


積読をなんとかしなくてはと・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


















そもそも積読とは、買っても机の上などに積んでいるだけで読んでいない本・新聞・雑誌等のこと。積ん読とも表記され、 “本は腐らないから””出会いは一期一会だから””今読まなくても、ぜったい読むから”などと自分に言い訳する頃には、数百冊単位の積読を抱えている場合が多い、などと説明される言葉です。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Tomorrow is finally the start of Golden Week.

I have a lot of plans for the Golden Week holidays, and even if I do go out somewhere, the crowds are always too much for me to handle. I don’t have any particular plans for this year, and I think I’ll just go see a movie or something.



Speaking of movies, I read the original story of “Strange House” the other day. I guess I will be asked, “Didn’t you see the movie? I remember that the book itself became a topic of conversation last year or the year before, but since it was published in paperback this time, I bought it and kept it in my stack for the time being.

A novel version with additional episodes was published in 2009, and three volumes of a comic book have also been released. According to Nippan, “Strange House” is the best-selling novel of 2023. The book is also ranking high in bookstores and seems to be a very popular book among teenagers.

It is a light mystery, not so scary. There are only a few characters, and the book is 70% conversation and 30% explanation, and the floor plan appears many times, so it is easy to read and may have been popular among teenagers who are not used to reading novels. I think everyone has his or her own opinion, so if you are interested, please read the book.

This book was left unread for a while after I bought it, and it became what is called “piled reading.

I think there are a surprisingly large number of people who have a stack of unread books that they are trying to read but the number does not seem to be decreasing.

Pile-reading” refers to books, newspapers, magazines, etc. that have been purchased but are just piled up on desks or the like and have not been read. It is also called “piled-up reading,” and it is often explained that by the time you make excuses to yourself such as “books never go bad,” “encounters come once in a lifetime,” or “even if I don’t read it now, I will definitely read it,” you often have several hundred books in your piles.

Whenever I look at the growing pile of books, I feel a kind of guilt, saying “I went to the trouble of buying them,” and sometimes I feel a sense of obligation to read them.

It is easy to have a negative image of piling up books, saying that it is a waste of money to just buy books and not read them, but when I think about it, I realize that there is a positive side to it. But I also feel that this proves that “I want to know more.
Therefore, what is really important is not to “reduce reading piles,” but rather to “make the most of reading piles.

The best way to make the most of your reading pile is, of course, to read it. But that is difficult.

So, a good way to prevent your stacks of reading from becoming meaningless is to create a “stacks of reading corner” on your bookshelf. The important thing is to place as many stacks of books as possible in a place where they can be easily seen. This is to take advantage of the brain’s priming effect.


Humans retain the objects and words they see in their unconscious mind for a while. When we see a previously seen object or word again, or come into contact with a related object, our brain responds more sensitively than usual, which is known as the priming effect.

If you keep a stack-reading corner in a conspicuous place, you can prevent yourself from forgetting the existence of your stacks. People are forgetful creatures, but when they see the titles of their stacks, they may switch their priorities to “I’ll read this one now. It is often said that it is better not to pile up reading, but perhaps the most important thing to avoid is not to “add to your reading pile” but to “forget about your reading pile.


See you soon.













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