


うぐいすのさえずりに癒されています(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Finally, we are in the middle of GW. It is a nice rest day for those who are raising children.

I have just realized that today is the end of April, and the calendar will change tomorrow, but I feel as if April has passed as quickly as light. Thankfully, we have received many inquiries and it has been a hectic month, but we are very happy that you have chosen us out of all the stores, and it has encouraged us in our daily work.



Recently, when I come to work, I am soothed by the beautiful singing of the Japanese bush warbler, Uguisu.

When I hear them chirping “Ho ho ho kekyo,” I feel that spring has come. The Japanese nightingale is also known as the “spring-breaking bird.

In spring, they chirp “Ho ho ho kekyo” to tell us that spring has come. If you ask me, you won’t hear them singing “Ho ho ho kekyo” anytime around the time it gets hot.


It is said that there are three kinds of calls of the Japanese nightingale, and only males in the breeding season sing “ho ho ho kekyo.

The “ho ho kekyo” call of the male Japanese bush warbler is called a chirp, and is used to call females to their territory, and at the same time, it is meant to assert to other males that “this is my territory.

Generally speaking, the warbler’s breeding season is from February and March to mid-July, so they do not make the “hohokekyo” call at other times of the year.


When the temperature rises and the weather gets warmer, the song goes “Ho ho ho kekyo,” signaling the arrival of spring.

The first cry of the Japanese bush warbler is still observed nationwide by the Japan Meteorological Agency as part of its seasonal biological observation, just like the blooming dates of the plum and cherry trees. The Japanese bush warbler’s “hohokekyo” call is literally “one indicator of the arrival of spring in Japan.


The Japanese bush warbler is a monogamous bird, and since more than 90% of birds are said to be monogamous, it is in the minority. The male’s appeal does not end when he becomes a couple with one female, but he has as many as five or six wives, so he has to stay that way for a long time.


Have you ever actually seen such a Japanese nightingale?

Uguisus are grayish-brown all over and apparently difficult to spot easily. The dull yellowish-green color is called “igusu-iro,” which seems to have been introduced in ancient times due to confusion with the white-eyes. The size of the Japanese nightingale is about the same as a sparrow (14-15 cm), but its body shape is thinner than that of a sparrow, making it look a bit smaller.

Males are much larger than females, and it is difficult to tell them apart with the naked eye. It is difficult to tell them apart with the naked eye, but they are characterized by the white lines over their eyes.


Although the igusu is a representative of the “heard but not seen” type of bird, I am sure that they are somewhere in the nearby Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, so I will stop to look for them when I hear them.


So I will stop and look for them when I hear their voices.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



連休、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


How is everyone doing in the middle of the consecutive holidays? I hope you are enjoying this pleasant time of year. I am working today, but I am sure that many of you are working during the holidays.


Except for those with children, there are some adults who are taking their holidays at different times. It seems that the feeling of “I have to take a holiday here! I feel that the feeling of “I have to take a holiday here!


By the way, I have heard that people in the past did not have vacations except for special occasions. I was interested to learn more about the working styles of samurai in the Edo period (1603-1868), so please bear with me for a moment.


For example, a samurai working at Edo Castle. Low-ranking samurai engaged in guarding and miscellaneous duties had a “three-day shift,” meaning that they worked two days and had the next day off (two days on duty and one day off duty). In the case of castle guards in the Choshu domain, there were also cases where one day was night shift and two days off.


However, since the salaries of lower-ranked samurai were low, they could not make a very good living with that, so they worked inside jobs such as making baskets and colanders and stretching umbrellas. In other words, they spent much of their time working even on their days off. In a sense, it is like today’s companies that allow side jobs.

In a sense, it is like today’s companies that allow people to work on the side. By the way, what kind of work style did senior samurai have?


The highest position in the Edo Shogunate, the Ranchu, was selected from among the feudal lords of the Edo period, and the number of Ranchu was limited to four to five. The post was assigned to one person each month on a monthly basis. The Ranchu arrived at Edo Castle at 10:00 a.m. and left at 2:00 p.m., which means that he was on duty for about four hours. Nevertheless, he was quite busy, not only with the work of the old man’s post but also with his duties as a feudal lord. It seems that he was like a company executive who holds several positions.


The Edo shogunate had a system in which the magistrate for temples and shrines had a maximum of about 4 people, and the magistrate for towns had 2 to 3 people, and like the Ranchu, each position had a monthly shift.


This system may have been adopted to avoid the concentration of power in the hands of one person, but it may also mean that he thought he could find a better solution by discussing with others instead of making decisions alone. No. Or, to put it another way, it could be called an irresponsible system that did not clarify where responsibility lay.


However, although the working hours (number of days) and time management of samurai seemed easier than that of merchants and farmers, there were punishments for unauthorized absences, and there seems to have been a climate of punctuality. In addition, even after returning home after work, they sometimes held office work at home or did some kind of overtime work like low-ranking samurai did at home.


I could understand that working hard in this way for a long time has been ingrained in the Japanese people and has created a national character that is “bad at taking time off”….


However, although the recent reforms in the way we work have made it easier to take vacations, there are probably some people, including myself, who cannot seem to let go of thoughts of work and family in the corner of their minds even during their vacations. I think it will take a little more time for Japanese people to free themselves from the mindset that has been ingrained in them since ancient times and reach that level of freedom. I’m still not very good at taking holidays.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



【油彩買取】伊勢市のお客様より買取致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



【掛軸・骨董品買取】北名古屋市のお客様より買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)

























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



積読をなんとかしなくてはと・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


















そもそも積読とは、買っても机の上などに積んでいるだけで読んでいない本・新聞・雑誌等のこと。積ん読とも表記され、 “本は腐らないから””出会いは一期一会だから””今読まなくても、ぜったい読むから”などと自分に言い訳する頃には、数百冊単位の積読を抱えている場合が多い、などと説明される言葉です。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Tomorrow is finally the start of Golden Week.

I have a lot of plans for the Golden Week holidays, and even if I do go out somewhere, the crowds are always too much for me to handle. I don’t have any particular plans for this year, and I think I’ll just go see a movie or something.



Speaking of movies, I read the original story of “Strange House” the other day. I guess I will be asked, “Didn’t you see the movie? I remember that the book itself became a topic of conversation last year or the year before, but since it was published in paperback this time, I bought it and kept it in my stack for the time being.

A novel version with additional episodes was published in 2009, and three volumes of a comic book have also been released. According to Nippan, “Strange House” is the best-selling novel of 2023. The book is also ranking high in bookstores and seems to be a very popular book among teenagers.

It is a light mystery, not so scary. There are only a few characters, and the book is 70% conversation and 30% explanation, and the floor plan appears many times, so it is easy to read and may have been popular among teenagers who are not used to reading novels. I think everyone has his or her own opinion, so if you are interested, please read the book.

This book was left unread for a while after I bought it, and it became what is called “piled reading.

I think there are a surprisingly large number of people who have a stack of unread books that they are trying to read but the number does not seem to be decreasing.

Pile-reading” refers to books, newspapers, magazines, etc. that have been purchased but are just piled up on desks or the like and have not been read. It is also called “piled-up reading,” and it is often explained that by the time you make excuses to yourself such as “books never go bad,” “encounters come once in a lifetime,” or “even if I don’t read it now, I will definitely read it,” you often have several hundred books in your piles.

Whenever I look at the growing pile of books, I feel a kind of guilt, saying “I went to the trouble of buying them,” and sometimes I feel a sense of obligation to read them.

It is easy to have a negative image of piling up books, saying that it is a waste of money to just buy books and not read them, but when I think about it, I realize that there is a positive side to it. But I also feel that this proves that “I want to know more.
Therefore, what is really important is not to “reduce reading piles,” but rather to “make the most of reading piles.

The best way to make the most of your reading pile is, of course, to read it. But that is difficult.

So, a good way to prevent your stacks of reading from becoming meaningless is to create a “stacks of reading corner” on your bookshelf. The important thing is to place as many stacks of books as possible in a place where they can be easily seen. This is to take advantage of the brain’s priming effect.


Humans retain the objects and words they see in their unconscious mind for a while. When we see a previously seen object or word again, or come into contact with a related object, our brain responds more sensitively than usual, which is known as the priming effect.

If you keep a stack-reading corner in a conspicuous place, you can prevent yourself from forgetting the existence of your stacks. People are forgetful creatures, but when they see the titles of their stacks, they may switch their priorities to “I’ll read this one now. It is often said that it is better not to pile up reading, but perhaps the most important thing to avoid is not to “add to your reading pile” but to “forget about your reading pile.


See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


【茶道具・掛軸買取】日進市のお客様より買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)
























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



ゴールデンウィークの営業のお知らせ(名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術品買取 古美術風光舎)














This is Fumiko-sha Antique Art Gallery.


We will be open during the Golden Week holidays, but we may be out of the office on urgent business trips to make purchases, etc. We would appreciate it if you could contact us by phone first. We are always available to take your calls, so please feel free to contact us.


Whether it is cleaning up, leisure, travel, or work, we hope you all enjoy your own Golden Week!


Have a good one.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



どうするゴールデンウイーク(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)





























問い合わせ 0572-55-1322(土岐美濃焼卸センター)
開催期間 2024年5月3日(金)~5日(日)
開催時間 9:00~17:00
開催場所 織部ヒルズ(美濃焼卸商業団地)岐阜県土岐市泉北山町
駐車場  あり
アクセス 中央自動車道「土岐IC」より車で約5分




Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The weather has been very unpredictable recently, but here in Nagoya, today we finally had a refreshing sunny day that felt like spring.


I noticed that plants and flowers are waking up in the city with great enthusiasm, and the scenery has changed dramatically. Azaleas, Japanese maples, and gingko trees are all waking up at the same time, and today, I was impressed by the mountain laurel swaying in the fresh breeze against the blue sky. This is my favorite season. I am so happy to see so many different kinds of flowers and greenery.


Now, plants are noisy in various ways, but this year, too, we are finally entering the Golden Week season from this weekend, which means that it is the season for us to be noisy. What are your plans?


I have been spending the Golden Week in a different sense of luxury, like “I have too much time on my hands…” for the past few years, but this year, just as I was thinking about going somewhere, even if it is close by…, I received an invitation and decided to try going there.


Toki Mino Ware Festival.”


Toki Mino Pottery Festival” will be held from May 3 (Fri.) to 5 (Sun.), 2024. This pottery festival is one of the “three major pottery festivals in Japan” along with the “Arita Pottery Market” in Saga Prefecture and the “Setomono Festival” in Aichi Prefecture, and is the largest pottery market in the region, attracting many people from within and outside the prefecture.


The biggest attraction of the festival is the pottery fair, where about 40 reliable pottery wholesalers gather to sell their products, and the number of visitors reaches 300,000 every year. The market is a large scale pottery fair that attracts 300,000 visitors every year.


The first day of the event is usually packed with people eager to buy the best items, and the best bargains tend to sell out, so if you are mainly interested in shopping, the first day is the best time to visit.


The person who invited me to the event said that it would be a park-and-ride to the venue, and that shuttle buses would be used to transport visitors by piston, so there was no doubt that traffic would be congested from the morning. It would be better to leave as early as possible, so if you are serious about making a purchase, it would be better to bring sneakers and a backpack. This time, although I am only a companion, I might be turned on to purchase, so I am going to only wear sneakers and a backpack for the time being.


I will report the pattern of participation in the “Toki Mino Ceramic Ware Festival” again after the Golden Week, and then I will go to participate in the festival.




Toki Mino Ceramic Ware Festival

Inquiries: 0572-55-1322 (Toki Mino ware wholesale center)
Period: May 3 (Fri.) – 5 (Sun.), 2024
Hours: 9:00-17:00
Place: Oribe Hills (Mino ware wholesale commercial complex), Izumikitayama-cho, Toki City, Gifu Prefecture
Parking: Yes
Access: 5 minutes by car from the Toki IC on the Chuo Expressway
15 minutes by shuttle bus from JR Toki City Station (free of charge)














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




春野菜にエネルギーをもらっています(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It is raining in Nagoya today, so the store is a little dimly lit, and the bronze incense burner under the light is shining brightly as if bathed in a spotlight.

A gentle smiling Jurojin sits on top of a dignified deer that looks like it could have appeared in a Ghibli movie.

His right leg is raised in the air, which I think is very cute.

This Jurojin is removable, and the body of the deer is hollow. When incense is burned, smoke comes out of the hole in the right cuff of the Jurojin. It would be interesting to see the figure surrounded by the smoke of incense.


This is a completely different story, but this time of year, when I go shopping, I see delicious spring vegetables such as spring cabbage, bamboo shoots, and fresh onions. Despite my desire to eat them, I hesitate to buy bamboo shoots when I imagine the time and effort required to prepare them.

Then, the other day, I found “Usui-mame” (Usui peas) in the vegetable section. Perhaps it was because I overlooked them, or perhaps it was because I have a family member who does not like beans, but I had never really looked at them before. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I learned that the beans in my favorite childhood dish, “mamegohan (rice with beans),” were not green peas, but rather “light beans. Usui-mame has a thin skin and a delicate sweetness that goes well with salty rice.

I am willing to go to the trouble of taking the beans out of the pod for something I truly want to eat. I say, “I’m willing to go to the trouble of taking the beans out of the pod for something I truly want to eat. As I take out the beans into the bowl, the aroma of the beans brings back memories of my childhood. The cooked rice tasted nostalgic. It also brought back memories of being scolded for eating only beans.


Compared to green peas, light beans are larger and have less of a green smell, so they are used as a seasonal ingredient in “mame gohan,” which heralds the beginning of spring. Usui-mame was first imported from the United States during the Meiji period (1868-1912) and cultivated in Usui-cho, Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture, hence the name “Usui-mame. Later, the cultivation of Usui-mame flourished in Wakayama Prefecture because the climate and climate were suitable for it. It is said that 70% of the beans produced in Wakayama are consumed in Osaka.

During this time of spring, many green snap peas, peas such as pea pods, and peas such as pea pods can be seen in stores. In fact, both are members of the same family, Fabaceae, and are called by different names depending on when they are harvested.

The earliest to be harvested are “mame-mae” (bean sprouts), which are young shoots before endo-peas are formed. When they are harvested while they are still growing and immature, they are called “Saya-endo,” and as the name suggests, the whole pods are eaten. After a while, the fruits begin to grow, and when the fruits and pods have grown to a good size, the snap peas can be eaten together. The word “snap” means “to snap” in English. The peas continue to grow and the pods become larger, and the immature pods are called “green peas”.

There are several varieties of peas, such as the “Usui endo (light pea),” the “Sugar Saya Pea,” which has a strong sweet taste, and the “Tutankhamen’s Pea,” which has a purple pod. Tutankhamen” is another bold name, but it is thought to be a descendant of the peas found in the tomb of King Tutankhamen (1342-1324 B.C.), who really ruled Egypt. The peas were found along with gold and other luxurious burial accessories. It is said that peas were brought to Japan around the 9th to 10th century by Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty via China. So peas have existed as a valuable and nutritious foodstuff for a long time. It is also amazing that people were so particular about food that they tried to enjoy it in various ways from the sprout to the pod.

I remember learning from my children that edamame is also harvested before the soybeans mature. We shouldn’t just look at the products in the supermarket.

See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




想像以上に美味しいものでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)












と言いつつ一人の時はついコーヒーに手が伸びてしまうのですが、先日三重県の「かぶせ茶」をいただき、はまっています。お茶を注ぐだけで良い香りが立ち込め、色が鮮やかで渋みが少なく、 甘みと旨味を感じることができます。想像以上に美味しくてお茶を飲む回数が増えました。器もこだわってみたくなるから不思議です。





















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It is cloudy today, but the greenery and flowers of the trees along the streets on my way to work are soothing me. Wisteria flowers are blooming beautifully in the yards of private residences, too.


Now it is almost the season for enjoying the new harvest of tea. It is said that tea is picked around the 88th day of the 88th night of the year, counting Risshun as the first day of spring. Risshun is calculated based on the movement of the sun and is said to be May 1-2 on the modern calendar, which is almost the same every year, both in the past and now.

Shincha (first-grade tea) is a luxurious tea that contains more than three times as much theanine, a sweet and tasty ingredient, as second-grade tea and later teas, because it grows slowly at low temperatures, using all the nutrition stored in its branches and leaves during the winter.

It is said, “If you drink shincha, you can live a healthy life for a year.


However, when I am alone, I tend to reach for coffee, but the other day I got a cup of “Kabusecha” from Mie Prefecture and I am hooked. Just pouring the tea into the cup, I can smell the fragrance, feel the bright color, and taste the sweet and tasty flavor with little astringency. It tastes better than I expected and I drink tea more often. It is a wonder that I want to be particular about the container as well.


What is green tea? I thought I understood it, but let me review it a little.

There are three main types of tea. Green tea is green, black tea is red or brown, and oolong tea is brown or yellow. Roughly speaking, they are all made from the leaves of the same plant, Camellia sinensis, an evergreen broad-leaved tree in the family Camellaceae, scientific name.

They are said to differ depending on how well the “enzymes” in the fresh leaves of the tea work. Green tea, which is familiar in Japan, is an “unfermented” tea, in which the enzymes are stopped working by heating the fresh leaves after they have been steamed or roasted.

Oolong tea is called “semi-fermented tea,” and is made by spreading the picked tea leaves and drying them in the sun to remove the water and make them shrivel up. The tea leaves are then spread out and dried in the sun to remove the water content and shrivel them up.

Black tea” is made by letting the fresh leaves wilt for a while and then rubbing them to fully activate the enzymes before drying them to stop the enzyme action.

The aroma of oolong tea and black tea varies depending on how well the enzymes work.


Returning to green tea, most Japanese green teas are also called “steamed green teas” because they are heated by steaming the fresh leaves. In the rest of the world, most teas are made by the kettle roasting method, so Japanese steamed green tea is actually a very unique tea even from a global perspective.


There are many types of green tea in Japan, and the differences are mainly due to differences in production methods.

The most common type of green tea is called “sencha,” which is grown in sunlight from the time the first sprouts appear to the time of plucking. The definition of “Bancha” varies from region to region, but it is considered to be tea made from the third-best tea picked around July or the fourth-best tea picked in September or later.

Gyokuro, the next highest grade of tea, is grown under shade from the first sprouts or three weeks before tea picking. The shade rate starts at around 70% at first, and by the time the tea is ready for plucking, the shade rate is over 90%.

It is said that when photosynthesis is suppressed by shading, the increase in the astringent component catechin is reduced, and the rate of theanine, a flavor component, increases, bringing out the flavor and sweetness of the tea.

Kabusecha, which I am addicted to, is grown under shade like gyokuro, but the shade period is from one week to 10 days before tea picking, and the shade rate is said to be around 50%. The taste is somewhere between Sencha and Gyokuro.

Other second processed teas include hojicha and genmaicha.


Personally, I prefer coffee with a strong bitter taste, but I seem to prefer green tea with a sweet taste. There are more than 100 types of green tea in Japan, depending on the region. I would definitely like to find a tea to my liking.



See you next time.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





