8月, 2021 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




facebookはじめました(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取・販売 古美術風光舎 名古屋覚王山)



























Hello everyone. It is staff m.

I posted that I am doing yoga in the morning at zoom, but in fact it is a terrible mechanical noise. Especially for personal computers.

Originally, I like to talk directly with people, so I’ve always been bad at machines …


This time, I asked him to make a Facebook page for the Fukosha Nagoya store. “Eh? Can I do it …?” Is the voice of my heart.

Certainly, when Facebook started to appear, I registered somehow and started somehow, but at that time I enjoyed interacting with my mom friends, old friends, and people at work.

However, after that, when I got hooked on Instagram and even on Twitter, Facebook started to go down in me. Rather, I can’t do many things at once, so I can’t afford to go to Facebook.

So, I don’t know what the current function is, and I have a lot of Hatena in my head about how to do it.


However, the reason why I was in charge of Facebook this time is that I was there when the theme of using SNS was raised as a way to let many people know about Fukosha. That’s it.

Currently, Instagram, which is also the representative of SNS, is already doing it, so the main reason is to do Facebook by the following means and let more people know about Fukosha.


By the way, when it comes to actually creating it, I completely forgot about how to register an account because it was too old.

From there, the investigation begins. “Is this okay?” While proceeding with half-belief, registration did not proceed well, I made a few mistakes, corrected it, and I do not understand again. After getting older, machines are really scary, aren’t they? I don’t understand what you say! (smile)

Still, it feels like it’s done somehow, so please take a look at Facebook if you like.

I made it with an account called [Fukosha Nagoya].

I will continue to post frequently, so I look forward to working with you!


Staff m













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

朝ヨガ最終回! (愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取・販売 古美術風光舎名古屋店)











「自分を甘やかしすぎる人の為の朝ヨガ 5日間チャレンジ」という、なんともグサッと刺さるようなタイトル!


























Hello everyone. It is staff m.

I blogged about yoga in the morning two years ago, but this is the final episode.

Let me tell you how I experienced the “Morning Yoga 5 Day Program” at zoom.


Before I started yoga in the morning, I was always dragging around during the Obon holidays, and I had a hard time getting up in the morning. When I became sick of my self-degradation, I started looking for friends to teach yoga.

The title “Morning yoga for those who spoil themselves for 5 days” is a piercing title!

“I’m thinking of doing something, but aren’t you just procrastinating and spoiling yourself? Once a month, make your own timetable every morning and take on the challenge of continuing for 5 days. Focus on your body in meditation. ”

I was sick of my life, so if I was told something like this, why not give it a try! Isn’t it inspiring? !!

That’s why I tried this time.


The first thing I’m glad I did for 5 days was that I was able to make effective use of my morning time.

On the first day, I wanted to make my surroundings shiny, like after returning from a power spot. My eyes go to the parts that haven’t been cleaned well, so I just cleaned it up. Even so, I had plenty of time to clean up in time for work.

The second good thing is that I was in the right posture all day long.

In morning yoga, I slowly stretched and loosened my body from a ticking state and gradually moved my muscles. At that time, it feels like the body fits in the right place, or it feels like the spine and organs are in their original positions. In the morning, I felt that if I did that, my body would try to keep it that way all day long. That’s why it was very comfortable

Third, I noticed that the nap time was very short and my fatigue recovered.

When I wasn’t doing yoga in the morning, if I got tired during the day and took a nap, I sometimes fell asleep for an hour. However, on the day I did yoga, I was satisfied and woke up in about one-third of the time. It was a real surprise to me, who loves to sleep and can sleep all day long if left alone.

Fourth, I have some leeway in my mind.

I’m usually weak in the morning, so I’m always fluttering before going out, but during morning yoga I get up more than an hour earlier, so I can afford to choose what to do. I feel that this margin is the energy to spend the day comfortably and calmly. And I think that the room in the morning led to the rank up of the breakfast menu, another item on the dinner menu, and the smile of my mother, and as a result, my family was happy. (smile)


It is often said that “early rising is a virtue of three sentences”, but for me, “morning yoga is four or more virtues”.

It’s not enough to get up early, but by preparing your body and mind with yoga and facing the day, you can spend a meaningful time and various gift-like events will occur.

I don’t have a morning yoga class for the next three weeks, so I’ll spend my time on my own schedule, but next month I’m likely to want to take a morning yoga class to improve my lifestyle.

(staff m)













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


花言葉のはじまりは…(愛知県千種区姫池通 買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



Hello everyone.






























Here at the antique Fukosha Nagoya store, there are various antiques in the store, but among them there are many flowers.

Flowers are often used as a motif, as is the case with the four-character idiom Kacho Fugetsu.

So today, I would like to introduce you to the flowers in the store.

By the way, I was wondering, but there is a flower language in flowers, but where exactly does this come from and how is it decided?

When I was in high school, some people drew flowers and added the flower language to the title of the work, and when giving flowers to people, they also think about the flower language when choosing flowers. Books on flower language are on sale, and not only the appearance of flowers but also flower language is regarded as important.

I’m just curious about this, so I thought I had to look it up before introducing the flowers, so I’ve been looking it up.

The flower language is said to have started with the custom called “Serum” in Turkey.

Flowers and fruits have poems, and by sending them, you can convey your feelings to the other party.

In 1818, the first flower language book, the Flower Language Dictionary, was published in Paris.

This was written by a person named Charlotte de Latour, who seems to have decided on a method based on two things when adding flower language.

The first is “an observation-oriented attitude that tries to express the nature and characteristics of the plant in words, such as the outer shape, aroma, color, and ecology of the plant.”

The second is “a stance of emphasizing cultural history, which attempts to condense and describe the cultural history traditions that flowers have accumulated in Western society into a single word.”

And this book seems to have become extremely popular at that time. Reprints were repeated, and even pirated editions were released.

Of course it also came to Japan.

It was imported in the early Meiji era, and it seems that the imported flower language was used as it was at the beginning, but after that, Japanese original flower language was also actively proposed.

In this way, the flower language seems to have spread to the world.

And, although new species of plants are still being developed, when new flowers are created, the developers themselves may add flower words to them or recruit them from consumers.

If you add a nice flower language, it will have a sales promotion effect.

Currently, there seems to be no official certification body for flower language.

Also, in Japan and overseas, the flower language may be completely different as the history and customs of the country are different, so you have to be careful when giving flowers.

Then, I will introduce about three flowers of Fukosha Nagoya store with photos.







First of all, here is the bean dish of “Kikyou”.

The flower language of Kikyo is “eternal love” and “unchangeable love.”

It is said that this flower language was given from the story of a young girl who had been waiting for her lover for the rest of her life.

















This is “chrysanthemum”.

It’s a chrysanthemum that is used in many places, so maybe some of you may know it …

The main flower words are “noble” and “noble”.

Chrysanthemums have long been popular for their elegant and beautiful flowers, and are also used as the family crest of the Emperor’s family, giving this meaning.

However, as with any flower, the flower language changes depending on the color.

In the case of chrysanthemums …

The red chrysanthemum “loves you” “love”

The yellow chrysanthemum is “torn love”

White chrysanthemum is “truth” “honesty”

Purple chrysanthemum is “victory of love” “dream comes true”

Pink chrysanthemum is a “sweet dream”

Green and orange chrysanthemums do not seem to be specified.

I was surprised that there were so many colors, but I didn’t know that the meaning would change so much with colors.








この花言葉をふまえて、こちらの「深川製磁 蓋物陶磁器」を見てみると、蓋の中、内側に描かれていることにも深い意味を感じられそうですね。





The last is “Maple”.

Not only flowers, but also leaves and trees have flower language.

There is no botanical maple plant, but it has a flower language.

The flower language of maple is “moderation,” “refrain,” “important memories,” and “beautiful changes.”

In addition to the maple, cherry blossoms are drawn, and the cherry blossoms have the flower word “spiritual beauty”, which is the national flower of Japan.

Based on this flower language, if you look at this “Fukagawa Seiji lid ceramics”, it seems that you can feel the deep meaning of what is drawn inside the lid.


I think that the flower language changes depending on the country, region, and people,

Sometimes, why don’t you choose something with reference to the flower language?












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

行って参りました、グランマ・モーゼス展(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)





























会  期:7月10日~9月5日


休 館 日 :7月12日(月)、7月19日(月)、7月26日(月)、8月2日(月)、8月16日(月)、8月23日(月)、8月30日(月)

会  場:名古屋市美術館               〒460-0008 名古屋市中区栄2-17-25 〔芸術と科学の杜・白川公園内〕


Hello, this is Staff Y.


The opening period, form, and reservation method of museums have become various under these circumstances, so you have to check the website and SNS information of each museum. Rather than that, did you visit the museum last time? I wonder when it was. There weren’t many museums, but when it comes to it, it’s more likely for a careless person like me to forget to participate in the war. However, this time it was unusual for me, and I remember it, so I participated in the war the other day.


“Grandma Moses Exhibition”

Anna Mary Robertson Moses (1860-1961), nicknamed her Grandma Moses. She is a national painter that every American knows, and I think there are many people who remember her work somewhere. She started painting in earnest in her 70s from an unknown farmer, and of course she didn’t study her painting. She is a super grandma who will hold her first solo exhibition in New York at the age of 80, but this time her specially planned exhibition will be held in Japan on the occasion of her 160th birthday. It was the first time in 16 years for a retrospective exhibition. Approximately 130 works including her first visit to Japan will be exhibited, from her earliest works to her writings drawn at the age of 100, her favorite items and related materials. This exhibition introduces the world of Grandma Moses, who loved nature and simple living, and lived a wonderful 100 years with strength and sincerity.


Most of Grandma Moses’ works depict the daily lives of the people of the countryside and its territories, which straddle New York and Vermont. Moses lived throughout her life and continued to portray the familiar landscapes she loved. The first part of her exhibition begins with her favorite embroidery, even before she started her painting. Her rheumatism prevented her minions from moving as expected, but with the recommendation of her daughter, she is said to have shifted to painting. It was her convincing work that her world apparently started with this embroidery thread usage. Embroidery painting is a must-see for me.

Moses’ paintings also teach us many things that people at that time had to do on their own. Making quilts, soaps, candles, harvesting crops, etc. Many of these activities are accompanied by a gathering of people. In her paintings, not who is the main character, but only works that capture a scene of nurturing those jobs with her colleagues with a camera in her eyes. They also appear in local events such as helping those people with their weddings and moving, and the works that cut out the simple daily life with the family and villagers at that time are drawn in detail and accurately. It’s not that I was able to do it, but it seems that the activities and facial expressions of the people there and the conversations I had with them move like a video. that’s strange.

Regarding the lives of those farms, Moses says, “There is almost no change every day, but only the seasons will change.” That is why the villagers cherished such subtle changes in the seasons, and cherished the special events of each season. Maple sap begins to circulate as a sign of the arrival of spring. In February, sugaring off to make maple syrup and sugar from sap. Picnic in the summer. Making apple butter from late summer to early autumn. And in autumn and winter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. are all scenes of life that are changing with the seasons.


The most important theme in Grandma Moses paintings. It is the unchanging beauty of nature. In it, people are probably spending work, events, and events in their lives during the changing seasons. Moses, a farmer, seems to tell us that nature can sometimes be harsh, but if humans interact with it with understanding and respect, it will be a blessing. Nature can be calm and peaceful, or it can become a mess and a threat. Moses paid homage to both the stillness and movement of nature, and seemed to capture the landscape in her eyes.


In addition to the works drawn by the painter Grandma Moses this time, items such as her favorites and handmade items that give a glimpse of Grandma Moses’ private life, as well as materials showing Moses’ feat and influence at that time, etc. About 50 items are also on display. In particular, the table that Moses actually used when making her paintings is a valuable item that has never been exhibited outside the United States. Anyway, KAWAII! However, please come and check how cute it is.


[Grandma Moses Exhibition]

Opening hours: 9:30 am to 5 pm, Friday until 8 pm
(However, July 23 (Friday / holiday) is until 5 pm. Admission is 30 minutes before closing.)

Closed days: July 12 (Monday), July 19 (Monday), July 26 (Monday), August 2 (Monday),
August 16th (Monday), August 23rd (Monday), August 30th (Monday)

Meeting place: Nagoya City Museum of Art
2-17-25 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0008 [Art and Science Forest, Shirakawa Park]














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


朝ヨガ シャバアーサナってすごい!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





















Hello everyone. It is staff m.

I blogged about yoga in the morning two times before, but today was my challenge on the third day.

This morning, I intended to go to bed early the day before, but for some reason I almost overslept and was awakened by my husband next door. By the way, her husband isn’t wake up yet, but I guess she got angry when she saw her bride who slept again after turning off her alarm clock.

I jumped up saying “I can’t do it!”, Soaked in plain hot water, and then connected to zoom in the living room. I was just in time. Relieved.


I was having a conversation with the instructor and other members while I had mild muscle pain in all parts of my body, but one more person did not come in when the time came. While thinking, “I’m sure she’s the same as me, I’m a sleeper ~? I want to sleep on Wednesdays during the week, I understand her feelings ~!” went.


Squats are included today, and it seems to be the toughest program of the five-day lessons. My muscles, which have a lot of sitting work due to lack of exercise, tremble even with a little exercise. There is a tree pose, in which the hand stands on one leg at the age of hurray, and the other leg sticks to the ankle of the standing leg. When I did that, it shook and it felt like a tree in a storm, not a big tree. (smile)


There is such a yoga pose (?!) That I like the most. This is a child pose, which is a weak pose in which the hands of the dogeza are fully extended, the stomach is attached to the thighs, and the forehead is attached to the floor. This uses muscles in the previous pose, so it sometimes comes in like a break pose, but when that pose comes in, it feels like an oasis.

And the other is the pose of a corpse called Shaba Asana. It’s a program that you always enter at the end of yoga, and you just sleep in big letters, which is very, very comfortable. It seems that some people sometimes fall asleep seriously, but that is also good. I’ve asked before if this pose has any meaning. Then, if you can experience the ultimate shaba asana, it seems that various things will overflow from your body, which may be called poison of the body. Or, energy may overflow from the bottom of your heart and fill you up, or tears may flow one after another and you may be impressed. Also, I was told that a complete shaba assana has a fatigue recovery effect equivalent to 2 to 3 hours of sleep in about 15 minutes. That’s why Shaba Asana isn’t just a sleeping pose, it’s an important pose to let go of your whole body and release your mind and body.

I see, that’s why I liked this pose … I was strangely convinced. (smile)

However, when I was doing it at home, when I was in Shaba Asana, I made arrangements for housework, saying, “When you’re done, do this, do that …”, and think too much about various things in your head. I will end up. So, I will try not to think about anything for the next two days from tomorrow so that I can experience the ultimate shaba asana! (Is it something you can think of ?!)


Staff m













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


いつも通る道路の円形陸橋に気づかなかった件(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.



Originally, I had a tendency to “let me be free”, but under the unsatisfied situation these days, my hobby was driving in the neighborhood. I’ve always liked driving, but I often drive around the prefecture, trying to get to the neighborhood spots that I wouldn’t normally go to. How do you see it on a schedule and time when there is no traffic jam? If there is a driver who seems to be, I am, or a driver in my neighborhood, lol.


Having lived in various prefectures, the first thing I noticed when I lived in Aichi was that the infrastructure and road conditions were dynamic and clever. The road conditions are reasonably good, traffic jams like in Tokyo rarely occur, and the main road has 4 to 6 lanes. Is it an airplane runway? 8 lanes like that are also OK. As you all know, Aichi Prefecture is a famous production area for cars (laughs), so basically, it seems that it is because people move by car, but on the contrary, those who walk across these roads. I wonder if people with disabilities can cross over.

I was vaguely thinking about that, but I found an infrastructure that I didn’t have to worry about.


It was on the main road in Nagoya city, which I use so much. A circular pedestrian bridge located in Tempaku-ku, Nagoya. The official name is “Hirabarihodo Bridge”, and the sidewalk part just surrounds the sky above the intersection. Perhaps because I was always driving through, or because the ring road was crossing above, it was difficult to understand the whole picture, so I passed through normally. The reason why I noticed is that there is a structure of Earl in the sky scenery of the intersection that suddenly stopped at the traffic light. that? What is this empty circle? It is said that he notices. There is also a vagueness. On the contrary, I’m surprised at myself that I didn’t even notice until now …




This circular pedestrian bridge, “Kikusuien pedestrian bridge”, which was installed in Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo in 1971, seems to be Japan’s first circular pedestrian bridge, and it seems that it is a rare infrastructure that is currently installed in only a few places nationwide. The circular pedestrian bridge in the Shinko district of Yokohama city is called “Circle Walk”, which is a symbolic place, but the “Hirabari pedestrian bridge” that I used to go through as usual is quite ordinary. The main road is usually installed there, and it is a pedestrian bridge that is rooted in daily life.

It seems to be part of the maintenance of National Highway No. 302 by the Chubu Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and it is supported by four piers, and the main span is evenly 44.7 m. Bridge length (around) 178.6m. 3m wide. Completed in 1993 and put into service on March 29, 1994. I don’t know if it was a plan from the time of the bridge, but now Mei-Nikan runs on the bridge (or rather, a considerable section of National Highway 302). Perhaps, when viewed from the sky, it is a bird’s-eye view with a dumpling stuck in a skewer. In this case, it seems that even people who do not have their own legs can cross slowly, but since the diameter is large, there is no need to worry about signals, but the distance to cross is quite good.


Since the purpose of this circular overpass was to reach the destination, it was a symbolic event that I could notice a lot of things while slowly caring about the surroundings, so I decided to write it down a little.

Rather than that, if you have a chance to moe infrastructure, please go see it.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


朝ヨガ始めてみたら…(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone.

Suddenly, I think you are being forced into various inconveniences and patience by Corona. What was good about you?

I think it was good to be able to do various things remotely

With the advent of remote work, the common sense that adults go to work as a matter of course has collapsed.

After a three-month leave of absence, more and more children realized that they could study anywhere without going to school, and more and more children chose not to go to school. As for college, my son has been on demand for almost two years since he entered school, so he doesn’t go to school much. I wonder what the conventional wisdom was, isn’t it the time when the style is changing drastically?


Meanwhile, I am enjoying this corona disaster by using a convenient function called zoom.

I think zoom is a well-known thing, but I’ll explain it for the time being. (I don’t know that perfectly either …)

zoom is an app developed for holding seminars and meetings online using a computer or smartphone. If you have a seminar or meeting you would like to attend, apply for that seminar. Then, you will receive the invitation URL and meeting ID from the seminar organizer. Simply click on the invitation URL at the designated time or enter your meeting ID to attend the seminar. So, in the hot summer, you don’t have to go out sweaty for a seminar, and you can learn a lot while you’re at home. Of course, there are many ways to use it, such as talking with friends and holding drinking parties, not just for learning.


The other day, I wrote an article on this blog that learned “Miso making”, and it was exactly what used zoom. A friend from Kyushu became a teacher and participated with people from all over Japan such as Nagoya, Sendai, Kanagawa, and Tokyo. I was able to talk to people who I would never normally meet, and I was able to hear about the situation in the area, and I thought it was interesting.


By the way, the introduction has become long, but today I would like to write about “5 days of morning yoga challenge at zoom”.

Actually, from today, I’m trying to take a 5-day morning yoga class at zoom. What time does morning yoga start? How do you think? It’s from 5:40 in the early morning. However, because it is zoom, it is attractive that you can do it at home even if you get up.

The reason why I was so impressed with this lesson is that I, who is weak in the morning, can’t do it by myself even if I want to get up early. That’s why we had to forcibly create a situation that had to happen. I usually love to sleep, so I used to sleep slowly during the Obon holidays. Besides, the weather was rainy, so I think that was one of the factors that made me sleepy. (Maybe it’s a belief … yes)

Let’s say that I was disgusted by such a self-deprecating life. Another big reason is that I wanted to make effective use of my morning time.


I slept last night with mixed expectations and anxieties, but I managed to get up early this morning. And finally yoga lessons!

From the beginning, I close my eyes while I’m still vacant, so I can concentrate on myself and slowly relax my body. Meanwhile, I noticed that my body did not move as I thought that the pose that I could easily do in the daytime was in the morning, and that my thoughts were not noisy because my head had not moved yet. Above all, it was really nice to have a space that wasn’t disturbed by anyone because it was early in the morning.

And after the lesson, I feel like I’m in a little zone, feeling good both physically and mentally. I decided to work on the housework that I usually avoided, so I started cleaning the parts of my house that I was interested in. When I started doing it without a big spirit, I could see the parts I was interested in one after another, and as a result, I was able to clean a lot of maniac places that I usually do not do. I am very happy that I was able to go to work at Fukosha after doing all the housework, which was an effective use of my morning time!

So what will happen to this after tomorrow?

I wish I could write here what I got after trying for 5 days.


Fukosha conducts an email assessment. If you have any problems, such as being unable to carry it to the store or because there are many, why not use the email assessment once. This is also a remote era ?!

(Staff M)













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL;  052(734)8444

MAIL;   fuukousya@gmail.com

10:00-17:00 OPEN


小さいけれども力のあふれる神社に行ってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術・買取販売 風光舎名古屋店)





































Hello everyone. It is staff m.

Recently, the mornings and evenings have become cooler and easier to spend. When I opened the window and went to bed, it became cold and I woke up in the morning. You can also see the red dragonfly flying from the window of Fukosha. I feel that the autumn is gradually coming after the Obon festival, but how about the area where you live?

By the way, today is my hobby.

I’m a shrine-loving girl (although I’m not that old …) who almost always visits a local shrine when I go out for business.

The other day, I had a business trip to Kyoto, so I visited a shrine that I wanted to visit for about a year.


That is Manai Shrine, which is the inner shrine of Motoise Kono Shrine near Amanohashidate. The reason why I was interested in this is that it is said that Amaterasu Omikami and Toyouke Omikami came to the shrine before Ise Jingu in Mie Prefecture was built. Because there is.

It is also written on the homepage of Kono Shrine.

“From a long time ago, called Kamidai, I have been enshrining Toyoukebime in the Okumiya area, Manaihara, by calling it Yoshinomiya. Due to that connection, Amaterasu Omikami was transferred from Wakoku Kasashi-emura to the reign of the 10th Emperor Sujin, and Amaterasu Omikami and Toyoukebime Omikami were named Yoshinomiya for four years. I worshiped together. After that, Amaterasu Omikami moved to Ise in the reign of the 11th Emperor Suinin, and Toyouke Omikami moved to Ise in the reign of the 21st Emperor Yuryaku. For that reason, our company is called “Moto Ise” in the sense that it is the former shrine of the Ise Jingu Naiku and the former shrine of the outer shrine.

After both Okami moved to Ise, in the third year of Yoro, the main shrine was moved from the land of Manai Okumiya Shrine (Kisamiya) to the land of the current Kago Shrine, and the company name was changed from Yoshisamiya to Kago. It was changed to the shrine (Konomiya) and enshrined Amenohoakari as the main deity.

The old company name “Yosa” of the shrine and “Yosa” of the Yoshisa shrine are still inherited as the county name (Yoza-gun) and the name of the sea (Yoza no Umi). I’m coming. 』\

I feel mysterious that I have worshiped God in the land where Manai Shrine was located since the age of the Gods, and I am delighted with the fact that I also set up in that land. Behind the main shrine of Manai Shrine is the ancient ritual form of Banza (a very large rock), and it is said that people in the era when there was no shrine thought that God would dwell there. I can’t get close to Banza now, so I worshiped from a distance, but I felt a sense of security from that Banza.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t leave the Banza in the photo because it was prohibited to take pictures from the middle of the approach, but the big mossy rock is the heart of the people, and I have spent a long time with many thoughts. It will tell you that.

In the precincts of Manai Shrine, stone axes and scrapers from the Jomon period, which are proof that people have lived since the Jomon period, have been excavated, and miniature ritual earthenware fragments and magatama from the Yayoi period have been excavated. Therefore, the Manaihara area has been considered a sacred place since the Jomon period, and it seems that humans lived there and worshiped the gods.

In addition, there is a place like a Chozuya called “Ten no Manai no Mizu” just past the torii gate. There is a well “well” in the word “manai”, so if you think that it is a shrine related to water, this water seems to be amazing.

“This water is the sacred water that Amemura Unmei, the third generation of the Kaifu family of the Kago Shrine, put” Ten no Manai no Mizu “, which is used by the gods, in a golden bowl and brought it down from the heavens. Amemura Unmei first transferred the water to the well of Takachiho in Hinata, and then to the well in Manaihara of our Okumiya. After that, it is said that it was moved to the well of Kaminomi Shrine in the outer shrine of Ise Jingu by Yamatohime-no-Mikoto. 』\

In this way, it is written on the homepage, and it seems that the water prepared for God will come out. There was also a faucet for drinking, so I tried drinking it, but the water was mellow and very easy to drink. It was a hot day of worship, so I came back to life with this cold water.

At Manai Shrine, the guardian dog is a dragon god. I thought this was also a rare feature that I rarely see, so I took a picture of it.


If you have a recommended shrine in your area, please let us know!

I will join the list of shrines I want to go to.



おうち時間に映画鑑賞(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




























Hello everyone.

It’s been raining every day these days and the weather isn’t very good. As the number of infected people increases, they inevitably spend more time at home. It’s home time.

When I think about it, I feel like I was staying at home during the summer vacation last year due to a request to refrain from doing so. I remember reading a book all the time last summer vacation. So it really felt like I was staying in my room all day long.

Compared to last year, I don’t feel like reading a book much during the summer vacation this year.

I’m sure last year it was hard to get used to the new environment and I couldn’t read books normally, so I used summer vacation to eliminate that desire. This year, I was able to read when I wanted to, so I may not have much desire to read now.

I watched a movie in my spare time because I didn’t read a book. Of course, it’s at home, but these days it’s convenient because there are many works that you can see if you pay a monthly fee for the video distribution service.

There is a watch list in the app that you can check the works you want to see, but I have a lot of various genres stored there. Since it is only being preserved, I think that it will not decrease and will increase, but it will not be digested (looked at) soon.


The other day, I saw a work by the painter Kumagai Morikazu called “Mori, the Artist’s Place”. Speaking of Kumagai Morikazu, the one that comes to my mind is the Aichi Museum of Art. I often go to the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art when an exhibition is held, but when I see the permanent exhibition at the end, the painting of Kumagai Morikazu is always on display, and I think it’s a good painting. Kumagai Morikazu’s paintings are easy to understand, perhaps because of their style. a! This is a picture of Morikazu Kumagai! It will be. I’m sure there are many people who like Kumagai Morikazu’s paintings. (Many of my friends)


“Mori’s Place” was released on October 29, 2018, so let’s see it! I thought, but I couldn’t go to see it because it wasn’t convenient for me. I wanted to rent it, but I forgot it. I was looking forward to it at that time so that I could remember it even now. The reason I was looking forward to it was not only because it was Morikazu Kumagai, but also because there were actors. When I saw the preview video, I was surprised by the acting of the actor. Tsutomu Yamazaki plays Morikazu Kumagai, and Kirin Kiki plays his wife Hideko. There is also an actor named Ryo Kase, but I remember that he was really cool when I watched another movie.


This movie is a fiction of a day in his later years, with the main character being the painter Kumagai Morikazu, who continued to draw the life of the garden for 30 years without going out of his house and was active until his death at the age of 97. It will be a work drawn in. The genre goes into a drama, but there were many scenes that made me laugh because of comedy elements. There was also a little fantasy element. Movies that depict everyday life often go on in a straightforward manner, and some people may find it boring, but this was interesting. (Maybe some people don’t like that comedy element, but … I felt a sense of intimacy.)


Morikazu Kumagai was called a “painter’s hermit,” and he really looked like a hermit, and he had an extreme personality as an artist. His wife Hideko, who has supported him and has lived with him for decades, is amazing.

And in the movie, the story revolves around the house and garden where they live. In the movie, I was healed while watching the movie, expressing the garden and the house that Morikazu Kumagai had been watching for 30 years.

I usually watch movies, and when insects come out, I’m sorry! But that wasn’t the case in this movie. Everything looks beautiful.

I don’t want to spoil, so I watched the movie and liked the lines that I liked the most.

“Look closely.”

This is the word that Morikazu Kumagai said to the cameraman. It stabbed me very much. The lines and scenes were good, but it’s a word that tells you what Morikazu Kumagai, who is in the garden all day, was doing there every day.


This movie is 1 hour and 39 minutes, which is not so long for a movie, so if you are interested in Kumagai Morikazu, please take a look.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

手前みそですが、自家製味噌最高!(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術・アンティーク 風光舎名古屋店)

















































Hello everyone. It is staff m.

I was a little happy, so would you like to hear from me?


The miso that I started to prepare in February has been aged for half a year, so I tried it at home the other day.

Then it was delicious! !! !!

I usually buy miso, but to be honest, I haven’t been able to find a satisfying miso lately.

A friend of mine who lives in Kyushu will hold a “Miso Making Workshop” at zoom, so I tried to make miso with the feeling that I would like to stick to the straw.

This time I made miso from Kyushu. It also belongs to Saga Prefecture’s maker “Maruhide Soy Sauce Co., Ltd.”, which my friend made several times and it was delicious. This is very convenient, and the “miso making set” is a product from the beginning.

Boiled soybeans from Saga prefecture, rice jiuqu from Saga prefecture, and salt from Goto, Nagasaki prefecture are weighed so that you can easily make 2 kg of rice miso.

What’s more, all the necessary tools are sold, such as a plastic tub for aging miso and a plastic bag that won’t tear even if you crush the beans. It is very attractive that the price is 2160 yen and it is easy to buy.


Then, finally the zoom workshop. Thaw the boiled soybeans that were sent in the freezer from a day ago, boil them once, and then go to make miso.

Using the materials that my friend created with PowerPoint, he taught me how to make miso and the points, and it’s finally time to mash beans.

Crush it tightly from the top of the plastic bag. At first, everyone was talking, but gradually became indifferent,

I will concentrate on crushing the beans. It’s a very comfortable space.

When it is crushed to some extent, add a mixture of salt and jiuqu and mix it further.

Then, when it mixes nicely, fill the tub with miso so as not to let air in.

It’s an exhilarating moment when you roll it up and slam it into a tub. (smile)

With that, the preparation is completed in about an hour and a half. All you have to do is let it sit for about half a year.

I thought it would be difficult to make miso, but when I tried it, it was surprisingly easy. Plus, it comes with a gift that you can enjoy the finished product!

February, which I had just prepared, was still a cold winter, so I wasn’t worried about mold, but since I was in Golden Week, I was worried about the inside when it started to warm up. Once I took a peek, as expected, mold had grown on the surface …

However, that was also expected, and my friend said, “Mold will occur, so remember this method.” Squeeze the wasabi from the tube a little into an aluminum cup and put it on the back. He taught me the technique.

So, if you find mold, remove it without rushing, change the wrap to a new one, put a wasabi aluminum cup on it, and let it age again.

I changed the storage location to a place where it wouldn’t get too hot, and when I saw the miso, which gradually became darker, I was grinning.


Then, half a year later, around mid-August, I finally decided to try it.

When I tasted it with my second son, who has a sensitive taste, they both opened their eyes and said, “It’s delicious!”

I wanted to eat it with raw cucumber, but unfortunately it wasn’t in the refrigerator, so I made stir-fried meat and vegetables with miso.

Miso in Kyushu is characterized by a slightly sweeter taste than that in Honshu. That’s why the stir-fried miso was not good, but the miso soup was outstandingly delicious.

My family, who has a Nagoya husband, usually uses red miso, but that is really difficult to season. (Oh, only me ?!)

If you don’t make the soup stock, red miso will become unsatisfactory miso soup.

However, if you add a lot of miso, it will be salty and you can’t drink it.

That’s why my family had a bad reputation with children, and I gradually stopped making it.

However, with this miso, the whole family will say that it is delicious. And it is handmade and additive-free.

It is a miso that can be safely fed to the family with only three ingredients and no extras.

After eating a little, my second son decided to repeat, “This will be gone soon, so you should make it again.”

However, the aging period may change depending on the time of preparation, so I will continue to enjoy such things in the future.

I decided to make miso and handmade miso to be aged.


Next is the challenge of homemade ginger ale!












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


