


想像以上に美味しいものでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)












と言いつつ一人の時はついコーヒーに手が伸びてしまうのですが、先日三重県の「かぶせ茶」をいただき、はまっています。お茶を注ぐだけで良い香りが立ち込め、色が鮮やかで渋みが少なく、 甘みと旨味を感じることができます。想像以上に美味しくてお茶を飲む回数が増えました。器もこだわってみたくなるから不思議です。





















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It is cloudy today, but the greenery and flowers of the trees along the streets on my way to work are soothing me. Wisteria flowers are blooming beautifully in the yards of private residences, too.


Now it is almost the season for enjoying the new harvest of tea. It is said that tea is picked around the 88th day of the 88th night of the year, counting Risshun as the first day of spring. Risshun is calculated based on the movement of the sun and is said to be May 1-2 on the modern calendar, which is almost the same every year, both in the past and now.

Shincha (first-grade tea) is a luxurious tea that contains more than three times as much theanine, a sweet and tasty ingredient, as second-grade tea and later teas, because it grows slowly at low temperatures, using all the nutrition stored in its branches and leaves during the winter.

It is said, “If you drink shincha, you can live a healthy life for a year.


However, when I am alone, I tend to reach for coffee, but the other day I got a cup of “Kabusecha” from Mie Prefecture and I am hooked. Just pouring the tea into the cup, I can smell the fragrance, feel the bright color, and taste the sweet and tasty flavor with little astringency. It tastes better than I expected and I drink tea more often. It is a wonder that I want to be particular about the container as well.


What is green tea? I thought I understood it, but let me review it a little.

There are three main types of tea. Green tea is green, black tea is red or brown, and oolong tea is brown or yellow. Roughly speaking, they are all made from the leaves of the same plant, Camellia sinensis, an evergreen broad-leaved tree in the family Camellaceae, scientific name.

They are said to differ depending on how well the “enzymes” in the fresh leaves of the tea work. Green tea, which is familiar in Japan, is an “unfermented” tea, in which the enzymes are stopped working by heating the fresh leaves after they have been steamed or roasted.

Oolong tea is called “semi-fermented tea,” and is made by spreading the picked tea leaves and drying them in the sun to remove the water and make them shrivel up. The tea leaves are then spread out and dried in the sun to remove the water content and shrivel them up.

Black tea” is made by letting the fresh leaves wilt for a while and then rubbing them to fully activate the enzymes before drying them to stop the enzyme action.

The aroma of oolong tea and black tea varies depending on how well the enzymes work.


Returning to green tea, most Japanese green teas are also called “steamed green teas” because they are heated by steaming the fresh leaves. In the rest of the world, most teas are made by the kettle roasting method, so Japanese steamed green tea is actually a very unique tea even from a global perspective.


There are many types of green tea in Japan, and the differences are mainly due to differences in production methods.

The most common type of green tea is called “sencha,” which is grown in sunlight from the time the first sprouts appear to the time of plucking. The definition of “Bancha” varies from region to region, but it is considered to be tea made from the third-best tea picked around July or the fourth-best tea picked in September or later.

Gyokuro, the next highest grade of tea, is grown under shade from the first sprouts or three weeks before tea picking. The shade rate starts at around 70% at first, and by the time the tea is ready for plucking, the shade rate is over 90%.

It is said that when photosynthesis is suppressed by shading, the increase in the astringent component catechin is reduced, and the rate of theanine, a flavor component, increases, bringing out the flavor and sweetness of the tea.

Kabusecha, which I am addicted to, is grown under shade like gyokuro, but the shade period is from one week to 10 days before tea picking, and the shade rate is said to be around 50%. The taste is somewhere between Sencha and Gyokuro.

Other second processed teas include hojicha and genmaicha.


Personally, I prefer coffee with a strong bitter taste, but I seem to prefer green tea with a sweet taste. There are more than 100 types of green tea in Japan, depending on the region. I would definitely like to find a tea to my liking.



See you next time.














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