


今年の予想は・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone. This is staff M.

Today’s weather in Nagoya is 30 degrees and you can wear only short sleeves during the day, and you’ll be sweating when you’re outside. It’s cold in the mornings and evenings at this time of year, so a cardigan or something you can put on is a must-have item. According to the weather forecast, the weather will start to feel like autumn from around Wednesday next week, so it’s time to start organizing your summer clothes.


By the way, every year on September 30th, the Japan Meteorological Agency announces the “National Autumn Leaves Peak Forecast”, and seasonal observations of living things and plants are being conducted in about 60 countries around the world. It is said that there are few countries that predict the blooming of cherry blossoms. I think it’s unique to Japan, which is blessed with four seasons, but in recent years I have the impression that I can’t feel the four seasons, and the cold winter quickly turns into a hot summer.

Aside from the digression, I think that everyone is also interested, so what is your forecast for the best time to see autumn leaves this year?


It seems that it is ′′ the same as the average year nationwide or late. The best time to see the autumn leaves (September to November) is early if the temperature is low, and late if the temperature is high. Temperatures in September this year were higher than average across the board. Temperatures are expected to remain above normal in northern Japan through November, and in eastern and western Japan through October. It is expected that the time when the mornings and evenings will become colder will be delayed, and this year’s best time to see autumn leaves at tourist attractions will be the same or later nationwide.


Then, about how long is the autumn leaves season every year? For example, in Kyoto, the best time to see the autumn leaves is from the beginning of November to the beginning of December. By the way, I like Chiri autumn leaves, so I often go to the end of autumn leaves. Kyoto is very easy to get to from Nagoya, so when it comes to autumn leaves, I always go to Kyoto, but I’m actually thinking of going to a different area this year.


I think I will update my blog with “I went to 〇〇” around November, so please look forward to it! ! (smile) And I think that the hanging scrolls in our store will be more and more autumn-style, so please look forward to that as well. Even so, it looks like it will take a while for the leaves to turn red, so first of all, I would like to enjoy the view of the trees falling from the shop.


p.s.when I went outside to take pictures, it smelled so good… Before the autumn leaves, this time of year is “Golden rhinoceros”.







愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN





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