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読書の秋していますか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















ふと気になって、今までの標語はどんな感じだったのかと調べてみると、記念すべき第1回の標語は「楽しく読んで 明るく生きよう」(1947)でした。なにげなく「生きよう」なんて言葉が出てくるところが戦後らしいような気がします。

ここから60年代ぐらいまでは真面目な感じで、「そろって読書 明るい家庭」(1957)、「読書でつくろう 明るい社会」(1958)などがあります。本を読んで明るい家庭ができるかどうかは疑問なところですが、こういう前向きな感じが当時の雰囲気なのでしょうか。

70年代に入ると、もう少し個人的で、読書があなたの人生を豊かにしてくれるといったニュアンス。「本との出会い 豊かな心」(1974)、「本との出会い ゆたかな時間」(1975、76)など。


「秋が好き。街が好き。本が好き。」(1989)「本を読んだね! いい顔してるよ」(1995)「おかえり、栞の場所で待ってるよ」(2019)などなど。なかなか面白いのでもっと紹介したいところですが、ひとまずこれくらいに。








Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

The nights are getting longer and the mornings and evenings have become much cooler. Today is “Reading Day. I feel that the cooler weather makes me more motivated to turn the pages of a book. Is everyone reading in the fall?

It seems like it was a long time ago that people started to say that reading and autumn go hand in hand.

The phrase “autumn for reading” seems to be based on a line from a poem by Han Yu (768-824), a Tang Dynasty writer, in his work “Tui yinsho seongnam (Read books in seongnam)”.


In autumn, when the rain is clear and the sky is clear
Entering the new cool suburbs
A little more light will be on
You should have a brief millstone release


It was autumn, the long rain had cleared up, and fresh, cool air began to enter the houses in the villages outside the castle. The word “autumn” means, “Now that the long rain has cleared up, fresh cool air is entering the houses in the villages outside the castles, and we can enjoy the light at night, we will be able to read books from now on.

In Japan, it is believed that the idea and custom of “autumn for reading” took root in Japan when Soseki Natsume, a great writer of the Meiji era, quoted a poem by Han Yu in his novel “Sanshiro” published in 1908, and the image of reading in autumn spread throughout Japan at once.


The first Reading Week was held in 1947, shortly after the end of the war. The first Reading Week was held in 1947, shortly after the end of the war, with the aim of “creating a peaceful cultural nation through the power of reading.” Publishers, distributors, bookstores, and public libraries played a central role, with the cooperation of newspaper companies and broadcasting stations.

Did you know that every year, a slogan and poster are created around the theme of books and reading during “Reading Week”? This year, the following mottoes and posters were chosen

This year’s chosen motto was “I came to meet this one line.

I was curious and looked up the previous mottoes, and found that the memorable first motto was “Read happily and live brightly” (1947). The casual appearance of the word “live” seems to me to be typical of the postwar period.

From this point until about the 1960s, the first mottoes were more serious, such as “Let’s read together to create a cheerful family” (1957) and “Let’s create a cheerful society by reading books” (1958). It is questionable whether reading books can create a cheerful family, but this kind of positive feeling was probably the atmosphere of the time.

In the 70’s, the tone is a bit more personal, with the nuance that reading enriches your life. In the 70’s, the tone was a little more personal, with a more “book encounter” feel, such as “Encounters with Books: A Rich Mind” (1974) and “Encounters with Books: A Wonderful Time” (1975, 1976).

From the latter half of the 1980s, the expressions are rather more sensual or fashionable. Rather than mottoes, they could be described as “copy.

I love autumn. I love the city. I love books.” (1989) “You read books! You look good” (1995), ‘Welcome back, I’ll be waiting for you at the bookmark place’ (2019), and so on. They are quite interesting and I would like to introduce more, but that’s enough for now.

There doesn’t seem to be anything in common, but I think they express the pure love of reading books, rather than reading books for some purpose or significance.


It seems as if they are expressing a pure love of reading books, rather than reading books for any purpose or significance. The posters as well as the mottoes are interesting, so please take a look if you are interested.

You may be tempted to pick up a book.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






小さな「選ぶ」は楽しいですね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The World Series has started at 9:00 a.m. Japan time, and I’m sure there are some of you who have been watching the game on TV since this morning. I am one of those who are anxiously waiting for the World Series, but I have to go to work today, so I think I will enjoy it after I get home. I’m still anxious about it, but I’ve got to get myself together and get back to blogging.


Well, I’ve recently become very much into touring whisky distilleries, and of course, I enjoy tasting the whiskies I’ve collected a little at home.


Yesterday, I was sitting at the kitchen counter with a selection of whiskies and asked, “What would you like to drink today, customers? I tried to act like a hostess in a bar, but my family did not respond well to my attempt. They laugh at me and reluctantly go along with this farce, but I put that aside, and this “choosing” is quite fun. He laughs, but he still makes a good choice and says, “One finger, on the rocks.


It may be a bit exaggerated, but if you think about it, living day by day is a repetition of “choosing. There are big “choices” such as “hard choices” and “crossroads in life” where you have to make a big decision, and there are also small casual choices such as “Let’s take the bus today instead of the train. I thought that the smaller and more casual the “choice” is, the more fun it becomes.


However, there are those who, like Steve Jobs, wear the same T-shirt to reduce the burden of choice and focus on more important decisions, or who are so busy that they don’t have time to make many choices. For some of us, “choosing” seems like a luxury.


I remember that at the New Year’s Day party at Fumikosha, we offer a “Furemai-shu” (a kind of sake served at New Year’s), and we ask our customers to choose from a variety of sake and sake cups. We are planning to plan this event again for next New Year’s. When we asked them, “Which one would you like? When I asked them which one they would like, most of their faces lit up and they said, “Oh, which one? It was fun to watch them get lost in their own excitement.


Whether it is with a wry smile or a smile on your face, it seems to be a good time to have a little fun, so please try to incorporate a little “choosing” into your life as well.


So please try to incorporate small “choices” into your daily life.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







食べてみたい秋色のサツマイモ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

The weather is pleasant. It seems that today is Halloween at a nearby international school, and people in colorful costumes with their parents and children are passing in front of the store. It seems that there are many international schools in the neighborhood of Fumikosha, and people in various costumes are passing by today. I am at an age where I don’t have the courage to go all out for events like this, but every year I wish I could try it at least once, and then I end up passing by.

To get into the mood, I at least make Halloween-like sweets, but not because it is an event, but because I make them all year round, so I am now just a snacker.



As it finally started to look like fall, I thought it would be a good idea to continue having snacks as a snack, so I recently shifted my snacks to sweet potatoes. Whether baked sweet potatoes are “sticky” or “flaky” is an eternal theme, but I have been searching for such sweet potato sweets more and more.

In this convenient world, a quick search will quickly fill up with related videos, and among them, I found a variety that caught my attention.


The name is “Halloween Sweet. The name “Halloween Sweet” is perfect for this time of year.

Halloween Sweet is a still new variety of sweet potato, registered as a variety in 2015 (Heisei 27).
It looks just like an ordinary sweet potato, but the inside is bright orange, just as the name Halloween implies.

It is a light orange color when raw, but when cooked, the orange color becomes darker and more vivid, almost like a pumpkin’s vivid orange color. It is perfect for Halloween.


The bright orange color is due to the nutrients contained in the Halloween sweet. They contain 100 times more beta-carotene than regular sweet potatoes.

Beta carotene has antioxidant properties and is said to be effective in protecting mucous membranes and skin, beautifying the skin, promoting body growth, and improving immunity. It seems to be a healthy vegetable that is also good for the body.


As you know, sweet potatoes came to Japan from China around 1600, and were introduced from Ryukyu to Satsuma.

In the Edo period (1603-1867), it was the original superfood that was valued as a crop to ward off famine, but recently its popularity has been increasing both in Japan and abroad, and its price has been rising as well. It is no wonder, then, that from among the 1,600 varieties of seed potatoes that have been created through a long history of breeding, “elite” varieties such as “sweet and sticky-tasting” have been born one after another. The evolution of the sweet potato seems to be continuing.

My parents’ generation, who lived through the famine in the Edo period and wartime, say it is a food that brings back indescribably bitter memories, but I wonder how it is now. With the improvement of varieties and the arrangement of various sweets, it has become a synonym for happy autumn food.

I have yet to see “Halloween sweet” at my local supermarket, but if anyone has tried it, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.



See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






秋は脳内を刺激してみよう。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























さらに「真珠の耳飾りの少女」は、他の絵画とは異なり、特殊な視線誘導「Sustained attentional loop」(持続的な注意のループ)によって鑑賞者の視線を捉え続けるということも科学的に判明されました。















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It is a little warm for fall, but now autumn is in full swing. It is not the blog of Staff H the other day, but there is no other time of the year when we can be so active: autumn of festivals, autumn of appetite, etc., isn’t it? According to hay fever sufferers, pollen doesn’t fly, and the only time we can go out comfortably is from October to November. I hope to enjoy this season to the fullest.


The other day, an article caught my eye. A study showed that viewing real art at a museum stimulates the brain 10 times more. I know how it feels to be moved and stimulated when you see real art, but this time, the research results seem to show the evidence scientifically and numerically.


The Mauritshuis Museum in the Netherlands made the announcement this time. This museum has a large collection of works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Steen, and others. The museum also owns Vermeer’s famous “Girl with a Pearl Earring,” “The View of Delft,” and “Diana and the Nymphs,” and the results of an experiment that analyzed the appeal of these masterpieces from a brain-science perspective were presented in this report.


In the experiment, subjects wore an EEG headset and eye tracker to view images, and viewed several paintings under different environmental conditions (location) and authentic or fake paintings.


The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, 20 participants wearing an EEG headset and eye tracker toured a specific route in the Mauritshuis Museum and viewed five real paintings. The same 10 participants then view three reproductions of the paintings in the museum’s library.


In the second phase, 20 participants at the University of Amsterdam will undergo “fMRI,” a brain activity study using an MRI machine, and will be shown reproductions of the five paintings. The results show that viewing the actual paintings in the museum and viewing the reproductions of the same paintings show different patterns of brain activation.


According to the results, the brain activation patterns were found to be different between viewing an actual painting in a museum and viewing a reproduction of the same painting, with the viewer’s emotional response when confronted with the actual painting in a museum being 10 times stronger than when viewing the reproduction.


Furthermore, “Girl with a Pearl Earring,” unlike the other paintings, was found to capture the viewer’s gaze through a special “sustained attentional loop” that guides the viewer’s gaze.


The viewer’s gaze is directed first to the eyes and mouth of the girl, then to the pearls, back to the eyes and mouth, and then back to the pearls again, and this cyclical movement of gaze is what makes the viewer pay attention for a longer period of time than in other paintings. This is what the researcher describes as Vermeer “setting up a continuous attentional loop.


An even more surprising finding was that the anterior cuneus was most strongly activated in the brains of those who viewed “Girl with a Pearl Earring. The precuneus is a region of the brain involved in self-awareness, self-reflection, and personal memory, which means that by viewing “Girl with a Pearl Earring,” viewers may be subconsciously confronting themselves and recalling personal experiences. If this is also a trick by Vermeer, he is quite a schemer….


Thinking about this reminded me of the tearful final scene of “A Dog of Flanders,” where the wind blows over the Rubens’ masterpiece in Antwerp Cathedral, and Nero is moved by the sight of the painting as he and Patrasche huddle together to meet their final moments.


At that time, it would have been impossible for ordinary people to see such a masterpiece, so I wonder how much Nero’s brain was stimulated by seeing a real masterpiece.I suppose one could describe it as a moving experience, but I am about to burst into tears again when I recall the legendary scene at the end of this article.


To recap, the shuation of “seeing the real thing at a museum” enhances brain stimulation, so I would like to actually go to a museum to see the real thing this fall, with the results of this experiment in mind.


I wish you all the best.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





カロリーなどは気にしていられません(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























食べ物の色が味覚に影響するというのは知っていましたが(かき氷のシロップの真実はショックでした)、 飲食しながら聴く音や音楽も味に影響を及ぼすことが分かってきているようです。
















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
The weather today has been humid since this morning, and it feels just right to wear short sleeves even if you are indoors.
According to the calendar, today is the 24th day of the month, “frostfall. It looks cold from the letter of the Chinese alphabet, doesn’t it?
The name “frostfall” comes from the fact that dew tends to turn into frost in the cold air as the autumn season deepens. It is said that after the frost fall, the morning and evening temperatures begin to cool down, and we begin to feel the coming of winter.
Personally, I cannot feel the arrival of winter yet. This year, autumn is said to be warm and winter is said to be as cold as usual, and there is a possibility that it may suddenly get colder. It seems that we need to be prepared for the cold temperatures.
Regardless of the hot and humid weather, my body surely craves warm food and drinks.
And the thing I crave irresistibly at this time of year is “anko” (sweet bean paste). I sometimes make it myself because I want to eat a lot of it, but I refrain from doing so these days because I end up eating it endlessly.
Japanese tea goes well with wagashi, but I always think coffee goes well with it. Needless to say, Nagoya has a specialty called “Ogura Toast”. The saltiness of the butter combined with the sweetness of the bean jam makes the coffee taste great, and I eat it without worrying about the calories.
And today, an apple pie store near Kakuozan Station, which is usually closed, was miraculously open. Usually they are only open for one hour from 8:00 a.m., but today they were open because they had not sold out due to the rain.
I bought one…. It is an apple pie with red bean butter and yuzu jam.
It was named “Japanese Apple Pie”.
It was beautifully arranged on an old Imari blue-glazed long plate at the store.
It is strange that the minced arabesque pattern is seen as Western style. I feel the depth of the nostalgia of Sometsuke.
The yuzu jam (I heard it is called “confiture” these days) has a refreshing sourness that enhances the taste. It would have been a shame to worry about the calories, so I just enjoyed it.
I love tea, but I can’t start anything without a cup of coffee, so I’ve been enjoying it a lot in the morning.
I have always wondered why coffee brewed at home tastes different from the coffee I drink at a coffee shop. Of course, it is natural because it is brewed by professionals with carefully selected beans, but when I looked into it, it seems that it is not only the difference in the type of beans or the way they are roasted.
I knew that visually the color of food affects taste (the truth about shaved ice syrup was shocking), but it seems that the sounds and music you listen to while eating and drinking also have an effect on taste.
It is said that Indian food tastes spicier while listening to rock music than it does while listening to jazz.
There are also studies that show that wine tends to taste sweeter when drunk while listening to classical music.
These are also called “sound seasoning” and “sonic seasoning.
In Europe and elsewhere, restaurant businesses are becoming increasingly aware of this theory, and it is surprising to hear that in the U.K., some customers even wear headphones while they eat, in an eccentric presentation.
Other studies have shown that listening to one’s favorite music makes one more sensitive to sweet tastes, while listening to music one dislikes makes one more sensitive to bitter tastes.
I am basically silent at home, so I am probably quite influenced by the music playing in cafes and other places. The fact that I am not aware of it is also a little scary.

On a recent trip, I visited a cafe named “Quattro Guts (Four Cats)”. The windows are shaped like cat ears. Picasso, when he was unknown, frequented this café with his friends and held his first solo exhibition there. He also designed the store’s menu and posters.
The store that Picasso actually frequented has already closed, but for the 100th anniversary of Picasso’s birth, the store was recreated in the same location and building with the atmosphere of those days as it was then.
I enjoyed the coffee, but I don’t remember what kind of music was playing.
I will visit again next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







秋祭りの季節です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
The weather has been pleasant since this morning, and just walking around the house makes me feel refreshed.
Last weekend, I heard cheerful voices outside my house and peeked over the balcony to see children dressed in happi coats and hachimaki (headband) walking around carrying a mikoshi (portable shrine). It was a funny scene, with the adults shouting to inspire the children. I learned later that you are not allowed to peek at the mikoshi from above. I was very sorry.
As I watched the mikoshi being carried on the ground, a question came to my mind. What is the difference between a portable shrine and a float? Even at my age, I still don’t know.
I found out that the decisive difference is whether or not there is a god inside the mikoshi. God usually resides in a shrine, but during festivals, he is carried around the village or town by the shrine parishioners on a portable shrine. The mikoshi is carried around the village or town by the local shrine parishioners to purify the community of evil spirits, to wish for a bountiful harvest, and to watch over the peace and prosperity of the community.
The floats, then, are said to be “landmarks for the gods to come down. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the gods descend from the heavens using the trees and rocks on the top of the mountain as their dependents. Therefore, the tower is made to stand out prominently and gorgeously to indicate that this is the place of the festival. This is why the naginohoko, which leads the way every year at the Gion Festival in Kyoto, rises so high to serve as a landmark.
The floats are also used to entertain the spirits of the gods with musical performances and other entertainment. Therefore, floats have become more colorful and larger with the times. Each region has evolved its own version, and they are called “hikiyama,” “hoko,” “yatai,” “danjiri,” “nebuta,” and so on.
Another difference is the way it is moved. The mikoshi is carried by a person and swung up and down. The other day, the children were shaking the mikoshi up and down with all their might while shouting “wasshoi! It may seem a little worrisome to shake the mikoshi vigorously when there is a god inside, but this shaking is said to be a Shinto ritual that strengthens the active power of the spirit, and is a sacred act that has existed since ancient times. It is said that by shaking the mikoshi violently, the divine power is activated. I used to watch the festival without thinking about it, but I think my view of the festival will change if I learn more about it.
The movement of the floats is described as “pulling around” or “parading around.
The prototype of floats dates back to the “Gion Goryokai,” the origin of the Gion Festival in the mid-Heian period. It was a ritual held to appease a possessed god, and people tried to escape misfortune by throwing a made-up object in the shape of a “mountain” into the sea or a river as a vessel for the possessed god.
In the Muromachi period (1333-1573), the festival was not limited to aristocrats and warriors, but common people also began to participate. The vehicles of the time were two-wheeled oxcarts, which were difficult to balance and swayed from side to side as they moved forward, which was referred to as “neri-neri. This is said to be the origin of the word “neri-neri” (“parade”).
Today, most floats have four wheels, but in the old days, floats had only two wheels and were pulled around while swaying “neri-neri-neri.
As time went by, the number of wheels on floats increased from two to three and then to four, making it possible to make floats larger and more ornately decorated.
However, the four-wheeled floats had the disadvantage that the direction of the wheels could not be easily changed, and the cornering of the larger floats required more strength and skill. The “yarimawashi,” or turning the floats at right angles while running without slowing down, which can be seen at the Kishiwada Danjiri Festival, is in itself the biggest showcase of the floats.

Autumn is a time of festivals and festivities in many parts of Japan, but it is said that many of these events are lost over the years as the ties between communities fade away.
The other day, I passed by Mamushigaike Hachimangu Shrine. The other day, I passed by the Mamushigaike Hachimangu Shrine and saw an announcement of a festival, the first of its kind. A new festival is about to begin. It’s kind of exciting, isn’t it?
See you next time.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







名古屋まつり2024、開催中(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














この名古屋まつりは昭和30年に始まった名古屋の秋を彩る最大の祭ですが、まつりのメインとなる豪華絢爛な行列でありまして、郷土が誇る三英傑「織田信長」「豊臣秀吉」「徳川家康」が鎧武者などを従えて練り歩く「郷土英傑行列」、 陣羽織姿の「少年鼓笛隊」を先頭に、「シャチばやし隊」、「織田信長隊」、「豊臣秀吉隊」が続き、「徳川家康隊」が行列を締めくくります。また、行列の途中では、戦国時代の合戦を再現した演技も行われ、まつりを盛り上げます。


他にも歴史と伝統に彩られた市指定文化財 山車揃 や市文化財 神楽揃、華やかなフラワーカーなども登場し市内を練り歩いたり、名古屋市の姉妹友好都市によるシスターシティ・フェスティバルなどの多彩な会場行事、名古屋城・東山動植物園など名古屋市内の観光施設の無料開放も行われており、とにかく街中がおまつりモードであります。













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It is a beautiful and refreshing autumn day here in Nagoya today, as if yesterday’s rain was a lie.

Since the beginning of October, many festivals and events have been held all over Japan, and I hope everyone is enjoying them.

Here in Nagoya, the Nagoya Festival was held on the 19th and today, the 20th, at various locations in the city. Today’s weather was perfect for the festival. I was so glad!


The other day, as I was passing through the city, I saw a man who looked like he was playing the role of a foot soldier in the procession of the three heroes, dressed in clothes and a hat, running swiftly through a pedestrian crossing in the rain. Unfortunately, the procession was cancelled, but the hat was still in its full glory, and I felt indescribable.


The main event of the festival is a gorgeous procession of the three heroes of Nagoya, “Nobunaga Oda,” “Hideyoshi Toyotomi,” and “Ieyasu Tokugawa,” parading with their armor, etc. The “local heroes procession” is led by a “boys’ drum and fife corps” dressed in jinbaori, and is followed by a “killer whale” parade, “orca” parade, “orchestra” parade, and “Oda” parade. The “Shachi-Bayashi”, “Nobunaga Oda”, and “Hideyoshi Toyotomi” teams follow, and the “Ieyasu Tokugawa” team closes the procession. During the procession, there will also be a reenactment of a battle from the Warring States period, adding to the excitement of the festival.


Other events include a parade of floats, a city-designated cultural property, a kagura-zorei, a city-designated cultural property, and gorgeous flower cars that parade through the city, various events such as the Sister City Festival held by Nagoya’s sister and friendship cities, and the free opening of Nagoya Castle, Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden and other sightseeing facilities in Nagoya City. The whole city is in festival mode.


I have never participated in the Nagoya Festival before, and I really wanted to see the parade as I passed by it yesterday, but unfortunately, the parade was cancelled due to rain, and I personally missed the chance again.


Today’s parade will definitely be held, so if you have time, why don’t you come out and see the heroic figures of the three heroes under the blue sky?

I am sure that the man in the hat is also participating in the procession today. Oh, I’m glad.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







季節外れのソメイヨシノの桜(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
It has started raining in Nagoya since noon. It was quite hot and humid this morning, and I almost lost my sense of the season as I muttered to myself, “It’s autumn now, isn’t it? It is so hot and humid this morning that I almost lost my sense of the season.
It seems that it is not only humans who are perplexed, and some Someiyoshino cherry trees in Ueno Park in Tokyo are blooming out of season.
Our mission is to be the first to report the “Cherry Blossom Blossom Declaration!” Reporter Yuji Abe, whose mission is to be the first to report the “Cherry Blossom Blossom Declaration! Reporter Yuji Abe, whose mission is to be the first to report “Cherry Blossom Blossom Declaration!
This phenomenon seems to have been happening for several years, and it is believed to be due to the premature defoliation of leaves and the weakening of plant hormones that suppress the growth of flowers.
While the leaves are still on the trees, the plant hormone abscisic acid, which suppresses flower growth, is supplied from the leaves, but after the leaves fall, the supply of the hormone stops and the cherry trees wait for spring to arrive. However, when the temperature rises after the leaves fall, the flowers may bloom even in autumn.
Originally, there was a variety of cherry tree called “jugatsuzakura” that bloomed twice a year, and it is planted near the Shimizu Kannon Hall in Ueno Park. These cherry trees have been cultivated since the late Edo period and often bloom from late October to December.
Because they bloom quietly and modestly, they are often unnoticed by visitors, but there are some who come to enjoy them.
However, flowers that bloom out of season, such as the jugatsu-zakura, are also called “adabana,” meaning “flowers that bloom but do not bear fruit” or “flowers that bloom but soon fall. It must be annoying to be called “flower of the people” when they are not blooming for humans.
Furthermore, someiyoshino cherry trees are blooming at a time when they are not supposed to be in bloom. It is a pity that Japanese people who love cherry blossoms look at them with suspicious eyes.
Cherry blossoms normally fall from mid-November to early December. Extreme summer temperatures and dry soil have been pointed out as factors that hasten the falling of the leaves. Since cherry trees do not flower immediately after their leaves fall, it is thought that some cause of defoliation must have occurred around September. Plants seem to be more sensitive to environmental changes than humans.
It is said that not only plants but also marine fish have been undergoing a major migration in recent years due to global warming.
The habitats of pufferfish and hairtail, which used to come mainly from the Seto Inland Sea and western Japan, have undergone major changes. In recent years, Hokkaido has become the largest catch of pufferfish, and hairtail landings have increased in the Tohoku region.
And the catch of Japanese common squid in Hakodate, Hokkaido, is now one-tenth of what it was 10 years ago, while the catch of salmon in Iwate Prefecture has dropped to one-46th.
The places of origin of the fish we learned about in textbooks have completely changed.
The catch of saury, yellowtail, mackerel, and other fish that we used to eat as a matter of course have also decreased considerably.
When shopping, I have the impression that all fish are becoming more expensive.
Some surveys show that not only fish are moving northward, but some are also moving southward.
So even in the ocean, fish are moving left and right to find a suitable environment for themselves.
We humans have a declining ability to react to the environment, and we may be accumulating fatigue without realizing it, so don’t overdo it during the change of seasons.
So, I will see you next time.














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最近の楽しみと言えば(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















とはいえ本音を言うと途中で、登場人物が誰が誰だっけ?となってしまいました(笑) 残忍な場面も多めなので苦手な方は心の準備が必要ですが、気になる方はぜひご覧ください。




Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

Last night, Nagoya was covered by thick clouds and we were unable to see the super moon.

How was it in your area? I hope to be able to see Comet Shikinzan-Atlas as there still seems to be a chance to see it. The approximate time is around one hour after sunset. The visible direction is “west. Please look for it with the brightly shining Venus as a landmark.




In connection with this astronomical show, I would like to introduce the TV animation “Chi. -About the Earth’s Motion-” on NHK General every Saturday, which has just started. I look forward to watching it.

It is a work of fiction set in 15th century Europe that depicts the lives and beliefs of people who risked their lives in pursuit of the “geocentric theory,” which was considered heretical at the time.


In the first half of the 15th century, the “Kingdom of P” in Europe was dominated by the “C” religion. The geocentric theory was against the doctrine, and even those who studied it were tortured or burned at the stake. The main character, Rafaou, living in that era, was a child prodigy who entered university at the age of 12 and planned to major in theology. One day, however, he met Hubert, who was studying the geocentric theory, and became fascinated by the beauty of the geocentric theory, and began to risk his life studying it.” And so it goes.


This story does not have a fixed protagonist; the central character changes from generation to generation.

The story is novel in that it focuses on the struggles, conflicts, and people in the vicinity of a great man whose research and results were not known before they were published. Perhaps the reason for the change of generations is that it takes more than one generation to deny the natural dynamic theory and spread the geocentric theory.


I wonder how much of this is true. I know it is a fiction, but the fact that I can think that this kind of thing may have happened may be the factor that draws me in. The story seems to be moving along without much effort, but each thing has its own history, and there is a truly grand theme that makes me shiver.


To tell you the truth, I was wondering who was who in the story (laugh). (laugh) There are a lot of brutal scenes, so if you are not good at that, you need to be prepared for it, but if you are interested, please watch it.


But if you are interested, please check it out.















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本日は今年一番のスーパームーン(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today in Nagoya, the temperature is an unbelievable 29 degrees Celsius, and of course I am wearing short sleeves, but this morning I could smell the fragrance of kinmokusei (a type of osmanthus) wafting in the air from somewhere, and from the window of my car on my way to work I could see a priest holding up a sign for the “Shichigosan-mairi” at our neighborhood Shiroyama Hachimangu shrine. I was in a state of confusion as to what season I was in.

I got myself back on track and checked myself, “It’s October now….” I was not sure which season I was in for a moment.


As I mentioned in my blog the other day, October is the month for astronomical shows.

Also, with the recent clear autumn weather, the moon has been rising every day, and I have been thinking, “Hmm? It’s brighter than usual. I was looking at it without knowing anything about it, but it seems to be a supermoon today.


This full moon will be the closest full moon to the earth in the year 2024, and it will be the biggest full moon of the year.


According to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the apparent diameter of the full moon will be about 14% larger than the smallest full moon of the year (February 24). This is why the moon appears brighter.


Since we cannot compare the moon with the moon of another day, it may be difficult to see the change even if we only look at the full moon of this day, but I found that I could somehow understand the 14% difference… and I smiled to myself.


For those of you in areas where the weather is fine today, please look up at the sky and check the size of the moon.















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