朝ヨガ始めてみたら…(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




朝ヨガ始めてみたら…(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone.

Suddenly, I think you are being forced into various inconveniences and patience by Corona. What was good about you?

I think it was good to be able to do various things remotely

With the advent of remote work, the common sense that adults go to work as a matter of course has collapsed.

After a three-month leave of absence, more and more children realized that they could study anywhere without going to school, and more and more children chose not to go to school. As for college, my son has been on demand for almost two years since he entered school, so he doesn’t go to school much. I wonder what the conventional wisdom was, isn’t it the time when the style is changing drastically?


Meanwhile, I am enjoying this corona disaster by using a convenient function called zoom.

I think zoom is a well-known thing, but I’ll explain it for the time being. (I don’t know that perfectly either …)

zoom is an app developed for holding seminars and meetings online using a computer or smartphone. If you have a seminar or meeting you would like to attend, apply for that seminar. Then, you will receive the invitation URL and meeting ID from the seminar organizer. Simply click on the invitation URL at the designated time or enter your meeting ID to attend the seminar. So, in the hot summer, you don’t have to go out sweaty for a seminar, and you can learn a lot while you’re at home. Of course, there are many ways to use it, such as talking with friends and holding drinking parties, not just for learning.


The other day, I wrote an article on this blog that learned “Miso making”, and it was exactly what used zoom. A friend from Kyushu became a teacher and participated with people from all over Japan such as Nagoya, Sendai, Kanagawa, and Tokyo. I was able to talk to people who I would never normally meet, and I was able to hear about the situation in the area, and I thought it was interesting.


By the way, the introduction has become long, but today I would like to write about “5 days of morning yoga challenge at zoom”.

Actually, from today, I’m trying to take a 5-day morning yoga class at zoom. What time does morning yoga start? How do you think? It’s from 5:40 in the early morning. However, because it is zoom, it is attractive that you can do it at home even if you get up.

The reason why I was so impressed with this lesson is that I, who is weak in the morning, can’t do it by myself even if I want to get up early. That’s why we had to forcibly create a situation that had to happen. I usually love to sleep, so I used to sleep slowly during the Obon holidays. Besides, the weather was rainy, so I think that was one of the factors that made me sleepy. (Maybe it’s a belief … yes)

Let’s say that I was disgusted by such a self-deprecating life. Another big reason is that I wanted to make effective use of my morning time.


I slept last night with mixed expectations and anxieties, but I managed to get up early this morning. And finally yoga lessons!

From the beginning, I close my eyes while I’m still vacant, so I can concentrate on myself and slowly relax my body. Meanwhile, I noticed that my body did not move as I thought that the pose that I could easily do in the daytime was in the morning, and that my thoughts were not noisy because my head had not moved yet. Above all, it was really nice to have a space that wasn’t disturbed by anyone because it was early in the morning.

And after the lesson, I feel like I’m in a little zone, feeling good both physically and mentally. I decided to work on the housework that I usually avoided, so I started cleaning the parts of my house that I was interested in. When I started doing it without a big spirit, I could see the parts I was interested in one after another, and as a result, I was able to clean a lot of maniac places that I usually do not do. I am very happy that I was able to go to work at Fukosha after doing all the housework, which was an effective use of my morning time!

So what will happen to this after tomorrow?

I wish I could write here what I got after trying for 5 days.


Fukosha conducts an email assessment. If you have any problems, such as being unable to carry it to the store or because there are many, why not use the email assessment once. This is also a remote era ?!

(Staff M)













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL;  052(734)8444

MAIL;   fuukousya@gmail.com

10:00-17:00 OPEN



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