朝ヨガ最終回! (愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取・販売 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




朝ヨガ最終回! (愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取・販売 古美術風光舎名古屋店)











「自分を甘やかしすぎる人の為の朝ヨガ 5日間チャレンジ」という、なんともグサッと刺さるようなタイトル!


























Hello everyone. It is staff m.

I blogged about yoga in the morning two years ago, but this is the final episode.

Let me tell you how I experienced the “Morning Yoga 5 Day Program” at zoom.


Before I started yoga in the morning, I was always dragging around during the Obon holidays, and I had a hard time getting up in the morning. When I became sick of my self-degradation, I started looking for friends to teach yoga.

The title “Morning yoga for those who spoil themselves for 5 days” is a piercing title!

“I’m thinking of doing something, but aren’t you just procrastinating and spoiling yourself? Once a month, make your own timetable every morning and take on the challenge of continuing for 5 days. Focus on your body in meditation. ”

I was sick of my life, so if I was told something like this, why not give it a try! Isn’t it inspiring? !!

That’s why I tried this time.


The first thing I’m glad I did for 5 days was that I was able to make effective use of my morning time.

On the first day, I wanted to make my surroundings shiny, like after returning from a power spot. My eyes go to the parts that haven’t been cleaned well, so I just cleaned it up. Even so, I had plenty of time to clean up in time for work.

The second good thing is that I was in the right posture all day long.

In morning yoga, I slowly stretched and loosened my body from a ticking state and gradually moved my muscles. At that time, it feels like the body fits in the right place, or it feels like the spine and organs are in their original positions. In the morning, I felt that if I did that, my body would try to keep it that way all day long. That’s why it was very comfortable

Third, I noticed that the nap time was very short and my fatigue recovered.

When I wasn’t doing yoga in the morning, if I got tired during the day and took a nap, I sometimes fell asleep for an hour. However, on the day I did yoga, I was satisfied and woke up in about one-third of the time. It was a real surprise to me, who loves to sleep and can sleep all day long if left alone.

Fourth, I have some leeway in my mind.

I’m usually weak in the morning, so I’m always fluttering before going out, but during morning yoga I get up more than an hour earlier, so I can afford to choose what to do. I feel that this margin is the energy to spend the day comfortably and calmly. And I think that the room in the morning led to the rank up of the breakfast menu, another item on the dinner menu, and the smile of my mother, and as a result, my family was happy. (smile)


It is often said that “early rising is a virtue of three sentences”, but for me, “morning yoga is four or more virtues”.

It’s not enough to get up early, but by preparing your body and mind with yoga and facing the day, you can spend a meaningful time and various gift-like events will occur.

I don’t have a morning yoga class for the next three weeks, so I’ll spend my time on my own schedule, but next month I’m likely to want to take a morning yoga class to improve my lifestyle.

(staff m)













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