噂のピカソ「青の時代」の絵を確かめてきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




噂のピカソ「青の時代」の絵を確かめてきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I visited the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art to see the Costume Jewelry exhibition. It is the Picasso painting that was the talk of the town last year.


Pablo Picasso “Woman with Blue Shoulders” (1902) oil on canvas


Did you know that a new discovery has been reported in this oil painting by Pablo Picasso, which is in the collection of the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art? One of the works from the “Blue Period,” “Woman with Blue Shoulders,” has been found to have another figure painted underneath it.


The reason for this discovery seems to have started from the discovery of the “Blue Period,” a period of his works.


Picasso was born in 1881 in southern Spain and worked in France. His career and works need no explanation, but he is a master artist who created “Cubism,” an artistic expression that can be called a “revolution in plastic arts,” and continued to open up new horizons in the art of painting while changing his style until his death at the age of 91.

He painted “Woman with Blue Shoulders” at the young age of 20, before Picasso advocated “Cubism. I had thought that he had painted works like his masterpiece “Guernica” from the beginning, but I was surprised to see that he had once painted a picture in which we can read the expression on the artist’s face.


He was shocked by the suicide of his close friend, Cashemas, and began to focus on the themes of “life and death” and “poverty” at that time. He was shocked by the suicide of his close friend, Cashemas, and began to focus on such themes as “life and death” and “poverty. He used the color blue as an expression of this, and his works, which were full of sorrow and sadness, became known as the “Blue Period.


In fact, recent investigations have reported several cases in which other paintings have emerged from the lower layers of the “Blue Age” works. The Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art had been expecting that there might be another painting underneath this one, and in 2014, we began a full-scale investigation of this work.

The reason why there are so many such cases is that the “Blue and Blue Period” was a time of poverty, and Picasso was a young artist and not a successful one at the time, so he had a lot of unsold works left on his hands. He had no money, so he “reused” some of his old paintings by painting over them and creating new paintings on top of them. Today, it has been discovered and several reports have been made.


With such expectations, I have conducted various optical investigations of this painting for four years until 2018, including infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray transmission, and fluorescent X-ray, but no clear image appeared and no significant results were obtained. The results were so frustrating that we could not say “yes” or “no” to the question of whether there was something there…! It seemed that they could not make up their minds to “find it”.


In 2023, they embarked on their final research. The National Gallery of Art has recently been conducting a survey using a hyperspectral camera, which is capable of taking images by dividing light into smaller pieces according to wavelengths. The National Gallery of Art has recently conducted a survey using a hyperspectral camera, which is capable of taking images by dividing light into different wavelengths.


This research has produced remarkable results in the analysis of the “Blue Age” works. With the feeling of “If this doesn’t work, we’ll give up,” the “hyperspectral camera” photography will be conducted last May.

After a detailed data analysis, the image finally appeared.


When the image was examined closely, a figure with its head bent and slumped over emerged, completely different from the painting on the surface.





Since there are also lines that appear to depict arms and legs, there seems to be no doubt that this painting was also done by Picasso, but at this point, “we cannot be 100% sure,” according to the curator, and since no signature can be confirmed from the painting below, Soeda focused on the similarity with another Picasso painting from the same period. So, curator Soeda has focused on the similarity with other Picasso paintings of the same period.

As an example, he cited a work called “Soup,” which is representative of the “Blue Period. In “Soup,” the woman is curving her back and turning her head downwards, which is very similar to the lines of the figure found in the present painting. Since there are many other figures of similar composition in Picasso’s works of the same period, it does not seem unnatural, and I think it may be some kind of preparatory sketch that Picasso painted. He said.


Another interesting point of this discovery is that the “back” of the figure, which is bent significantly, seems to match the “head” line of the “Woman with Blue Shoulders,” which was eventually painted. It seems to coincide with the line of the “head” of the “Woman with Blue Shoulders,” which is ultimately painted in the present work, and I realized that Picasso used a part of the outline of the lower painting to paint the “Woman with Blue Shoulders” above it.

Perhaps Picasso “reused” some of the lines of the lower painting after he painted it, or perhaps he was inspired by the lines to create a new form.


We do not know exactly how Picasso painted at that time, but it was a very interesting discovery that gave us a glimpse of his creative process. I looked into the picture for a while with such a thought in my mind, but I couldn’t see the picture below. With a little imagination, I tried to superimpose the bottom picture on the top picture in my mind. Yes, I think I saw it.


Have a good day.















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