本日快晴、名古屋ウィメンズマラソンです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
Today, Nagoya is under clear skies. The Nagoya Women’s Marathon is being held today.
The top runners have already crossed the finish line, but the general runners are still trying to reach the goal, I guess. Every year, the Women’s Marathon is held in early March, and I feel as if it is an event that I use as an indicator of spring, as if spring is finally here. I hope you will do your best to finish the marathon, even though it is getting a little hot under the clear skies.
By the way, the gift given to all finishers of the Nagoya Women’s Marathon has been known to be spectacular every year, and in the past it was a pendant from the jewelry brand “Tiffany & Co.
The tumbler, which is being presented for the first time, is made of crystal glass cut to resemble a gorgeous and beautiful melody, stands 8.5 cm tall, and has the logo of this year’s tournament engraved on the bottom. As well as the Tiffany pendant, the Baccarat glass is also a nice sparkle for finishers to leave their 42.195 km effort in this way.
Some of you may have finished the race by now. I wonder how those of you who have received the glass will feel when you look at the beautiful glow of the glass. I can’t run the race myself, so to look at the glass with such a sense of accomplishment is truly enviable, but how does it make you feel? I wonder how it must feel to look at the glass with such a sense of accomplishment. I imagine it must be even brighter than we can see it.
From the outside, however, what shines brightest is the sight of all of you with your good legs and challenging spirits in your hands, and everyone is moved by the sight of you having completed the race, and wants to give you praise.
We are still cheering for those of you who are still on the way to the finish line, so please keep up the good work!
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN