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江戸の粋を表す紫色(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































myself reading in a warm room, but as the years go by, I find it easier and easier to get tired of reading small print. The other day, Staff T introduced “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” which a friend of mine lent me, but I couldn’t finish reading it. It was an old version, so the letters were even smaller and I felt dizzy when I opened the page. I have no excuse for this, but I think I will start reading the books I have in my stack before my eyesight deteriorates further.
Edo glass, which recently joined the Fuhkosha, is cute with its petal-like shape, and its dark purple color creates a calm atmosphere.
Edo faceted glass is a type of Edo glass with a faceted pattern on it. I think this dark purple color is often used for Edo faceting.
This purple used in Edo faceting is called “Edo purple,” and is characterized by a deep blue tinge, as opposed to “Kyoto purple,” which has a strong reddish tinge.
The name “Edo purple” originated from the fact that it was dyed using the root of “Murasaki grass,” which grew wild widely in Musashino during the Edo period, and it is said that Edo purple became very popular among the common people.
Kabuki is said to have been a factor in the popularity of Edomurasaki during the Edo period. In the kabuki play “Sukeroku Yukari no Edozakura,” the main character Sukeroku wears an Edo purple pachimaki, and it is said that people adopted the patterns and colors of kimono into their own lives, admiring the kabuki actors who were the fashion leaders of the time.
Kabuki in the Edo period was the greatest entertainment of the time, and it seems to have something in common with today’s desire to wear the colors of “guesses” such as idols. This is the same today as it was in the past, and for some reason I feel a sense of affinity with the people of the Edo period.
However, it is said that people in the Edo period did not use this Edo purple color for the entire kimono, but rather used it as an accent color. I feel the “chic” of the Edo people.
The oldest glass in Japan is said to be the Yayoi period’s kagatama, but this technique declined once, and it is said to have reappeared in history around 1543, when Portuguese ships drifted ashore on Tanegashima Island. With the beginning of exchanges with European countries, glass techniques were also introduced to Japan.
In the early Edo period (1603-1867), glass called “beadoro” and “geaman” appeared. Vidro is the Portuguese word for glass, and the name “Guillaman” is derived from the Dutch word “Diamant,” meaning diamond.
At this time, glass was made entirely by hand using lead, which had been introduced from China. Japanese technology and equipment were still small-scale, and kilns were small and used charcoal, so only small, thin pieces could be made.
Later, in the mid-Meiji period, soda glass using soda lime was introduced, and various types of glass products began to be made.
Among them, Edo faceted glass inherited the tradition from the Edo period and was produced one by one by hand in parts of Tokyo and Chiba, refining the techniques and creating products of all shapes and sizes through high-mix, low-volume production.
Glass is melted at a high temperature of 1,400 degrees Celsius to a syrup-like state, and three techniques are used: “Chubuki”, “Katabuki”, and “Oshimata”, all of which are made by hand by craftsmen.
Although the glass was severely damaged by the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Tokyo Air Raid, many factories recovered and have continued to carry on the tradition of Edo glass to this day.

This little purple Edo glass seems to be more than just adorable.
So, I’ll see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






紅葉の赤にも色々あります(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















名古屋と言えば、手羽先やみそかつなどのご当地グルメが思い浮かびますが、「名古屋城」を筆頭に紅葉スポットもたくさんあります。他には「東山動植物園」や「白川庭園」、「徳川園」、名古屋市のお隣り瀬戸市にある「定光寺 定光寺公園」などがあります。名古屋市内からは少し遠いですが、国内有数の紅葉の名所として知られる香嵐渓(こうらんけい)もぜひ行ってみてほしいところです。






Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

Today is a cloudy day, and my hands are getting cold when I stay indoors. It makes me want to have a warm drink.

Yesterday, Staff Y’s photo of autumn leaves was very beautiful, wasn’t it? Nagoya is still full of thick green trees, and it seems that it will be a long time before we can see the autumn leaves. The forecast is for late November, but what do you think?

The word “momiji” refers to the coloring of leaves on trees, but the word originally comes from the process of rubbing out the leaves when dyeing them with plants and trees to bring out their colors.

Turning red is called koyo (紅葉) and turning yellow is called koyoyo (黄葉), both of which are also read as momiji (もみじ).

Maples, which are often seen in photos of autumn foliage, are representative of the maple family, so named because their leaves resemble frog hands.



The yellow color is a pigment called xanthophylls, which are present in the leaves from the time they are young. The red color is not the natural color of the leaf, although it becomes visible when the green chlorophyll is lost.
When the temperature drops, the roots of a tree lose their ability to absorb water, while the air becomes drier, so the tree creates a partition called a detachment layer at the border between the leaves and branches to prevent evaporation of water from the leaves. This causes not only water but also nutrients to cease to flow to and from the tree.



The leaves, however, remain alive for a while and produce nutrients until the chlorophyll is destroyed. The leaves turn red because the sugars in the nutrients stored in the leaves turn into a red pigment called anthocyanin. Therefore, while the green pigment remains in the leaves, they are reddish-black in color, but gradually turn bright red.

Incidentally, ginkgo leaves, for example, turn yellow when the chlorophyll in the leaves is reduced and the carotenoid pigment that was originally contained in the leaves becomes more prominent.

It is also believed that the reason why there are various colors of red leaves, such as crimson, salmon pink, and orange, is because the amount of anthocyanin produced differs depending on the type of tree.


When one thinks of Nagoya, local delicacies such as chicken wings and miso katsu (miso cutlet) come to mind, but there are also many places to enjoy autumn foliage, with Nagoya Castle at the top of the list. Other places to visit include Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden, Shirakawa Garden, Tokugawa-en Garden, and Jokoji Jokoji Park in Seto City, a neighbor of Nagoya City. Although a bit far from Nagoya City, Korankei, known as one of the best places in Japan to view the autumn leaves, is also a must-see.

If you are planning to visit Nagoya in the fall, please be sure to combine your visit with a visit to Korankei.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






名古屋より一足先に紅葉をみてきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I visited Nagano Prefecture, where I could see the autumn leaves a little earlier than in Nagoya, where the Fumikosha Antique Art Gallery is located.

According to the people who live there, the best time to see the autumn leaves is around 1000 meters above sea level, and it was wonderful to drive around 1000 meters above sea level, but as we drove higher and higher in the mountains, the autumn leaves were already gone and the mountains were already preparing for winter and had lost their leaves. The mountains had already changed their appearance into mountains with their leaves falling in preparation for winter.


The other day, we had clear skies after the heavy rain the day before yesterday, and I was able to take some great photos of the autumn leaves. The combination of the temperature difference and the fine weather made for a perfect autumn foliage, and the gradation of the leaves was beautifully reflected in the clear sky. The gradation of the leaves was so beautiful that I am sure I will never forget it.


I was taking pictures with the other members of the group, but a woman who looked like the wife of a couple who happened to be taking pictures of their car nearby immediately asked me, “Shall we take a picture of you? It’s not easy to take a picture with all the members in it, is it? She casually said something like, “It’s not easy to take a picture with all of us in it.


I didn’t think about it that way, but come to think of it, when you go out with a group of people, there are times when you can’t find a picture that includes all the people in the group. I would just say “thank you” and leave the place, but the favor will come back to haunt me later on.

Looking back at the photos I took last night, I realized that the only two photos I had taken were of all of us. I was looking at the photos taken in front of the autumn leaves, thinking how glad I was to have them taken.


He was just a momentary passerby in my life, but I am sure this favor will remain with me forever whenever I see these photos, so I can no longer express my gratitude, but thank you very much!


Have a good day.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




名古屋のローカルフード(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






さて、昨日お知らせしましたが、本日も『覚王山 秋祭』が開催されております。お仕事の合間に、少しだけ覗いてまいりました。










昭和中期の駄菓子屋で誕生し、かつては名古屋の駄菓子屋さんには必ずといってよいほど存在していました。 駄菓子屋で見かける機会が減ってしまった今でも、縁日の屋台などで見かけることができます。









Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

In contrast to yesterday’s weather, it is now a cloudless, clear autumn day in Nagoya. A lovely grandmother in our neighborhood greeted us in Nagoya dialect, saying “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?

As we announced yesterday, “Kakuozan Autumn Festival” is being held today as well. I took a quick peek at the festival while I was at work.

Thanks to the fine weather, there were quite a lot of people. Stores were lined up on both sides of the usually quiet approach to the shrine. There were handmade goods, accessories, and hands-on workshops.

There was a delicious and appetizing smell coming from everywhere, and I was almost drawn to it. There was a long line for the “tamashitan” stall, which is a staple in this region. If I had more time, I would have stood in line to buy some, but I was at work, so I had to leave the stall with my hair pulled back.

Tamashitan” is the sole food of Nagoya. Have you heard of it?

Most people in Japan might turn their heads and say, “What is that? But that’s because it is a B-class gourmet food born in a candy store, and is only available in Nagoya and its suburbs.

You heat up an octopus or shrimp cracker (also from Aichi Prefecture) on a griddle, spread okonomiyaki sauce on it, lightly mash a fried egg and put it on top of the cracker, and spread mayonnaise on the top. Split the rice cracker and fold it in two, and it is ready to eat.

It was born in a dagashiya in the mid-Showa period and used to be present in every dagashiya in Nagoya. Even today, when you see fewer of them in candy shops, you can still find them at fair stalls and the like.

It is said that “tamashitan” originally originated at a candy store in the 1950s. When you bite into one, the crispy texture of the cracker, the hot fried egg, and the mildness of the sauce and mayonnaise will spread in your mouth. It tastes like a cheesier version of okonomiyaki, rustic at best, and junky at worst, or more frankly, junky.

Nagoya is also the largest producer of dagashi in Japan, and is said to have many dagashi shops itself. The Nishimikawa region of Aichi Prefecture is also the largest producer of shrimp crackers in Japan. With its connection to the local industry, tadasu could be said to be a local gourmet food that was born out of nowhere.

Basically, tenkasu and aonori (green laver) are sandwiched between the rice crackers, but for the super special, cheese, ham, tuna, and corn are sometimes added as toppings. There are also many variations, such as “niku-tama-sen” with yakiniku sauce, “pizzasen” with cheese and salami, and “tako-zen” with takoyaki (octopus dumplings).

Cheap and retro, but with toppings that have evolved, takosen offer new surprises. As a genuine “B-class gourmet,” it might just break into the “Nagoya meshi” category! If you have never had it before, I hope you will try it for a taste that you have never experienced before.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






想像以上に盛り上がったガイドツアーでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
A few minutes walk along the river from Nakanoshima Art Museum, where I visited the other day, is the Osaka City Central Public Hall. On that day, the roadway in front of the hall was turned into a pedestrian paradise and a flea market event was being held, so I hurried to the hall.
When I arrived at the venue, the crowd was so large that I could not get close to the stores. I was taking pictures of the public hall for a while when I saw the words “The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka” on a building next to the hall.
The building next to the museum was named “Osaka Municipal Museum of Oriental Ceramics” and was renovated in 2022 and reopened in April 2024. Although I was put off by the flea market, I decided to take the opportunity to visit the museum.
On the day of the exhibition, “Chinese Ceramics: A Competition of Treasures” was being held at the Shanghai Museum and the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka.
It was late in the day, so I decided to take a quick look at the exhibits, but just as I was about to leave, volunteers were beginning a guided tour of the galleries. I took the opportunity to participate in the tour, which turned out to be more enjoyable than I had expected.
The tour guide carefully explained each work one by one to about 10 participants. Unlike an audio tour guide using earphones, the tour was very pleasant to listen to. Some of the participants gave simple and nice impressions, while others actively asked questions, and there were times when the guide faltered with their questions.
Then another guide appeared from somewhere, and before I knew it, I found myself surrounded by three guides, yak-yak-yak.
At that time, I was thinking that it would have been fun if I had participated in the tour with the Fumikosha staff….
After the tour was over, there was a round of applause for the guides.
When I went outside, the pedestrian mall had ended. It was a pity, but it was quite a valuable museum experience for me and I was able to fully enjoy the autumn season of art.
See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






11月2日、3日覚王山秋祭が開催されます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






「かわいい」には50年の歴史がありました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












名前 キティ・ホワイト
誕生日 11月1日
生まれた場所 イギリス・ロンドンの郊外




















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

Today is the first day of November. I was wondering if I am the only one who is wondering if the 50th anniversary means that Hello Kitty is 50 years old. Am I the only one who wondered if the 50th anniversary means that she is 50 years old?

Hello Kitty” is one of the widely known characters from children to the elderly, along with Anpanman and Doraemon. I have had many Hello Kitty items, including stationery, handkerchiefs, and drawstrings, but now that I think about it, it was my mother who liked Hello Kitty, not me.

Let me review what kind of character Hello Kitty is,

Name Kitty White
Date of birth November 1
Place of birth Suburb of London, England
A bright and gentle girl. She is 5 apples tall and weighs 3 apples. Her hobbies include baking cookies and playing the piano, and she dreams of becoming a pianist or a poet. Her family consists of her father, mother, and twin sister, Mimi. Her favorite food is apple pie made by her mom.

Kitty, you were not born in Japan (laughs) and you had a twin sister. I know this may offend some fans, but even though I have Kitty goods, I wasn’t a core fan enough to know such details, so I was surprised at the very detailed characterization when I looked into it this time. I was surprised at the detailed characterization of Hello Kitty, which is not surprising since the character is loved all over the world.

Hello Kitty was born in 1974. When the first product was released, it did not yet have a name. The first Hello Kitty product was a small vinyl coin purse called “Petit Purse. While other designs were available, Kitty’s Petit Purse sold so well that the name “Hello” was added to the name of the cat in “Alice in Mirrorland,” a sequel to Lewis Carroll’s novel “Alice in Wonderland,” to create Hello Kitty.


Everyone’s favorite Kitty was actually an “unsuccessful child” at the time of her debut.

According to Hiroko Yamaguchi (a.k.a. Yuko Yamaguchi, the third generation Hello Kitty designer), when she became the designer in 1980, KIRARARA was very popular. Kitty was so unassuming that her name was not well known, and people were like, “Who is that cat? She was so unremarkable that her name was unknown, and people just thought, “Who is that cat? (Well, she is not a cat.) “Her clothes are not cute,” she said.

Her clothes are not cute.
Her clothes are not fashionable.
The ribbon is a pattern.

The clothes are not cute,” ‘It’s not fashionable,’ ‘The ribbon is one pattern,’ etc., and they kept making corrections. It is surprising that Kitty had such a rough period in her life.

Today, Kitty has collaborated with various characters and brands, and has transformed herself into many different things,

The first thing she transformed into was actually a bee. A bee. It was during an autograph session for her fans when a high school girl said to her, “I think Kitty would be cute as a bee.

At the time, yellow was said to be a color that would never sell, but when I put it on the cover of my regular publication, “Kitty Goods Collection,” the response was so great that I received a flurry of letters asking me to “make this kitty product! I received a flood of letters asking me to “make this kitty product! You never know what will be the trigger.


By the way, Nagoya was transformed into fried shrimp and chicken wings. I thought I had graduated from this kitty, but now that I have seen so many different kitties, I feel the fever to collect local kitties.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






Happy Halloween!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


Happy Halloween!






先ほども「Trick or treat!」と言いながら練り歩くインターナショナルスクールの子供たちを目にしましたが、ご挨拶したらお菓子をもらえるなんて、子どもたちにとっては夢のような一日ですよね。しかしながら、昨今の物騒な事件や治安の不安を思いますと、これからは周りの大人たちが守りがあるからこその風景なのかな…なんてなかなか複雑な気持ちにもなります。とにかく子供たちがワクワクしながらお菓子をもらえる普通の風景がいつまでも続く世の中であってほしいものですね。































Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


We have just seen children from an international school parading around saying “Trick or treat!” It is a dream come true for children to be able to receive candy when they greet people. However, when I think of the recent incidents and security concerns, I have a rather mixed feeling that this is a scene that will only be possible with the protection of the adults around them…. Anyway, I hope that the world will continue to be a place where children are excited to receive candy and sweets.


Well, it’s Halloween season, and Staff Y, without any hesitation, visited Universal Studios Japan the other day for the first time in decades. The reason is that I won a ticket. However, when we checked the schedule, we realized that it was on the Saturday, Sunday, and weekend of the Halloween season, so we hesitated for a while. I thought that it would be a bit strange to go to a Halloween event with only adults and during the Halloween season…but I couldn’t let the ticket go to waste…so I went with a different mindset.


As expected, ordinary adults felt uncomfortable amidst the excitement of young groups and families dressed up in costumes for the Halloween event! So, I went to the Harry Potter area first thing in the morning.

As a result, I found myself enjoying “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey” so much that I forgot my age, and I didn’t want to wait in line again, but I decided to settle down.


As I was about to head home, I decided to refrain from the Halloween event at night, and just as I was about to head home, I heard an information about “Zombies in the Park” and encountered a zombie. I wasn’t as scared of zombies as I thought I would be, but that may have been due to the experience of living through and over the years, lol. In the end, I enjoyed most of the Halloween events, and my “discomfort” was somewhere else.


I’ve been hearing a lot lately that “age is no longer the limit to what you want to do or what you like to do.” I often hear people say these words these days, and I am at an age where I hear them, but when I actually look at myself in the mirror, I often feel like I have a limiter on me, like, “Even so…. However, this time, I realized that such a limiter comes off immediately when I see something that I “want to try” or “am interested in”.


I would like to suggest that you also try to remove your limiter this time of year and experience something new.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






新しい美術館を訪れてみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
After yesterday’s drizzly weather, today is a sunny day. I don’t mind rainy days, but I still feel that sunshine injects energy into my body.
Last Sunday was another pleasant autumn day, and I visited the Nakanoshima Art Museum in Osaka, which just opened in February 2022, some 40 years after the concept of the museum was announced in 1983.
Putting aside the question of what has happened in 40 years…what I was looking for this time was a large-scale solo exhibition by artist Chiharu Shiota, which will be held in his hometown of Osaka for the first time in 16 years. I was drawn to the exhibition by the posters, and was pleasantly surprised to find myself in the mysterious world of installations.
Installation is a contemporary art technique that became popular in the 1970s, in which an entire place or space is represented as a work of art. Therefore, the viewer “experiences” rather than appreciates the work.
Chiharu Shiota’s work in this exhibition is made up of countless “threads. As soon as I entered the red dress work at the entrance, I was overwhelmed by the power of the countless red threads hanging from the ceiling and the huge red dress, lost my sense of balance, and felt dizzy. The staff warned us, “Please do not touch the work,” but how could we walk around without touching it? Am I the only one who was tempted to ask, “How can you walk around without touching it?
As for the theme of this year’s work, my words are not good enough, so I will excerpt from the pamphlet.
~The theme of this exhibition is “existence in absence”.
We attempt to visualize “memories” that have no form and are absent in reality as something that does indeed exist, and to touch the truth.
Memory” is formed by ‘connections’ with things other than oneself.
We hope that this exhibition will provide an opportunity for visitors to reflect on the many “connections” through the works and create a dialogue with the “connected me”. ~ “Memory” is the name given to the work of art.
I think my sensitivity will be tested in order to catch the thoughts of the creators of the artworks.
When I proceeded to the next space, I found myself in a world of pure white threads.
It is said that the artist was inspired by the geothermally heated water rising up as white steam in the Beppu hot springs in Oita Prefecture. The sound of water bubbling on the water basin echoes in the silence, and the sound is the memory of people who are not here now, and the memory is delivered to the present through the threads. The threads that are strung out seem to be neurons of nerve cells.
The last piece of artwork to appear is a circle of more than 1,500 white papers with messages on the theme of connection, connected by a red thread. Each piece of paper contains the thoughts of a different person.
These works seem to become different installations in different venues. This is because the exhibition method is flexibly changed each time according to the shape and size of the exhibition room.
Although I may have seen this type of spatial work before, this was the first time I became aware of the term “installation.
It may be difficult to experience something like this in daily life, where one’s five senses are fully engaged with images and sounds, and one feels it intuitively.
The Nakanoshima Art Museum took 40 years from conception to opening. The building itself is interesting, and it was a comfortable space to just sit and relax.
See you next time.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN









果たして読み切れるでしょうか…。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























この物語は、ブエンディア一族が蜃気楼の村マコンドを創設し、隆盛を迎えながらも、やがて滅亡するまでの100年間が描かれていますが、 100年って長いですよね…。






Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It was so-so cold in Nagoya this morning, so long sleeves are required.

Hot and cold lasts until the other side of the equinoxes
It gets colder with each rain
The heart of a man (or woman) and the autumn sky

It is a strange saying, isn’t it? It seems like it was a summer day just a few days ago…

Autumn is the season known as “once in a rainfall. It means that every time it rains in autumn, the temperature drops by 1°C. In reality, however, the temperature changes more than 1°C in autumn and it is chilly. Many people seem to fall ill, so please take care.


The other day was “Reading Day,” and I think it is a good idea to read on a rainy day, but I have stopped buying new books for a while now, and I am reading those books that I have piled up to finish reading, but there is a good reason for the piled up books, and I am not reading them all at once. I don’t want to read them all at once.

One of them is “One Hundred Years of Solitude.

It is the masterpiece of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927-2014), the South American Colombian Nobel Prize-winning author. It has been said that the world would be destroyed if the novel were to be published in paperback, and it has been considered so improbable that it is now available in paperback. I was lured by the special gold spin bookmark and the commentary by Yasutaka Tsutsui, which were limited to the first shipment, and bought it. However, as mentioned above, the book was “pinched in the middle of reading”.



I had no prior knowledge of this book, so I casually picked it up thinking that it would be easy to read since it was apparently a paperback edition of a popular book.


As it turned out, that was not the case. It was difficult! It seems to test both intelligence and imagination….

To begin with, the names of the characters are all in katakana (that’s a given), which is fatal to my difficulty in remembering them. A free reading assistance kit was distributed with this new paperback edition, but without it, I can’t continue reading (lol)!

Around the beginning of the book, I gave up reading it at one point, but a friend told me it would be interesting if I read a little further, so I picked it up again, although I feel the boom has passed.

I am not sure if I should continue reading the book with a lack of understanding, but I am trying my best to give up once I have given up and read the book by paying attention to the series of strange episodes that come to me endlessly.


This story describes the 100 years that passed between the founding of the mirage village of Macondo by the Buendia family, its rise to prosperity, and its eventual demise.

Nowadays, we are told that life is 100 years long. I think that is a pretty powerful word, but we are now in an age where a single person can weave a story for 100 years.

I wonder if I will ever be able to read through 100 years of this story while thinking about it.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







