お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 110




ケサランパサラン発見しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.


Today’s Nagoya was sunny, and when I looked up at the sky, the feeling of clouds was summery and beautiful. I don’t like the heat of summer, but I really like the summer sky and the cry of cicadas.

During this time, when I was taking a walk, something like fluff stuck to my clothes, and when I looked closely, it wasn’t fluff! ?? It looked like it was moving around, and it flew away again. Mysteriously, I flew to the immediate vicinity, so when I took a picture, it was moving like a living thing instead of fluff.


When I magnified the photo, I saw something like a torso in the middle, and when I looked it up, it looked like “Kesalan Pasaran”! !!


The first “Kesalan Pasaran” in my life looked really fluffy. Some people may not know about “Kesalan Pasaran”, so I would like to explain that Kesaran Pasaran is a mysterious creature shaped like white fluff, and it is said that you will be happy if you find it. Legendary creature? animal?


There are various rumors about plants, but they exist in nature, and each one has magical power and is thought to affect human luck, and it seems that it is said that it is more like a youkai or a fairy than a living thing. is.


Although it is a mysterious “Kesalan Pasaran”, there is a caveat in the legend that it makes you happy when you find it. Of course, it’s a legend, so it may be said differently depending on the area, but you can only find Kesaran Pasaran once a year. It is said that if you find a lot, such as twice a year, the effect will disappear. I’ve always wanted to see it again, but I don’t want to see it again this year .


And one more thing, “Kesalan Pasaran” is said to be something that actually came to Japan during the Edo period. Whether it came from the continent around this time, was imported as a rare item of the Nanban trade, or lived in Japan before that, it is not clear how it happened, but in the latter half of Edo, the topic of Kesaran Pasaran had already appeared. It seems that.

When I look it up, it becomes more and more mysterious as to what is true and whether Kesaran Pasaran itself exists, but if the object I discovered is Kesaran Pasaran, and if you see it, you will be truly happy. I would like to divide it into hem. Also, if anyone is familiar with Kesaran Pasaran, please let me know. 









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


狛犬、自由度が満載ですね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I visited Yatsugatake, so I went to the “Ikuo Hirayama Silk Road Museum”. I decided to talk about it on another occasion, and the “guardian dog” that caught my eye was made of wood like the guardian dogs in our shop, so I was a little worried about this, so this is an issue to take home. I left the museum to try.


The reason why the guardian dogs caught my eye is that I am following a person who is taking pictures of guardian dogs at various shrines as a hobby on Instagram. I always watch the guardian dog with comments that look like a blowout, and I like guardian dogs that much.

The comment that makes me laugh with a sense of realism that makes me think “I’m definitely saying that way, lol.” Matches my ridiculous playfulness. However, I am very grateful for the guardian dogs and their comments.


There is no such thing as the facial expression and type of guardian dogs, the style of the author, etc., so when I visit a shrine, I just check the guardian dogs, but this time I was interested in the material.


That being said, my image of guardian dogs is that stone guardian dogs are enshrined to protect the shrine, but the tradition seems to have become mainstream since the Edo period.

Originally, guardian dogs protected God in the inner shrine inside the main shrine, but as time goes by, they are placed on the main shrine, and the meaning of protecting the main shrine is born. As time went on, it was placed in front of the main shrine, at the entrance of the precincts, etc. to protect the entire precincts, and it seems that it was made of stone from wood because it was exposed to the rain.


In addition, the roots of the guardian dogs themselves are various, such as public guardian dogs, samurai guardian dogs, Echizen guardian dogs, and private guardian dogs. Full of freedom as you can think. Also, even though it is made of stone, it has been weathered and its appearance has changed over time, so there are many points that I cannot help but fascinate.


For example, there is a guardian dog in the shop, but this guardian dog is also made of wood. It is a smart type with long legs, with some paint remaining. His legs are standing upright, and he doesn’t seem to be standing on his face, and his face is rather small, but his teeth are firm and his eyes are strong. Is it a gorgeous tail?


The same wooden guardian dog that I saw the other day has a slightly petite inner thigh shape. Her face had a nice nose as a charm point, and she said, “By the way, there is such a dog.” (excuse me.)


Even if you compare these two guardian dogs like this, I think that you can understand the degree of freedom to the extent that it is interesting, so when you go to the shrine, please say hello to the guardian dogs.


By the way, the points I always look at are the condition of the mouth, the condition of the nose, and the condition of the feet. Is it the flow of the coat and the comment?


Well then, good luck.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

四万六千日(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董古美術品買取致します 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)









































Hello everyone. This is Staff N.

Today is July 10th, Natto Day.

N loves natto, but I always remember natto.

Stephen, an American who loves Japan and is 190 cm tall, had the only thing he disliked, and that was natto.

He praised me for everything, “Nihonsubarashii!”, But I remember him saying only natto, “Konoyonomonodehanai …”.

Even so, Japanese breakfast may have been a bitter memory for Stephen, as our family eats morning natto every day.

He wants to talk about such natto, but I can’t tell him so I’ll talk about another topic today.


Once again, July 10th is 46,000 days.

I was ashamed to know about 46,000 days for the first time, so I took this opportunity to investigate.

It is said that the Kannon fair held at Sensoji Temple in Tokyo on July 9th and 10th has the same merit as visiting 46,000 days if you visit this day. increase.

The Hozuki stalls that decorate the precincts are a summer tradition in Asakusa, and both days are 46,000 days of fairs, and Hozuki City is held along with the fairs.

Since the Heian period, the fair of the Kanzeon Bodhisattva has been on the 18th of every month, but from the end of the Muromachi period (mid-16th century), a fair called “Merit Day” has been set up.

A merit day is a special day when you worship on that day and get 100 or 1,000 days worth of merit.

The merit days vary depending on the temple and shrine, but at present, Sensoji Temple has 12 merit days once a month.

Of these, July 10th is the largest, and it is said that it has the merit of 46,000 days, so it is especially called “46,000 days”.

There are various theories about the origin of this number, and it is said that one square of rice is equivalent to 46,000 grains of rice, and it took a lifetime, but it is not certain.

Since 46,000 days is equivalent to about 126 years and can be said to be the limit of human life, it is said to be a “fair day where the merit of a lifetime can be obtained”.

The 46,000-day fair worship was established in the Edo period, and the precincts became crowded with worshipers from the 9th of the previous day because of the desire to worship first.

For this reason, both the 9th and 10th are designated as fairs and continue to the present day.

The origin of Hozuki City, which accompanies 46,000 days, is said to be during the Meiwa era (1764-72).

The 46,000-day fair was held at other temples and shrines following Sensoji Temple, and at the Atago Shrine in Shiba, the Hozuki Market was established on the 46,000-day fair.

Folk belief that “If you swallow (drink whole) the fruit of physalis with water, adults will get rid of tantrum (a chronic disease that does not heal easily), and children will get rid of worms (such as abdominal pain caused by insects thought to be in the stomach).” It seems that it was crowded with people seeking hozuki.

Under the influence of the Hozuki City of Atago Shrine, the Hozuki City was established at Sensoji Temple, which is the main book of 46,000 days.

It’s the season of Obon, and many people use Hozuki as a decoration for the tray.

There used to be a stall selling red corn on the 46,000th day of the fair.

It is said that red corn was sold in the precincts around the cultural year (1804-18) due to the folk belief that red corn is a talisman to prevent lightning strikes.

However, around the first year of the Meiji era (1868), it seems that red corn did not appear on the market due to poor harvest.

Since the congregation who was troubled by this asked Sensoji Temple for a talisman to protect against lightning, Sensoji Temple began to award a triangular amulet sandwiched between bamboo skewers.

This is the lightning bill that is still awarded on the 46,000th day.

When I searched for red corn and images, it was quite grotesque.

The corn is yellow, so it’s cute.

On the 9th and 10th, the innocent-looking sellers scream and sell the physalis, and the precincts are filled with worshipers from morning till night.

Good news for you who dropped your shoulders, saying that it’s far from Tokyo.

Around Nagoya, August 9th is “99,000 days”, and it is said that Osu Kannon, Inuyama Jakoin, Kasadera Kannon, etc. have become great merit days.

Yagato Kosho-ji Nishiyama Kannon-do is on August 10th, so please come visit us at the Ancient Art Fukosha when you visit.

See you soon









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

ジェットコースターの日(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董古美術品買取致します 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)






























実はジェットコースターは和製英語で英語ではローラーコースター (roller coaster) と言います。





















Hello everyone. This is Staff N.

Finally, Amazon Prime original Bachelorette 2 has begun.

The “Bachelor Japan” series is a marriage-hunting reality show in which multiple people of the opposite sex with different personalities and backgrounds compete to win the position of a successful single male / female partner. There is.

I love this series and have been looking forward to it for months.

Bachelorette is competing for women, but this time Bachelorette is from Nagoya, so I feel a sense of intimacy.

My companion seems to dislike this program, and every time I watch it, I get a disgusting face, but it seems that I am wondering who was chosen, so I only come to see where I hand over Rose (laugh)

By the way, today is the day when Japan’s first full-scale roller coaster was installed at Korakuen Amusement Park, which opened today in 1955.

In fact, N loves roller coasters and has rode the White Cyclone of Nagashima Spa Land eight times and then the Steel Dragon 13 times.

It was a light rain that day, and I remember riding with the rain stuck in my face because the speed was too fast.

Since there were few customers due to the rain on weekdays, the older brother in charge also said, “You guys will ride again? You can sit down as it is (laughs)” and drive for us. I feel like I was there.

It’s a story decades ago, so I’m not sure, but it’s a good memory.

The White Cyclone also closed in 2018 and can no longer be ridden.

Fuji-Q Highland also has a lot of Guinness records, so it’s irresistible for screaming lovers.

An acquaintance worked at Fuji-Q Highland, but because it is in the mountains, students from a nearby university are mostly working part-time.

When the students there go, it seems that they are dating only with acquaintances.

I also remember riding Pyrenees in Shima Spain Village five times in a row.

I fall or make a full turn while hanging around without my feet, but the scenery is the best.

My theory is that I’m not afraid to fall parallel to the ground.

I’m afraid that my stomach floats vertically or diagonally to the ground.

For those who are not good at screaming, no, I’m scared of everything! You may be told, but …

Speaking of Guinness, I used to ride a roller coaster certified by Guinness in Australia, but honestly I don’t remember it because it was too fast.

Oh, I remember feeling that if I moved my neck even a little, I would die.

It may be good to enjoy the scenery and thrills while feeling the wind at just the right speed.

I checked the roller coaster here.

In fact, roller coasters are Japanese-made English and are called roller coasters in English.

Did you know that roller coasters are scared of the back seats?

When a vehicle begins to dive, if the vehicle in front begins to descend first, the vehicle behind will accelerate and descend as it is pulled by it.

At that time, zero G and minus G are generated, so passengers feel as if they are strongly drawn in or jumped out upwards, so it is generally considered that the rear seats are scarier.

The longer the vehicle is connected, the more scary it becomes. Many thrill-seeking enthusiasts prefer a backseat.

Therefore, when it comes to the turn, those who are not good at it will be in the front, and those who like screaming will be in the back.

Second, roller coasters vary in speed depending on the season and temperature.

The wheels of the roller coaster are coated with a lubricant called grease.

When the temperature is low, such as in winter, the grease becomes hard, which causes resistance to the wheels and slows down.

On the contrary, when the temperature is high such as in summer, the grease becomes soft and the speed increases compared to winter.

Also, even in the same season, the speed tends to increase after noon when the maximum temperature is reached compared to morning and evening.

For this reason, FUJIYAMA of Fuji-Q Highland seems to take measures to put on special wheels in winter and heat it with the heater on the platform.

Finally, roller coaster loops and swivels seem scarier the smaller the diameter.

When passing through the loop at the same speed, the smaller the diameter, the higher the thrill because it rotates without decelerating and produces a strong G.

Even in the case of horizontal turning, the smaller the diameter, the less decelerating it is, and the G tends to be stronger.

If you are not good at roller coasters, why not try it from the front of a roller coaster with a large loop in the morning in winter.

I wanted to ride a roller coaster for the first time in a long time.

N’s screams may be echoing at some amusement park this summer.

(The photo is the illumination of the old Nabana no Sato)

See you soon









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

久しぶりに道をだずねられた朝でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董古美術品買取致します 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)




































Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.


Recently, I have a summer drink that causes a boom in me every year.

The year before last was an arranged drink of vinegar, last year was iced coffee with milk, and this year. This is a pretty creative drink, but fruit tea soda.

I’ve analyzed the taste of what I drank at the cafe I visited, and I’m wondering if it’s close to that. I really like this year, which is a little early in the summer, and I’ve been really addicted to it by changing various materials. I’d like to tell you the recipe, but I felt that it wasn’t enough to teach people, so let’s talk about this story lol.


Well, it was the other day than that. As I walked down the street in a residential area, a nice Madam walked slowly from the front toward me.

I was walking towards that, but when I got a little closer, I was asked, “Where is the XX clinic?”, And it seems that I got lost.


I wasn’t very familiar with this area, but I searched for a route (it seemed to be close by) and managed to tell it safely, and when I said goodbye, I said, “Be careful because it’s hot.” Madame said, “You are walking in a dashing manner … Thank you very much.” It was a really beautiful thank you.


For some reason, I said, “No, thank you.” And left the place yesterday.


By the way, it seems that I haven’t encountered such a scene for a long time.

I wondered if “asking the way” would disappear in various ways in these days. You may be wary of being approached by strangers and asked for directions, and if you have a cell phone, you should look it up.


However, I could immediately understand his personality by talking about the elegant Madam, and he seemed to be really in trouble during this hot weather, so I can tell immediately that he is not such a person. The word “Thank you” from Madame for a little help from me was very beautiful, and I felt a refreshing and comfortable breeze for a moment in my daily life.

“Thank you” was originally a word that felt like this … It took only about 3 minutes, but I couldn’t help but think so.


I won’t see you anymore, but by the way, the “thank you” I said when I broke up might have been a beautiful “thank you”. I felt so good that I probably said it.

It was only three minutes of passing, but it was a moment when something was noticed and feelings appeared at such a moment.


Even so, “You were walking dashingly and comfortably …” was what I was walking like lol. Looking back, it wasn’t even sweaty … This must be Madame’s consideration.

I sincerely hope that Madame will feel better afterwards.


Well then, good luck.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

本日の七夕のお天気が気になりますね。名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします。古美術風光舎名古屋店)








私の記憶が正しけれは、そういえば晴れた七夕の日って、あったかな?とふと記憶をたどってみたのですが、あまり星空を眺めた七夕の記憶がございません。こんな雨や曇りばかりの七夕、織姫と彦星は天の川を渡り切れずに “逢引” もできず、お二人の仲は大丈夫なのだろうかと少々心配になってまいりました。






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The other day, you wrote about Tanabata, but did you write a request for the strips?


Today is July 7th, and it’s finally Tanabata. It’s a special day when Orihime and Hikoboshi, who have become separated across the Milky Way, can meet only once a year. How about the sky in your area?


If I remember correctly, was there a sunny Tanabata day? I suddenly traced my memory, but I don’t have much memory of Tanabata looking at the starry sky. In such a rainy and cloudy Tanabata, Orihime and Hikoboshi couldn’t cross the Milky Way and couldn’t “meet”, so I was a little worried whether their relationship would be okay.


Looking at the weather on July 7th for the past 10 years, it seems that it was true. Here in Nagoya, the weather was only 3 days on July 7th. After all it seems that there were overwhelmingly many days in the rain and cloudy weather.

It seems to be a fact from the weather data that it is difficult for them to meet, and I am becoming more and more worried.


But don’t worry. There is also a spin-off version of such a Tanabata story.

Before that, did you know that the rain that falls on Tanabata is called “tear rain”? As you can guess from the name, the tears that the two people who couldn’t meet due to the rain mourned, and the rain that was likened to the tears shed when they said that they were so happy to meet even if it was a downpour. It seems to read “rain”.


Let’s say that the “tear rain” unfortunately fell on July 7. Here is the spin-off version.

When two people who could not meet were standing on the edge of the Milky Way, a lot of magpies bearing the inscription of the Emperor flew out of nowhere, spread their wings, and in a blink of an eye, they built a bridge. He said that he was able to cross the bridge and meet him.

The theory is that this magpie builds a bridge, but is it derived from the Summer Triangle? Let’s check the position. The Summer Triangle is “Vega of Orihime”, “Altair of Hikoboshi”, and “Deneb of Cygnus” in the middle of the left.

The constellation is “Cygnus”, but it seems that Chinese people in the old days described it as magpie.

Therefore, on a rainy day, the magpie (Deneb of Cygnus) tries to meet Orihime and Hikoboshi by spreading their wings and building a bridge, likened to the big triangle of this summer. Did you do it? No, it’s romantic.


Well, thanks to the magpie that appeared out of nowhere, they are now able to meet once a year even on rainy days, so I’m worried about their relationship until now. I wonder what I was. Well, it was a farewell party, but the problem disappeared as to whether the two of us could meet each year, and now we can have Tanabata with peace of mind lol.


It’s July 7th, but I can’t help but worry about the weather on that day almost every year. Today’s weather here in Nagoya is forecast to be cloudy toward the night.

It doesn’t seem to rain, but I’m the only one who really wants them to cross the Milky Way without the help of magpies and have a sunny year-long reunion.


Well then, good luck.








愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

海の見えるカフェで布志名焼湯町窯(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























布志名焼は、江戸時代中期の寛延年間(1748年〜1751年)開窯致しました。 江戸時代には松江藩の奨励を受けて発展したそうです。 鉛釉を使った黄色の櫛目紋が特徴で、昭和期には、民芸運動で柳宗悦やバーナード・リーチの指導を受け、民芸として新境地を開拓致しました。








大正11年開窯。昭和初期には、先代の福間貴士氏が民芸運動に深い感銘を受け、新たに洋食器も手掛けるようになりました。現在は三代目 福間 琇士さん、ご子息の庸介さん、ご家族と共に、布志名焼の伝統に新しい時代の息吹を通わせているそうです。






Hello, this is Staff N.

Due to heavy rain every day, the rented dehumidifier is also very useful.

It was a little sunny this morning, but the chocolate croissant I bought earlier has melted into muddy, so it seems that the temperature has not dropped. I was off guard.

Today, I will send you a photo of the cafe where you can see the sea before.

This is a cafe at the tip of Nishio City, but you can overlook the sea.

It was hard to find because I couldn’t see the building because it was down the road.

The word of mouth said that I would wait for hours, but there was an event and I went there just before the store closed, so I was able to enter easily.

There was a jazz concert on that day, and if I knew it, I definitely wanted to participate there.

It is divided into a terrace seat, a glass room and a room with a fireplace, and the back seats are raised so that you can enjoy the view, making it interesting.

I tried to imitate Instagrammer, but unfortunately it didn’t work. Tomorrow’s Tanabata, I hope that I will be able to take good pictures.

I was greedy and had curry and herbal tea.

Perhaps it’s a profession, but lately I’ve been more interested in vessels than food.

Suddenly, when I looked it up from the website, it seems that I am particular about vessels such as Shimane’s Fujina Yaki Yumachi kiln, Koka city’s pottery in Mie prefecture, and Shigaraki ware Bungoro kiln.

Today, I investigated the Fujina ware Yumachi kiln.

Fujina ware was opened during the Kan’en period (1748-1751) in the middle of the Edo period. During the Edo period, it was developed with the encouragement of the Matsue domain. It features a yellow comb pattern using lead glaze, and in the Showa period, under the guidance of Soetsu Yanagi and Bernard Leach in the folk art movement, it broke new ground as folk art.

The characteristics of the Yumachi kiln are the simple and simple shape created using locally produced clay and glaze, and the deep and vivid colors such as yellow glaze, sea glaze, straw glaze, and green glaze.

The vessels of the Yumachi kiln, which are easy to use and comfortable to live in, are carefully inherited from the “heart of creation” and “ceramic technique” learned from Mr. Kanjiro Kawai, Mr. Shoji Hamada, and Mr. Bernard Leach who once visited this kiln. It is said that it delivers abundant moisture to the lives of users.

The unique pattern of “slipware” drawn with clay, directly from Bernard Leach, the shape of the cup handle with “easy to hold” and “beauty”, and similar to the British Galena glaze. The warm style of the traditional “yellow glaze” of Fujina ware has the loveliness of Scandinavian and British pottery.

Yumachi Kiln is located in a peaceful residential area in Tamayu-cho, Shimane Prefecture, near the famous Yumachi Onsen in Japan.

Opened in 1918. In the early Showa period, Takashi Fukuma, the predecessor, was deeply impressed by the folk art movement and began to work on Western dishes. Currently, along with Mr. Ryushi Fukuma, the third generation, Mr. Yosuke, his son, and his family, he seems to bring the tradition of Fujina ware to the breath of a new era.

It’s nice to think that traditional vessels are inherited and lined up in modern fashionable cafes.

I also wanted to find my favorite bowl, which was a little expensive, instead of the gift plate I received at the wedding ceremony.

See you soon








愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


猛暑の中の大人の修学旅行でした。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










































Hello, this is Staff Y.


This is Nagoya, where the weather is bad all day long. I am very worried about the movement of the typhoon that occurred the other day.

My heavy rain woman was demonstrating this morning as well, and I commute to work in the heavy rain.

Did you expect this to happen last week … It’s a strange recollection of the hot weather last week.

That should be it. Last week, there were actually visitors from other prefectures, and I was planning to go a little further and go to Kyoto for a meal. I was told that I was going to go sightseeing somewhere, and the visitor said, “By the way, I have never been to Sanjusangendo.”

So, I decided to go before the meal reservation time.

Of course, shooting is prohibited inside, so this is the scenery from the outside.

Perhaps because I visited early in the morning, I encountered the morning work (Gongyo) at the right time. It seemed to be a little long reading in the dimly lit main hall, but while being surrounded by the reading, I quietly and slowly saw the precious faces of 1000 Senju Kannon. It was a very luxurious and thankful morning.

However, I started to play around with it, and while watching the different Senju Kannon, I gradually wanted to make various comments and left the main hall with various comments, but the booklet near the exit caught my eye.

This booklet was published in 2018 to commemorate the designation of the wooden Senju Kannon statue as a national treasure. I posted pictures of Buddhist statues such as the layout of each Kannon statue and the statue of Fengjin and Raijin to convey the charm of Sanjusangendo to the fullest, but I noticed all 1001 bodies. The part that introduced the face photo and name of the Kannon statue over 65 pages.

I have posted pictures taken with black-and-white film one by one during the preservation and repair that has been carried out since 1973, and this is also a very stubborn photo of a rectangular face. The number and the name are attached to the bottom, and it looks like a graduation album lol. Everyone would say, “This is a graduation album.”

I can’t see all the precious faces of the enshrined Kannon statue, but the facial features of each one are really different, such as the outline, the shape of the eyebrows, the degree of openness of the eyes, and the size of the mouth. You can see it. It also created a graduation album-like appearance, and it seems that it was showing excitement on Twitter when it was first published. It seems that there were quite a few people like me who had acupuncture points.

According to the person in charge here, there is a wish that you can find your favorite Buddha and have a connection, and there is an image that the temple is a place where elderly people gather, but young people are also interested in it. It seems that they are hoping that they will come and come.

I regretted that I should have bought this booklet too … (Why didn’t I buy it …), but I got the message from 1000 Senju Kannon-sama, please visit again, next time. Let’s enjoy it when you visit.

There are 1000 bodies and a lot of members, but if you want to find a recommendation, it is 1500 yen per book, so please buy it.

After that, while going north on Higashioji Dori, it became a busy course of Sanjusangendo-Ginkakuji-Meals-Yasaka Shrine-Shaved Ice, but when I go around the classic shrines and temples since my school trip again. The same goes for the renovation and maintenance of the famous place itself, but I noticed that the surrounding facilities and related goods (which will also be the same) are different from before, so it’s a long time ago. Please try to update everyone who visited.

As a result, it was like an adult school trip, but thanks to the endurance of the intense heat of the fine weather, I feel that only the pictures were taken beautifully.


Well then, good luck.








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七夕の短冊に何を書こうか悩みました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)























〝 古美術風光舎のHPブログが

上手く綴れますように 〟





Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Unlike the heat wave of the other day, it seems that it is necessary to pay attention differently from the other day, as there was a heavy rain here in Nagoya from the morning and there was information on flooding caution. I’m a little confused today because of this wide-ranging climate, but the other day I became an adult and wrote a request for Tanabata decoration for the first time in a while.


When I was a kid, I remember writing with a wish for a single ball while swelling my chest in front of a strip of paper, such as wishing it to be that way or wanting it. Some of the dreams came true and some did not, and I’ve reached dozens of Tanabata so far, but I’m not hoping for a strip of paper anymore … I thought the other day. There is a reason.


I had been thinking about the strips for a while after a long time, but now I have stopped writing what to write. that? There are always many things I want to achieve and what I want. When I grow up, it’s the same with me, but I wonder if there are too many people and things around me, or the world peace of the plague, that I’m hoping to say. When I saw the strip in front of me, I thought that the fact that the brush stopped was a proof that I became a greedy adult.


Speaking of which, there are various theories about the origin of Tanabata, and to put it simply, it is derived from the Misogi event called the old Tanabata. Also, Kikkouden is derived from a Chinese event that hopes to improve women’s arts (woven / calligraphy / flute, etc.). It’s a remix culture event, such as the legend of Orihime and Hikoboshi, who will allow two people who are drowning in love to stop working and if they work properly, they will meet only once a year. Why is it a Tanabata decoration? I suddenly thought the other day, but why do you make a request? Only here, it seems that he did not forget the feelings of the child.


It seems that it was from the Edo period that I started to write wishes on strips and hang them on bamboo grass. Around this time, the number of children studying and practicing at Terakoya increased, and it is thought that it was the beginning that they began to pray for the improvement of the stars while watching the starry sky while thinking of Orihime and Hikoboshi.

Since there is such a history, it is said that it is better to wish to improve skills such as “I want to be able to do XX well” rather than a real thing such as “I want XX” to write in a strip of paper. It seems.

Also, it seems that the colors of the strips are not just colorful and cute, and the five colors of blue (green), red, yellow, white, and black (purple) include the ancient Chinese natural philosophy of “five lines.” , It seems to be likened to the Confucian idea of ​​”Gotoku”. (However, black is considered unlucky, and in most cases purple is used instead.)


I see. As if you understood the origin of Tanabata. Suppose it’s time to write a wish on this strip.


〝I hope you can spell it well on the website of Fukosha, an antique art …〟

Well then, good luck.




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