1月, 2022 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 3




先日“VISON”へ行って参りました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古いもの買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























広大な敷地に、ミシュランガイドパリ1つ星シェフ手島竜司監修のマルシェ、パティシエ辻口博啓氏が監修するスイーツエリア、和食の食材メーカーによる体験型店舗、薬草で有名な多気町にちなんだ薬草湯、ミナ ペルホネン、D&DEPARTMENTなどのライフスタイルショップ、ホテル、オーガニック農園など全73店舗が出店しており、今回のグランドオープンを迎えるまで、4月に第一期、6月に第二期と三段階に分けて開業しておりましたが、とにかく敷地が広いとお伝えしてしておきます。













赤坂氏は「本草学や七十二候というテーマから導いた『野に遊び、野に学べ』というキーワードをベースにしてVISONの各建物の設計を進めました。具体的には建築の内外を繋ぐ、庇や縁側などの『中間領域』空間に着目し、それを色々な形で展開しています。」と述べております。私には、ちょうど日本家屋の土間と庭と山里のスケールを大きくして、自然にもう少し寄せた作りといった印象を受けました。さらに、各エリアや通り道に植林も積極的にしており、今はまだ小さい植林ですが これらの木が何十年経ち成長した姿を想定し設計されているのでしょうね。村の完成はまだまだのようですし、いえ、完成などなく成長し存続し続けていくことがこの村そのものなのでしょう。










Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today is a little warm Sunday, but for those who haven’t missed the New Year holidays, it’s a little relieved Sunday. Are you all tired?


By the way, it will be a review of the New Year holidays, but as usual the other day, I made a reservation for accommodation the day before with a staff Y style (don’t beautify) no plan, and suddenly went to “VISON”. I did.




By the way, what is “VISON”? Let me explain a little here to the people all over the country.





Last year, on July 20, 2021, Japan’s largest commercial resort facility “VISON” opened in Taki Town, Mie Prefecture. The etymology of the name is “Beautiful Village” = “Mimura” = VISON.


On the site of 24 Tokyo Domes (about 119ha), four businesses will utilize their respective strengths to promote projects centered on facilities with specialties on the theme of food and health, and will open for three terms. It seems that the concept is to aim for a commercial resort facility that will remain in the future, focusing on the outflow of young people to the big cities of each region of Japan and the revitalization of the local economy.


By car, near the IC Taki Junction on the Ise / Kisei Expressway. It is located at the fork in the direction of Kumano in the direction of Ise, so access is excellent regardless of which way you go. There is also a smart ETC that is directly connected to Taki VISON. Ise Jingu is located about 20 minutes by car on the highway, so some people stopped by for the first visit.


On a vast site, a Marche supervised by Michelin Guide Paris 1-star chef Ryuji Teshima, a sweets area supervised by pastry chef Hironobu Tsujiguchi, a hands-on store by a Japanese food ingredient maker, a medicinal herb bath named after Taki-cho, which is famous for herbs. , Mina Perhonen, lifestyle shops such as D & DEPARTMENT, hotels, organic farms, etc. All 73 stores are open, and until the grand opening of this time, it will be in the first stage in April and the second stage in June. It was opened separately, but I would like to tell you that the site is large anyway.


That should be the case, at VISON, we place importance on creating facilities and landscapes that make the most of nature by distributing buildings and parking lots along the mountainous terrain as much as possible, as if this is a village. The number of signboards in the facility is reduced, and the illuminance is suppressed so that too bright lighting does not interfere with the wonderful starry sky. There are no street lights.


I went to a restaurant on the farm at night, but there were few signs in the dark. I was worried about whether it was on this road, so I drove a car, but I saw the light of the restaurant lit in the darkness of the night. At that time, I felt that the sense of security and the slight uplifting feeling could not be experienced at all in the city, and on the contrary, it seemed to be luxurious.

The lights of the shop are slightly turned off, so you can have a relaxing meal, and when you go outside after the meal, of course, you will find yourself in the starry sky in total darkness.




Also, the parking lot and sidewalks are not paved with asphalt, and it seems that the gravel of Miyagawa flowing nearby is spread, so most of them are gravel roads. It’s a village, so let’s participate in the race with casual shoes that are easy to walk in.


Many designers and creators are involved in this facility and supervision, led by Koichi Uchida, a modeling artist and ceramist, and Tomoya Akasaka Architects is in charge of architectural design in all areas.

Almost all of the buildings are made of cedar from Mie prefecture, and the model is the Ise Jingu Shikinen Sengu. It means that we aim to support the forestry industry as a continuous industry, such as building facilities. It seems that buildings, facilities, and industries are creating a continuous flow.


Mr. Akasaka proceeded with the design of each building of VISON based on the keyword “play in the field, learn in the field” derived from the themes of Honzogaku and 72 pentads. Specifically, it connects the inside and outside of the building. , Focusing on the “intermediate region” space such as eaves and porch, we are developing it in various ways. ” I just got the impression that the scale of the Japanese house’s dirt floor, garden, and mountain village was enlarged to make it a little closer to nature. In addition, he is actively planting trees in each area and passage, and although it is still a small tree, he probably designed it assuming that these trees have grown decades later. It seems that the village is still in its infancy, and no, it is the village itself that will continue to grow and survive without being completed.

Will the beautiful villages that were born in Mie Prefecture, including Kumano, Ise-Shima, and Ise Jingu, which are full of places to visit, grow with these tree plantings in the future? It was “VISON” that I’m really looking forward to seeing in the future.


Today we have only introduced a part of it, but if you have a chance to continue this, please check it with your feet lol.

Well then, good luck.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444


新しい年のスタート(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 お片付けご相談ください 古美術風光舎)






































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It was a very late greeting, but

Happy new year. We look forward to working with you this year as well.

How did you all meet this New Year?

I spent a lot of time having a banquet with my family and relatives, but this year it was a very lively banquet as the whole family was old enough to drink alcohol, and it was a surprising New Year. Even though they were such small children, it was laughing that such a day would come.


By the way, I started my work today, but I went to Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, where I have been indebted to my neighbors for the New Year’s greetings.

The atmosphere of the first visit to the shrine still remains, and there are quite a few people who come to visit. The weather is refreshing and sunny, which is suitable for visiting the New Year, and I usually don’t draw fortunes, but today I decided to take a look at what I thought.



Daikichi was a small-minded person who was worried about the next disaster, and I was just grateful to Nakayoshi. I will do my best this year as well. Nakayoshi feels a little relieved, but the other day, I learned that there is a shrine in Omikuji that has something called “Taira”. Did you know that?


The typical shrines with “Taira” are as follows.

・ Hikawa Shrine in Saitama Prefecture
・ Togakushi Shrine in Nagano Prefecture
・ Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto Prefecture
・ Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka Prefecture
・ Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima Prefecture
・ Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine in Kyoto Prefecture

In addition to this, there are some shrines that have “Taira”. However, since the shrine does not advertise “There is a flat!”, I would like to be surprised when I accidentally assign it, but what is “flat”?

It seems like a normal image that is not so bad, but the meaning of this “flat” seems to be that the order of the omikuji is different at each shrine.


For example, Hikawa Shrine in Saitama Prefecture. “Taira” means “it is a calm and calm state, so it is better to keep the current state”. Simply put, the order is just flat in the middle. By the way, there are 13 types of Omikuji at Hikawa Shrine, which are quite large. It seems that the order is “Daikichi, Kichi, Yoshihira, Heikichi, Kokichi, Sueyoshi, Hei, Kyokokichi, Kyokukichi, Hatsukoku Sueyoshi, Kyokusei, Kyokusetsu, Kyoku”.


In addition, at Togakushi Shrine in Nagano Prefecture, which is said to be the birthplace of Omikuji, the order is “between good and bad”, and it is treated differently from Nakayoshi and Hankichi.


At Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto, “it’s normal, not a climber or a crap.” There is no “bad”, and Taira is the last.


In this way, when summarizing the meaning of “Taira”, I think that many people think of a state that is neither good nor bad, but depending on the order, it is the same as bad. It seems that it may be treated. Also, if only Taira is prepared and there is no evil, it means “bad”, but at shrines where bad is included in the order of the fortune-telling, it is generally “normal” or “good or bad”. It seems to be treated as “no change”, no change, middle. If you come across “hira” fortune, it would be a good idea to visit the shrine maiden of that shrine.


With that in mind, I’ve been wondering if Nakayoshi, who was hit this morning, would be good. By the way, I received the instruction to “calm down and work on things”, so I would like to calm down and go to things this year.


Well then, good luck this year as well.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444




