
海王星(かいおうせい、英語: Neptune )は、太陽系の第8惑星で、太陽系の惑星の中では一番外側を公転しております。
海王星は、直径がやや大きい天王星の質量(地球の15倍)よりもわずかに大きく、164.8年かけて公転しており、太陽からは平均30.1 au(約45億 km)離れております。
(フライ‐バイ【fly-by】 とは、宇宙船や探査機が天体近傍を接近通過すること。 接近する短時間の間に各種探査を行う。 また、天体の万有引力を利用して加速・減速・方向転換を行うスイングバイを指すこともある。)
これらの気象パターンは、太陽系のどの惑星よりも強い持続的な風によって引き起こされ、観測された風速は2100 km/h(580 m/s)にもなります。
太陽からの距離が遠いため、海王星の外側の大気は太陽系で最も温度の低い場所の1つであり、雲頂での温度は55 K(-218 ℃)に近いのに対して、惑星の中心部の温度は約5400 K(約5100 ℃)になっていると考えられています。
Hello everyone, this is Staff N.
It seems that another typhoon is coming after one disaster has passed.
It’s been a three-day weekend in the world, but festivals and events have been canceled, and I think many people are depressed.
Unfortunately, N is at work.
Working in the sound of rain while gazing at Mt.
Recently, N has been doing dance and muscle training while watching youtube, and I tried something called body combat that an acquaintance taught me.
However, it was too tight and my heart was pounding in less than 5 minutes.
The floor in the living room is starting to creak, and the floor in the living room may come out before N, so I think I’ll stop here.
It’s not that I’m skipping training, it’s because I’m worried about the floor. smile
Well, the other day, I received a picture of Okinawa’s pair glasses from an acquaintance who went to Okinawa.
It seems that the couple has been matched, it is wonderful.
Stunning turquoise blue, it seems to remind me of the sea of Okinawa.
Speaking of beautiful light blue, it seems that today is Neptune’s day.
I know water, metal, fire, wood, earth, and heaven and earth, but I don’t know the characteristics of each planet.
I think that N is that character of Sailor Moon.
Neptune characters are Sailor Neptune and Kaioh Michiru.
When I was a child, I dreamed of such an intelligent, elegant, talented woman, but in reality, I ended up with the clumsy and crybaby Usagi Tsukino.
Life doesn’t always go as planned.
Leaving aside the story of Sailor Moon, I tried to find out about Neptune.
Neptune (English: Neptune) is the eighth planet in the solar system and is the outermost planet in the solar system.
It is the fourth largest in diameter and the third largest in mass, with 17 times the mass of Earth and the densest gas planet in the solar system.
Neptune is slightly larger than the slightly larger Uranus (15 times the mass of Earth), orbits it for 164.8 years, and is an average of 30.1 AU (about 4.5 billion km) from the Sun.
The name is named after Neptune, the god of the sea in Roman mythology, and the planet symbol “♆” is a stylized trident held by Neptune.
It was the only planet in the solar system that could not be observed with the naked eye and was discovered not by empirical observation but by mathematical prediction.
French astronomer Alexis Bouvard has led the inference that the orbit of Uranus is caused by perturbations by the gravitational force of an unknown planet from unexpected changes in the orbit of Uranus.
It was later discovered by Johann Gottfried Galle using a telescope on September 23, 1846, within the range predicted by Urbain Le Verrier.
Neptune’s largest moon, Triton, was discovered shortly thereafter.
Although 13 other moons are known at present, their existence was revealed only after the 20th century because the distance from the Earth to Neptune is so large that it is difficult to observe them from the ground.
On August 25, 1989, the space probe Voyager 2 visited Neptune and performed a flyby.
(Fly-by means that a spacecraft or probe passes close to a celestial body. Various explorations are performed in a short period of time.・It may also refer to a swing-by that changes direction.)
With the advent of the Hubble Space Telescope and large ground-based telescopes equipped with adaptive optics functions, it seems that in recent years it has become possible to perform further observations from a distance.
Like Jupiter and Saturn, Neptune’s atmosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of hydrocarbons and nitrogen, although there is a large proportion of “ice” such as water, methane, and ammonia.
However, like Uranus, its interior is composed of ice and rock.
Therefore, Uranus and Neptune are usually regarded as Uranus-type planets (ice giant planets), emphasizing the difference from Jupiter and Saturn.
Neptune’s blue appearance is thought to be caused by trace amounts of methane present in its outermost regions.
In contrast to the hazy, relatively featureless atmosphere of Uranus, Neptune’s atmosphere is active and has a distinctly variable climate.
For example, when Voyager 2 flew by in 1989, there was a pattern called the Great Dark Spot similar to Jupiter’s Great Red Spot in the southern hemisphere.
These weather patterns are caused by the strongest and most persistent winds of any planet in the solar system, with observed wind speeds as high as 2100 km/h (580 m/s).
Because of its great distance from the Sun, Neptune’s outer atmosphere is one of the coldest places in the solar system, with temperatures close to 55 K (-218 °C) at the cloud tops, compared to temperatures in the planet’s core. is believed to have a temperature of about 5400 K (about 5100 °C).
Neptune has faint and fragmentary rings that were discovered in 1984 and later confirmed by Voyager 2 observations.
Drawings made by Galileo Galilei on December 28, 1612 and January 27, 1613, some of the earliest observations ever recorded through a telescope, show where Neptune was located. was written.
In both cases, however, Galileo is said to have mistakenly identified Neptune as a nearby star to the conjunct Jupiter.
Galileo is therefore not credited with discovering Neptune.
The reason why it looks blue is not because Neptune has an ocean, but because of the methane contained in the surface gas.
Methane absorbs red colors and scatters blue colors, so the blue light in sunlight is reflected.
Neptune, which shows the horizontal stripes of storms and the Great Dark Spot, can also be called “blue Jupiter.”
In this harsh and bizarre environment of Neptune, methane (CH4), which forms the atmosphere of Neptune, separates and the carbon transforms into diamonds under high pressure. .
For a moment, I thought it would be romantic to see diamonds pouring down, but if you think about it normally, it’s dangerous.
Neptune has a brightness of about 8th magnitude, and if the sky is dark, it can be found with binoculars or a small astronomical telescope.
When the rain stops, why not look up at the night sky and look for Neptune?
At Antique Fukousha, we also purchase pottery and brand tableware.
See you soon
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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
10:00-17:00 OPEN
#海王星 #古美術 #骨董 #買取