


にっぽんど真ん中祭りが今年もはじまっております。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫路通 骨董買取 古美術品買取)













そしてですね、このお祭りは「観客動員ゼロ=全員参加型」の祭りをコンセプトに掲げており、中でも参加者も観客も一緒に踊りが楽しめるどまつり名物「総踊り」では、2010年に見事ギネス世界記録™ “世界一の総踊り”として認定されております。とにかく、参加して踊れはいいんです。













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This morning, the sky was a clear blue again, and I left my house prepared for another hot day…but the other day, the annual summer event “Nippon Doshinchu Matsuri” started here in Aichi Prefecture.


The Nippon Doshinchu is one of the largest dance festivals in Japan, commonly known as “Domatsuri,” which takes place in the hot midsummer city of Nagoya. It is a new style of festival in which anyone can participate, with about 200 teams and 20,000 people from Japan and abroad performing dances with a rich regional flavor.


Here in Aichi Prefecture, I often hear from my acquaintances and their acquaintances that they are on a team or that their acquaintances are participating in the festival. In addition to this festival, I have been able to see the team’s performances at various places throughout the year, so I have become familiar with the life in Aichi Prefecture. However, this festival seems to be a very special and big goal for the teams.


The scale of the festival is so large that it usually attracts about 2 million visitors over the four days, and during the festival period, teams dance not only at the main venue, but also at various other venues, turning the streets of Nagoya into a gorgeous festival atmosphere. Each team performs to the rhythmically arranged music of the emotional local culture, and their gorgeous costumes and spectacular performances, but the best part is the wonderful smiles of each and every dancer. The energy and smiles of all the dancers are so infectious that they overflow throughout the venue, cheering up and inspiring everyone.


The “So Odori” dance, a festival specialty, in which both participants and spectators can enjoy dancing together, was certified by Guinness World Records™ as the “World’s Largest So Odori Dance” in 2010. Anyway, it is good if you can join in and dance.


The charm of the festival is that everyone can experience the excitement of not only watching, but also being the star of the show. I was not able to cheer for the team at the venue, but I watched the live-streaming yesterday.


The dance, costumes, and stage direction were gorgeous and overwhelming. I thought I would not be able to find the team of a friend’s child, but I happened to find a close-up of the team! There he is! I couldn’t help but cheer, clutching my cell phone! I guess this is what it means to be energized. I was able to participate in the live-streaming as I did, so I was able to participate even if I had to shout out loud through my cell phone screen. This is exactly what I mean by “full participation.


This year’s “Nippon Doshinchu Festival,” filled with excitement, excitement, and enthusiasm, will end tomorrow. Many teams participate in the festival, and even if you can’t make it to the venue, you can still participate like I did.

I am sure you will be dancing when you get there.


Have a good day.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





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