春野菜にエネルギーをもらっています(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




春野菜にエネルギーをもらっています(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It is raining in Nagoya today, so the store is a little dimly lit, and the bronze incense burner under the light is shining brightly as if bathed in a spotlight.

A gentle smiling Jurojin sits on top of a dignified deer that looks like it could have appeared in a Ghibli movie.

His right leg is raised in the air, which I think is very cute.

This Jurojin is removable, and the body of the deer is hollow. When incense is burned, smoke comes out of the hole in the right cuff of the Jurojin. It would be interesting to see the figure surrounded by the smoke of incense.


This is a completely different story, but this time of year, when I go shopping, I see delicious spring vegetables such as spring cabbage, bamboo shoots, and fresh onions. Despite my desire to eat them, I hesitate to buy bamboo shoots when I imagine the time and effort required to prepare them.

Then, the other day, I found “Usui-mame” (Usui peas) in the vegetable section. Perhaps it was because I overlooked them, or perhaps it was because I have a family member who does not like beans, but I had never really looked at them before. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I learned that the beans in my favorite childhood dish, “mamegohan (rice with beans),” were not green peas, but rather “light beans. Usui-mame has a thin skin and a delicate sweetness that goes well with salty rice.

I am willing to go to the trouble of taking the beans out of the pod for something I truly want to eat. I say, “I’m willing to go to the trouble of taking the beans out of the pod for something I truly want to eat. As I take out the beans into the bowl, the aroma of the beans brings back memories of my childhood. The cooked rice tasted nostalgic. It also brought back memories of being scolded for eating only beans.


Compared to green peas, light beans are larger and have less of a green smell, so they are used as a seasonal ingredient in “mame gohan,” which heralds the beginning of spring. Usui-mame was first imported from the United States during the Meiji period (1868-1912) and cultivated in Usui-cho, Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture, hence the name “Usui-mame. Later, the cultivation of Usui-mame flourished in Wakayama Prefecture because the climate and climate were suitable for it. It is said that 70% of the beans produced in Wakayama are consumed in Osaka.

During this time of spring, many green snap peas, peas such as pea pods, and peas such as pea pods can be seen in stores. In fact, both are members of the same family, Fabaceae, and are called by different names depending on when they are harvested.

The earliest to be harvested are “mame-mae” (bean sprouts), which are young shoots before endo-peas are formed. When they are harvested while they are still growing and immature, they are called “Saya-endo,” and as the name suggests, the whole pods are eaten. After a while, the fruits begin to grow, and when the fruits and pods have grown to a good size, the snap peas can be eaten together. The word “snap” means “to snap” in English. The peas continue to grow and the pods become larger, and the immature pods are called “green peas”.

There are several varieties of peas, such as the “Usui endo (light pea),” the “Sugar Saya Pea,” which has a strong sweet taste, and the “Tutankhamen’s Pea,” which has a purple pod. Tutankhamen” is another bold name, but it is thought to be a descendant of the peas found in the tomb of King Tutankhamen (1342-1324 B.C.), who really ruled Egypt. The peas were found along with gold and other luxurious burial accessories. It is said that peas were brought to Japan around the 9th to 10th century by Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty via China. So peas have existed as a valuable and nutritious foodstuff for a long time. It is also amazing that people were so particular about food that they tried to enjoy it in various ways from the sprout to the pod.

I remember learning from my children that edamame is also harvested before the soybeans mature. We shouldn’t just look at the products in the supermarket.

See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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