お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 122
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

熱田神宮のパワースポット(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 高価買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)



































































Hello everyone.

The staff who loves shrines will spell about the shrines they visited this time as well.



Last week in Nagoya, the calm weather continued, and I almost forgot that it was December, but

The other day, I went to Atsuta Jingu with a friend.

The friend said that it was the first time in a few years that he had visited Atsuta Jingu properly because his husband was a transferee.

Therefore, I took a route to visit all the spots that I felt comfortable with.




First of all, I thought I would go directly to Atsuta Jingu, but before that I came up with another shrine that I should go to, so I stopped by there.

That is “Takohachimansha” in Mizuho Ward.

In addition to the magnificent main shrine, this shrine also has Kuroryu-san’s Shinboku, Hakuryu-sha, and Inari-sha, making it a very pleasant shrine that is loved by the locals.

But not only that, there is Okusu, which is said to have been hand-planted by Kobo Daishi.

“Origin of Kobo Shichihonkusu

A long time ago, 1,200 years ago, Kobo Daishi went to Atsuta Jingu Shrine, a sword of pilgrimage.

It is said that one plant was planted on the slope of Furui and one plant was planted at Tako Shrine.

It is a famous tree that is described in the Owari famous place map in the venerable Kusunoki.

It is said that white snakes live in the roots. 』\

There was an explanation.

This Okusu, which is over 1200 years old, overwhelms the viewer.

Atsuta Jingu also has a fellow Okusu, but Takohachimansha can really stand in front of you.

You can also touch it.

In that sense as well, I wanted to get in touch with the trees at this shrine first, so I stopped by before going.



And finally Atsuta Jingu.

First of all, there is a large camphor tree with a strong presence next to the Chozuya, so I would like to say hello to that.

As I visited at Takohachimansha earlier, there are five camphor trees planted by Kobo Daishi at Atsuta Jingu, one of which is here.

Kusunoki, which is over 1200 years old, has a presence that seems to have a god there, as the name suggests.

I used to be a god’s messenger, a white snake, and a near miss, and I wrote about it in this blog, but I didn’t even notice this time, I wonder if I’m hibernating now.・ ・.

First of all, I greeted the main shrine firmly (my friend is nice to meet you), and although it was not a luck test, I drew a fortune.

I was disappointed that neither my friend nor I was Daikichi, but I received the message I needed now and encouraged me to just remember it. (Lol)



Then, when I visited Atsuta Jingu, I proceeded to the “Kokoro no Komichi” behind the main shrine, which I think is the main event.

This is a forbidden zone that has not been open to the public for a long time. It was set up in 2012 as a commemorative project for the 1900 ritual of Atsuta Jingu.

The feeling of standing quietly in the woods is even very sacred, as if you were in the woods of Ghibli.


And there is also a hand-planted Okusu by Kobo Daishi.

If the Chozuya is more positive, the one with a smaller diameter is more negative, and I think that they are paired with each other.



Behind it is Shimizusha, another company with great energy.

The company where “Mizuhanome no Kami”, who is also the god of water, is located is Shimizusha when Hirakei Kiyoshi, who was active according to the Heike clan during the Genpei War (Genpei War) at the end of the Heian period, suffered from his eyes. It is said that he came to be called the god of the eyes because it is said that the disease was cured when he prayed and washed his eyes with spring water.

There is a spring water in the back of Shimizusha, and there is a legend that if you pour water on a small rock in the spring three times, your wish will come true.

I also visited there and proceeded on a small diameter.



It is often said that there is tremendous power behind the shrine, but Atsuta Jingu is particularly affected.

It may be because it is a space that has been protected as a forbidden area for a long time, and it may be because the trees that grow there have been there since ancient times.

Every time I go home, various things are reset here.


At the end of the small diameter, there is a shrine where the soul of “Amaterasu Omikami”, which is said to be the strongest power spot, is enshrined.

That is “Ichinomisaki Shrine”.

At Ise Jingu, it is often said that you should visit the main shrine for world peace and make a personal wish at the shrine of Mitama behind, but I think that is exactly the same at Atsuta Jingu.

The shrine of the soul behind is a place where you can feel tremendous power.

I visited there a lot and came back with a lot of good feelings.



I was very happy because my friend who took me was very pleased with the fact that “it was as easy as taking possession.” Thank you for reading.

(Staff m)














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


プレゼントを選ぶ時間(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










































Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.

The other day, when I was traveling around the neighborhood for work, I saw a house with wonderful Christmas group plants, wreaths, swags, etc. on the front door and front door.

I’ve seen various decorations, but are they basically red, green, and real brown? With this three-color coordination, everyone can feel a little excited and a little rushed, saying, “Christmas has come this year.”

Recently, I haven’t decorated the tree at home anymore, but I thought it would be nice to have a casual decoration outdoors in this season when the city became a little lonely, but anyway, the autumn leaves are approaching the end. The colors of the decorations shine casually in a city that has become a little lonely.

Even before Christmas, I was exchanging with my friends on LINE the other day. Since it was the birthday of his mother soon, a friend sent me a photo saying, “I made a present, a flower of cyclamen.” Every year, he seemed to be worried about his head, and this year he muttered to himself while looking at his cell phone, saying, “Is there a hand for that flower?”

It goes without saying that the flowers in the photo were wonderful, but the face and appearance of her choosing a flower, such as what she would like to give as a present for her mother, and whether to make this flower out of many flowers. When I think of it, it made me smile. What a rich time it is to choose a gift for someone.

By the way, I often find it difficult to meet the people I want to meet due to various circumstances, and I feel like I was giving a present or a gift.

While choosing, “What are you doing these days?”, “How are you doing?”, “What do you need now?”, “Do you like this?” As I was worried about various things such as “That.” Or.

It’s a Christmas present, but when did you start? I was wondering, and my curiosity was activated again. I did some research.

In Christianity, when the festival celebrating the birth of Christ and the winter solstice festival celebrating the new birth of the sun are fused, relatives who usually live apart gather at their parents’ homes to hold Christmas parties and give Christmas gifts. As you know, it is from the custom of exchanging.

The custom of exchanging this gift was originally a traditional event on December 6th, called St. Nicholas Day, but in 1535 Martin Luther suggested that it should be done at Christmas. It seems that it has become a custom to be held in December.

Even in Japan, the custom of Christmas gifts began in the Meiji era. The Yomiuri Shimbun, dated December 28, 1906, reported on the Salvation Army’s “Christmas gifts for the poor,” with 30,000 stuffed baskets filled with fruits, bread, sweets, and toys. It seems that it was handed over to the poor people who exceeded the number of people. The newspaper states, “This is the first time we have in Japan,” and it seems that at that time, the goal was a large-scale gift operation for the poor, as was done in New York.

In the Taisho era, the custom of Christmas gifts has taken root in people’s lives, and the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun on December 3, 1923 (Taisho 12) stated that “X-mas approached”. In the article under the heading, it seems that “Christmas gifts welcomed by Miss Bochan are becoming more and more popular year by year”, and it is quite overheated.

By the way, the Christmas presents at that time were like this.

Santa Claus dolls, illuminated Christmas-decorated houses, typewriter toys (which I’m curious about), stationery, letter sets (old classics), milk chocolate. It tells the times.

Then, around 1960, that stuffed with sweets will appear as a style unique to Japan. Yes, Christmas boots. It is said that this started with the design of a boot-shaped confectionery case as an extension of the Christmas tree decoration, and is it unique to Japan that is particular about packaging?

However, choosing a gift over time is certainly a rather annoying and annoying time. However, when I think about it, choose it, and wrap it as a gift, I get a grin even with a bitter smile, and in the end, the person who chose it is happy, and at the end it is strange. Isn’t it?

It seems like a set with a rich time to think about the gift selection and the other person, so please choose the gift while thinking about the face of your cherished person this year as well.


Well then, good luck.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

皇居四分の一周の夕暮れ散歩が素敵だったと教えてくれました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















その皇居周辺の四分の一を、半蔵門から桜田門を経て日比谷方面にむかって東京駅にむかうというコースだったらしく、一番人の少ない平日夕方ランではなウォーキングしたという写真でして なんとも穏やかな風景ですね。














Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

As the autumn leaves enter the climax, many people may have a hard time cleaning the fallen leaves.

The other day, I just talked about the roadside trees in front of our shop, but I did all the cleaning of the fallen leaves as a set. It was a little easier to clean today because it was a calm day with no wind, but when I look outside now, I am a little annoyed by the autumn leaves that will still fall. increase.

I’m entertained, so I’ll do my best to clean the fallen leaves. Sweat.

The other day, I received a photo of a “good spot” sent from my relatives in Tokyo on an irregular basis.

Where is this?

The answer is around the Imperial Palace. Everyone in Tokyo knows.

Is it easier to understand if you tell us that this is a famous course in the Imperial Palace Run?

Now, if you go around the Imperial Palace in a counterclockwise direction, which is famous for the Imperial Palace runners, it is about 5km per lap, so it is easy to understand the lap measurement, it is easy to use as a guide, and there is no signal on the way, so you need to cross the road. The biggest attraction is that you can run non-stop, and there is no other course like this in the city center! And, on holidays, a lot of runners appear out of nowhere.

However, it is understandable that this course is popular.

The Imperial Palace Run literally runs around the “Imperial Palace”, but the scenery you can see from there is the moat, the buildings and buildings around the Imperial Palace, and the historical buildings such as Tokyo Station, museums, and embassies. It’s possible, and for us people outside of Tokyo, it feels like we’re already visiting tourist spots. And you can make stars from various stations around the Imperial Palace, and there are various shower rooms around, so it’s a truly urban orchid.

And the most beautiful thing is the moat. In particular, the scenery overlooking the Hanzo moat from the stone walls near Otemon and the Chidorigafuchi intersection is spectacular, and the spring cherry-blossom viewing season will be difficult.

Well, I told you only the information that there are a lot of people, but the photo was on a weekday evening, so it seems that it was rather calm.

It seems that it was a course that took a quarter of the area around the Imperial Palace from Hanzomon to Hibiya via Sakuradamon to Tokyo Station, and it was a calm scenery with a picture of walking on a weekday evening run with the fewest people. is not it.

The moat from Hanzomon to Hibiya Go Sakurada learned from Bura Tamori the other day that it is a moat that makes the most of the natural terrain, but it is true that the moat is a gentle terrain. We are here.

On the other side of Uchibori-dori, on the other side of the moat, you can see the National Theater, the Supreme Court, the Diet Building, the Metropolitan Police Department, etc. Then, check it with the old map app.

Then, beyond the moat over Yanagi, the buildings in Marunouchi that shine in the setting sun gradually became visible. The scenery from here is a mysterious sight where you can see a group of buildings in the scenery of the former Edo, but I also feel that this is Tokyo.

It’s a quarter of about 5km around, so it’s not that far, but I’m jealous of the graceful use of time to walk in the Imperial Palace in the evening, so when I came to Tokyo this time, I became a “squirrel I want to try”. Let’s put it in.

Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

独り占めのフレームを楽しんでおります。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

This morning, I went to work while driving through the falling leaves that appear in dramas and movies.

Running through the carpet of fallen leaves that occasionally soars in the strong wind is an irresistible moment for those who love driving, having fun with their eyes, having fun with sounds, and having fun with their experiences. How about the autumn leaves in your area? If you have any favorite spots for autumn leaves, please let us know secretly to Staff Y.


Today, I was excited to commute to the autumn leaves, but even if I go to our shop, I can enjoy the bright yellow autumn leaves from the front glass.


Although it is a roadside tree that is just in front of you, it shows wonderful autumn leaves every year, so I am enjoying the autumn leaves alone this year as well. I’ve been trying hard to capture the moment when the fallen leaves dance, but this is quite difficult.

Roadside trees like this are everywhere in the city! It seems to be said, but it’s not there lol. Thankfully, the roadside trees that happen to fit nicely in our glass frame. I am grateful for the scenery through the frame.


It appeared on this roadside tree, our blog, Instagram, etc., and the scenery with this roadside tree seen from the frame helped to disseminate information in each season together, and today I said “Thank you”, thank you lol ..


Even so, this glass-walled frame effect. It’s just a piece of glass, but if you play quiet cafe music in the space with antique art inside the store, it will separate the frame and make it a different world from the outside, making it a luxurious space. Will do it.


It’s such a frame effect, but it seems that it has been established as a technique for taking pictures properly.

When I look it up,

It is said that even if you take a picture casually, you can make it look like a story by putting it in a frame. In addition, the frame composition looks from the frame to the center, making it ideal for contrasting, emphasizing, and expressing depth between the front and back (subject). By making a strong difference in brightness between the outside and the inside, it looks like stained glass, and the frame composition seems to have the effect of guiding the line of sight from the outside to the inside, so look inside the tunnel. It seems that the depth and three-dimensional effect are created in the complicated photos. In other words, it seems to have the effect of turning people’s eyes there.


Then, do I think the scenery from inside the store is just like standing in a big camera and looking out? I want to capture it in the camera so that I will not miss it at the moment of the changing seasons and time, but I am sorry that my skill is not catching up, but the bright yellow color is firmly burned into my eyes. I decided to keep it.

Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

趣味のゴスペルを再開します!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 高価買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)






































Hello everyone. It is staff m.

It is Christmas soon!

That doesn’t mean I’m a housewife, but

Just hearing the word Christmas evokes an exciting feeling.

Children have grown up, and it is no longer necessary to secretly buy gifts from Santa at Toys “R” Us.

The only one is to choose the flowers to decorate the room in red and green Christmas colors.

I just enjoy the Christmas atmosphere in my own way, but it’s still fun.

Speaking of greed, I wonder if Santa will come and leave a present at her bedside …



By the way, Christmas is the birthday of Christ.

Speaking of Christ, it is a song dedicated to God.

Yes, Christmas is the gospel season! ??

That was a little forcible … (smile)


This is the story of my hobby gospel team, which I mentioned several times in this blog before.

I’m thinking of resuming practice from January.

This team took the stage in October of the month before last with just one month of practice.

It was a rough cut, but when I experienced the first stage with just the momentum, I was very, very impressed.

And we all decided to stand on the next stage with the excitement just finished.

But before that, I wanted to increase the number of members and make it more powerful, so

I’m planning a trial practice session.

From all over the country at zoom like last time.


First of all, we will invite people who were interested in the previous announcement, and how to proceed with the practice

I would like you to experience it.

And this time, there are months before the announcement, so I’m trying to grow slowly.

Invite professional voice trainers to join us.

And I’m planning to raise the hurdles for the songs a little, and if anything, I’ll add dance.

By the summer announcement, we will be able to acquire the basics of vocalization and make it a powerful stage with increased expressiveness.

I’m excited to do my best.


In this way, I will spell out my hobbies here and there, but if you’d like, please get along with me.

(Staff m)















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

凱旋帰国したピアニスト反田恭平さんのTV出演はうれしいですね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























そして、そんな彼が万全を期して臨んだ、本選の「ピアノ協奏曲 第1番 ホ短調作品11」。



その演奏後、当然その時は結果は出ておりませんが、演奏後の鳴りやまない拍手の中、観客へこたえようと全身全霊の演奏でふらふらになりながら立ち上がる彼の姿が、なんだか たたかい終えた本物の〝サムライ〟に、私には見えてまいりましたが、皆さまにはどうう映りましたでしょうか。挑戦する人の姿は本当に美しいですね。








Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

News that pianist Kyohei Sorita won the second prize at the highest stage “Chopin International Piano Competition” held in October, which is held once every five years and is aimed at by pianists all over the world. Has become a hot topic. That should be the case, and this is the first Japanese award in 51 years.

Kyohei Sorita returned to Japan in a triumphal return. When he was busy performing live as a guest at a key station, I realized that he had won a big title as a fan.

It goes without saying that this competition is truly the best gateway to the classical music world. It is said to be the most famous competition in the world held in Warsaw, Poland once every five years. The judges are top-notch pianists who represent the present age.
The rule is that only Chopin’s songs are the subject songs of the competition, and the qualifications for the competition are from 16 to 30 years old, so the chances of taking on the challenge beyond the Olympics are narrowed down.

In addition, it is a tough tournament with only about 10 people going through three qualifying rounds from the first qualifying round starting in July and advancing to the concerto of the final round in October (this is from 16 to 30 years old who are eligible to participate). It seems that there were applications from more than 500 people), so it seems that you will be required to have more physical strength, mental strength, analytical ability, strategy, etc. than you can imagine.

In addition, the pianist can choose the piano to use in this tournament, and it is also a place for each piano maker to fight, and every tournament attracts attention.

Mr. Sorita is young, but visually, he has a very unique laugh (sorry).

However, it has his own strategy. Impress the moment you go on stage … By trying to get people to remember your clothes, hairstyle, and other points, is it the image of Japan → Samurai? I mean, he chose his hairstyle. Anyway, a way to get them to remember.

And I heard that I went to a certain gym to try to remodel my body to change the sound quality of the piano, so this is also an annual effort. Originally thin, he was listening to a big man’s concert while studying abroad in Russia, even though he heard it in the standing seat at the back of the 5th floor. If you want to aim for a sound that is as loud as it is and a little thicker, I wonder if it can be covered by increasing muscle mass or fat mass to fill this. Challenge.

In other words, it seems that the “chonmage”, “mustache” appearance, and “stiff body shape” were all strategies for the Chopin Competition.

Of course, I haven’t forgotten the detailed calculations that bring out the dynamic tricks of the performance itself.
Sorita wrote out a total of 4000 songs played by about 800 participants in the past competitions, determined the programs that were easy to pass in the qualifying, and based on those, carefully selected the songs and the order in which the songs were played. We are standing up.

And, he took all possible measures, “Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11”.

I also watched it on YouTube. I don’t know about classical music, but my impression is that he has a variety of tones and expressions in delicacy, dynamics, strength and softness, but his endless pursuit of Chopin is still going on. I could feel it.

After the performance, of course, no result was obtained at that time, but in the unstoppable applause after the performance, the appearance of him standing up with a full-hearted performance to respond to the audience is somewhat finished. It looks like a real “samurai” to me, but how did it move to you? The figure of the person who challenges is really beautiful.

And, in the continuous applause, all the people who were cheering surely thought to him, “Thank you for showing us the moving scenery from that stage together.”

Mr. Sorita, who is still in his twenties, can’t take his eyes off his future activities.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

シクラメンの香りはするのか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) 




























では何故、偶に香りの強い株があるのかといいますと、おそらくは先祖返りをしている状態だと思われるようです。一般的に、ガーデンシクラメンは種から栽培するのですが、品種改良を重ねた結果、必ずしも親と完全に同じ性質ではない場合が出てくるようでして、偶然にも、香りのあるガーデンシクラメンに出会えたあなた。それは かなりラッキーでございます。








Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It happened this morning, but when I was commuting by car, I saw red fallen leaves falling from an overhead tree while waiting for a traffic light. It fell down on the windshield as it was, and the red dead leaves slowly slipped down the windshield, but I was laughing with a smile. The other day, there was a big earthquake in Yamanashi and Wakayama. There are various aspects of nature, such as being very worried, making people feel uneasy, and making them laugh with a smile. I was there. Anyway, it was this morning that I was a little healed by a small event.

The story changes, but the other day the owner bought a cyclamen flower at the store. The shop is brilliant at once with the red cyclamen that makes you feel at ease, and you are healed by suddenly looking at your eyes while working on your computer.

That cyclamen. If you are in the Showa era, you will surely think of that famous song lol.

“Scent of cyclamen”.

Even if I listen to it now, it’s still a masterpiece, but today it’s not the song, but what I was wondering about, but I’m curious about “Cyclamen Kaori” itself.

It’s also called cyclamen in our shop, it doesn’t smell … What is the scent of cyclamen in the first place? From that point, I wonder what the title of that song is “Kaori”.

It seems that many of the cyclamen that have been lined up in stores in recent years have no scent. The garden cyclamen that you enjoy outdoors seem to have almost no scent, and even if you actually smell the cyclamen lined up in the store, they do not smell at all. Even if it smells something, it only smells a little powdery, and it seems that there are few large-flowered varieties that you can enjoy indoors with fragrance.

There seems to be a reason for that.

The cyclamen currently on the shelves, actually one of the original species, cyclamen persicum, has been cultivated, and most of the cyclamen cultivars are based on this cyclamen persicum. It is said that there is. Then, since this cyclamen persicum has no scent, it seems that the existing cyclamen also has no scent, and it seems that the cyclamen persicum itself has a slightly sweet scent like lily of the valley.
However, when improving the varieties, attention was focused not on the scent but on the size and appearance of the flowers, and it seems that the scent did not remain and only the flower appearance was improved. Therefore, it seems that the number of varieties that have almost no scent has increased, so it seems that the element of “Kaori” is secondary and has not been incorporated much.

However, the scents that were not noticed at the beginning gradually attracted attention, and now some fragrant varieties are on sale. All varieties do not have a scent that has a strong assertion like roses, but an elegant scent that has a faint scent when approaching.

But here is the lucky information. It seems that there are very rare cases where fragrant strains are mixed in the unscented varieties of garden cyclamen that are lined up in stores in the fall, instead of the varieties that have been improved to have a scent. It’s the same kind of garden cyclamen, but there are some that have a scent and some that don’t, so it seems that you have to believe in your nose and look for it. There are very few garden cyclamen with a strong scent, and even if you look at all the garden cyclamen lined up in the shop, it is so rare that you may not be able to find a scented strain, so I wonder if this is a coincidence.


Then, why is there a strain with a strong scent by chance? It seems that it is probably in a state of throwing back. Generally, garden cyclamen are cultivated from seeds, but as a result of repeated breeding, it seems that there are cases where they do not necessarily have exactly the same properties as their parents, and by chance, fragrant garden cyclamen. You who met. It’s pretty lucky.

So, I decided to stand a little at the cyclamen department and look for scented cyclamen.

If I could meet them, I would have never encountered the “scent of cyclamen” for the first time, so I had twice the fun. I can’t find this anymore lol.

Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

「カレンダーの日」には意外な事実(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 高価買取 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)



Hello everyone. It is staff m.

Today’s Nagoya was warm all day long, and I didn’t even need a coat when I was walking outside.
How was it in your area?


By the way, continuing from my last blog, “Today is what day series”.
What day do you think December 3rd is?


Actually, it’s a “calendar day”.
In November 1872, the government suddenly announced that the lunisolar calendar used in Japan would be changed to the mainstream solar calendar in the world.

“The 5th year of the Meiji era will end on the 2nd of December, and the 3rd of the 5th year of the Meiji era will be the 1st of January of the 6th year of the Meiji era.”
Therefore, it is named after December 3, 1872, which was advanced to January 1, 1872.
It seems that this anniversary has been established.


Of course, there was also a reason that December 3rd of the lunar calendar just hit “New Year’s Day” in the solar calendar.
Even so, December 1897 is only two days away!
What’s more, I was surprised to announce such a serious thing a month ago!


Here, I would like to explain a little about the “Lunar calendar” and the “solar calendar”. Both are different types of calendars, but the “standards used to determine the calendar” are different. The lunar calendar is based on the moon, and the solar calendar is based on the sun.


The lunar calendar used in the Japanese lunar calendar is a calendar that counts the period from one full moon to the next full moon as one month. The lunar calendar, which shows how many days today is by looking at the moon, was easy to understand and convenient, but it had a serious drawback that the number of days in a month was halfway to 29.53 days, and the calendar and seasons were out of sync. .. At that time, this inconvenience was solved by making the moon 29th and 30th.


The season of spring, summer, autumn and winter is determined by the positional relationship between the sun and the earth. In the lunar calendar, one year is 29.53 days x 12 = 354 days, and the calendar shifts by 11 days every year, so the calendar and seasons will eventually reverse.


Therefore, in Japan, the calendar called “Lunisolar calendar” has been used for a long time. This was a calendar that made one year 13 months by adding a “leap month” once every few years in order to cover the disadvantages of the lunar calendar being out of sync.


However, this “leap month” was a serious problem for a country that was in a position to pay salaries to officials (bureaucrats). In September 1884, the year before the calendar was switched, the salary of officials was changed from “annual salary system” to “monthly salary system”, which was a big blow to the finances.


It’s not surprising that the government is annoyed because you usually have to pay 12 months a year for 13 months, which is one month more in a leap month. In the 5th year of the Meiji era, when the change in the calendar was suddenly announced, the leap year in which the leap month entered was just approaching next year.


It goes without saying that this sudden change in the calendar caused great confusion in the world. Preparations for the year-end and New Year holidays such as “Lunar New Year Fair” were not in time, and I was extremely confused. The calendar of the 6th year of the Meiji era with leap months, which had already been completed and shipped, was returned in large quantities. You can hear the screaming of the trader.

Even after the change to the new calendar, it seems that there was a series of misunderstandings of promises due to this change in the calendar, causing confusion here and there.

The reason why the solar calendar was adopted in Japan is ostensibly “the solar calendar, which is the mainstream overseas, was adopted because diplomatic relations between Japan and other countries became active.” However, in reality, it seems that there were not a few circumstances for adults.


And I was surprised that the fact that the lunar calendar was switched to the solar calendar 149 years ago was surprisingly recent.














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