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朝ヨガ シャバアーサナってすごい!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





















Hello everyone. It is staff m.

I blogged about yoga in the morning two times before, but today was my challenge on the third day.

This morning, I intended to go to bed early the day before, but for some reason I almost overslept and was awakened by my husband next door. By the way, her husband isn’t wake up yet, but I guess she got angry when she saw her bride who slept again after turning off her alarm clock.

I jumped up saying “I can’t do it!”, Soaked in plain hot water, and then connected to zoom in the living room. I was just in time. Relieved.


I was having a conversation with the instructor and other members while I had mild muscle pain in all parts of my body, but one more person did not come in when the time came. While thinking, “I’m sure she’s the same as me, I’m a sleeper ~? I want to sleep on Wednesdays during the week, I understand her feelings ~!” went.


Squats are included today, and it seems to be the toughest program of the five-day lessons. My muscles, which have a lot of sitting work due to lack of exercise, tremble even with a little exercise. There is a tree pose, in which the hand stands on one leg at the age of hurray, and the other leg sticks to the ankle of the standing leg. When I did that, it shook and it felt like a tree in a storm, not a big tree. (smile)


There is such a yoga pose (?!) That I like the most. This is a child pose, which is a weak pose in which the hands of the dogeza are fully extended, the stomach is attached to the thighs, and the forehead is attached to the floor. This uses muscles in the previous pose, so it sometimes comes in like a break pose, but when that pose comes in, it feels like an oasis.

And the other is the pose of a corpse called Shaba Asana. It’s a program that you always enter at the end of yoga, and you just sleep in big letters, which is very, very comfortable. It seems that some people sometimes fall asleep seriously, but that is also good. I’ve asked before if this pose has any meaning. Then, if you can experience the ultimate shaba asana, it seems that various things will overflow from your body, which may be called poison of the body. Or, energy may overflow from the bottom of your heart and fill you up, or tears may flow one after another and you may be impressed. Also, I was told that a complete shaba assana has a fatigue recovery effect equivalent to 2 to 3 hours of sleep in about 15 minutes. That’s why Shaba Asana isn’t just a sleeping pose, it’s an important pose to let go of your whole body and release your mind and body.

I see, that’s why I liked this pose … I was strangely convinced. (smile)

However, when I was doing it at home, when I was in Shaba Asana, I made arrangements for housework, saying, “When you’re done, do this, do that …”, and think too much about various things in your head. I will end up. So, I will try not to think about anything for the next two days from tomorrow so that I can experience the ultimate shaba asana! (Is it something you can think of ?!)


Staff m













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