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来週から12月ということに驚くのですが。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


As I was thinking that autumn is deepening, I was surprised to see that December will start as early as next week. I am sure there are some of you out there who are as surprised as I am. At the same time, I am getting busy just thinking about what I should do toward the end of the year.


By the way, one of the preparations for New Year’s…. No, no, one of the preparations for New Year’s is “New Year’s greeting cards,” but nowadays the situation is different, isn’t it? What are you doing about it?


With the spread of social networking services, it seems that more and more people are thinking of “graduating from New Year’s greeting cards,” and in fact, I was one of them. I have spent the end of the year for several years wondering if there would be any inconvenience to our subsequent relationships, if we would not become estranged, or if we should send a New Year’s card since it is only sent once a year.

I guess many people are thinking about this, and I have received many New Year’s greeting cards this year that said, “I’ll give up New Year’s greeting cards. I will greet you on LINE from next year,” ‘I hope we can keep in touch in the future,’ and so on.

So for the past few years, I have shifted to greeting people on line, and I have told them that I would like to keep in touch with them, and the following year I would send belated New Year’s greeting cards only to those who had not been able to greet me due to mourning or other reasons, and only to those who had received them.

This is my personal observation after repeating this process over the past few years, but here is my conclusion. Even after graduating from New Year’s greeting cards, I felt that nothing has changed in our relationships because we continue to communicate with each other by e-mail and telephone. Therefore, I felt that the presence or absence of the “New Year’s greeting” was not so important.

I honestly felt that it was more liberating to be free from the pressure of the old New Year’s greeting cards, but it would be sad to do away with all the seasonal greetings.

However, it would be sad to lose all the seasonal greetings. I hope we can continue the “hello from now on” feeling even if we change the form of the greeting in some way….


However, there is one person who sends me a New Year’s greeting card every year with a tremendous number of prints. I look forward to them, so I wonder what I should do with them….

I will be looking forward to it…………………..















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN









秋の実りを満喫しております(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























さて、「さざんか」と聞くとつい口ずさんでしまうのが童謡の「たき火」の歌詞ではないでしょうか。♪さざんか さざんか さいたみち~♪とくちずさむだけで冬の情景が瞬時に目に思い浮かぶのですから、童謡の力はすごいです。









Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Autumn is deepening and the trees are bearing a variety of fruits, making a walk enjoyable. Today, I was struck by the bright yellow color of yuzu citrons.

Rich in vitamin C and easy to apply to various dishes, yuzu is an ingredient that I would like to actively use from now on. Personally, I like to make asazuke (lightly pickled radish and yuzu), but it can also be transformed into yuzu jam, yuzu miso, yuzu ponzu, and other seasonings with a difference, and is indispensable for surviving the cold winter months.

I recommend just dipping the yuzu seeds in soy sauce to make a refreshing yuzu soy sauce.

Another autumn delicacy I look forward to is persimmons. Which do you prefer, crispy or ripe persimmons?


I love to eat a perfectly ripe persimmon cold with a spoon, but my friends are quite taken aback. Personally, I don’t think there is a better dessert….

Also, I recently saw a cooking show and the persimmon, mozzarella cheese, and prosciutto salad looked delicious. It definitely tastes good with alcohol, doesn’t it? I’m trying to cut back on alcohol right now, so this is definitely something I would like to try at a special event.


I know I’m talking about food all the time, but I also have my eye on flowers. The pink sasanquas in our neighborhood were in full bloom. This glossy color really stands out during a time of year when flowers are scarce.


The sasanqua is an evergreen tree of the camellia family, often planted in gardens and along roadsides, and produces bright pink, white, and red flowers. It is often mistaken for camellia.

There seems to be a big difference in the way the flowers fall between the yamacha and the camellia. In camellias, the entire flower falls off, whereas in sancha-hana, the petals fall one by one.

However, since it is difficult to tell which is which until the petals fall, another way to distinguish between the two is that the Yamacha flowers bloom earlier, starting around October, and the Camellia flowers start blooming around December.

The camellia’s flowers are cylindrical, thick, and three-dimensional, while the sancha-hana’s are flat and thin compared to the camellia.

Finally, entering the realm of professionals, they distinguish the leaves by their veins. Camellia leaves have clear veins, while santacha leaves have darker veins, but I am not confident that I can tell the difference. The underside of camellia leaves is almost hairless, while the underside of sancha-hana leaves seems to have a few hairs, so this may be easier to tell the difference. Next time, I will observe the underside of the leaves.


When you hear the word “sazanka,” you may be reminded of the lyrics of the children’s song “Takikibi” (“Bonfire”). The power of nursery rhymes is amazing, because just by humming the words “sazanka sazanka sazanka saitamichi~,” a scene of winter instantly comes to mind.


While typing in the kanji character for “sancha bana” earlier, I felt a strange discrepancy with the sound “sazanka”.

Upon further research, it seems that sazanka was originally called “sansaka” or “sanzaka,” which changed and became “sazanka. Am I the only one who feels that “sanzaka” makes nursery rhymes a little difficult to sing?


Why don’t you enjoy a walk in autumn, when the harvest is plentiful, before winter sets in?


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







お風呂の時間が楽しみな季節となりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

As the weather gets colder, we look forward to taking a bath, but at home, we are still fighting over the temperature setting of the bath water.

It is said that Japanese people are unparalleled bath lovers in the world. Although there are individual differences, the percentage of Japanese who take a bath every day is much higher than in other countries, and it is said that it is rare for a nation of people to love taking a bath so much.

Incidentally, today is November 26, which is also known as “good bath” day because of the combination of words, but there are many other bath days, such as “April 26” for a good bath, “May 26” for a source hot spring, “June 26” for an open-air bath, “July 26” for a summer bath, “August 26” for a bath for fathers, “October 10” for a public bath, and so on. October 10,” and so on. It may seem quite aggressive, but it clearly shows how much Japanese people are familiar with baths.


Even in ancient Greece and Rome, public bathhouses were built, but nowadays people prefer to bathe only in showers.

So what are the reasons for the preference for bathtub bathing in Japan? Among several reasons, first of all, Japan was blessed with abundant water and fuel wood. Japan has ample rainfall throughout the country, and 67% of its land area is forested, a climate that allows trees to grow everywhere. Among developed countries, Japan has the second highest percentage of forests after Finland.

Japan also has a large number of hot springs. In addition to the large number of active volcanoes, the geographical location of Japan on multiple plates has resulted in hot springs sprouting all over the country, and “Toji,” or hot spring cures for illnesses, have long been practiced.

The quality of water is also said to be a factor. Generally speaking, water in the West is hard water with high mineral content, which is considered to be hard on the skin, while soft water in Japan is gentle to the skin and rarely causes skin irritation even after a long soak.


A study of the history of bathing in Japan reveals that the spread of “bathing” in Japan is said to have been triggered by the introduction of Buddhism. In Buddhism, “bathing” was an important ritual for priests to purify their bodies. At that time, it was similar to today’s sauna in the form of a steam bath.

During the Heian period (794-1185), the culture of bathing developed among aristocrats, but they did not bathe every day, only pouring water or hot water over their bodies. Therefore, “incense” became popular to mask body odor.

In the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, it is said that baths for the common people began to be operated as a business, leading to the “sento” (public bathhouse) later on. Wealthy families began to invite people to bathe and serve them sake.

In the Edo period (1603-1867), the “pomegranate bath,” in which the washing area and bathtub were separated to prevent steam from escaping, became popular, and this seems to have been the typical form of sento. Some public bathhouses were open from morning to night, and since prices were low, some people bathed several times a day. The “sue-buro” style of bathing, in which the bathwater is poured into a large tub and people bathe up to their necks, became popular in the homes of ordinary people. Sento were popular as a place for socializing. However, in rural areas where there were no public bathhouses, a small amount of water was boiled in a sealed bath kettle and the steam was used to cleanse the body.

Although there are many different styles of bathing, Japanese people’s love of hot springs and baths is so ingrained in their bodies that I thought it would never change, but recently I heard that the term “bath cancellation neighborhood” is trending among young people. It seems that the term refers to people who are so tired that they do not have the energy to take a bath and do so infrequently. I am surprised that young people these days are so tired.

Some people say that using soap in the bath every day causes the skin to lose its barrier function, which in turn leads to rough skin. There is so much information out there that it is hard to know what is good for you.

Personally, I am happy to soak up to my neck in a deep bath. Having a choice may be a luxury in a sense.


I will see you next time.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







どちら派ですか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















一方、手帳の品ぞろえは月曜始まりが主流のようです。 月曜始まりの考え方は1973年のオイルショックなどの影響で、企業などが週休2日制を導入したことがきっかけ。手帳はこのライフスタイルの変化に合わせ、80年代末ごろから月曜始まりが主流となったようです。ビジネスシーンにおいては月曜から予定を書き込める方が使い勝手が良いのでしょう。






Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It is a morning when hot coffee is sinking in and the days are getting much colder. It is now time to start shopping for next year’s calendars and organizers.

By the way, which calendar do you always use?

What I mean is, “Sunday” or “Monday”?

It is up to each person to decide which week starts first, but it seems that most notebooks start on Monday, while most calendars start on Sunday. There is no rule or standard that says calendars must start on Sunday, but it is said that about 90% of calendars sold in Japan start on Sunday.


Religious factors seem to be behind the fact that most calendars start on Sunday.

Japan adopted the solar calendar in 1872. Until then, a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon was used. In the lunar calendar, six days of the week such as “O-an” and “Tomohiki” were used instead of the current days of the week.

In Judaism, the Sabbath is on Saturday, and in Christianity, the day of worship is on Sunday, although there are differences, but even in Christianity, the week begins on Sunday. Thus, historically and culturally, the beginning of the calendar week is considered to be Sunday. For this reason, with the introduction of the solar calendar, Sunday was also considered to be the beginning of the week in Japan, and many calendars still begin on Sunday.


However, in Europe, where many countries are supposed to be Christian, most calendars now begin on Monday.

This is due to a 1971 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) recommendation that, in practice, the start of the week should begin on Monday to coincide with the start of the work week for government offices and many companies.

Although the roots are the same, the Sunday start is now the norm in the U.S. and Japan, while the Monday start is the norm in Europe.


On the other hand, Monday is still the most common way to organize one’s notebooks. The idea of starting on Monday was triggered by the oil crisis of 1973, which led companies and others to introduce a two-day workweek. In response to this change in lifestyle, Monday-bound notebooks became the mainstream from around the end of the 1980s. In the business world, it is probably more convenient to be able to write down appointments starting on Monday.


The good thing about calendars is that you can tell the date just by looking at it. I am used to seeing it starting on Sunday, but if I suddenly change it, I feel it is difficult to see. This year, I am thinking about buying a dog or cat calendar for comfort, but I think I will always end up using the same one.


Well, I’ll see you soon.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







ブルーインパルスみたかったです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I forgot to mention this the other day, but apparently the Japan Air Self-Defense Force “Blue Impulse” flew over Toyota City on the 21st to add flowers to the opening of Rally Japan, which started at the Toyota Stadium in Toyota City as its main venue, by drawing hearts and other shapes in the sky over the city.

Six aircraft flew in various formations. They circled, painted pictures with smoke, and performed 12 different acts, including “Sakura,” which drew six circles and made flowers bloom in the sky, and “Sunrise,” in which five aircraft fanned out like the sun’s rays, exciting the audience. The Blue Impulse flew out from Komaki and probably flew over the store, but unfortunately I did not notice it. However, they were not flying with jets, so I would have liked to have seen them with my mouth open at Toyota Stadium.



By the way, as you know, the fuel used for jet flight is oil. Recently, however, there seems to be a battle in the aviation industry over the use of a carbon-neutral alternative aviation fuel called SAF.


What is a carbon-neutral alternative aviation fuel? One of them is Euglena, which is known for its research on microalgae Euglena (Green Beetle). Euglena is made from 90% used cooking oil and 10% euglena oil extracted from euglena, and although Japanese companies are working hard to mass produce domestically produced SAF, demand is not keeping pace. Under such circumstances, airlines in various countries are trying to switch from petroleum-derived jet fuel to SAF as soon as possible, but it seems that they are competing with each other.


It seems that alternative jet fuel made from midges was used for the Japanese F1 Grand Prix held on September 24 and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force’s Blue Impulse, which flew during a rehearsal the day before the Japanese Grand Prix, but since it is made from used cooking oil, it smells a little bit like a delicious, stale smell during the jet flight. I wondered if it would smell a little bit like a delicious, browned smell during the jet flight… and all I could think of was silly imaginings.


I don’t know what kind of fuel was used for this flight, but if this is how used cooking oil will be used in the future, I think the guilt of eating fried food and the frustration of cleaning up the oil will diminish a little.


Okay, I’ll fry up some food today.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



本日の快晴の空を眺めながら(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















国宝 紙本金地著色洛中洛外図(舟木本) (※)右隻 東京国立博物館蔵

国宝 紙本金地著色洛中洛外図(舟木本) (※)右隻 東京国立博物館蔵より











歌川広重《東海道五十三次之内 日本橋》《東海道五十三次之内 日本橋 行烈振出》江戸時代









Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It is a beautiful autumn day in Nagoya today. There is a bit of wind, but I wonder if young people are having a picnic on a day like this. I would like to write this blog today while looking at such a sky with envy.


Recently, we have had many customers who wish to purchase paintings, and at that time, we inspect the condition of the paintings. The overwhelming majority of the paintings are landscapes, with many depicting seascapes, mountains, buildings, and the sky. The way of painting varies, and it is surprising to see how differently even a single “sky” is perceived by different artists. In famous Western paintings, Van Gogh’s sky is somewhat chaotic with clouds rolling in a sprawling pattern, while Monet’s “Woman with a Parasol” is refreshing with clouds flowing in the sky. In Western painting, clouds seem to me to be a characteristic item that can express the artist’s psychological portrayal.


The reason why I was thinking of this is that an exhibition titled “Discovering the Sky” at the Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya, Tokyo, which has been held since September, was on until the other day. Unfortunately, I was not able to go to the exhibition, but it seemed to be an exhibition where I could learn through the artworks, along with historical trends, that in the past, expressions of white clouds against a blue sky rarely appeared in Japanese art, which made me curious about how the “sky” was depicted in each period and country.


Come to think of it, the paintings by Okyo and Jakuchu at the Shokokuji temple exhibition that we visited the other day were like that, and we subconsciously recognize that that is how Japanese paintings used to be, but now that I think of it, I realized that there was no such thing as “sky”.


A closer look reveals that “golden clouds” and “Ichimonji bokashi” were the standard expression in pre-modern times, and when one thinks of images such as folding screen paintings, this was the standard way of depicting the sky. Before the influence of Western art, the sky in Japanese art was treated as a dramatic effect, a symbolic expression indicating the existence of the sky, or as a blank space to put text, not as a natural phenomenon to be depicted.



The details of this painting are said to be the “golden clouds” and “suyarimasumi” that cover the screen, but it is not a depiction of the real sky, but a style of expression that creates a visual effect. From the perspective of modern eyes immersed in Western concepts, these techniques may seem rather revolutionary. However, perhaps it is a genetic imprint that has been passed down from generation to generation, and everyone can tell that even if it is expressed in “gold” to us, it is a “cloud,” and that is “the sky. On the other hand, I wonder what these gold motes look like to Westerners. Also, by connecting scenes of different places and different times, the effect is to highlight what you want to show by omitting unnecessary things, and to decorate the screen in a gorgeous way. I think it is a cute and interesting technique that has multiple functions of “connecting,” “omitting,” and “decorating.


The next thing that these Japanese developed was the one-character blurring of the sky expression in ukiyo-e prints.


Hiroshige Utagawa, Nihonbashi in the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido, Edo period


The colors are placed straight across and blurred into a gradation to represent the weather and the time of day. The symbolic expression “here is the sky” is used. In the image on the left, which depicts Nihonbashi in the morning, the upper part is blue (tenbokashi) and the lower part is orange (jibokashi), while the colors are reversed in the different edition “Henkaizu” on the right, which was printed in a different edition later. In the different edition of “Henka-zu,” printed from a different plate in later years (right), the colors are reversed. Later, the wave of Western-style paintings came to Japan, but that’s all for today.

If you are interested, please come back next time.



Have a good day.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



毎月21日持込鑑定会を開催いたしております。今月は11月21日(木)開催です。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎



明日11月21日(木)10:00~17:00 開催となっております。














FUKOSHA holds an appraisal session on the 21st  of every month.

This month, it will be held on Thursday, November 21st, from 10:00 am ~17:00


No prior notice is required, so please drop by at your convenience.

If you have any items at home or at your parents’ house that you wonder how much they are worth, please bring them in for evaluation only. If you have large items that are difficult to bring in, we will be happy to assess them by photo.

We look forward to seeing you at our store.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



高校生パワーには驚かされます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff H.
Finally, we have started to prepare for winter by pulling out various thermal goods at our house.
When I was organizing them in the summer, I wondered if the day would ever come when I would have to use such hot and stuffy things, but this morning’s cold wind woke me up and I realized that yes, this is what winter air feels like.
I realize how little imagination I have. I guess it’s just like the heat of the air.
The other day, as I was getting ready in the morning, I saw an image of the round earth on TV. As I casually watched it, I heard an explanation that it was taken by high school students. When I turned my attention to it, I found out that the astronomy club of Asahigaoka High School in Aichi Prefecture had succeeded in taking the picture. I was skeptical, wondering if it was possible for high school students to do such a thing. I was skeptical, but it was true.
On the high school’s website, there is an attempt titled “SB (Space Balloon) Project,” which says, “We want to fly a balloon to the stratosphere and take pictures of the Earth using only the students’ power! and “We want to fly the balloon to the stratosphere and take pictures of the Earth using only the students’ power!
Currently, advanced balloons are being used by private companies and universities to launch up to 30 km in the sky and take weather data from the surrounding area, but there are few cases where the balloons were tracked by GPS until the end and safely recovered.
The Asahigaoka High School astronomy club succeeded in their attempt, and a video of the entire process from the moment the balloon was released to the moment it was retrieved is available to the public, giving the viewer the feeling of being launched into space.
By the way, where is the stratosphere? Currently, the standard is based on the classification made by the World Meteorological Organization in 1961. The area from the ground to about 10 km is called the troposphere (the range where airplanes fly), from about 10 km to 50 km the stratosphere, from about 50 km to 80 km the mesosphere, and from about 80 km to about 500 km the thermosphere, where auroras and other phenomena can be observed.
Incidentally, the range of space is generally considered to be from an altitude of 100 km above the surface of the earth, where the atmosphere is almost completely gone, but since there is no agreement under international law, “outer space” is not legally defined. This was a bit surprising.
I am still amazed at the power of high school students. The students did everything from raising donations from companies through crowdfunding in order to purchase expensive equipment to obtaining government permission to fly a balloon into the stratosphere.
Each student was responsible for designing the balloon, programming it, calculating its flight trajectory, and publicizing it, taking advantage of their own areas of expertise. We would like to applaud the high school students who successfully completed everything from the launch to the recovery of the aircraft.
If you are interested, please take a look at the high school’s website. I am sure you will be inspired.
See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







初めてでも大丈夫でした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


The temperature has dropped dramatically since last night, and Nagoya feels colder than yesterday, so I have started to use my coat. As it is getting colder, as a nabe (hot pot) lover, I am happy that it is the season to eat more delicious nabe.

The forecast was that it would get colder from this week, so now is a good time when it is still warm! A while ago, my sisters and I made plans to go out for the first time in many years. We decided to replace the shoji screens in my parents’ house for the first time in many years.

But we are beginners at re-covering. How good would the quality be? If it was going to be like this, I should have done it with my mother while she was still here….


Shoji screens, which are made of paper pasted onto a wooden frame, are traditional Japanese fixtures with a long history. The shoji used today is believed to have originated as yarido, which were used in the outbuildings of the shinden-zukuri style.

At that time, sliding doors, sliding screens, and folding screens were also called “shoji. In the late Heian period (794-1185), “myojoshi,” which are related to modern shoji, were produced, and they came to be clearly distinguished from fusuma (sliding doors).

In the Muromachi period (1333-1573), shoji screens came to be used in shoin-style architecture and became common in daily life. It is said that shoji paper, also called shoin paper, is a remnant from the days when it was used in shoin rooms.

In the Edo period (1603-1867), shoji paper was used for various purposes, and various types of shoji paper were produced. There are various types of shoji, depending not only on interior design but also on the amount of sunlight inside the room and the scenery outside.

There are also various other types of shoji, such as “koshiita shoji,” which have a board called koshiita at the bottom, “yukimi shoji,” which have part of the door frame made of glass, and “nekoma shoji,” which allow cats to freely enter and exit even when the door is closed.


Perhaps the most difficult part of re-covering shoji screens for beginners is gluing them to the cleats.
Just hearing the word “gluing” makes it sound very difficult, but this traditional method of gluing is said to be the most cost-effective and inexpensive way of gluing, as it is gentle to the fittings.

However, applying glue with a brush sounds difficult, and cleanup is messy, so I would prefer to avoid it…. So this time we used glue for shoji paper, which does not require a brush.

You can buy it at home centers, so beginners, those who are not confident, or those who are lazy should not hesitate to select it. (Laughs) Since all I had to do was hook the guide to the cleats and slide it on, even a clumsy person like me could apply the glue evenly without worrying about it shifting.

Perhaps the person who came up with this glue is a genius, but the fact that I was able to apply it cleanly for the first time gave me a mysterious confidence boost.

There were a few little mistakes that only a beginner can make, but there were no major problems and it turned out very beautifully. It is something that can be tried.


This time, the children did it together (they were made to do it), and since it was the first experience for all of them, they enjoyed it more than I thought they would. I would like to do a little bit of cleaning before it gets cold, and welcome the New Year without any haste.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







皆様の地域の紅葉はどうですか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The autumn foliage has recently started to change colors in many areas, and I hope you have visited your local foliage viewing spots.


This year, the best time to view autumn foliage is earlier when autumn temperatures (September to November) are low and later when temperatures are high. 2024 saw higher average temperatures due to lingering summer heat, and the best time to view autumn foliage by October is slightly later than normal, mainly in eastern Japan.


The vividness of autumn foliage is also influenced by the summer weather, and this year, due to the high temperatures and longer-than-normal sunshine hours until September, the leaves were discolored in many areas across the country.



The best time to see the autumn leaves here in Nagoya is forecasted to be from mid to late November, so it is almost time to go. In Nagoya, Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden, Tokugawaen, Meijo Park, Yagozan Koseiji Temple, Shiratori Garden, Higashi Park, Kuragari Valley, and Okazaki Park are famous for their autumn foliage.
We at Staff Y are currently considering which spots to visit this year.
If you have any other recommendations, please let us know!

Have a good day.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN



