


落ち葉舞い散る深秋の候(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)
































Hello everyone. This is staff M.

When I was commuting to work this morning, I saw a lot of beautifully colored ginkgo leaves falling on the road.

The autumn foliage is just at its best, and I feel that autumn has passed and winter is approaching. From tomorrow to December, a busy month will begin in which the teacher will also run.


The other day at Halloween, I felt that Christmas wasn’t over yet, but the Christmas season is quickly approaching, and the end of the year is already approaching… As the years go by, time goes faster. I feel

I feel like it’s a little early, but when can everyone start preparing New Year’s cards? When I was in elementary school and junior high school, I used to send and receive New Year’s cards. And it’s an annual tradition to finish greetings at the beginning of the year exclusively on LINE.


In the past, I used to look forward to asking for the address of the person I wanted to send a New Year’s card to, and I was happy to feel that I was connected to friends I couldn’t meet by exchanging New Year’s cards. Since smartphones became popular, the culture of New Year’s cards is disappearing.


However, I am thinking of sending out a New Year’s card this year. This is because, in the situation where people who want to meet cannot meet due to the corona crisis, the desire to connect with someone and the opportunity to write letters only on smartphones are decreasing. I have come to understand the importance of things little by little.


One more thing, recently I received a Christmas card from a friend I’ve been in touch with almost every day. I suddenly received a letter from someone I use LINE with every day, and it was kind of embarrassing, but I felt warm from the bottom of my heart. Easy and speedy exchanges are of course convenient, but when writing a letter, it is time to think about the other person and put it into words. I also feel that letters are good.


It seems that this year’s new year’s card reception will start from December 15th as usual. If you have even a little time this year, how about sending New Year’s greetings to your loved ones with New Year’s cards? There is no doubt that both the sending side and the receiving side will feel warm!












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



竹細工は語る(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)











竹のその種類は日本でも600種類と多く、日本国中に自生。温暖化によって竹の生育地は広がりつつあり、最近はちょっと厄介者の扱いこそされますが、竹稈(ちくかん) が空洞で軽いわりに強く、表面は滑らかで、弾力性があり、湾曲しやすく、裂いたりして加工がしやすいと、万能な素材であると言えましょう。





その特性は、種類によって多少の違いはあるものの、竹稈(ちくかん) が空洞で軽いわりに強く、表面は滑らかで、弾力性があり、湾曲しやすく、裂いたりして加工がしやすいことが挙げられます。また、他の植物 に比べて生長が速く、長く利用できることから生活道具の素材として重宝されており、まあどのお宅にも竹の製品はお持ちでしょうから、みなさまその素晴らしさはとっくにおわかりのことでしょう。さらに食材にもなる竹(たけのこ)は、春を知らせる代表的な食材。ここも外せませんね。






また、ハチクは直径10cm、高さは15mにもなるのですが、マダケよりも寒さに強く、北海道南部まで分布しており、節の低さが特長。肉が薄く繊維が緻密で竹材中最も細く割りやすい性質から、茶筅 (ちゃせん) などの茶道具に利用されることが多いようです。



竹は腐朽しやすい性質から保存は難しいのですが、その歴史はなんと縄文時代にまでさかのぼります。底面に網代 (あじろ) の痕がついた縄文式土器が発掘されたり、青森県の是川遺跡の竹で編んだ器に漆を塗り重ねた籃胎漆器 (らんたいしっき) が出土したりしていており、木材や石材と同じように身近な素材として古くから様々な用途に用いられていたことがわかります。





古く有名なものですと「東大寺の華籠 (けこ) 」。



また、「法隆寺の竹厨子 (たけずし) 」は、奈良時代の経巻を納めた竹製の厨子でして、国宝に指定されております。実はですね、先日の国宝展にてラッキーなことに実際に拝見できたんですよ。


こちらは主に中国南部に自生する篠竹 (すずたけ) の一種と考えられる竹が使われているようでして、細い竹を丁寧に並べそれらを箱状に作り上げております。箱状の屋根や柱の修理箇所には日本産の竹も見られるようで、修理しながら大切に使われていたのでしょう。

法隆寺献納宝物の一つでして、法隆寺東院伽藍を建立した行信 (ぎょうしん) 僧都が、聖徳太子の様々な遺品とともに奉納したと言われております。すでに1000年以上たった竹、もう飴色を通り越して黒墨のようでありましたが、その繊細さはその黒墨の中にもまだのこっております。



こちらは千利休が小田原攻めに同行した際に、伊豆韮山 (にらやま) で採った竹に一重の切り込みを入れたもの。表面の千割れを園城寺の釣鐘の割れにちなみ、園城寺と名付けられたようです。利休の侘び茶の美意識を投影した名品として名高い名物であります。


その後も日本各地ではそれぞれ特色のある竹工品が発展し、私たちの生活と共に生きてまいりましたが、現在竹細工で有名な地域ですと、奈良県の高山茶筅、静岡県の駿河竹千筋細工 (するがたけせんすじざいく) 、岡山県の勝山竹細工、大分県の別府竹細工が挙げられる地域でしょうか。それらは伝統的工芸品に指定されております。









Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The delicate and bold bamboo works that have been displayed in our store since the other day are very eye-catching.

It is beautiful. I don’t know who the craftsman is, but I think that the bamboo, which has become candy-colored with age, creates shadows and enhances the fineness and suppleness of the workmanship. When I look at bamboo crafts, I am always impressed by the dexterity of the Japanese people’s hands and their ability to coexist with things grown in this region.


There are as many as 600 species of bamboo growing naturally throughout Japan. Although bamboo is now regarded as a bit of a nuisance due to global warming, it is a versatile material, with its hollow, lightweight yet strong, smooth surface, elasticity, and ease of bending, tearing, and processing.


Although there are some differences between species, bamboo culms are hollow, light, but strong, with a smooth, resilient surface that is easy to bend, tear, and process. Bamboo grows faster than other plants and can be used for a long time, making it useful as a material for daily utensils. Bamboo is also used as a foodstuff, and bamboo shoots are a typical foodstuff that announces spring. This is also a good place to start.


As mentioned earlier, each type of bamboo has its own characteristics. Various bamboo crafts such as daily tools, farming tools, fishing tools, and musical instruments are made by taking advantage of their characteristics, and among the three most useful bamboo species in Japan, madake and hachiku are mainly used.


Madake is a large species, reaching 13 cm in diameter and 20 m in height, and although it is rarely seen north of Aomori Prefecture, it is used as a material for building materials, musical instruments, flower vases, farming tools, and fishing tackle because it is the most resilient of all bamboo species. Bamboo is used for building materials, musical instruments, flower vases, agricultural tools, and fishing tackle, among other things.


Hachiku can reach 10 cm in diameter and 15 m in height. It is more resistant to cold than Madake, and is distributed as far as southern Hokkaido, where it is characterized by its low knots. Its thin wall and dense fibers make it the thinnest and easiest to split among bamboo materials, and it is often used for tea utensils such as chasen (tea whisk).


If you look into the long history of bamboo crafts in Japan, you will find a wide variety of bamboo crafts. Most of them were tools for daily life, but there are still some masterpieces that combine practicality and beauty.


Bamboo is difficult to preserve due to its tendency to decay, but its history dates back to the Jomon period. Jomon-style earthenware with an “ajiro” pattern on the underside has been excavated, as well as bamboo woven vessels coated with lacquer in the Koregawa site in Aomori Prefecture, indicating that bamboo, like wood and stone, was a familiar material used for a variety of purposes from ancient times.


One of the most famous examples is the “Keko (flower basket) of Todaiji Temple.

It is a basket made of woven thin bamboo sheets, and was used to hold flower petals to be scattered during Buddhist ceremonies. There are two types of baskets, deep and shallow, and it is thought that they were used for the first anniversary of Emperor Shomu’s death, according to the calligraphy on the back of the bottom.


The “Bamboo Kitchen of Horyuji Temple” is a bamboo kitchen that housed sutra scrolls from the Nara period and is designated as a National Treasure. I was lucky enough to see it at the National Treasure Exhibition the other day.


The bamboo used in this piece is believed to be a type of bamboo native to southern China, and is made of thin bamboo carefully arranged to form a box shape. Japanese bamboo can be seen in the repaired parts of the box-shaped roof and pillars, and it is likely that the bamboo was carefully used while being repaired.

It is said that Gyoshin, the monk who built the Toin complex of Horyuji Temple, dedicated the bamboo along with various relics of Prince Shotoku. The bamboo, more than 1,000 years old, has already passed the candy color and is like black ink, but its delicacy can still be seen in the black ink.


In terms of tea ceremony utensils (of which there are many famous ones), “Sonjoji,” a bamboo vase by Sen no Rikyu, is probably the most famous.

This is a bamboo vase with a single slit cut into it, which Sen no Rikyu collected in Nirayama, Izu, when he accompanied Odawara on his attack on Odawara. The name “Sonjoji” is derived from the cracks on the surface of the bell of Sonjoji Temple. It is a famous masterpiece that projects Rikyu’s aesthetic sense of wabicha (tea ceremony in the wabi-style).


Today, the most famous bamboo crafts are the Takayama Chasen (tea whisk) in Nara Prefecture, Suruga bamboo Senjisuji-zaiku in Shizuoka Prefecture, Katsuyama bamboo craft in Okayama Prefecture, and Beppu bamboo craft in Oita Prefecture. These are designated as traditional crafts.


However, there are certainly many problems with bamboo crafts, such as the deterioration of bamboo forests and the problem of successors to the craft. Today, the evolution of bamboo crafts is also a matter of concern, with the creation of products that are not bound by tradition but are in tune with modern lifestyles and values attracting attention, and the creation of bamboo crafts that can be used for different purposes.


Today, I would like to say, “The history of bamboo crafts is great, but please look forward to the future evolution of bamboo crafts.” The candy-colored bamboo taught me this afternoon.


Good bye.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術品買取 古美術風光舎)


















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







はやぶさ2のお土産をみてきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I went to the special exhibition of the HAYABUSA2 return capsule and Ryuguu sample.


We went to the Nagoya City Science Museum. The autumn leaves are at their climax in the adjacent Shirakawa Park.

Of course, photography is not allowed inside the venue, so I will only report what I see and hear in my mumbling. The venue was visited by a few geeks like me, and there were academic exhibits with easy-to-understand explanations for us, such as panels and videos.


But before that, at the entrance of the exhibition hall, I saw a capsule of Ryuguu, which looked like a dam card! What a surprise, we were told that we could get a Nagoya-only card commemorating the visit with an introduction to the sand collected in the Ryugyu capsule. I can understand the feelings of those who collect dam cards a little bit, and this is surprisingly pleasant.


The weight of the sand grains collected by Hayabusa2 this time was 5.4 g, which seems to have far exceeded the target (required value) of 0.1 g. JAXA has cataloged the size and shape of the grains on its dedicated website, and I learned for the first time that each of the 443 grains of sand and stone collected has a serial number, which is managed and controlled.


The sand that came to Nagoya this time was collected at a point called “Tamatebako.

ID: A0161.

The actual exhibition was held in a booth with a magnifying glass in a strictly controlled environment. The size of the pebble was about 2 mm. It looks like sand or small black pebble grains. Since I had an image of sand, I imagined it to be whitish, but in fact, it was a black sooty burnt grain.

I thought that the asteroid Ryugyu was a black planet, and I thought it was a star with white sand and stones. I also saw some particles that were shiny, although I am not sure what they were.


Also on display at the same time are the capsule that actually returned to Earth, the parachute, and the container that held the capsule. The heat shield that protected the inside of the capsule from the high temperatures during atmospheric entry is blackened and scorched, and the results of the struggle during atmospheric entry (10,000 degrees Celsius) can be seen vividly. When I recall the time and distance of the long and grueling journey, I cannot help but say from the bottom of my heart, “Welcome back” to this little black speck….


The capsule that returned safely to the Australian desert is also on display in the container that holds it after its safe return. I had seen this scene on TV, but it was very moving to see it in person. We tend to get caught up in the returned samples, but for some reason, looking at this container, we can really feel the spirit of the people involved in bringing the samples back safely.


After delivering the space souvenirs to the earth, Hayabusa2 is now continuing its space journey to carry out its next mission. The previous HAYABUSA sent the last image of the earth to the earth (I cried over this). Hayabusa2 will continue its journey again.


The mission to Ryuguu, which was talked about for a while, was to open the Tamatebako of Ryuguu (Ryuguu Castle)…will it be an old man or will it be a sample of the past of the solar system? I don’t know if I will become an old man or, in a sense, a baby because the past of the solar system is packed in the sample, but it seems that the journey of Hayabusa2 and the elucidation of the sample from Ryuguu are still continuing, so the story of a distant planet we have never visited seems to continue.


So, clutching my commemorative card, I will leave the venue. Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




青春の丘part1(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) 



















こちらの電話、実際に使うことはできませんが受話器に耳を澄ましてみるとなんと「@#$$#@@…」と聞こえました。 ネタバレしすぎてしまうのも面白くありませんので、内容は実際に行って聞いてみてください。

































Hello everyone. This is staff M.

The comments of the Japanese national team players who won the big Venus in the first match of the World Cup overnight came in one after another. As I listened to each player’s thoughts on the game, my heart started to heat up again.


There is still some time until the next game, so I would like to calm down and return to the story of Ghibli Park that I visited the other day today. Last time, Staff N talked about the “bench for forgotten items”. If you haven’t read the blog yet, please read it from the blog three years ago (published on November 22nd).


Let’s continue from the previous Ghibli Park edition. There were a lot of forgotten items used in Ghibli animations in various places, and it was a lot of fun just finding them and taking commemorative photos. This is also a free area, so it seems that those who have lost in the ticket competition can also prepare.


Well, from here I will report on the paid area, Seishun no Oka. *Skip to the bottom if you don’t want spoilers! As soon as I entered the Seishun no Oka area, I found a telephone box and a bus stop.


I can’t actually use this phone, but when I listened to the receiver, I heard “@#$$#@@…”. “It’s not interesting to spoil too much, so please go and listen to the content.”

And at the bus stop, there is a sign saying “Seishun no Oka”, and the destination is “Cat Country”. As a Ghibli otaku, I was overwhelmed with emotion as the world of Ghibli anime was packed into every detail.


And on the other side of the stop, there is a small building…! ! When I approached it, I found that the office of the cat that appears in “The Cat Returns” was reproduced in cat size. Looking into the office, Baron and Muta are having a cat meeting… There’s also a portrait of Baron’s girlfriend, a pendulum clock, a cupboard, and even that chiffon cake… It was a dreamlike space, with breathtaking detail and beauty. You can look inside through two small windows, and the point is that you can see a different view from the side and the back.


There is also a small red mailbox in front of the cat’s office. The content is solid, and the phrases are cat-like, from “no” to “nyaika”, a newspaper full of cuteness. I wish I could read this newspaper every day.


I would like to stop here for today and continue the story of the Seishun no Oka area in the next blog.


Come to think of it, Fukousha is also listed in the newspaper because of the connection with the newspaper. If you read the Asahi Shimbun, please look for Fukousha. The hint is in a similar place in the article on the lacrosse stick in the “Cat Day Newspaper”















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN


26人全員で掴んだ勝利!!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) 




























Hello everyone. This is staff M.

This morning, the topic of “historic victory over Germany, the four-time World Cup champion in Qatar,” was the topic of conversation, and the whole of Japan was filled with joy.


I was on standby in front of the TV from 22:00 yesterday. No, I don’t care about lack of sleep, but the victory at the World Cup gives me courage and energy. Even on Twitter, it is trending as “Miracle of Doha”.


Before the tournament, Coach Moriyasu said, “29 years ago as a player, I experienced the ‘Doha tragedy’, and this tournament I will turn it into ‘Doha’s joy’.” It was before I was born, but in 1993, in the place where the Japanese national team drank tears, I was able to “revenge” over the past 29 years. I think it was a moment of unity.


Of course, in the first half of the match, when we conceded a goal from a penalty kick, I was already in a really bad mood, and I felt like I was about to give up on Germany. I was so overjoyed that the previous me was overwhelmed. 7 minutes of additional time feels so long… Even if I remember now, I’m writing a blog with excitement.


And I feel very proud that the good manners and politeness of Japanese athletes, officials, and spectators are praised on social media, not just the World Cup, but every time a big sporting event is held overseas. . This time as well, the sight of the Japanese fans cleaning up the stadium and returning home made me feel deeply that they were cheering us on with love.


Also, on FIFA’s official Twitter account, a photo of the locker room after the Japan national team won against the powerhouse Germany was posted. When I saw the folded paper cranes and the photo with the words “thank you” written in Japanese and Arabic, my heart felt warm and warm.


Let’s hope that this momentum will lead to a good result in the next match against Costa Rica. (27th (Sun) 19:00-) Let’s support each other again! ! !
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



Go, SAMURAI BLUE!(2022FIFAワールドカップ)(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) 



























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I am feeling somewhat restless this morning.

I am sure that some of you may have been acting for the whole day today in preparation for tonight.

Yes, the 2022 FIFA World Cup match between Japan and Germany will kick off at 22:00 Japan time today!


I know there are some of you out there who are not interested in soccer, but please forgive me if I am just a casual soccer fan for this season only. I watch soccer on TV once in a while, but I am a casual fan of the World Cup, and I love the festivities. That feeling of being united with everyone, or rather with everyone in the world, is great at the stadium, but it is also fine at public view or in front of the TV at home. I love that extraordinary sense of togetherness.


Since yesterday, I have been preparing for the event by checking the beer inventory and so on.

As you can see, I have to go to work today, so I’ve been thinking about buying food and beer to go with it since this morning, so please forgive me if my blog is a bit thin.


Although I was not warming up for the Japan game, I was watching the Denmark vs. Tunisia game yesterday, and although it was on TV, the cheers from the packed crowd were like an earth-shaking wave, and the images of people in a frenzy of support were shown on the screen, making the whole world festive. The festive atmosphere was on a different level.


Anyway, recalling the various changes that people around the world experienced between the last tournament in Russia and this one in Qatar, and seeing the cheers the other day, I wonder if the situation of the year before last and the year after last were illusions? I wonder if the situation of the year before last and the year after last were illusions.


On the other hand, I am also reminded of the fact that human beings have always survived and thrived in this way, no matter what circumstances have stood in their way… A small, humble citizen, immersing himself in the long history of mankind, even if in an exaggerated way.


Well, I don’t care about such things in front of such cheers and cheering. Today, I would like to enjoy the match between Japan and Germany with my mind empty, while also chewing a little on the sense of unity that we have overcome and lived up to this point with everyone around the world.


















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




ジブリパーク忘れ物ベンチ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董古美術買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)
















































































Hello everyone, this is Staff N.


A calico cat was basking in the sun in front of the car today.


She ran away when I approached her, so I’m sorry I can’t send you a picture.


Well, as it was in Staff M’s blog, I went there.

The long-awaited Ghibli Park.


I was worried because the previous reviews weren’t very good, but it was fun because I was particular about the details.


It was also fun to see the customers who came to see us in cosplay and wearing hats.


This time, I would like to introduce the benches in the free area that are left behind.


There are 15 benches in Ghibli Park, and they are objects related to characters that appear in Ghibli.


I couldn’t find all of them, but I’ll introduce you to just a few.


This is “Moon” who guides Shizuku from “Mimi wo Sumaseba” to Chikyuya.


It’s a little scary when you see it up close, but even from a distance it’s perfectly round body is very cute.


Only the moon took two shots and stroked it.




It seems that this moon is actually drawn with a very different image from the original.


In the movie, he appears as a fat cat with a different hair color on his left ear, but the image of this cat is said to be based on a cat named Ushiko, which was owned by Studio Ghibli.


In the original manga, she appears as a slim black cat.


In addition, two black cats, Moon and Luna, appear, but in the movie they were changed to one.


It seems that it is because a black cat is pulled by the image of “Kiki’s Delivery Service” and because it is easier to organize the story with one cat.


With a slim black cat, this bench art has a different atmosphere.


For N, who likes fat cats, I’m glad that the movie version of Moon became an object.


Next is Tales from Earthsea, Allen’s sword.


It’s regrettable that I didn’t have enough preparation for N and ended up thinking, “I’ve seen something, I’m sure it’s that thing.”




It’s surreal that Celiad’s sword, which has the second oldest history in the world of Tales from Earthsea, is misplaced in such a place.


Forged with powerful magic, it’s like a precious sword that never gets old, so it doesn’t seem like there’s any need to worry about it being outdoors.


Next is the hat and book of Shizuku Tsukishima from “Whisper of the Heart”.


It’s very close to Seishun no Oka, so I think it’s easy to find.





Next is a big dollar bag of “Porco Rosso”.




This is Kazama’s student bag and hat from “From Up on Poppy Hill”.





This is “Castle in the Sky Laputa” Pazu goggles and bag.


When you say it, I feel like Ghibli often comes out with goggles.


For a moment, whose goggles? It has become.


I’m satisfied with Seishun no Oka, but I have to secure a ticket for Ghibli’s Great Warehouse and Dondoko Forest.


Next is the ticket contest for March on December 10th.


It seems that you can’t buy original goods without a Ghibli Warehouse ticket, which is a pity.


At Kobijutsu Fukousha, even if you are worried about whether something like this is okay or not, we will assess it, so please feel free to contact us.


See you soon











骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN


#骨董古美術買取#出張買取#高価買取#無料査定 #ジブリパーク


長久手市のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董古美術品買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



秋の夜長の楽み方。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董古美術買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)












記録は明らかでないのですが、この熊野花火の起源は250~300年前とも言われており、 海上交通が盛んだった三河地方の花火に続く古い歴史と伝統をもつ行事として受け継がれている大変歴史の古い花火大会でありまして、元々は、木本という地域の(現在の熊野市木本町)極楽寺の芝生で初精霊供養の松引き行事の柱松の花火として、お盆の16日に簡単な打ち上げ花火を行っていたようです。








愛知県豊橋市ではまさに先日と今日、「令和4年11月開催 第27回 炎の祭典 〜霜月炎の舞〜」が開催されております。平成8年に始まった煙火のイベントでして、例年9月上旬の土曜日に豊橋公園内の豊橋球場で行われる手筒花火を中心とし、他、大筒や乱玉、綱火、スターマインなど250本を越えるさまざまな花火が放揚される大型の花火カーニバルでありますが、こちらも今年は11月での開催。

こちらの手筒花火も起源は古く、市内にある吉田神社の古文書に「吉田天王社の祭礼花火に始まる」「永禄3年(1560年)、当時の吉田城城代により花火が始まった」と綴っており、祭礼で花火が揚げられたと記録されております。 全国的にもかなり古い歴史を持ち、なかでも手筒花火は吉田神社が発祥の地と言われているようです。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This autumn, the weather has been very stable. The night sky is also very clear, which is perfect for enjoying the long autumn nights. Although it was not a lunar eclipse the other day, some of you may have been very satisfied with this year’s lunar eclipse observation in the clear night sky. I was also very satisfied with the ideal moon viewing.


I was also very satisfied with the night sky, where the scenery looked much clearer and more vivid than in the summer, and I almost mistakenly thought that my eyesight had improved. I was almost mistakenly thinking that my eyesight had improved because the night sky was much clearer and more vivid than in summer.

Whether the sky is cloudy or clear depends on whether there is more or less water vapor and dust in the air. This does not mean that my eyesight has improved.


In addition, events to enjoy such long autumn nights are back, such as the lighting up of autumn foliage in various places. The photos I took the other day of illuminated autumn leaves were really beautiful and I was in love with them, but this does not mean that my photography skills have improved either.


Then the other day, I heard on TV that the Kumano Grand Fireworks Festival was held in Kumano, Mie Prefecture, for the first time in three years. It is not a big fireworks show, but I personally would like to visit there at least once.

Although records are not clear, the origin of this Kumano Fireworks Festival is said to be 250 to 300 years ago, and it is a very old fireworks display with a long history and tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation following fireworks in the Mikawa region where maritime traffic was prosperous. Originally, it was held on the lawn of Gokurakuji Temple in the Kimoto area (currently Kimoto-cho, Kumano City) on the 16th day of the Bon Festival as a simple fireworks display for the Hashirimatsu (a pillar pine) of the pine-drawing event for the first spirit offering.


Recently, the “Onigajo Grand Fireworks Display,” which is the finale of the Kumano Grand Fireworks Festival, has become famous, and the fireworks are set off using the rocks and caves of Onigajo, which is a World Heritage Site and a national natural monument of scenic beauty.


In the “Onigajo Daisakkeshikkuri”, fireworks ranging in size from No. 8 to 2 shaku dama are placed directly on the rocks of Onigajo and explode as they are, in a powerful “Onigajo Daishibakkuri”. In addition to the sound of the fireworks exploding on the ground, the sound of reflections from the rocks and the echoing sound of the caves add to the power of the explosion.


There are also other areas where fireworks displays are held in the fall.


In Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, the 27th “Festival of Flames – Frost Moon Flame Dance” was held in November 2022 and today. This is a large-scale fireworks carnival that usually takes place on a Saturday in early September at the Toyohashi Ballpark in Toyohashi Park, and features over 250 fireworks including Tezutsu (handheld cylindrical fireworks), Otsutsu (large cylindrical fireworks), Randama (random balls), Tsunagashi (rope fire), and Starmine (star-mine).

The origin of Tezutsu Hanabi is also old, and an ancient document of Yoshida Shrine in the city states that it started as a festival firework display at Yoshida Tenno-sha Shrine, and that “in 1560 (the 3rd year of Eiroku era), fireworks were started by the then lord of Yoshida Castle. It has a fairly long history nationwide, and among them, the Tezutsu Hanabi is said to have originated at Yoshida Shrine.


For various reasons, the two fireworks festivals were held in the fall, but even if you can’t wear a yukata (light cotton kimono), I think it is nice to be able to see fireworks in such a clear night sky. So, I wondered if my eyesight had been restored. I would like to take a picture of fireworks in the night sky with such vivid colors that you would be mistaken to think that your eyesight has recovered or that your skills have improved. I would like to take a picture of fireworks in the night sky with colors so vivid that you would be mistaken to think that my eyesight has improved.


I didn’t have a chance to see the fireworks, but when I visited Tokyo the other day, I pointed my camera at the bright lights of the buildings in the city. It was very beautiful.


There are many ways to enjoy the night sky in autumn, so I would like to enjoy it a little more until the real cold weather arrives.


Have a good day.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





