お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 109




無謀にも修学院離宮の当日券を狙うという(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)











































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I had a conversation with a friend the other day, and he said, “The weather determines the mood and impression of about 80% of the trip.” No matter where the weather is, my memory will be about 20% more impressive, and I will say, “It was good over there.”


If so, I recently came up with the opposite idea that it would be best if the weather was good and the weather was good. Coupled with the original impulsive faction, the other day I suddenly came up with the idea of ​​”Shugakuin Imperial Villa”.


I had visited it once, but I was very impressed at that time and it was a place I will never forget. Of course, I visited the beautiful sunny day of the autumn leaves. Therefore, when I visit again, I have always vowed to have a nice day here.


That’s why it was a sudden visit, but there is another reason why it is too sudden.


As you know, the Imperial Household Agency manages the Shugakuin Imperial Villa, Katsura Imperial Villa, and Kyoto Sento Imperial Palace, so you need to apply for a reservation in advance when you visit. After all, the number of people who make advance reservations is currently 20 people each time, twice a day, so a total of 40 people. (If you are interested, please see the application of the Imperial Household Agency as it may change.) In the top season etc., it is a fierce battle that reservations are already filled from 3 months ago.


Why do you want to go suddenly without prior reservation? .. Well, there is a ticket for 10 people each time, and I recklessly aimed at that frame.


For a person like me who absolutely wants to aim for a sunny day, it is better to aim for this 10 people frame with no use, so I am aiming for this 10 people x 2 times frame We will head to the site at 11 o’clock when the numbered ticket distribution starts.


However, the road conditions did not go as expected, and the arrival was at 11:30. Is it not good…. I had given up halfway, but there were still a few left, and I managed to slip into the start at 15:00 and cry.


I will continue to explain the details of Shugakuin Imperial Villa in the next blog, but the reason why it is so impressive to me is that this is the pole of the scenery, and I was impressed by the scenery. I have a memory of visiting. It is not a gorgeous palace.


As soon as I passed through the door, I was wondering, “Is this the Taoyuan Township?” I was very impressed by the fact that there was such a world behind the mountains such as Mt. Hiei, as I was able to relax and grow crops as an attached farmland in the garden and on the large site.


And, of course, that day was a clear blue sky. The blue sky that shined with the scenery here was still very memorable.


I secretly planned to visit such an impression in different seasons, and finally the other day, I chose fine weather and recklessly visited without a reservation ticket.


The time is a little before 15:00.

It will be about 1 hour and 30 minutes from now, but I will go around the palace while listening to the explanation of the staff, but since it was said that the photos are free, I thought that I could share it with everyone, so the next blog will be It’s a photo that doesn’t show up, but I’ll tell you.


Now that the gate has opened, I will go.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

お食い初め(韓国編)(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

This morning, the flowers on the road I often go through looked more beautiful than usual, so I took a picture.

Even on the same road, isn’t it the mood of the day or the way it looks completely different depending on the time? I had the lowest fortune today, but I was a little happy because I was so healed by these flowers.



I talked about “beginning of eating” in my previous blog, but this time I heard that my Korean acquaintance’s child celebrated 100 days after birth, so “beginning of eating (Korean edition)” ) ”.


In the neighboring country, South Korea, as in Japan, when we reach the 100th day of life, we will invite family members, relatives, and neighbors to celebrate with a sense of gratitude. Nowadays, it seems that it is often done only by family and relatives, but the custom of celebrating 100 days after birth has not changed from old times. Specifically, on celebration days, we all eat together, wearing clothes such as chima jeogori, which wishes to live a healthy and long life.


Then, prepare a special festive pedestal consisting of one or two tiers, decorate fruits, flowers, rice cakes, cakes, photos, etc. beautifully and spend the anniversary. In Korea, it is customary to eat and distribute rice cakes during celebrations, but rice cakes are indispensable for the celebration of the 100th day after birth. Two types of rice cakes, white rice cakes and rice cakes sprinkled with azuki bean powder, are typically prepared as a celebration of the 100th day. White rice cake has the meaning of longevity as an expression of sacredness and chastity.


Mochi sprinkled with red bean powder is said to dispel the bad color of red beans. After preparing a lot of both rice cakes and decorating them on the pedestal, we will distribute and eat them to the people and neighbors who came to the celebration. In addition to these two types, there are also cases where we prepare five-colored rice cakes, which means the harmony of all things, and kinako rice cakes, which means to grow strong.


And recently, in Korea, Japan is increasing, but the culture of taking family photos at photo studios is pervading. Originally, there are many photo studios in Korea, and it seems that it is common to take pictures at milestones.


And as a gift, in Korea, a small gold ring called “Pegil Panji” will be given to the baby. It is well known that “Silver Spoon” is a gift for 100 days in Europe. In China, it is customary to shave for the first time in life after 100 days, and to make a brush called “Taimofude” with the shaved hair. A precious brush that can only be made once in a lifetime is a very memorable one.


There are various antiques in our shop, but maybe this was also an important gift from someone. And it is very important, and it seems that it remains in such a beautiful shape now. With that in mind, this job is still attractive.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

平安神宮会館で朝食を(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























基本的にはこれらの建築様式は、平安時代後期(11 – 12世紀)の第3次八省院(延久4年(1072年)再建、治承元年(1177年)焼亡)を再現したものとなっております。この時の大極殿などの姿は、後白河法皇が作らせた「年中行事絵巻」に描かれているそうです。ただ、大極殿と応天門の間には本来は会昌門朝堂12堂が存在し、応天門の左右には翔鸞楼と栖鳳楼という楼閣が付属していましたが、これらは平安神宮では復元されておりません。また、平安神宮の社殿の瓦はすべて緑釉瓦となっていますが、近年の研究によると平安時代の大極殿では軒先と棟部分だけにしか緑釉瓦は使われていなかったと推定されております。








明治28年(1895年)、平安遷都千百年祭が開催されるにあたり創建されることになった平安神宮の社殿一帯の風致保存のために庭園を築造することになり、神苑造営が企画されました。 当初に設けられた本殿東西の蒼龍池(東池)と百虎池(西池)の二つが最も古いそうです。












Hello everyone.

Recently, I started taking a walk in the neighborhood of my house, but there was a man dashing in the park, so when I tried to imitate it, it was Staff N who hurt the back of his thighs.

I felt the importance of the preparatory movement.

In addition, I was about to hit a man on my smartphone while walking on the way home from posting, and I was about to have a big accident.

Walking smartphone is really dangerous. let’s stop.

It was a continuation, so let’s take a look at the pictures of Heian Jingu and let’s be healed.

Speaking of Heian Jingu, the image of Norika Fujiwara having a wedding is strong.

I checked about Heian Shrine here.

Heian Jingu is a shrine located in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.

A part of the back of Ouchi at the time of the relocation of Heiankyo was planned as the centerpiece of the National Industrial Exhibition held in Kyoto on April 1, 1895 (Meiji 28) to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of the relocation of Heian. Initially, it was planned that Suzakumon would be located in Senbon Marutamachi, where the back of Ouchi was actually located, but the land acquisition failed and the location was moved to Okazaki, which was a suburb at that time, in 1893 (Meiji 26). The groundbreaking ceremony was held on September 3rd. The shrine was reconstructed on a scale of 5/8 of the actual shrine and completed in 1895 (Meiji 28), imitating the Chodoin, which is the main office of the Ouchi back of Heiankyo.

It was founded on March 15th, prior to the exposition, as a shrine dedicated to the 50th Emperor Kanmu, the emperor who relocated to Heian. In 1940 (Showa 15), which is the 2600th year of the imperial era, the 121st Emperor Komei, the last emperor to spend in Heiankyo, was added to the deity. At Heian Jingu, the amulets of the four gods that protect Kyoto are awarded.

On January 6, 1976 (Showa 51), a fire (Heian Jingu arson incident) broke out and nine buildings including the main shrine and the inner worship hall were burnt down. However, the Shintai was carried out from both the eastern and western main shrines, and the Daigokuden, which is the outer worship hall, also survived the spread of fire. Since the construction was relatively new, these buildings were not designated as cultural properties at that time, so subsidies from the country for reconstruction could not be expected. However, the main hall and the inner hall of worship were rebuilt in April 1979 (Showa 54) by raising funds from all over the country. The fire was later discovered to be the crime of Saburo Kato, a new left-wing activist in Japan.

The main shrine is a reduced version (about 5/8 of the length) of the Chodoin (Hachishoin), which is the main office behind the Ouchi area of ​​Heiankyo. The front gate, which is characterized by a large red glowing vermilion, imitates the Otenmon gate of Chodoin. The left and right halls inside it are a reproduction of the morning assembly hall. The outer hall of worship imitates the main hall of the Chodoin, the Daigokuden (with the Souryu Tower and the White Tiger Tower attached to the left and right). It was completed in 1895 (Meiji 28).

Basically, these architectural styles are reproductions of the 3rd eight provinces of the late Heian period (11th-12th centuries) (reconstructed in the 4th year of Enkyu (1072) and burned down in the first year of the Jisho period (1177)). It has become. The appearance of Daigokuden at this time is said to be depicted in the “Annual Event Picture Scroll” made by Emperor Go-Shirakawa. However, between Daigokuden and Otenmon, there were originally Kaishomon and 12 Chodo, and on the left and right of Otenmon, there were towers called Shogunro and Suhoro, but these are at Heian Jingu. It has not been restored. In addition, all the tiles of the shrine of Heian Jingu are green glazed roof tiles, but according to recent research, it is estimated that green glazed roof tiles were used only for the eaves and ridges in the Taikyokuden during the Heian period. ..

In December 2010, 6 buildings including Daigokuden were designated as national important cultural properties. In addition, the large torii gate on the approach road has a height of 24.4m and is registered as a national tangible cultural property.

The site area is about 20,000 tsubo including “Heian Jingu Shrine” which is a Japanese garden of about 10,000 tsubo.

This time, the hotel had a breakfast plan with a view of Heian Jingu Shrine, so I was afraid to go there.

Heian Jingu Shrine is a modern Japanese garden with a strolling style of Ikezumi in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is composed of Nanjinen, Nishijinen, Nakajinen, and Higashijinen, which are arranged around the Taikyokuden of Heian Jingu, with an area of ​​33,000 square meters, and the garden is Ogawa Jihei. It is designated as.

In 1895, a garden was to be built to preserve the scenic beauty of the Heian Jingu shrine, which was to be built when the Heian-kyo 1000th Anniversary Festival was held. I did. It is said that Soryu Pond (Higashi Pond) and Hyakutora Pond (Nishi Pond), which were originally established in the east and west of the main shrine, are the oldest.

In my life, I was so happy that I couldn’t have such an elegant breakfast.

It happened that there were no other customers and it was reserved, so I was able to enjoy the quiet Heian Shrine in the morning.

The staff told me that the chairs and stones in the garden tell me where the landscape looks beautiful, so I was able to take pictures of the landscape.

I was walking halfway like an aristocrat, but I was absorbed in giving carp and turtles sweets at the bridge on the way.

I’d like to give it to a turtle and a small fish, but I’m disappointed that it’s blown away by the wind and stolen by only a big carp.

It seems that the wedding was held at the same time, but unfortunately I couldn’t meet.

I was impressed by experiencing the scenery of Kyoto just born 1200 years ago.

It was a day when I was happy to be born in Japan.

See you soon










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

建仁寺(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



























天正年間(1573年 – 1592年)に安国寺恵瓊が復興に努め、江戸時代にも修理が継続して行われました。

法堂(京都府指定有形文化財) は仏殿(本尊を安置する堂)と法堂(はっとう、講堂にあたる)を兼ねている当寺の本堂でございます。明和2年(1765年)再建され、2002年(平成14年)創建800年を記念して天井に小泉淳作により「双龍図」が描かれました。方丈と渡り廊下で繋がっております。


方丈(重要文化財) – 長享元年(1487年)の建立で、もと安芸国の安国寺にあり、安国寺恵瓊が慶長4年(1599年)に建仁寺に移築したものでございます。東側に設けられた大玄関を介して本坊と連結しており、創建当初は杮葺であったが元文元年(1736年)に瓦葺きに改められました。建物の外周すべてに建具が入り壁が少ない構造のためか、1934年(昭和9年)の室戸台風で倒壊し、1940年(昭和15年)に創建当初の杮葺で復旧されました。その後1962年(昭和37年)に銅板葺きに改められていたが、2013年(平成25年)に杮葺に復しました。各室には桃山時代の画壇を代表する画家の一人である海北友松の水墨障壁画がありましたが、現在は襖から掛軸に改装され、京都国立博物館に寄託されております。台風被害の復旧後は、日本画家橋本関雪による障壁画『生生流転』(しょうじょうるてん)『伯楽』『深秋』『蕭條』『松韻(寒山子)』(計60面、1940年完成)が設置されております方丈前庭「大雄苑」 -枯山水庭園。1940年(昭和15年)の作庭。

庭園「〇△□乃庭」 – 2006年(平成18年)北山安夫による作庭でございます。



風神雷神図 – 俵屋宗達筆。金地の二曲一双屏風のそれぞれに風神と雷神を描いております。たっぷりと取られた余白が広い空間を暗示し、天空を駆ける両神のダイナミックな動きを感じさせます。印も落款もありませんが、俵屋宗達の代表作として名高いです。原本は京都国立博物館に寄託され、常時の公開はされておりませんが、複製の屏風および陶板は建仁寺で見ることができます。元々は京都の豪商・打它公軌(うだきんのり/糸屋十右衛門)が建仁寺派である妙光寺再興の記念に俵屋宗達に製作を依頼したもので、その後、妙光寺から建仁寺に寄贈されました。

















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

次回の連休こそ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)








































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

It was a rain forecast today, but before I knew it, it was sunny and the heat was back. After Golden Week, it’s time to get tired at once with the changes in the environment in April. My Golden Week this year was a long holiday with no restrictions on my activities, but I didn’t go anywhere and lived as usual.


So, this time, I will write about “the place I want to go to next consecutive holidays”. The place I want to visit recently is “Okinawa Zamami Island”. Okinawa is a hot topic in the morning drama, but I have visited the main island and remote islands because I loved them, but I have never been to Zamami Island.


Zamami Island is a small island with an area of ​​6.7 ㎢ and a population of about 600 people. It is famous for its sandy beach and beautiful blue sea called “Kerama Blue”, and it is said that divers all over the world want to visit someday. .. Of course, not only divers, but also the Kerama Islands, where Zamami Island is located, was designated as a national park in 2014, and it has become widely known to the general public.


Zamami Island is near the center of Zamami Village, where the port and shops are located, “Zamami Village”, “Ama Village” on the east side of Furuzamami Beach, which is a 2-star Michelin Green Guide, and Ama Beach on the west side, where it is said that there is a high probability of encountering sea turtles. It is divided into three parts, “Ama Village”.


One of the spots I’m interested in is “Furuzamami Beach” in Zamami Village. The story changes, but in fact I started surfing last year. That’s why I’m really interested in sea activities. So this year, I want to start surfing + diving. Because of this, I was interested in this Furuzamami beach.


The story is off, but why is Zamami famous for diving spots? The sea is calm and sandy, and the clear sea and world-class coral reefs. Especially the beauty of coral reefs is indescribable. Currently, 250 species of coral inhabit the Kerama Islands, where Zamami Island is located. It is comparable to one-fifth of the world’s corals and is known around the world as an invaluable area due to its density and abundance of species.In addition, coral spawning can be seen during the spring tide from May to June, so it seems that the atmosphere is just like being under the starry sky.


I want to see it because it’s okay to do it once. I want to go more and more when I research this way. Finally, I’m sorry for the photo of Okinawa I went to last year.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

お食い初め(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)








































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

How are you doing today, when it’s raining over the weekend and you’re feeling blue? In this blog, I will talk about the beginning of eating so that I can feel a little clearer (I just want to talk about recent events).


Actually, last week, I had a niece’s “beginning to eat”. It’s one of the events I’ve been looking forward to because it’s my first event.

To briefly explain the beginning of eating, the beginning of eating is a celebration of the 100th day after birth, which is also called “100th day celebration” or “100th day celebration”. It is a traditional event that has been held since the Heian period, and is held in the hope that the baby will grow up healthy, saying, “Don’t worry about eating for the rest of your life.”

At the beginning of eating, they use chopsticks to imitate eating fish for the first time, so they are also called “chopsticks alignment,” “chopsticks celebration,” and “mao beginning.” In this way, it is called in various ways depending on the region, but the meaning of celebrating and thanking the family for the successful growth of the baby for several months does not change.


The origin and origin of the beginning of eating goes back to the Heian period, and there is an event called “Momoka” that feeds babies with rice cakes, and this is said to be the beginning of eating. At first, it was held on the 50th day after birth, so it was said to be a “celebration of the fifty days”, and the rice cakes to be eaten were called “fifty days mochi”. The idea was to put rice cakes in heavy water and add a little of the rice cakes to the baby’s mouth. Eventually, the celebration of the fifty days became the hundredth day, and in the Kamakura period, rice cakes changed to fish meat, and it came to be called “Mao Hajime”. In the past, hygiene and nutrition were not good, and it was difficult to grow up safely, so ceremonies and celebrations were held at various milestones to pray for the growth of the baby. It is said that the tradition of celebrating with a festive set around 100 days after birth has been handed down to the present day.


The celebration set is based on the traditional Japanese menu “Ichiju Sansai”. Fish with tails such as sea bream, red rice, soup, simmered dishes, and pickles are on the menu. Also, around 100 days after birth, if you are an early child, milk teeth will start to grow, so prepare a “tooth-hardening stone” and hope that strong teeth will grow.


The contents of the menu have many characteristics in each region, and there are various things such as the addition of local specialties. In Hokkaido, it is common to cook red rice with sweet natto instead of azuki beans, and in Osaka etc., it is said that octopus is used instead of hardened stones because it is considered to be auspicious food because of the wordplay “Takou”. is. Depending on the area, other stones such as “umeboshi”, “chestnut fruit”, and “red and white rice cake” may be used, and in the Kyushu region, “Poppo” with a picture of Shochikuume and Tsurugame instead of lacquered tableware. They also use tableware called “zen”.


There are various forms of eating beginnings depending on the region, and that alone is interesting and interesting. This time, the niece’s festive set was standard, with menus such as sea bream, sekihan, soup, simmered dishes, and pickles, as well as tooth-hardening stones.


My niece usually drinks only milk, but on that day, when she brought red rice to her mouth, she opened it up and tried to eat it, which was very cute. The beginning of eating is different for each region, but there are various ways to celebrate depending on the country. Next time, I would like to find out about the beginning of eating in the world.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

先日、虎ノ門界隈を散策してきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Recently, the heat of the museum has increased, and I often visit museums and touch the works of various places, but I visited the other day about outdoor art in this open season, so today I will talk about it. A little.


Surprisingly, to Toranomon Hills.


As for why Toranomon Hills, I’ve always been interested in the art works at Oval Plaza in Toranomon Hills, which is about to calm down.

There was “roots”. It is a large sculpture with a height of 10m and is a work by Jaume Plensa, a world-famous Spanish artist.


If you look closely at this “roots”, there are eight languages ​​in her sitting with her knees. It is a huge public art modeled using those characters. It seems that there are eight languages ​​used: Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Hindi, and Russian, but you can barely read Japanese. Anyway, a giant.


This “roots” expresses “the diversity of the world” through letters that reflect each culture, and as a work that symbolizes “the peaceful coexistence of people beyond the differences of diverse cultures”, and Toranomon. With the hills as the roots (starting point), we are sitting in this square with the desire to promote international urban development where people from all over the world coexist and make Tokyo the number one city in the world.


And the author, Jaume Plensa, is one of Spain’s leading global artists. He has produced many works with a philosophical message in materials such as iron, bronze, and glass, and is highly evaluated for its high formability and depth of concept.

In 1999, he won numerous awards, including a gold medal at the Kadriennale in Prague, also known as the Academy Award for the stage art world. In Japan, it seems that you are designing a ship landing site on Ogijima in the Seto Inland Sea at the 2010 Setouchi Triennale.


This Oval Plaza where such a giant stands. Of course, it is an area where you can take a break in the city, but it seems that yoga activities are also being carried out on this lawn. At Toranomon, which seemed to be only an office, you can do this kind of open self-activity. It looks good.


And this Toranomon Hills, the whole is still in the process of evolution, but when all of these are completed, the area area is 7.5ha, the total floor area is 800,000m², the international standard office of about 300,000m², the residence of about 720 units, about 26,000m². With commercial stores, about 350 rooms, and about 15,000 m² of green space, it seems to be a complex city integrated with transportation infrastructure such as roads and railroads. Will it be like an international new city center / global business center that has an impact comparable to that of “Roppongi Hills”?


It’s not the “Noritake Garden” in Nagoya that I visited the other day, but the city planning these days is very interesting.

In each plan, the boundary between working and living and activities, and the boundary between buildings and artificial buildings and greenery are taken into consideration, and in all “symbiosis”, how and how to be comfortable and personal. It seems to me that I am aiming to spend time.


Meanwhile, “roots” was a symbol of sitting and looking at the evolving landscape, busy people, and relaxing people against the backdrop of a clear blue sky.


After that, I left the Hills and visited Toranomon, so I climbed the highest mountain in the 23rd ward. Climb the stairs of success and “go to Atago Shrine” lol.

I went up the stairs with an inclination of nearly 40 degrees, but never look back … Heikuro Kagaki, I wondered how he ran up with a horse, and he was out of breath and ran up the stairs all at once.


I was so tired that I only remember the stairs, but I was able to spend a relaxing time in the Toranomon area, and I was able to spend a relaxing time in Tokyo. Everyone, please come visit us.


Well then, good luck.




お花(芍薬)をいただきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















そしてですね、日本にも虜になった絵師が。葛飾北斎の「芍薬 カナアリ」という作品に、カナアリ(カナリア)と共に芍薬が描かれております。こちらの芍薬は、オランダ芍薬のようだということで、花弁割とシンプルですが、大胆な花弁を表現したかったのでしょうか、画面いっぱいに描かれております。



















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Until just the other day, I was writing only blogs like chasing cherry blossoms, but the other day, I received a “peony” from an acquaintance. If you are chasing seasonal flowers like this, the season will continue to advance lol.


I used to display it in the store last year, but this year I want to love it with as many people as possible, so I am displaying it in the store. When I received it last night, it was a bud like a ping-pong ball, but this morning the buds have loosened, and it seems that the sleeping petals are finally awakening in the light. The petals are so overflowing that I think they fit well in those buds, and the open flowers are about the size of an open palm.

The appearance of this bold and bewitching flower in full bloom is truly captivating. Every year I think that I am the “queen of flowers”.


By the way, this peony that I received yesterday is received from the same person every year, but in fact, that person is also said to be obtained from an acquaintance. Are you a flower profession? When I asked, it was completely home-grown. However, this is beyond the realm of home cultivation … I’m sure you’re cultivating a lot because you can share it with me like this. It’s a little strange, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, “Thank you. It’s very beautiful this year.”


Peony, in fact, was introduced to Japan as a medicinal herb before the Heian period, but after that, many horticultural varieties were made for ornamental purposes, and they are called “Washakuyaku”. Many of the “Japanese peony” have relatively simple and neat flower shapes, such as single-flowered and old-fashioned flowers. It is also cultivated in Europe, and its variety is called Western peony, which seems to be characterized by a large number of valves such as Temari blooms and rose blooms and a strong scent. Recently, new varieties have been bred by crossing both, and many peony varieties have been seen, such as hybrids with buttons, so keep an eye on the peony these days.


Since it is such a peony, it seems that there were of course people who were captivated by it for a long time.

Such thoughts remain in the canvas, and they also remain in famous works such as Van Gogh’s “Peony Rose Vase” and Manet’s “Peony Vase”. You probably wanted to keep that bewitching appearance. The peony of both works is a type with many gorgeous petals. You can feel the captivity from the overflowing vase.


And, well, there is a painter who was captivated by Japan. In the work “Canary and Peony” by Katsushika Hokusai, the peony is drawn together with the canary. This peony is like a Dutch peony, so it is as simple as a petal split, but maybe you wanted to express a bold petal, it is drawn on the full screen.


It seems that it wasn’t just my acquaintance and the person who raised the peony that was so captivated by the peony … It seems that everyone is captivated by all ages and countries.


When I wrote the blog, the petals were blooming more and more.

I can’t take my eyes off.


Well then, good luck.

京都伏見稲荷大社(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













































Hello everyone, this is Staff N.

When the Golden Week holidays are over and I come back from Kyoto, I feel a little lonely that I can’t see the shrines and temples in the city.

This time, I would like to investigate the famous Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine.

Fushimi Inari Taisha is a shrine located in Fukakusa, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, and is the head office of Inari Shrine, which is said to have about 30,000 companies nationwide. At the first visit, we gather the largest number of worshipers at shrines and temples in the Kinki region.

In addition to writing his own Inari pilgrimage in “The Pillow Book,” Sei Shonagon often appears in classics such as “The Pillow Book” and “The Storybook of the Past and Present.” In the 8th year of Engi (908), the Minister of the Left, Fujiwara no Tokihira, trained three shrines (“Annual Event Secret Extract”), after which Minamoto no Yoritomo and Yoshinori Ashikaga were involved in the construction and repair of the shrine, but due to the Onin War. All will be burnt down.

Due to the Meiji government’s decree to separate Shinto and Buddhism, all the Buddhist temples in the precincts of the temple were abandoned. It became what characterizes.

However, as you all know, Fushimi Inari Taisha is a harsh place that takes more than 2 hours for a round trip.

I remembered the hard memories of the old days and climbed, but it was still hard.

On the way, I passed by a girl in a yukata and put up with the idea that I should stop because I wouldn’t say anything bad.

It was shaded by the torii gate and the heat was softened because it was in the mountains, but the summit without shade was hot.

Moreover, it was time for Inari to worship once a month, and we were lined up in the scorching sun.

Mr. Miyaji was chanting, and I was there without knowing it well, but he also prayed for me.

I wondered if some event had been hit for a moment, but I was lucky to be able to witness a rare ritual.

Every time there was a shop, I was asked “Would you like to eat something?” And refused, and I was finally able to eat green tea ice cream at the 8th place.

I got into the waterfall road on the way and made a U-turn, but I managed to come back.

It seems that you can also do popular manga and pilgrimage to the sacred place of the magical war.

What I am looking forward to at Fushimi Inari Taisha is meeting protected cats.

There are cats in places such as shops and mountain peaks on the way.

There was also a friendly child who showed his stomach and was rumbling.

Even though it’s an urban area, it’s a wilderness, and the playground near God seems to be fun.

Speaking of Fushimi Inari Taisha, there are 1,000 torii gates, but now there are more than 10,000, and it seems that the number is still increasing.

In recent years, it has become popular as a tourist destination among foreign tourists, and according to the “Japanese tourist spots popular with foreigners” survey by TripAdvisor, it is said that it has been ranked first for six consecutive years until 2019. A very Japanese landscape with red torii gates spreads very close to the station, there is no admission fee and there is no closing time, and it is highly evaluated because it is possible for Westerners to walk around Mt. Inari. Most days on weekdays. There are more foreign tourists than Japanese, and more foreigners climb Mt. Inari even after sunset. The area around the main shrine is lit up, and the streetlights are lit all night except for the side roads on the approach to Mt. Inari, so it seems that you can worship at night. However, wild boars appear.

When the Kumano pilgrimage became popular in the latter half of the Heian period, it was popular for Kyoto officials and people to stop by Fushimi Inari during the pilgrimage and get a branch of a cedar tree associated with auspiciousness and attach it to their body. (“Sir Tamafusa” etc.). In “Heiji Monogatari”, Taira no Kiyomori also says “First come to Inari no Mori, fold the branches of each cedar, and put them on the sleeves of the armor (omitted)” to guard Rokuhara. Mitsutoshi Fujiwara’s song remains, saying, “Since everyone picks up the branches of the cedar tree at the beginning of the day, the cedars of Mt. Inari have completely lost their leaves.”

Mt. Inari, which is a sacred mountain, is located at the southernmost tip of the 36 peaks of Higashiyama and has an altitude of 233m. There are three peaks (Ichinomine, Ninomine, Sannomine) in a row, but once it was an old burial mound, a circular burial mound was confirmed in each. Two gods and two beast mirrors have been excavated from Mt. Sannomine. These mountains “Oyama” are called “Shimonozuka”, “Nakanozuka”, and “Uenozuka” in the Middle Ages, and people are everywhere on the approach to the mountains beyond the Okusha Hohaisho. A myriad of small shrines (the number of which is said to be 10,000 or more) enshrined with god names such as “White Fox Omikami” and “White Dragon Omikami” on the stone monument are dedicated. It is called “Otsuka faith”.

Some worshipers kneel in front of “Otsuka” and chanting “Heart Sutra” and “Inari Shingyō”, and the belief before the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan (Shinbutsu). You can see that (see Practice) is still maintained. There is a stone called “Omokaru Stone” in the back of the Okusha Hohaisho, and it is said that if the weight is lighter than expected, the wish will come true, and if it is heavy, the wish will not come true. increase.

When I was a student, I wasn’t happy with it and tried to force it down, so I haven’t done N since then. I think my wish was too big.

The practice of dedicating a torii is said to have started in the Edo period.

Before it was burned down by the Onin War, there was a shrine in the mountains of Mt. Inari, but it was not rebuilt and now remains as a sacred place.

The messenger of “Inari Okami” is said to be a fox, but not the fox in Noyama, but the genus is invisible to us as well as Okami. Therefore, I admire the white (transparent) fox = “Byakko-san”.
“Inari Okami” is not a fox.

Inari’s precincts are dominated by Mt. Inari, which is located in the southernmost part of the so-called “Higashiyama 36 Mine” in Kyoto. The precincts are about 260,000 tsubo (about 870,000 square meters) including the western foot of the area. By the way, Koshien Stadium is said to be 39,600 square meters, which is about 22 times the area. It takes two hours, doesn’t it?

By the way, there is Toyotama Inari Shrine near the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store.

Please come and visit us when you are near us.

See you soon










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



棟方志功作品を大満喫した日でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

































































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The holidays I was looking forward to are over. Those who are likely to have a gray mentality when the holidays are over and imagine the daily life from tomorrow, those who have already started work or school, or those who happen to be busy with work during the holidays, from now on For those who can finally take a day off, this weekend is a sad and happy weekend. Only the weather is good …

Gray mentals, including myself, let’s find the next goal to overcome this as soon as possible, and do our best to return to our daily lives.


By the way, I reported on the scenery of the sunset in the dispersed village of Toyama Prefecture the other day, but in fact, I visited another place, which is being held at the Fukumitsu Museum of Art in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture.

I went to the “Story of Shiko and Toshihiko” exhibition.


Munakata Shiko himself is from Aomori, but when asked why Shiko has a connection with this Fukumitsu, Shiko has lived in Fukumitsu-cho with his family for about seven years, and during that time he has lived here. He loves nature and people, and has left many works.


After returning to Tokyo after this era, he won the Grand Prix at an international art exhibition, and eventually became active enough to be called “Munakata of the World”, but many works produced during the Fukumitsu era are outside Toyama Prefecture. It seems that it has not been introduced so far, and in this museum, in addition to the famous woodblock prints (hanga: prints), there are many paintings (yamatoga: hand-painted paintings), oil paintings, books, letters, etc. We have the works of.


Shiko was fond of “Fukumitsu is my second hometown” until his later years, but it was Toshihiko Ishizaki who quietly supported the life of the builder at that time. He was like Toshihiko, who is often thought of as a “difficult person,” but how did he and Shiko form a relationship of trust and become a lifelong friend? Along with the true face of Toshihiko, who established the residence “Koiame Gakusai” where Shiko once lived as the Munakata Shiko Memorial Hall Aizenen, many works left by Shiko in Toyama will be exhibited at this exhibition. We are here. I gave up on the Aizen-en because of the sunset time in the dispersed village, but let’s leave this as the next task.


Well, let’s go in.

This was the first time for me to enter this museum, and I entered it from the permanent exhibition without knowing it. Even so, the permanent exhibition is excellent. It is a luxurious space where you can slowly and luxuriously appreciate the works of Mr. Shiko Munakata in the chic hall.


When I was thinking about which one to introduce, first of all, in front of the space, there was “Ten Bodhisattva Buddha Disciples”. There are many works, so let’s enjoy them together today. Thankfully, recently, there are many museums where it’s okay to take pictures, so I took pictures here as well.



“Ten Bodhisattva Disciples” 1939 (Showa 14) / Board painting (deposited at Nanto City Fukumitsu Museum)


It was originally produced in 1939 (Showa 14). It is a carved figure of Manjushri, Samantabhadra, and 10 high-ranking brothers of Buddha. It was a work when Munakata Shiko was 36 years old. Later, in 1955, Sao Paulo Biennale International Received the highest award in the print category at an art exhibition. In addition, it is a masterpiece that won the Grand Prix International Print Award at the Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition in 1956 the following year. It’s a famous work, isn’t it?

It is carved on the front and back, but it seems that 10 disciples are carving on 5 boards, and it was during the war at that time. This work was drawn in Tokyo before the war, but why is it here in Toyama?


The station is crowded with people wanting to send their luggage to the countryside in the midst of the turmoil, but since only 5 items can be brought in, art, antiques, and non-necessary items are put off and are absolutely necessary for daily life. It’s just something that isn’t.

I thought that the woodblock prints wouldn’t be overlooked by any means, but I wondered what happened when I thought that even the seeds of rice wouldn’t be easily understood by others. The savior here was Mrs. Chiya, the wife of Mr. Shiko.

Your wife will use her wisdom to splint her long-backed spindle chair and bring it with you. She said that it was just 5 legs, and she managed to reach Toyama by winding 5 pieces around.

It seems to be a Windsor-style chair in England that he cherished at that time, but as a material for packing it, it was supposed to be transported safely, but the wives and children who sent it out after that. It was May 24, 1945 that he headed for Fukumitsu from his home in Yoyogi.

The next day, Tokyo was hit by a large air raid. It seems that not only Itaki but also his wife had a close call, and the only one that miraculously remains is Itaki, who was able to evacuate to Fukumitsu, and these ten major disciples.

Both ends are “calligraphy”, but since the board was burnt, the Manjushri and Samantabhadra were later reprinted and exhibited, and this work later won a world-famous award. It will be a work that is famous for “Munakata of the World”.


Actually, it is a very big and bold work, but at that time it was a state of the family desperate to carry it in the noisy evacuation during the war, the fact that I managed to reach here in Toyama, the world It’s no wonder that it won a prize and caught the eye of the people of the world, and that I’m looking at this work in front of me in this quiet museum space.


Every work has a history that has been surpassed, but while thinking about the various events that this work has survived, the faces of the 10 bodhisattvas now look extremely calm in a quiet space. did not.

I don’t really care about myself, who is gray mentally after the holidays. Let’s smile gently.












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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』




