ブログ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 9




ようやくクリスマスの気分になれそうです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Today in Nagoya, it feels a little chilly thanks to cloudy skies, but it is still warm for this time of the year. It is going to get colder from next week, but it seems like we are finally catching up with the season.

I have been looking at all the Christmas decorations around town, but maybe it’s because of the warm weather that I haven’t felt quite right, but I finally feel like it’s time to get ready.

But I think that every year, the Christmas decorations in the stores are getting earlier and earlier. Every year I wonder if it is too much to ask for Christmas to suddenly appear after Halloween is over.



In other countries, there are almost no Christmas decorations, and only in Japan it seems to be unusually early.

In the U.S., Thanksgiving Day is a very important holiday, and if we put up Christmas decorations as soon as November, we are likely to receive a storm of complaints from customers.

Whether it is Halloween or Christmas, it is originally a Western custom. They were brought to Japan.
However, Thanksgiving Day is the one custom that we cannot bring to Japan. After all, it all started when immigrants to Boston were helped by the Indians.

Therefore, or rather, because there is no way to bring it into Japan, it seems to be a trick that after Halloween on October 31st, it suddenly becomes Christmas in Japan.

I remember seeing an amusement park in Japan once, with Christmas decorations and the catch phrase “the world’s earliest Christmas,” which made me feel a little embarrassed.

However, the spirit of “ichokodori,” or taking the “best parts” of foreign cultures and mixing them with Japanese culture to create a single product, is not something that should be abandoned.

Christmas card variations are evolving rapidly, with designs and elaborate creations that can only be found in Japan, and Japanese-style Christmas cards seem to be a popular choice for gifts.
Our family’s Christmas season has been getting simpler and simpler year by year, but this year, we are thinking of making it a little more festive. Now, what shall I do?


Well, I’ll see you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







物騒なニュースが増えましたね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
Today, November 15, is “Shichi-Go-San” day.
I was surprised to see a scene of a “pet’s 75th birthday” on the news this morning. The pet was sitting quietly on its owner’s lap during the prayer, and it seemed to be accustomed to being photographed, looking at the camera and showing a lovely expression. When I recalled our family’s Shichi-Go-San slapstick event, I had mixed feelings of disbelief and envy.
I recently visited a home where the family’s house had been vacant for some time and was burglarized.
It seems that the break-in occurred by breaking the window glass, which is a frightening story even though the house was vacant.
As the number of disturbing news is increasing, we would like to ask everyone to please be careful.
It seems that the sales of various types of security goods are increasing, such as sensors that react when people pass by, and they are sold at reasonable prices. I am thinking of installing one at my parents’ house. (I heard that it is best to install the motion sensors as high up as possible to prevent them from being broken.)
It seems that thieves are becoming more and more sophisticated in their research in advance by phone, starting with a conversation such as “It’s been a while. They may start with a conversation such as “It’s been a long time.” According to a manual, they may ask about your family structure and weekday plans, so it is a good idea to alert your family members.
My parents always say, “It’s absolutely safe! but they are very skilled and will be coming at you, so be on your guard!
I will be on my toes as well.
I hope that everyone will be able to spend the rest of the year in peace. I wish you all a peaceful year.
See you next time.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







行ってきました!、相国寺展(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





『相国寺承天閣美術館開館40周年記念 相国寺展──金閣・銀閣 鳳凰がみつめた美の歴史〗

























『相国寺承天閣美術館開館40周年記念 相国寺展──金閣・銀閣 鳳凰がみつめた美の歴史〗は、11月27日まで愛知県美術館にて開催されておりますので、ご興味あります方はぜひ!。





Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


As I announced the other day, I have been to the exhibition….

I went to the “Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum 40th Anniversary Exhibition: The History of Beauty in the Golden and Silver Pavilions”.







I went to the exhibition in the morning, but it was more successful than I expected and there was a long line at the ticket counter. I was suddenly impatient, but I was relieved to go to the exhibition hall because I had purchased the ticket in advance.


The exhibition was divided into five chapters, one for each period. It was difficult to get close to the exhibits due to the large number of people in the exhibition hall. I was so excited to have an audio guide this time that I was able to enjoy the exhibits while being comforted by the voice of the navigator, Mr. Osamu Mukai. While waiting for the crowds to arrive, we waited for Mukai-san’s voice to soothe us while we viewed the exhibition.


What was suddenly impressive about this exhibition was the wonderful state of preservation. I was impressed by the excellent state of preservation. The statue of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, familiar from textbooks, was just as clear as in the textbooks. Also, the works of the Shokokuji temple painters, from Jyotai and Shubun to Sesshu, Kano school, and Jakuchu, all of whom are considered to be the official painters of the Muromachi Shogunate, show the intention of the temple, which devoted itself to nurturing artists in every period.


My personal favorite was probably Shubun’s “Ten Cow Scrolls. It is a story of ten slightly cartoonish developments, and the way Shuwen’s animation (pardon the pun) flowed, as well as the delicacy of the paintings, made me giggle a little despite the important and precious teachings.


And the National Treasure “MUGAKU SOGEN Sumiseki (YO CHORAKU-ji ICHIO GEKI)” is not to be missed. Sogen was the founder of the Muhaku school (Bukko-ha) and a monk who lived at Kenchoji Temple and Engakuji Temple in Kamakura and laid the foundation for the development of the Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism in Japan. This ink rubbings was written soon after his arrival in Japan, and has been handed down to various places and is now in the possession of Shokokuji Temple. The meaning of this calligraphy seems to be a poem praising Buddha, though I regret that I cannot read it due to my poor ability.


I was also impressed to see the realistic colors of Maruyama Okyo’s “Peony and Peacock,” which is also shown on the flyer. The peacock, which almost protrudes from the painting, is burned into my mind. The most impressive thing about the exhibition was the large number of works by Jakuchu Ito, and the “Shoin paintings of Rokuonji Temple” were displayed in the entire exhibition hall.


The images of the actual Daishoin were also shown on the screen, which made me feel like I had to visit the temple someday… I was so excited that I was surprised to see that two hours had already passed since I entered the museum.


The exhibition “Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum 40th Anniversary: The History of Beauty in the Golden and Silver Pavilions” will be held at the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art until November 27, 2012.



Have a good day.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







「七五三」は縁起の良い数字(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It was a beautiful sunny autumn day. On my way home from nearby Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, I came across a little girl and her family dressed in kimonos. It reminded me of the Shichi-Go-San Festival. Some of the girls were excited to be dressed in their traditional “Harematsu” (traditional ceremonial kimono), while others were gagging in their unfamiliar outfits. I remembered that I had taken a commemorative photo with a crying face.

There are many theories, but the roots of Shichi-Go-San go back to the Heian period (794-1185)! It is said to be based on three ceremonies held at court.

At that time, when medical care was less developed than it is today, the mortality rate of children was very high, so much so that there was a saying that “children are God’s children until they are seven years old. For this reason, the court and court nobles celebrated the growth of children and prayed for their happiness and health at this milestone age.

Come to think of it, Shichi-Go-San has been held on November 15 every year since ancient times. It is also written in the calendar. I am a little curious as to why, but it seems to come from the Yin-Yang Tao.

Seven, five, and three are said to be auspicious numbers because they are all odd numbers and correspond to the yang of yin and yang. For example, one of the festivals is Chou-you, which falls on September 9 of the lunar calendar. This is a very auspicious day because it is a polar number of overlapping yangs. Other days with overlapping yangs are Peach Festival on March 3, Dragon Boat Festival on May 5, and Tanabata Festival on July 7.

Adding 7, 5, and 3 together makes 15, which is a day that overlaps yang. The reason why November was chosen among these 15 days is said to be because November in the lunar calendar was an auspicious month in the Yin-Yang Tao, “Ichiyo Raicho,” and also because November 15 is the “Onishuku day of 27 inns,” when demons do not walk out, It is also said that November 15 was an auspicious day for celebrations other than weddings. Other theories include that it is a day to pray for the health of Tokumatsu, the son of the 5th Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi, and that there are many festivals on November 15.

There is also a theory that many festivals are held on November 15. There is also a theory that it is rooted in the rituals of the Edo period, especially those of the samurai community, and originates in the celebratory events of kamioki, hakamagi, and obi toki for young children.


Shichi-Go-San” is said to be a lucky number. The “Shime-nawa” prepared for New Year’s is written as “Shichigosan-nawa. The reason for this is that seven, five, and three strands of straw are bundled and hung from a rope stretched horizontally. There are other names for the rope, such as “shime-nawa,” “motenawa,” and “shimenawa,” but “shime-nawa” seems to be closely related to the numbers seven, five, and three.

Chitoseame” is a staple of Shichi-Go-San. Chitose-ame is a good-luck candy that is indispensable for Shichi-Go-San. It is said that it became popular in the Edo period when a candy shop in Asakusa, Tokyo, started selling it. It was originally called “Chitose-ame” (meaning “thousand-year candy”), which is believed to wish for a long period of time, in other words, a long life, and the shape of the candy itself is also based on this belief. Incidentally, the length of Chitose Ame is limited to a maximum of 1 meter, and the thickness is also limited to 15 millimeters. I didn’t know there was such a rule….

I thought Chitose Ame had nothing to do with me as an adult, but if it contains a wish for a long and healthy life, it might not be a bad idea to send Chitose Ame to my grandparents and parents. I am sure they would be surprised…

See you soon.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







相国寺展の予習してみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















個人的に今回展示される作品で気になるところですと、夢窓疎石の名品や、教科書でよく見る足利義満像、国宝マニアとしては無学祖元墨蹟 与長楽寺一翁偈語 は外せないし、雪舟、狩野探幽もは是非にみておきたいし、そして奇想の画家・伊藤若冲の「竹虎図」や「鹿苑寺の松鶴図」、円山応挙の「牡丹孔雀図」などなど…。すでに出品作品リストはチェックしましたが、なかなかの出品数でして、すでに今から期待が膨らみますとともに、気持ちが前のめり笑。


「相国寺承天閣美術館開館40周年記念 相国寺展──金閣・銀閣 鳳凰がみつめた美の歴史」は、愛知県美術館にて11月27日まで開催されておりますので、京都まではなかなか行けないな…という皆さま、チャンスです。








Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It is almost time to see the autumn leaves here in Nagoya. I think the best time to see the leaves is about now. Personally, I love driving through the autumn leaves of the gingko trees lining Higashiyama-dori under a cloudless blue sky, and I go there on purpose during the peak season of autumn leaves, feeling sorry for the traffic congestion. Now, let’s get to today’s blog.


Well, there is actually an art exhibition that I am looking forward to visiting this fall. It is the “Shokokuji Temple Exhibition” currently being held at the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art. The exhibition was held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum, and it features masterpieces of the Shokokuji school, including more than 45 national treasures and important cultural properties. Staff Y is planning to visit the museum in the near future, and since we will be able to see many masterpieces, we decided to make sure to do a thorough preparation for our visit. I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but please bear with me as I write this blog on preparation.


By the way, many of you may not know much about “Shokokuji Temple. In fact, although I lived in Kyoto for about five years, I had never visited Shokokuji Temple, and in fact, I did not even remember its name very well.

The temple was founded in 1382 by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), the third shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, and was founded by Soseki Muso (1275-1351), the founder of the Muso school, which was the largest school of Zen Buddhism in Kyoto. The temple was founded by Soseki Muso (1275-1351), the founder of the Muso School, which was the largest Zen sect of the Kyoto Gozan Zen monastery, and his younger brother, Myobaro Haruya (1311-1388), as the actual founder of the temple. It is the head temple of the Shokokuji School of the Rinzai Sect, which includes Rokuonji Temple and Jishoji Temple, also known as Kinkakuji Temple and Ginkakuji Temple, respectively.

Yes, Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji are of the same sect. Nowadays, school excursions and overseas tourists visit Kinkakuji (Rokuonji) and Ginkakuji (Jishoji) first and do not have a chance to visit the main temple, Shokokuji.


Shokokuji Temple has nurtured artists throughout the ages, leading to the birth of masterpieces of art. These masterpieces are currently stored and exhibited at the Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum, and this exhibition will allow visitors to view these masterpieces.

Among the masterpieces on display, I am personally interested in the masterpieces by Soseki Muso and the statue of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, which I often see in textbooks. As a national treasure enthusiast, I cannot miss Muhaku Sogen’s calligraphy of the Yochorakuji Ichiou chants, Sesshu, Kano Tanyu, and the wunderkind painter Ito Ito. And then there are Sesshu, Kano Tan’yu, Ito Jakuchu’s “Bamboo and Tiger” and “Pine Cranes at Rokuonji Temple”, Maruyama Okyo’s “Peony and Peacock”, and many more…. I have already checked the list of exhibited works, and the number of exhibits is quite impressive, so I am already looking forward to seeing them.


The “Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum 40th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition: The History of Beauty in the Golden and Silver Pavilions” will be held at the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art until November 27, 2012, so those of you who cannot make it to Kyoto, this is your chance.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN











実用品から芸術品へ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
Recently, my body has been craving for a warm drink. I can’t stop the urge to warm up my body from the inside, even if it is just a cup of white water. Recently, I often drink “lotus flower tea,” which I received from a friend, rather than coffee, which I like very much. In fact, coffee seems to cool the body. My body is honest.
Today, I am looking at a sword tsuba with intricate decoration.
Insects such as praying mantis and grasshoppers are inlaid around the pretty flowers and grasses, and they all look so lifelike that they seem to be ready to move at any moment. I am an insect lover, so I am fine with it, but I think those who do not like insects might flinch at the elaborate workmanship.
Furthermore, although you can no longer see them with the naked eye, when you take a picture of them, you can see that fine grains called “taganes” are carved all over the surface. It seems to have been carved one by one by hand, and it is hard to believe that this is a human work. We are impressed by the pride and aesthetic sense of the craftsman.
The tsuba was originally attached between the blade and the hilt to protect the hand from the opponent’s sword and to prevent the hand from slipping into the blade of the sword. The tsuba was originally created as a practical item, but it is said to have undergone a variety of changes and developments as sword styles changed.
How did this utilitarian item, which protected the hand, come to be decorated with such glittering and detailed ornaments?
Tsubas seem to have existed as far back as the Kofun period (burial mounds), but at that time they were still only practical sword parts.
In the late Heian period (794-1185), Japan developed its own swords and the “Tachi” sword was born, and the tsuba came to be considered an important part of sword accessories.
In the Kamakura period, tsubas were still more practical than decorative, but by the Muromachi period, uchigatana became the mainstream.
Uchigatana, generally called “Japanese sword,” was shorter and lighter than the “tachi” sword, which was intended for use on horseback, and thus was mainly used in battles on foot. The length of the blade was over 60 cm, and the shallow warp of the blade was a feature of this type of sword. Talking about swords makes me shudder.
Easy to use and easy to equip, the uchigatana became so popular that swordsmiths and armorers began to make practical, rustic iron tsuba (tsuba) to match the uchigatana. On the other hand, Shoami, a metal worker in the service of the Ashikaga Shogun, created his own unique types of tsubas, such as tsubas with openwork designs and tsubas that used a lot of gold.
In the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1600), highly decorative tsubas came to be made due to the influence of the Nanban trade and other factors. The designs and compositions used for the design, the metal used for the base metal, and the metal used for inlaying became more diverse, and not only the simple openwork designs that had been used until then, but also the pictorial beauty of “Kinka” and other techniques were added to the design of the bridges. The Goto family, whose founder was Goto Sukenori, a close associate of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, established the Goto style, a more prestigious version of the Mino metalworking style, which is said to have become the basis of the sword metalwork style.
In the Edo period (1603-1867), the rough and rugged style of swordsmithing became obsolete, and restrictions were placed on sword mounting, resulting in a loss of stylistic freedom. Swords became less of a utility item and more of a symbol of authority and a work of art, and tsubas also developed in an artistic way.
The number of swordsmiths decreased, but many master craftsmen were born from the goldsmithing known as machibori. During the period from the Genroku era (1688-1704) to the end of the Edo period, many tsubagumi craftsmen competed in their skills, and it is said to be the most glamorous period in the history of tsubagumi.

I have not been familiar with the world of Japanese unique artworks, but my interest has been piqued.
See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






人型AIの描いた肖像画気になりませんか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









第2次世界大戦中の暗号解読者として、またAIの父として知られているアラン・チューリング氏(1912~1954年)の肖像を、人工知能(AI)のロボットが描いた肖像画が7 日、アメリカのオークションで130万ドル(約1億9800万円)で落札されたらしいとのです。AIをつかった画像や動画をコンピュータなので描いたものはすでに生活にはいりこんでおりますが、注目すべきはこの肖像画を人工知能(AI)をもつ人型のロボットが描いたところであります。




オークションを開催した米サザビーズによると、「A.I. God(AIの神)」と名付けられたデジタルアート作品には27件の入札があり、落札価格は当初12万~18万ドルと予想されました。サザビーズはこの歴史的な売却は「世界的なアート市場における新たなフロンティアを開拓し、オークションにおける人型ロボットによる作品の基準を確立するものだ」などと述べており、また、この作品を描いた「エイダ(Ai-Da)・ロボット」は、「オークションで作品が売却された、初の人型ロボットアーティスト」だと付け加えておりました。ところが驚いたことに7日に終了したオンラインオークションについて、サザビーズは「予想価格をはるかに上回る価格」130万ドル(約1億9800万円)で非公開のバイヤーが同作品を落札したと説明しております。






Ai-Da Robot Studios提供画像より


Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, an interesting article on AI caught my attention.


A portrait of Alan Turing (1912-1954), known as the father of AI and a code breaker during World War II, painted by an AI robot sold for $1.3 million (about 198 million yen) at an auction in the U.S. on July 7, according to the article. The portrait was painted by a humanoid robot with artificial intelligence (AI), which is remarkable.

The winning bidder is a large portrait of Mr. Turing, who studied at King’s College, Cambridge University, UK. He is a mathematician and a pioneer of computer science, but he is also known as the “father of AI. The portrait was painted by a humanoid robot, Ai-Da Robot, which is a humanoid AI robot, Ai-Da Robot. I saw a photo of Ai-Da and found her to be a lovely female artist.


According to Sotheby’s, which held the auction, the digital artwork, called “A.I. God,” received 27 bids and was initially expected to sell for $120,000 to $180,000. Sotheby’s described the historic sale as “breaking new frontiers in the global art market and setting the standard for humanoid robotic artwork at auction,” among other things, and said that “Ai-Da Robot,” who painted the work, “is the first humanoid robot artist whose work has been sold at auction. The artist, “Ai-Da Robot,” is “the first humanoid robot artist whose work was sold at auction,” he added.


Surprisingly, however, Sotheby’s reported that an undisclosed buyer sold the work for $1.3 million (about 198 million yen), “far exceeding the expected price,” according to the online auction that ended on August 7. The winning bid for the first work by a humanoid robot artist “marks a moment in the history of contemporary art and reflects the growing intersection of AI technology and the global art market,” the company said. I think this means that the time has come for art to no longer be created by humans alone.


It is interesting to see how the humanoid robot, Ada Robot, used advanced AI language models to capture and express a single person, and how it actually picked up a brush and painted. Did he paint quickly and without hesitation in the blink of an eye, or did he struggle to decide what to do or not do? It seems that da Vinci spent 4 years to paint the Mona Lisa, but I am curious to see how Ada painted it or how he used his brush.




Image courtesy of Ai-Da Robot Studios

Although the winning bid was a surprisingly high price, the auction may be viewed from a variety of perspectives, including the state of art and the changes in society as it relates to AI. The portrait of Mr. Schuling, the father of AI, is an impressive portrait with his eyes looking at the past of AI and the future of AI. Still, 1.3 million dollars….


Have a good day.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






お片付けには良い季節になりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















当店での買取の多い御品 は、
















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It got much colder this morning, and I feel like the season has moved on quickly. It was so cold that I wrapped a stole around me and went to work. It is hard to know what is the right thing to wear this time of year.

Now that the autumn-like days have continued, the weather has become more favorable for cleaning up. The time comes when we have to think about not only cleaning up the “stuff” in our parents’ house, but also disposing of the house itself.

This is the “vacant house” problem that we often hear about these days.
As my own parents are getting older, I am concerned about this issue.

The other day, I had the opportunity to visit a client who was disposing of his house, and I was thinking about how many old houses are being torn down and new, shiny, modern-style houses are being built all over the place.

Nowadays, there is a trend that “old private houses = fashionable,” but a decade ago, I feel that “old private houses = tacky and embarrassing. Therefore, there was an impression that old private houses tended to be crushed.

Recently, more and more children are setting up houses separate from their parents’ homes, and the number of people who are moving out of their parents’ homes seems to be increasing.

In the past, it was commonplace for children to continue to live in the home where they were born and raised, but with the increase in the number of nuclear families, it is not uncommon today for independent children to not take over the family home.
Since the number of childless couples is also increasing, some people may decide to move out of the family home because there is no one left to take over the house.

As I myself feel, even though the house may have seemed small when we lived together as a family, it is too spacious when there are only two of us.
As people get older, it becomes difficult to keep a large house clean, and there are also concerns about the cost of heating and cooling, barrier-free access, and safety. If the house lasts 100 years like in the West, it will be passed down to the family, but in today’s Japan, that may be difficult.

Before disposing of your house, how to dispose of household goods and antiques that you have collected yourself or inherited from your relatives is one of the things you need to think about.

The most frequently purchased items at our store are

1. Kakejiku (hanging scrolls)
2. tea ceremony utensils
3. paintings

Tea ceremony utensils, 3. Paintings, etc.

Selling antiques means passing them on to the next person who can use them. However, there are some antiques that are very difficult to sell and are difficult to get a purchase price for.

However, there are a variety of items in the category of antiques. Even if you think an item has no value to you, it may have value to a collector. If possible, we would like to deliver them to people who will continue to use them, since they were used with great care.


Popular artists and makers, age and rarity, and materials are also important factors in judging the value of antiques. Antiques made of gold, silver, ivory, coral, jade, or other high-grade materials are valued more highly due to the value of the materials themselves.

If you are wondering, “What is the value of this item? If you are wondering “What is the value of this item?”, please ask us before disposing of it, and we hope you will be satisfied with the sale.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






帝室技芸員 守住貫魚について(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























縦123.0 cm 横53.0 cm


源氏物語須磨図  徳島県立博物館HPより









Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It was cold this morning for the first time in a while. I pulled out my winter clothes in a hurry and put on my sleeves, but I was wondering whether or not they are just right, and I had completely lost the sense of winter clothes. I am wearing strange layers of clothes today, but so far I have not failed to feel hot or cold.


Well, it’s been a while since we last had a series on Imperial Household Artists. Today, I would like to tell you about the painter “Tsurana Morizumi. Morizumi Tsurana was a painter of the Sumiyoshi school who was active from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period.


Morizumi Kungo (1809-1892) studied under his hometown artist Watanabe Hiroki, then under Sumiyoshi Hirosada, and served the Awa Hachisuka family as an official painter of the Sumiyoshi school. He was also well versed in “Koko,” one of the historical booms that ignited during the Edo period, and devoted himself to copying, sketching, and rubbing antiquities, winning gold medals and other prizes at the National Painting Kyoshinshitsu, a competition open to all traditional schools. He was also selected as a member of the Imperial Household Artists’ Association, which was established to protect and promote traditional Japanese art. He trained many students, including Mori Uobuchi, and many Japanese-style painters in the modern Tokushima art world follow in his footsteps.


He was born in 1809 to a family of the Tokushima clan in Awa province. His family name was Shono and his first name was Tokujiro, and it seems that he changed his family name to Morizumi when he was introduced to the Sumiyoshi School.


There he studied under Watanabe Hiroki of the Sumiyoshi school and took the name Terumi. Around 1834, he was introduced to Hirotada Sumiyoshi, a master of Hiroki, and participated in the production of sho-byobu paintings for the Hitotsubashi Tokugawa family. This was recognized and he changed his name to Sadateru. In 1854, he changed his name to Nanko, following Hirotada’s change of name to Kounan.

In 1854, when Hirosada changed his name to Kogan, his name was changed to Kanguo. In 1853, when the Kyoto Imperial Palace was rebuilt, he painted “Asaga-zu,” a sliding door painting for the Imperial Palace.


After the Meiji Restoration, he temporarily became a priest of a shrine, but moved to Osaka around 1878.

In 1882, he exhibited “Funakami-san-transit” at the 1st National Art Exhibition and received a bronze seal, and two years later at the 2nd Exhibition, he exhibited “Ujigawa-sento” and “Toryu” and was the only artist to receive a gold seal and was selected as an examiner. During this period, he also devoted himself to the establishment of the Naniwa School of Painting in Osaka and organized the Osaka Art Exhibition.

In 1887, for the construction of the palace in the Imperial Palace, he painted “Weaving” and “Palm Palms” on the cedar door and “Insect Selection” on the small sliding door. In 1890, at the age of 82, he was selected as a member of the Imperial Household Artists, and in the same year, he exhibited “Murasaki Shikibu: View of the Moon over Ishiyama-ji Temple” at the Japan Art Association Exhibition, where it was awarded a gold medal. He died in 1892 at the age of 84.


Although Nukago is generally regarded as a painter of the Meiji era, his career shows that he spent the most fulfilling period of his life from the age of 30 to 60 as an official painter of Ochiai, so it may be better to regard him as a painter of the Sumiyoshi school at the end of the Edo period, but let us put this aside for the moment.


The majority of Nankyo’s works are historical paintings and monogatari-e (narrative paintings) based on classical subjects. There are two types of painting: coloring, in which colors are painstakingly applied, and bokuga, in which light colors are added to parts of the painting.

A representative example is the Tale of Genji, Akashi (Tokushima Prefectural Museum collection). The delicacy of the painting is like glimpsing the life of the Heian aristocrats through the clouds, but the story draws you in


I did not know much about Morisumi Nanko’s works, but the Tokushima Prefectural Museum has a large collection of his works, as he was born in the Land of Bubbles.

The theme of this season’s historical drama is “The Tale of Genji,” and I would like to go see this series if I have a chance, but the drawback is that it is a bit far from Nagoya. But now I feel like going, so I hope to be able to report back to you someday.


Have a good day.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



江戸の粋を表す紫色(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































myself reading in a warm room, but as the years go by, I find it easier and easier to get tired of reading small print. The other day, Staff T introduced “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” which a friend of mine lent me, but I couldn’t finish reading it. It was an old version, so the letters were even smaller and I felt dizzy when I opened the page. I have no excuse for this, but I think I will start reading the books I have in my stack before my eyesight deteriorates further.
Edo glass, which recently joined the Fuhkosha, is cute with its petal-like shape, and its dark purple color creates a calm atmosphere.
Edo faceted glass is a type of Edo glass with a faceted pattern on it. I think this dark purple color is often used for Edo faceting.
This purple used in Edo faceting is called “Edo purple,” and is characterized by a deep blue tinge, as opposed to “Kyoto purple,” which has a strong reddish tinge.
The name “Edo purple” originated from the fact that it was dyed using the root of “Murasaki grass,” which grew wild widely in Musashino during the Edo period, and it is said that Edo purple became very popular among the common people.
Kabuki is said to have been a factor in the popularity of Edomurasaki during the Edo period. In the kabuki play “Sukeroku Yukari no Edozakura,” the main character Sukeroku wears an Edo purple pachimaki, and it is said that people adopted the patterns and colors of kimono into their own lives, admiring the kabuki actors who were the fashion leaders of the time.
Kabuki in the Edo period was the greatest entertainment of the time, and it seems to have something in common with today’s desire to wear the colors of “guesses” such as idols. This is the same today as it was in the past, and for some reason I feel a sense of affinity with the people of the Edo period.
However, it is said that people in the Edo period did not use this Edo purple color for the entire kimono, but rather used it as an accent color. I feel the “chic” of the Edo people.
The oldest glass in Japan is said to be the Yayoi period’s kagatama, but this technique declined once, and it is said to have reappeared in history around 1543, when Portuguese ships drifted ashore on Tanegashima Island. With the beginning of exchanges with European countries, glass techniques were also introduced to Japan.
In the early Edo period (1603-1867), glass called “beadoro” and “geaman” appeared. Vidro is the Portuguese word for glass, and the name “Guillaman” is derived from the Dutch word “Diamant,” meaning diamond.
At this time, glass was made entirely by hand using lead, which had been introduced from China. Japanese technology and equipment were still small-scale, and kilns were small and used charcoal, so only small, thin pieces could be made.
Later, in the mid-Meiji period, soda glass using soda lime was introduced, and various types of glass products began to be made.
Among them, Edo faceted glass inherited the tradition from the Edo period and was produced one by one by hand in parts of Tokyo and Chiba, refining the techniques and creating products of all shapes and sizes through high-mix, low-volume production.
Glass is melted at a high temperature of 1,400 degrees Celsius to a syrup-like state, and three techniques are used: “Chubuki”, “Katabuki”, and “Oshimata”, all of which are made by hand by craftsmen.
Although the glass was severely damaged by the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Tokyo Air Raid, many factories recovered and have continued to carry on the tradition of Edo glass to this day.

This little purple Edo glass seems to be more than just adorable.
So, I’ll see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







