ブログ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 11




明日9月21日持込鑑定会開催いたします。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



今月は、明日9月21日(土)10:00~17:00 開催いたします。












FUKOSHA holds an appraisal session on the 21st  of every month.

This month, it will be held on Saturday, September 21, from 10:00 am.


No prior notice is required, so please drop by at your convenience.

If you have any items at home or at your parents’ house that you wonder how much they are worth, please bring them in for evaluation only. If you have large items that are difficult to bring in, we will be happy to assess them by photo.

We look forward to seeing you at our store.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



帝室技芸員 並河靖之(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























【京都の七宝作家 並河靖之】

並河靖之 (1845~1927) は、 弘化2 (1845) 年武州川越藩京都留守居役京都詰め役人高岡九郎左衛門の三男として生まれました。 安政2 (1855) 年、十一歳の時に青蓮院の坊官をつとめていた並河家に養子となりました。 青蓮院宮に仕えましたが、 明治維新を迎えて社会体制の変革に伴い、 実業を志し 明治6(1873)年頃、 名古屋方面から来た七宝家について七宝の製造法を学びました。


明治8(1875)年の京都博覧会に七宝作品を出品して受賞したのを皮切りに数々の国内外の博覧会に出品して受賞し、 日本を代表する七宝家の地位を確立。特にその細かい植線による図柄の表現と、艶のある黒色透明釉薬の発明は日本の七宝を広く諸外国へ知らしめることに成功しました。 明治26 (1893) には、縁綬褒章を受章し、続いて明治29 (1896) 年には帝室技芸員に選ばれました。


並河靖之の作品の中でも特に有名なものとして、「七宝 四季花鳥図 花瓶」がありますが、この作品は、明治天皇の御下命により、1900年のパリ万国博覧会の出品用作品として制作されました。パリ万国博覧会では金牌を受賞しており、現在では並河靖之の代表作として【三の丸尚蔵館】に所蔵されています。



「七宝 四季花鳥図 花瓶 サクラ」 明治32年(1899)
七宝  径25.0×高36.0






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Records can be rewritten so easily….

I must have tweeted in yesterday’s blog that I was anxiously awaiting Shohei Otani’s 50-50 from 48-49, but when I turned on the TV this morning, I saw that the record had been easily broken! I was surprised this morning, and also thought, “What? Already? I guess some of you may have eaten your breakfast with the thought, “What?


This morning’s game was against the Marlins on the 19th (20th in Japan time), and he started as the “No. 1 DH. First, he easily stole two bases, then hit two home runs, and just when you thought he had easily achieved a 50-50 record, he hit three home runs and stole two bases in this game alone, and quickly improved his record further to 51-51!


Moreover, with six hits, including three in a row, he scored 10 runs, a new team record. The stadium was in a state of panic, not just cheering, as a result of this rampage. The fans who were able to watch this unparalleled rampage at the stadium were truly, truly envious!

I’ve been dragged to work by the excitement of the game, but I’m sure today’s news will be all about Otani’s accomplishment, so at least I’ll be zapping the news as much as I can at night.




So, let’s get back to our normal routine from here.


Today, I would like to tell you about two cloisonne enamel artists who caught my attention.


In the Meiji era, there were many cloisonne enamel artists in the cloisonne enamel industry, especially in Owari and Kyoto. Here in the Owari region of Aichi Prefecture, cloisonne enamel ware production also flourished and is still being produced today. Among the many cloisonne enamel ware artists of the time, only two were appointed as Imperial Artists: Namikawa Yasuyuki (1845-1927) of Kyoto and Tawokawa Sosuke (1847-1910) of Tokyo, the two artists introduced today.


It is not so much of a coincidence that they share the same surname, “Namikawa. Both Namikawa and Tawokawa were well known in Japan and abroad as representatives of modern Japanese cloisonne enamel ware in their generation, and although they share the same surname, there is no connection between Namikawa Yasuyuki, who was adopted by a member of the imperial family in Kyoto, and Tawokawa Sosuke, who came from a farming village in Boso.


In the middle of the Meiji period (1868-1912), when Japanese cloisonne enamel ware was spreading overseas, the two became Japan’s representative cloisonne enamel ware artists and were appointed as Imperial Household Artists. In that case, the name would have been the same, “KAMIKAWA. I am a little concerned that foreign people might have been confused.


Today, I would like to talk about Yasuyuki Namikawa, the “Namikawa of Kyoto,” but first, a brief biography.


Namikawa Yasuyuki, Kyoto’s Cloisonne Treasure Artist

Namikawa Yasuyuki (1845-1927) was born in 1845 as the third son of Takaoka Kurozaemon, an official of the Kawagoe clan in Bushu, Kyoto. In 1855, at the age of eleven, he was adopted into the Namikawa family, who served as a priest at Seiren-in Temple. He served Seiren-in Palace, but with the Meiji Restoration and changes in the social system, he decided to pursue business and learned how to make cloisonne enamel ware from a cloisonne enamel ware maker from the Nagoya area around 1873.


He exhibited cloisonne enamel works at the Kyoto Exposition in 1875 and won awards at numerous national and international expositions, establishing his position as one of Japan’s leading cloisonne enamel artists. In particular, his fine linework and the invention of a glossy black transparent glaze made Japanese cloisonne enamel ware widely known throughout the world. In 1893, he was awarded the Medal with Ribbon, and in 1896, he was selected as a member of the Imperial Household Artists.


One of Namikawa Yasuyuki’s most famous works is the “Cloisonne Vase with Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons,” which was created by order of the Emperor Meiji to be exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1900. It was awarded a gold medal at the Paris Exposition, and is now in the collection of the San-no-Maru Shogakukan as one of Namikawa Yasuyuki’s representative works.




Cloisonne enamel “Flower Vase with Seasonal Flowers and Birds, Cherry Blossom,” 1899
Cloisonne enamel, Diameter 25.0 x Height 36.0

(From the Imperial Household Agency website)


This pair of vases includes a cherry blossom and a blue maple tree. The large arrangement of mountain cherry blossoms and maples, along with several species of wild birds, seem to emerge vividly from the glossy black glazed background created by Namikawa. The detailed design is as if painted with a paintbrush, and the metal lines outlining the tree trunks are thickened and thinned. This work was produced by order of the Emperor of Japan and exhibited at the Paris World Exposition in 1900.


One of the outstanding characteristics of Namikawa Yasuyuki’s works is their meticulous craftsmanship. Each piece is made with painstaking care and attention to detail, and his technical skill is unrivaled. In addition, his works often contain elements of nature, and many of his pieces are inspired by nature, such as flowers, birds, and landscapes, which gives his pieces depth and life.


In addition, Yasuyuki Namikawa’s work has changed many times throughout his life. In his early works, many of his pieces utilized traditional cloisonne enamel techniques, after which he gradually began to pursue his own unique sense of color and design. And in his later works, more bold colors and freer shapes are used, and his own view of art is strongly expressed.


Namikawa Yasuyuki is also famous for his mastery of wired cloisonne enamel ware together with Tetsusen Nakahara and others. Wired cloisonne enamel ware is a technique in which gold or silver lines are taped to a metal body as outlines of patterns, and glaze is applied between the lines, and the firing and polishing processes are repeated. Namikawa’s cloisonne enamel works received numerous awards, including gold medals, and were highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad.


Namikawa’s style of cloisonne enamel ware also changed with his encounter with the German scientist Wagner at the Kyoto Shaman’s Bureau and the black transparent glaze he developed himself.

Regardless of the period in which he worked, his works are characterized by their great expression of color and detail. His development of black transparent glazes through his own research and his mastery of wired cloisonne enamel ware with meticulous planting lines and an excellent sense of color are simply breathtaking.




In the next issue, we will introduce another Kamikawa, Tawokawa Sosuke of Tokyo.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






50-50見逃せないですね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨とう買取古美術風光舎)














ついついホームランに気を取られがちなのですが、盗塁は素人目線にみても難しいとみてわかります。脚力も必要ですが、 投手のフォームを盗み、相手バッテリーの配球を読み、抜群のスタートを決め、絶妙なスライディングする技術が必要などなど、素人目線でも難しいんだとうな…と、みてとれます。














Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It is finally getting closer… What is it? It is Shohei Otani’s dream “50-50”…. It is finally getting closer, isn’t it?


In recent news, Dodgers pitcher Shohei Ohtani played in the game against the Marlins on the 18th (Japan time 19th) as the designated hitter. In his first at-bat, he hit a ball to left field and immediately stole his 49th base, becoming the first player in history to hit 48 home runs and steal 49 bases (48-49). He is on his way to his dream “50-50” again.


He hit a ball to left in the first at bat and immediately stole second base. His 49th stolen base is the second most in history among players from Japan, tied with Dave Roberts (Dodgers manager in 2006). He also reached third base due to a catcher’s error, but with one out, he tried to reach home on an infield single by outfielder Teoscar Hernandez, but was caught between the two and touched out.

Since the July 23 (July 24) game against the Giants, Ohtani has been successful 26 consecutive times, getting out only four times, and his success rate of stealing bases is said to be an astonishing 92.5%.


We tend to be distracted by home runs, but stealing a base, even from an amateur’s point of view, is very difficult. It seems that stealing a pitcher’s form, reading the opposing battery’s pitch distribution, making a great start, and having the skill to slide in exquisitely are necessary, but what worries me most is the risk of injury. When the umpire gives the “safe” sign after a successful slide, I always feel a little nervous and mixed up between “glad it was safe” and “glad there were no injuries.


More recently, I have heard of titles such as 50-50, but in fact, it seems that home runs and stolen bases have been declining in the majors in recent years. Yes, I know, I didn’t really have an image of major league home run hitters stealing bases in the first place…. That is also true, it seems that no player stole more than 50 bases in the five years from 2006 to 2010. However, with the introduction of the new “base expansion” rule in 2022, the situation seems to have changed. After the new rule, a whopping three players have stolen 50 or more bases.


With this change, the distance from home base to first base and from home base to third base decreased by 3 inches (about 7.6 cm), and the distance from first base to second base and from second base to third base decreased by 4.5 inches (about 11.4 cm). Decrease. While the larger bases are expected to have a positive impact on player safety, the MBL reports that the visual impact is greater in actual comparison and has also led to fewer injuries near the bases.

The new rule has allowed Ohtani to follow the Reds’ Ellie Delacruz this year, and although we amateur spectators have tended to focus more on home runs, now that we know this, stolen bases have become a moment that cannot be missed with as much enthusiasm as a home run.

The moment seems to be approaching anyhow, so we definitely cannot miss every single game from here on out….


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







21日「弘法大師の縁日」どうぞ足を運んでみてください(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















創建は明治37年(1904)。釈尊(お釈迦さま)のご真骨をシャム国(現在のタイ)より拝受し、仏教各宗代表が協議し奉安するために建立されました。「覺王」とは釈尊のことで、シャムを漢字表記した「暹羅」から両国の友好を願って「覺王山 日暹寺」という名で創建されましたが、昭和14年(1939)にシャム国がタイ王国に改名したため、昭和17年(1942)「日泰寺」となりました。境内には真舎利を日本に寄贈したラーマ5世の像もあり、在日タイ人がしばしば参拝に訪れています。

















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

I hope you were able to see the Mid-Autumn Moon.

When I woke up late at night, I was surprised to see the bright moon outside my window. When I looked up at the sky, I could see the beautiful moon through the clouds.

But today is the full moon. Unfortunately, we cannot see it in Japan, but in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, a partial lunar eclipse can also be seen. Moreover, the moon and Saturn will be in close proximity, which will give us some mystical power. We must love the moon tonight, too.


However, the hot days are still continuing. However, I feel that autumn is approaching. Speaking of autumn, there are many events held here and there, which makes me somewhat excited.


Many regions hold festivals in autumn because they hold their annual festivals in conjunction with the harvest of rice, and people have an image of “autumn is for festivals.

People live their lives according to the cycle of the seasons. Spring is for budding, summer is for growth, fall is for harvest, and winter is for preparation. This is the same as the cycle of rice production.

Autumn festivals are held to thank the gods for the year’s harvest of rice, which is why festivals are held throughout Japan in autumn. The staple food of the Japanese people is rice, after all.


Speaking of festivals, Kakuozan Nittaiji Temple near Fumikosha also holds a festival on the 21st of every month. Not only the temple grounds, but also the approach to the temple is crowded with many stores and people.


Nittaiji is a temple for all Buddhists in Japan, not belonging to any religious sect. It is the only temple in Japan that is so-called “supra-sectarian.

It was founded in 1904. It was built in 1904 to receive the bones of Shakyamuni Buddha (Sakyamuni) from Siam (present-day Thailand) and to enshrine them after discussions among the representatives of the various Buddhist sects. The temple was named “覺王” (覺王山日暹寺) after Shakyamuni (覺王), the Chinese character for Siam, in the hope of promoting friendship between the two countries. There is a statue of King Rama V, who donated the Shinsaari to Japan, in the precincts of the temple, and Thai residents in Japan often visit the temple.


Various seasonal events are held on the temple grounds, including Nirvana on March 15, Nativity (Flower Festival) on April 8, Uesaka Festival in May, Dharma Memorial Service on June 15, Dharma Memorial Service on November 15, Seidokai on December 8, and Higan Kai Service in spring and fall.

In particular, the “Kobo Daishi no Ennichi” on the 21st of each month is held on the temple grounds and approach to the temple, with about 100 stalls selling daily necessities, food, and food service items.

The fair is held on the 21st of every month, regardless of the day of the week. Most stores are open from 9:00 to 14:00, so it is recommended to visit in the morning.

And if you have come all the way to Kakuozan, don’t forget to pay a visit.

There are 88 small halls around Kakuozan, and there is a custom to visit them on the 21st. It may be difficult to visit all of them since they are scattered along a 5-km-long road, but you may try to visit even a small part of them. There are baskets in front of the Jizo statues, and visitors are supposed to put their money in the baskets to visit the statues. There are many baskets, so if you want to put your money in all of them, be prepared to bring a lot of coins.

If you enjoy the fair while visiting the shrine or taking a walk, please be sure to visit the Fumikosha as well. We are waiting for you.

See you soon.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




お月見は2回が正式!?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










































Hello everyone. This is Staff T.


This year’s Fifteenth Night is today, September 17. The moon was beautifully visible last night, but regrettably, the full moon is said to be tomorrow. I heard that Saturn is visible near the moon, so I will look for it.


To begin with, “Fifteen Nights” refers to the night of the 15th day of each month in the lunar calendar. The 15th day of the full moon, with the new moon as the first day, is called “Jugoya,” and people used to view the moon on August 15 of the lunar calendar, when the sky was clear and the moon looked its most beautiful.

The 15th day of the 15th lunar month on the lunar calendar is called “Jugoya” (the 15th day of the 15th month), when the sky is clear and the moon is said to be at its most beautiful. According to the lunar calendar, autumn falls from July to September, so August 15th of the lunar calendar falls right in the middle. Therefore, the moon rising on the night of August 15th of the lunar calendar is called “Mid-Autumn Moon.

Incidentally, it is said that Jugoya is not always a full moon, and the full moon often appears one or two days later. Well, since Jugoya is a “festival” called tsukimi (moon viewing), let’s adopt a style of not worrying about the details.

The roots of moon viewing are said to be in China, dating back to the Tang Dynasty (7th to 10th century).

It was introduced to Japan during the Heian period (794-1185) and became a popular pastime for aristocrats. They would float their boats on the pond and recite poems or play music while admiring the moon moving on the surface of the water or in the sake cups. Instead of looking at the moon directly, they enjoyed the moon indirectly. How elegant!


It was during the Edo period (1603-1867) that tsukimi became popular as an autumn event among the general public, and many people gathered at “tsukimi no misho” (moon-viewing spots) in the suburbs of Edo (present-day Tokyo) to enjoy it.

The most famous places for moon viewing were the Sumida River, Fukagawa, Takanawa, Shinagawa, and Shinobazu Pond. It was popular to watch the moon near the water, such as by the river or the sea.

Just as the aristocrats of the Heian period (794-1185) enjoyed viewing the moon from a boat on the Sumida River, it was popular among Edo people to float a boat on the Sumida River to view the moon as an “occasional luxurious pastime”. Nowadays, it would be difficult to find people who enjoy such a chic way of moon-viewing on a yakatabune, but I would like to try to copy it.


In modern times, the most popular moon-viewing event is the “Fifteen Nights,” but there was another moon-viewing event called the “Thirteen Nights.

It was called “Jusan-no-ya” (thirteen nights). Did you know about this?

While “Fifteen Nights” was held on August 15 of the lunar calendar, “Thirteen Nights” was held on September 13 of the lunar calendar, and was called “Later Moon Viewing.

Incidentally, moon-viewing events were introduced from China, but “Thirteen Nights” originated in Japan.

Although it has become a minor event nowadays, in those days, moon-viewing on both “Jugoya” and “Jusan-no-Ya” was considered true moon-viewing, and only moon-viewing on one of them was called “Katamizuki” (片見月), which was considered bad luck.

It is said that in farming villages, it was considered an abomination, saying, “You will have a bad harvest if you watch the moon over one side of the moon.

Now, “silver grass” and “tsukimi dango (moon-viewing dumplings)” are indispensable for moon viewing.

The following three reasons are the most likely reasons why people began to display silver grass at tsukimi.

As a substitute for ears of rice, which are the deity’s dependents.
Tsukimi was also a festival to pray for a bountiful harvest, so silver grass, which resembles ears of rice, was decorated.
The sharpness of the cut end of the ear protects it from evil spirits.

It is said that if you hang awn from the eaves of your house after offering it at tsukimi, you will not get sick for a year. Actually, it is amazing, Miscanthus sinensis!

Next is everyone’s favorite, tsukimi dango.

It was not until the mid-Edo period that dumplings were added to the lineup of tsukimi offerings. The people who ate them in the early Edo period enjoyed moon viewing by eating sweet potato stew.

The dumplings, round and round like the moon, are also 1“5” (approx. 5 cm) in size in reference to the Fifteenth Night. 15 dumplings are prepared, and 9 are piled on the first tier, 4 on the second tier, and 2 on the third tier. On the thirteenth night, 13 dumplings are displayed.

Incidentally, it is said that the shape and number of tsukimi dango differ between East and West.

In Edo, there are 15 round dumplings. The number 12 is said to derive from the number of full moons in a given year.


Although this seasonal event is becoming less and less popular these days, knowing its origin makes me think that I might give it a try this year. It might be nice to enjoy moon viewing for the first time in a while while looking at the beautiful moon.

See you soon.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




山崎蒸留所へいってまいりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















































































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s a three-day weekend, how are you doing?

As for me, I visited Yamazaki distillery the other day. I visited the Hakushu distillery last year, and I was planning to go to the Yamazaki distillery someday. I happened to check the website and found that there was a vacancy for a cancellation, so I made a reservation immediately. I went there in a hurry. Seeing is believing, so I’ll show you more pictures today.


First of all, the Yamazaki distillery is accessible from JR Yamazaki station or Hankyu Oyamazaki station, which is about 5 to 10 minutes walk from the distillery. As is the case with all distilleries, you will see a large shop sign as you approach the building, but as you get closer, the tension gradually increases.


Established in 1923, it was the first malt whiskey distillery in Japan, and was completed by the founder Shinjiro Torii, who wanted to make domestic whiskey, with the help of Masataka Taketsuru (later founder of Nikka), who had completed his training in Scotland at the time. The history of Japanese whiskey began here. The Yamazaki distillery uses groundwater from the Rikyu-no-mizu (water of Rikyu), which was selected as one of the best 100 waters in Japan. Rikyu-no-mizu” is the only water in Osaka Prefecture that was selected as one of the ‘100 best waters in Japan’ by the Environmental Agency (currently Ministry of the Environment) in 1985. In addition, wooden and stainless steel fermentation tanks and distillers of different shapes are used to make different types of sake, which can be tasted and sold exclusively at the Yamazaki distillery.


First of all, let’s take a look at the exhibition on the history of whisky in Japan and the Yamazaki distillery.


It was the first malt whiskey distillery in Japan, so you can see how dynamic the building and facilities were at that time, and how hard it was to obtain a license for production. The fact that Yamazaki is still being produced here today, and its history and high quality have been handed down from generation to generation, is an amazing feat of the knowledge and technology of the time.


In 1929, the first authentic domestic whiskey sold in Japan was this “Hakufuda”. It was a huge failure because it did not suit the tastes of the Japanese people at the time. However, Torii did not give up because of that. After making improvements upon improvements, in 1937, Torii created “KAKUBOTE”, which became a hit, and Torii continued to introduce hit products.



When Torii’s second son, Keizo Saji, became the second master blender, his dream changed to “creating a single malt that represents Japan. The time was the early 1980s. The time was the beginning of the 1980s, the peak of Japan’s rapid economic growth, and people began to recognize that each person had different values. Saji felt that “if diverse values are now accepted, whisky must also have a strong individuality,” and decided to go for a single malt with a distinct personality.


He selected several hundred thousand casks of whisky and repeated tastings until he found the best combination. The tasting process took about two years to create a unique Japanese single malt, rather than trying to approximate the taste of Scotch. Yamazaki” was born in March 1984 as a result of the search for a harmony of diverse characteristics that would enhance each other, rather than a single outstanding characteristic of one single malt.


The three men’s favorite blender glasses are also on display. I wonder how many sake products were created here.


I wonder how many sake brands were created here.


Then, we went to the exhibition corner of the original sake. Here we can only see the color of the sake, but no two are the same in terms of aroma, taste, and so on. The amount of whisky on display, as well as the incredible skill of the blenders, is a testament to the quality of the whisky that is created from these raw materials, which attracts whisky lovers from all over the world.


Incidentally, Yamazaki is said to be made by blending such a wide variety of whiskies. I wonder what kind of palate they must have to blend them together….


On the second floor, each brand explains its commitment to achieving the world’s highest level of quality. Brands that are too expensive to get these days.


Finally, we went to the tasting lounge, which was renovated last year. (This is what I came here to enjoy, lol.) A large, eye-catching pot still was suddenly sitting in the center of the lounge. This pot still had existed as a symbol of the Whisky Pavilion before the renovation, but after the renovation, it was reborn as a bar counter utilizing its shape. This pot still was originally used as a redistillation kettle at the Yamazaki distillery, but now it has a second life.



Then, we went to the tasting that we were looking forward to. Today, we compared three different types of Yamazaki. Although they are the same brand, they are from different ages and casks, so the differences were interesting. Personally, I preferred the barrel made from Japanese wood (mizunara oak), which has a sweeter aroma and a gentler feel on the tongue. But that is just my preference.


But still, the luxury of tasting the local product in the locality where it was produced is very exciting. This was a tour of distilleries recommended for this fall, and I hope you will visit them.


Have a good day.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



毎月21日鑑定会いたしております。今月は9月21日(土)開催です。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎
















FUKOSHA holds an appraisal session on the 21st  of every month.

This month, it will be held on Saturday, September 21, from 10:00 am.


No prior notice is required, so please drop by at your convenience.

If you have any items at home or at your parents’ house that you wonder how much they are worth, please bring them in for evaluation only. If you have large items that are difficult to bring in, we will be happy to assess them by photo.

We look forward to seeing you at our store.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



無意識を意識するとは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today is the middle day of a holiday weekend, and perhaps it is because of the cloudy skies and cooler temperatures (although the humidity is still high), but on my way from the station to Fukosha, I passed many people running. For those who love sports, autumn is the season for sports. I am sure they are looking forward to the autumn breeze.


Fukosha also has a glass work with a motif of a galloping dog. Although the six dogs are enclosed in glass, they are so lively that they seem to jump out of the glass.

Originally a jeweler, René Lalique was highly acclaimed at the Paris Exposition of 1900. Later, his interest in glass crafting grew, and he created jewelry using various types of processed glass.

Lalique’s designs impressed the perfume store François Coty, who ordered perfume bottles from Lalique, which sparked his interest in glassware, and he went on to produce a wide range of glass works, from vases and figurines to interior decorations for buildings. Lalique’s world of unique sensibility is present in each of his works.

The motif of Fukosha’s glassware is also a dog, but the combination of a thorny plant like a fern and the whirling figure of a running dog creates a different design that is neither animal nor plant.

Staff H, who has almost zero talent for design, is tempted to become an artist genius for a day and explore the inside of his/her head to the fullest.

As the story goes, I feel my muscle strength declining year by year, and a sense of urgency to exercise more actively is always swirling around in my head, but I am unable to put it into action. I have been encouraged to “exercise while doing things” in my daily life, and I have been making small efforts to direct my attention to my muscles by lifting my heels or standing on one leg while waiting for the train at the station or while washing dishes.

I have also heard that toe-grooping while watching TV is also effective, although it is not so simple. It is important to be aware that your muscles are moving.

It is said that there are conscious and unconscious areas of human thought, and that only 1-3% of our thoughts are conscious, with the remaining 97-99% being unconscious. The concept of the unconscious was established by the psychiatrist Freud, who compared the human mind to an iceberg and said that the part of the iceberg visible above the surface of the water is consciousness, while there is a huge iceberg of unconsciousness below the surface. The unconscious mind is always at work, even if we are not aware of it, and influences our actions and thoughts.

Nowadays, the idea that the giant unconscious is above and the conscious is below is changing.

When you pedal a bicycle, you can do it without being conscious of your right foot or left foot, or when a door appears in front of you, you can open it without being conscious of your right or left hand.

Rather than lamenting that one’s will is weak, becoming aware of this subconsciousness between the conscious and unconscious and making it a “habit” seems to be a shortcut to achieving one’s goals. He says that even muscle training cannot be sustained unless you can do it without being conscious of it.

It is hard to make that habit…I would think, but I guess it means to keep being aware of it so that you become conscious of it. The world of the human mind is complex.


I suddenly remembered Mother Teresa’s words that I heard long ago and searched for them.

“Be mindful of your thoughts, for they will one day become words.”

“Beware of words, for they will one day become actions.

“Beware of actions, for they will one day become habits.”

“Beware of habits, for they will one day become character.”

“Mind your character, for one day it will become your destiny.”

When I first heard these words, I was a bit confused, but now that I am older, I should be able to understand them a little better, right? But now that I am older, I should be able to understand it a little better.

I’ll see you next time.
















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月が綺麗に見える季節になってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

Yesterday, I looked up at the sky with mixed feelings after reading Staff H’s blog. Despite my mixed feelings, the moon looked clear and beautiful, although the sangen (half moon) has passed. However, despite the clear moon, it was so hot during the day that I wondered if the season had really moved into autumn. It is so hot during the daytime that it seems as if the season has really moved into autumn.


The reason why the moon looks so beautiful in autumn has to do with the amount of water vapor in the air. Since the amount of water vapor is low in autumn, the moon appears clear and bright without being blurred. Conversely, in spring, there is more dust and pollen in the air, and the moon may appear blurred.
Another reason is that the moon’s altitude is not too high or too low in autumn. In summer and winter, it is too high or too low, making it difficult to see the moon clearly.


The moon does not shine by itself, but shines by reflecting the sun’s light. The apparent shape of the moon changes depending on which way the sunlit hemisphere faces from the earth, such as crescent, waxing, full, or waning. I can understand full and crescent moons, but am I the only one who can’t tell which was which for the upper and lower sine moons?

According to the definition, the moment when the difference of ecliptic longitude is 0 degrees from the direction of the sun as seen from the moon is the Saku (new moon), 90 degrees is the Jogetsu (half moon), 180 degrees is the Mo (full moon), and 270 degrees is the Shimogetsu (half moon). I guess this means that when the moon is seen on the “left side” from our point of view, it is “lower sine”. I feel that this knowledge is not very useful, but children learn it in class, so it is a good chance to answer confidently when they are asked.


To begin with, the “string” in Jogen and Shimogen refers to the string, or vine, that is stretched over the bow, and it is said that the kanji for “string,” the straight part of the bow, was used because the shape of the half-moon resembles a bow.

And although there are various theories about the origin of the names Sangen and Shimogen, the two most famous ones are as follows.

The first is that in the days when the lunar calendar was used to determine a month by the phases of the moon, with one day including the new moon, the first half of the month (early) was called Sangen and the second half of the month (late) was called Shimogeng.

The second is that the name was given according to whether the string (the straight part of the half-moon) was positioned above or below the moon when it set on the western horizon.

The upper sine sets with the straight part of the string above and the semicircular part below. For this reason, the moon with the string part setting above is called Sangen, and the moon with the string part setting below is called Shimogigen.


In Japan, the custom of appreciating the moon has been observed since ancient times, and as with the 24 solar terms and Japanese moonlight, each night’s visible moon is given a name. Starting from the night after Jugoya (the night of the fifteenth day of the eleventh month), the moons of the sixteenth, sixteenth, eighteenth, eighteenth, and nakayatsuzuki are called, in that order. The names “tachi-no-waiting moon,” “居待ち月,” and “ne-no-waiting moon” mean “standing moon” and “sitting moon,” respectively, because the moon seen after the “famous moon” seemed to be slow in coming out.


We are just a few days away from the Mid-Autumn Moon. The word “Tsuki” conjures up images of rabbits pounding rice cakes, which is a common sight for the Showa generation, but I don’t know what part of the moon is a rabbit pounding rice cakes (laugh).

When my children were young, they would ask me, “Why is there a rabbit on the moon? Why are they making rice cakes?” I was troubled, and then I asked myself, “Maybe because it likes rice cakes. I remember that I was embarrassed, and then I answered, “Probably because I like rice cakes.

What do you think they look like to children in 2021? I heard that in other parts of the world, they look like a crab, a donkey, an old lady reading a book, etc. What do you see?


See you soon.
















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10:00-18:00 OPEN




想像とはかけ離れていた宇宙の現状(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Once again, a typhoon has formed in the southern ocean and is approaching near Okinawa. Even though it is a season of many typhoons, it still makes me nervous every time.

I just wrote about typhoon names in my blog the other day, and this time Typhoon No. 13 is named “Babinca,” which is the name of a confectionery. It is a traditional Macau pastry, a moist dessert made of coconut and eggs. The name sounds delicious and cute, but be careful. Please be careful.


The typhoon is being observed by Himawari, a weather satellite that you may have heard about on the news. The first geostationary meteorological satellite was launched by Japan in 1977 from the Kennedy Space Center in the United States.

Today, as I was pondering the far reaches of the sky through Himawari, I found a world in space that I had never known.


I have always felt that this hand-blown glass Tokugawa (Japanese sake bottle) seems to condense the universe. The golden band seemed to go on forever, and I was imagining that there must be such a beautiful world spreading out in the universe. It is the work of Kyohei Fujita, a glass craftsman highly acclaimed around the world.

The slightly distorted form is also space-like. The slightly distorted form is also space-like.

[Back to “Himawari,” we are always able to see images of typhoons from the sky on the news as a matter of course, but it is thanks to the constant work of this “Himawari. It seems that Himawari is always working to maintain a perfect monitoring condition by teaming up with a backup aircraft.

Until now, Himawari has gone through a series of generational changes: in December 2022, Himawari No. 8, which had been used as the main vehicle, was replaced by Himawari No. 9, which was launched in 2016 as a backup vehicle. Currently, Himawari No. 9 is the main aircraft and Himawari No. 8 continues to send us images as a backup aircraft.

So, in my layman’s way of thinking, I assumed that Himawari No. 1 to No. 7 had completed their mission and returned to the earth, but it seems that it is not that simple.

In fact, it takes a lot of energy to return a satellite from a geostationary orbit about 36,000 km above the Earth to the atmosphere, and it costs a lot of money. Therefore, the Himawari, which has completed its mission, is said to be using its last ounce of energy to raise its altitude by about 300 km and continue drifting in what is called a “graveyard orbit. Drifting without returning…. I can’t stop feeling for Himawari.

The No. 8 and No. 9 that are currently in use will eventually head there. They are not scheduled to be recovered.


I have been researching various things with a sense of sadness, and I have come to see the serious state of space debris.

Have you ever heard of the term “space debris”? I had heard of it in passing, but when I was confronted with concrete numbers, I was surprised at the number of times I had heard of it.

Space debris means “space junk,” and refers to the upper stages of satellites and rockets that have completed their missions, as well as the debris that results from collisions between them. They are said to be drifting at a speed of 7 to 10 kilometers per second. I don’t think the expression “drifting” applies any more. Even if it is said that the speed is 100 times faster than that of the Shinkansen bullet train, it does not ring a bell.

It is said that the number of these pieces of garbage is increasing every year, with more than 30,000 pieces of garbage larger than 10 cm and more than 100 million pieces of garbage larger than 1 mm.

Since the launch of the first artificial satellite “Sputnik 1” by the former Soviet Union in 1957, the number of satellites has been 60 to 100 per year until the 2010s, but in recent years the number has been increasing by more than 1,000 each year due to the space program by private companies and other factors.

This is more than I had imagined. I had not really thought much about where information such as weather satellites, satellite broadcasting, and location information that we use in our smartphone apps comes from.

Satellites have a lifespan of 15 years at the most, and they drift around as garbage and become smaller pieces when they collide with other satellites. Technology to recover the debris is being developed, but it has not yet been put to practical use.

Satellites are said to be equipped with a system that sounds an alarm when debris approaches and avoids debris, but now there is a frightening story that the alarm is ringing. It is quite a different picture of space than I imagined.

In fact, satellites have made our lives so convenient that we can no longer imagine them disappearing.

From now on, I will be looking at the sky with a bit of mixed feelings.


I will see you next time.
















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10:00-18:00 OPEN






