


ネーミングの沼に惹き込まれる。(骨董買取いたします 愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店) 





甘いけれども見た目の悪い「尻腐れ」のフルーツトマトを、とある農園で、「闇落ちとまと」という名前にしたら人気商品になったとの記事。そのトマト農家のアイデアが素晴らしいと話題になっています。 尻腐れは、主にカルシウム欠乏が原因で起きる生理障害で、トマトを甘くするために水やりを少なくすると出るもの。とても甘いものの、トマトの一部が黒くなるため、見た目から敬遠されてほとんど廃棄されてきたらしいのですが、「並外れた資質を持ちながら暗黒面に落ちたアナキン・スカイウォーカーみたいでかわいそうですよね!」ということで、闇落ちという名前にして直売所で販売したところ意外や意外、大人気に。黒い部分は切り落として食べるとのことです。  このアイデアには「名付けの天才」「考え方一つでこうなるのはいいね」などの声が寄せられました。食べてみたいというコメントや、食品ロスを減らせるとして賞賛する声もみられました。









先日NHKにて、国の重要文化財の名刀、「膝丸」別名「薄緑」(大覚寺蔵、長さ 2尺8寸9分(87.6cm)、反り 1寸2分(3.72cm))
























Hello, this is Staff Y.

The other day, I found an interesting article.

An article that a sweet but unsightly “butt rotten” fruit tomato became a popular product when it was named “Darkness Tomato” at a certain farm. It’s been talked about that the tomato farmer’s idea is wonderful. Buttocks rot is a physiological disorder mainly caused by calcium deficiency, which occurs when watering is reduced to sweeten tomatoes. Although it is very sweet, some of the tomatoes turn black, so it seems that they have been shunned from the appearance and almost discarded, but “I feel sorry for Anakin Skywalker who has fallen into the dark side while having extraordinary qualities!” So, when I sold it at the direct sales office under the name of Darkness, it was surprisingly mature. The black part is cut off and eaten. This idea received voices such as “a genius of naming” and “it’s nice to be like this with just one idea”. Some commented that they would like to eat it, and some praised it for reducing food loss.

I’m curious about “dark tomatoes”. I want to eat it. When you start to worry, you’re already drawn to the naming swamp, you there. No, I am there.


It’s not a “dark tomato”, but naming is important, and it’s not new to be attracted to the charm of naming. The sword boom of devilish blades and sword girls these days tells that.


The other day at NHK, a famous sword of national important cultural property, “Hizamaru” aka “light green” (Daikakuji warehouse, length 2 shakuhachi 8 inch 9 minutes (87.6 cm), warp 1 inch 2 minutes (3.72 cm))

The program about was being aired.

Hizamaru is a handy item for Genji, and according to “Sword Roll”, Mitsunaka Tada had a foreign swordsmith who had come to Tsuchiyama, Mikasa-gun, Chikuzen Province make it at the same time as “Higekiri”. He cut it down to the knee, so he named it “Hizamaru”. The famous sword “Hizamaru” will be caught in the waves of the times one after another and will fall into the hands of another owner.

The next owner, Minamoto no Yorimitsu, was sick, that is, when he suffered from malaria disease today, Onyudo appeared and tried to hang a rope on Yorimitsu. Pull out the hizamaru and slash it. As Onyudo was bleeding and following the traces of his escape, he disappeared into a large mound behind Kitano. When I broke the mound, a spider about 4 shaku (about 121.2 cm) was dead, so there is an anecdote that I called the Hizamaru a spider cut.

Yorimitsu handed this over to his third son, Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, but when Yorimitsu’s nephew Minamoto no Yoriyoshi went to subdue Mr. Abe in Oshu, he ate it with his knees in the imperial court and gave it to him. Hizamaru, who was said to be Yoshiie-Tameyoshi by Yoriyoshi, makes a snake-crying voice at night, so he is renamed Tamemaru. Is it true that the sword cries? Tameyoshi gives it to Kumano Bettō, who became his son-in-law, as a son-in-law. Koma donates it to Kumano Gongen. After that, when Minamoto no Yoshitsune came west to the Heike clan, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, a child of Kyoma, offered Hizamaru and gave it to Yoshitsune, who renamed it “light green”. This is where the name “light green” comes into play. It seems that light green is named after the spring mountain, and I wonder if the place I took over was a child facing the spring mountain.

Well, here it goes into the hands of Minamoto no Yoshitsune, who you all know.

Yoshitsune, who had a disagreement with his brother Yoritomo after the fall of the Heike, went down to Kamakura for explanation, but it is a famous story that he was repelled, but Yoshitsune donated light green to Hakone Gongen on his way home. .. In the 4th year of Kenkyu (1193), when the Soga brothers went to slaughter, it is said that Hakone Gongen’s Betto, Yukimi, gave this to his younger brother Goro Tokimune. After the slaughter, “light green” is eaten by Yoritomo. After Minamoto no Yoritomo, “light green” was given by Minamoto no Yoritomo when Tadahisa, the founder of the Shimazu clan, was appointed to the priesthood of Satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga in 1186. It is said that the “small Jumonji sword” was a Knee-maru and was subsequently introduced to the Shimazu family. Iku, the sixth generation Marshal, who had inherited the Hizamaru for a long time from north to south, found out that his firstborn son, Morihisa, was ferocious and was not a vessel to succeed the Shimazu clan, and handed over the Hizamaru to his cousin Motohisa. It was. After that, it was said to be useful for the Shimazu head family.

After that, it can be handed over to various places, but it is a famous sword. Therefore, some famous swords called Hizamaru still exist. The “light green” of Daikakuji Temple in Kyoto and the “light green circle” of Hakone Shrine are famous as existing ones, but it is true that the sword of Hakone Shrine is Yoshitsune’s “light green” = Hizamaru. Whether the sword of Kakuji is “light green”, the truth is darkness.


By changing the name from Hizamaru to various names and carrying mystery and origin, the famous sword will become more and more attractive.

Also, “light green” is different from this name, and considering the times when it changed with this sword, I wondered if there were any other survivors who witnessed such a heavy historical scene. I was more and more attracted to the swamp …

The name of the famous sword seemed to be interesting, so I will investigate it at another time.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』




It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444



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