


秋の夜長の楽み方。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董古美術買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)












記録は明らかでないのですが、この熊野花火の起源は250~300年前とも言われており、 海上交通が盛んだった三河地方の花火に続く古い歴史と伝統をもつ行事として受け継がれている大変歴史の古い花火大会でありまして、元々は、木本という地域の(現在の熊野市木本町)極楽寺の芝生で初精霊供養の松引き行事の柱松の花火として、お盆の16日に簡単な打ち上げ花火を行っていたようです。








愛知県豊橋市ではまさに先日と今日、「令和4年11月開催 第27回 炎の祭典 〜霜月炎の舞〜」が開催されております。平成8年に始まった煙火のイベントでして、例年9月上旬の土曜日に豊橋公園内の豊橋球場で行われる手筒花火を中心とし、他、大筒や乱玉、綱火、スターマインなど250本を越えるさまざまな花火が放揚される大型の花火カーニバルでありますが、こちらも今年は11月での開催。

こちらの手筒花火も起源は古く、市内にある吉田神社の古文書に「吉田天王社の祭礼花火に始まる」「永禄3年(1560年)、当時の吉田城城代により花火が始まった」と綴っており、祭礼で花火が揚げられたと記録されております。 全国的にもかなり古い歴史を持ち、なかでも手筒花火は吉田神社が発祥の地と言われているようです。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This autumn, the weather has been very stable. The night sky is also very clear, which is perfect for enjoying the long autumn nights. Although it was not a lunar eclipse the other day, some of you may have been very satisfied with this year’s lunar eclipse observation in the clear night sky. I was also very satisfied with the ideal moon viewing.


I was also very satisfied with the night sky, where the scenery looked much clearer and more vivid than in the summer, and I almost mistakenly thought that my eyesight had improved. I was almost mistakenly thinking that my eyesight had improved because the night sky was much clearer and more vivid than in summer.

Whether the sky is cloudy or clear depends on whether there is more or less water vapor and dust in the air. This does not mean that my eyesight has improved.


In addition, events to enjoy such long autumn nights are back, such as the lighting up of autumn foliage in various places. The photos I took the other day of illuminated autumn leaves were really beautiful and I was in love with them, but this does not mean that my photography skills have improved either.


Then the other day, I heard on TV that the Kumano Grand Fireworks Festival was held in Kumano, Mie Prefecture, for the first time in three years. It is not a big fireworks show, but I personally would like to visit there at least once.

Although records are not clear, the origin of this Kumano Fireworks Festival is said to be 250 to 300 years ago, and it is a very old fireworks display with a long history and tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation following fireworks in the Mikawa region where maritime traffic was prosperous. Originally, it was held on the lawn of Gokurakuji Temple in the Kimoto area (currently Kimoto-cho, Kumano City) on the 16th day of the Bon Festival as a simple fireworks display for the Hashirimatsu (a pillar pine) of the pine-drawing event for the first spirit offering.


Recently, the “Onigajo Grand Fireworks Display,” which is the finale of the Kumano Grand Fireworks Festival, has become famous, and the fireworks are set off using the rocks and caves of Onigajo, which is a World Heritage Site and a national natural monument of scenic beauty.


In the “Onigajo Daisakkeshikkuri”, fireworks ranging in size from No. 8 to 2 shaku dama are placed directly on the rocks of Onigajo and explode as they are, in a powerful “Onigajo Daishibakkuri”. In addition to the sound of the fireworks exploding on the ground, the sound of reflections from the rocks and the echoing sound of the caves add to the power of the explosion.


There are also other areas where fireworks displays are held in the fall.


In Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, the 27th “Festival of Flames – Frost Moon Flame Dance” was held in November 2022 and today. This is a large-scale fireworks carnival that usually takes place on a Saturday in early September at the Toyohashi Ballpark in Toyohashi Park, and features over 250 fireworks including Tezutsu (handheld cylindrical fireworks), Otsutsu (large cylindrical fireworks), Randama (random balls), Tsunagashi (rope fire), and Starmine (star-mine).

The origin of Tezutsu Hanabi is also old, and an ancient document of Yoshida Shrine in the city states that it started as a festival firework display at Yoshida Tenno-sha Shrine, and that “in 1560 (the 3rd year of Eiroku era), fireworks were started by the then lord of Yoshida Castle. It has a fairly long history nationwide, and among them, the Tezutsu Hanabi is said to have originated at Yoshida Shrine.


For various reasons, the two fireworks festivals were held in the fall, but even if you can’t wear a yukata (light cotton kimono), I think it is nice to be able to see fireworks in such a clear night sky. So, I wondered if my eyesight had been restored. I would like to take a picture of fireworks in the night sky with such vivid colors that you would be mistaken to think that your eyesight has recovered or that your skills have improved. I would like to take a picture of fireworks in the night sky with colors so vivid that you would be mistaken to think that my eyesight has improved.


I didn’t have a chance to see the fireworks, but when I visited Tokyo the other day, I pointed my camera at the bright lights of the buildings in the city. It was very beautiful.


There are many ways to enjoy the night sky in autumn, so I would like to enjoy it a little more until the real cold weather arrives.


Have a good day.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





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