by getting rid of my belongings that had been left behind, and then I began to clean up the areas around the water that I was not allowed to touch with my bare hands, little by little, and really, really slowly.
However, as I was doing it, I started to feel that “I don’t want to do it, but I’m doing it for them”.
I often got into a bad mood with my mother, who didn’t want me to do it, but felt that I was making her do it for me.
I guess my mother thought that because it was her house, if I tried to clean it up, she would be the one to move it, and she felt that I was giving her a hard time even though I didn’t want to clean it up. She didn’t like the idea of moving things around, getting rid of things, etc., and her mood became extremely bad. However, if I cleaned the room and it became clean and tidy, he would honestly say thank you.
I started with cleaning and gradually won my mother’s trust, and gradually got rid of a lot of things, including dishes…. Then I got into a bad habit. I suggested, “If you’re going to do that work anyway, why don’t you clean out the other inefficient storage space as well? I suggested, “If you’re going to do that, why don’t you clean up all the other inefficient storage space as well?
For example, my mother had to bend down to get a change of clothes from the bottom drawer of the wardrobe every day, and my parents’ clothes were somehow separated into several different places, and I thought it would be possible to make the flow a little less complicated.
It was at this point that I learned an important lesson in cleaning out my parents’ home. For my aging parents, “throw away, move, or reduce” is not a word.
I realized that the key is how to make the house meet their needs. No matter how much you think you are doing something for your parents, for them it is often just a thankless inconvenience. It was necessary to explain only the benefits of cleaning up the mess, and to emphasize that it was only I who would make the move.
Therefore, I said to my parents, “Let’s improve the troubled area together at this time, what do you have?” I asked them in the kindest tone I could muster,
They replied, “Nothing! I was told, “Nothing!
There is a certain timing for each individual when it comes to tidying up, and if you work hard at a time when you don’t, you will end up spinning out of control.
I think that if you look at it objectively, even if you know that it would be better to do it this way, if you do it as a matter of course every day, you become numb to the difficulty. I don’t notice the discomfort, and if anything, I guess sometimes the stress of the change in environment is greater. For my parents, it wasn’t now….
And so far, this was a few years ago, and now we are going to face another challenge…
This is a long story, so I will continue next time.