お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 109




気になります(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.


In the pamphlet that Staff Y brought back when he went to the “Jewelry Exhibition” yesterday, there was an exhibition that I was very interested in and wanted to go to.

That is these two.


“Botero Exhibition” and “Cat Exhibition”. I’ve always been interested in the Botero exhibition since it was held in Tokyo! Even just looking at the pamphlet will make you feel like you are attracted to something, or you will feel a sense of intimacy.


In particular, the work I’m most interested in is “Mona Lisa’s profile,” which is also the cover of the pamphlet. The original painting of the famous Leonardo da Vinci has a mysterious atmosphere, but after all, Botero’s Mona Lisa is drawn very plumply from the head to the body. The idea of ​​catching the Mona Lisa from the side is also very unique, but drawing it plumply increases the kindness at once. In addition to this work, I would like to see the actual work up close.


And “Cat Exhibition”. I’m sure Staff N is also interested in this (laughs) Many of our staff love cats.

I also live with a cat, and cat T (14) and cat A (0 years and 9 months old) heal me every day. “What if my cat talks like a human?” I’m sure Cat T will get angry about his daily sloppy life …


At this “Cat Exhibition”, you can enjoy mainly the works of Utagawa Kuniyoshi, an ukiyo-e artist. In the note of the pamphlet, it was written that it was very cute.

“The inside of the venue is a comfortable environment for the drawn cats. It may feel a little cold to humans, so we recommend that you wear clothes that are easy to adjust.”

So cute…


If you are interested in it, why don’t you go to the memories of summer? Speaking of my summer memories … I will talk about it again next time.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


宝石展にてテンション上げてまいりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








特別展「宝石 地球がうみだすキセキ」行ってまいりましたよ。


約200種類もの多種多様な宝石のラフ(原石)・ルース(磨いた石)や、アルビオン アートをはじめとする世界的な宝飾コレクションのジュエリーが展示されており、原石誕生のしくみ、歴史、性質、多様性、加工技術など、実物を見せながら科学的・文化的な切り口で総合的に「宝石」を紹介するもりだくさんな内容であります。










展示スペースは数ブロック内容ごとにわかれておりまして、まずは「第1章 原石の誕生」。地球内部のどういった環境下で原石が形成されるのか、原石を含むさまざまな岩石の大型標本を4つの産状タイプ(火成岩、熱水脈、ペグマタイト、変成岩)にわけて紹介しております。













次の「第2章 原石から宝石へ」では、原石の採掘からカット(成形や研磨の工程)の加工技術などの紹介。



そして「第3章 宝石の特性と多様性」では、「輝き」「煌めき」「彩り」「強さ」といった宝石の価値基準となる特性を科学的に解説しながら、ラフ(原石)、ルース(磨いた石)をメインに200種を超える宝石を一挙に紹介。キラキラしたいわゆる宝石の展示が増えてまいりますので、女子はここでため息が出てまいります。














優れたセッティングがジュエリーにさらなる付加価値を与えることを示すため、王族や貴族たちの所有物や、パリに本店を構えるハイジュエリー メゾン「ヴァン クリーフ&アーペル」や、兵庫県芦屋市発のジュエリーブランド「ギメル」の芸術的デザインの逸品の数々が紹介されておりましたが、こちらのコーナーは残念ながら撮影禁止。








Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

I wonder if the children have finally entered the summer vacation, and the children in the neighborhood were catching cicadas in the park from early morning. Looking at the big chorus of the cicadas, I think I was caught quite a bit, but I’m curious about the inside of the insect cage.


The other day, this was also a big chorus of cicadas, but it is being held at the Nagoya City Science Museum in Shirakawa Park in the middle of Nagoya.

I went to a special exhibition “Jewelry, the miracle of the earth”.


Approximately 200 types of gemstones, including rough and loose (polished stones) and jewelry from the world-famous jewelry collection, including Albion art, are on display. It is a content that comprehensively introduces “jewelry” from a scientific and cultural perspective while showing the real thing such as diversity and processing technology.


Earlier, it was held in Nagoya after the opening of Tokyo, but a friend of the museum who always invites me said “I definitely want to go!” I would like to thank my friends and I would like everyone to go, so I recommend you to go ahead. Please come and visit us during the summer vacation, regardless of age or gender.




First of all, when it comes to the feeling of the entrance, it’s a science museum, and I think it’s the glue of the exhibition of research and learning during the summer vacation of elementary school students, but that is suddenly overturned.




A huge amethyst dome with a height of about 2.5 m, which was excavated on the lava plateau in Brazil, suddenly dawns. A large amount of amethyst glitters … The scale is completely buggy. This is the highlight of this exhibition.


The exhibition space is divided into several blocks, and the first is “Chapter 1 Birth of rough stones”. Introducing the environment in which rough rocks are formed, by dividing large specimens of various rocks including rough rocks into four types (igneous rocks, lodes, pegmatites, and metamorphic rocks).


For example, the rough stones found in “igneous rocks” formed by the cooling and solidification of magma are diamonds and peridots. Amethyst and rock crystal are the rough stones found in the “lode”, which is the trace of high-temperature hot water that exists deep underground and rises through cracks in the bedrock. The visuals of rough stones are unique, such as tourmaline, which looks like an artificial object, and malachite, which is round and crystallized like hyphae. In addition, the pallasite meteorite containing peridot is also exhibited as an extraterrestrial rough stone.


There were many other kinds of minerals that I didn’t know about, but it seems that there are more than 5,000 kinds of minerals in the world. In fact, it seems that most of them are not well known, and new minerals may be discovered in the future, so it is possible that the types of minerals will increase.


Even so, I was very worried whether these minerals, a mass of about 50 cm square (maybe it was bigger), could convey this sense of scale, but anyway, it was probably a crane or a forklift that brought it in. Hey lol.

Even so, I was suddenly impressed by the blessings of the ancient earth that produced minerals of various shapes and colors, and mineral lovers are utterly disappointed with the size of the scale.


In the next “Chapter 2 From Gemstones to Gemstones”, we will introduce the processing techniques from mining rough stones to cutting (molding and polishing processes).

For example, we exhibited a process sample of a round brilliant cut (58-sided cut) designed as a cut that maximizes the charm of diamonds, and explained in an easy-to-understand manner how the rough stone becomes a beautiful gem. Therefore, real gems will appear from minerals around here.

And in “Chapter 3 Characteristics and Diversity of Gemstones”, while scientifically explaining the characteristics that are the value standards of gemstones such as “brilliance”, “glitter”, “color” and “strength”, rough (raw stone) and loose (raw stone) Introducing more than 200 kinds of gems, mainly polished stones). As the number of glittering so-called jewelry exhibits increases, girls will sigh here.


You can also learn about the characteristics and variety of each gem, from the four major gems of diamond, sapphire, ruby, and emerald to rare stones such as phosphophyllite and biological gems such as pearls and corals. I can do it.


And I enjoyed the “Hashimoto Collection”, which was collected by antique collector Nuki Hashimoto (1924-2018) at auctions all over the world for 15 years. An exhibition of about 200 rings arranged in chronological order. You can trace the history of jewel cutting for about 4000 years, and it is surprising that people have been dressing their hands with rings since 2000 BC. Moreover, the quality was quite good.


And the last “Chapter 4 Jewelery Techniques”. These exhibits are at the height of jewelery, and the focus is on the technique of setting (tailoring) jewels, which is completely deprived of the soul.

To show that excellent settings add more value to jewelry, the property of royalty and aristocrats, the high jewelry maison “Van Cleef & Arpels” with its head office in Paris, and the jewelry brand “Van Cleef & Arpels” from Ashiya City, Hyogo Prefecture A lot of gems of artistic design of “Gimmel” were introduced, but since shooting was prohibited in this corner, I can only convey the excitement of my “It was such a great thing!” It’s a pity, but I would like you to actually visit and experience this, so let’s call it around here.


If you are not impressed this summer, please visit the “Jewelry Exhibition” to be deprived of your soul by stones.


Well then, good luck.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


念願の今年初かき氷(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)








現在は完全予約制で、当日朝9時からネットで予約開始となるのですが、約3秒で予約 【満】で大人気のお店…。諦めきれず、何度もサイトのページを更新していたら16:45~1枠が奇跡的に【空】になり即予約致しました。



























Hello everyone. This is Staff M.


Recently, it has dried up due to the heat, and I have been eating shaved ice for the first time this year in search of cold and cool places! !!


This time I visited a shop specializing in shaved ice in Nakamura Ward, “shizuku”. I was really worried that this shop, actress Mari Natsuki, also posted it on Instagram that it was delicious. Currently, it is a complete reservation system, and reservations will start online from 9 am on the day, but it is a very popular shop with a reservation [full] in about 3 seconds. I couldn’t give up, and if I updated the page of the site many times, the 16: 45-1 slot miraculously became [empty] and I made a reservation immediately.


For the shaved ice in the evening, I ate a light and warm lunch to get my stomach in shape, and the reservation time was getting closer and closer, and I arrived at the shop 5 minutes before, and I was ready. When I entered the store, it was a calm interior, with one large table in the middle, and although it was spaced apart, it was shaped like surrounding the table.


When I looked at the menu, they all looked delicious and I was quite at a loss. The seasonal menu was also attractive, but I was still curious about the menu that I had decided in advance, so my acquaintance decided to have “Matcha Tokinako / Dainagon Azuki added” as “Lemon olive yogurt / Shiratama added”. did.


While I was waiting, I noticed that most of the people except us ordered two pieces of shaved ice for each person! Even though I like ice, my true love for ice is different … And the long-awaited shaved ice has arrived! !! The appearance was already perfect, and the size was so big that I was worried if I could eat it alone.


I can’t forget the impact of the actual meal and the first bite … (laughs) The ice was fluffy, and the moderate acidity of the lemon syrup and the refreshing taste of the yogurt were wonderful. The glossy olive oil on top went very well. The added shiratama was very soft, but with just the right amount of elasticity, I wanted to eat just the shiratama and Dainagon Azuki.


I got some shaved ice from my acquaintance, which is also delicious.This fragrant scent spreads throughout the mouth, and the refreshing matcha is perfect, especially where it is a perfect matcha. And the kinako cream above is also elegantly sweet, so I decided to have this next time (laugh) By the way, my acquaintance used to say that it was a treasure chest, but the reason was that brown sugar walnuts came out from the inside and it was a very luxurious shaved ice.


This time it was a food report, but please forgive me because it is a summer tradition. If you have time, please win the reservation at 9am and go to [shizuku]. 










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN



日本刀登録審査会(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










































Hello everyone. This is Staff N.


I went to buy lunch earlier, but I came back as if my thighs were soaked in water due to heavy rain.

What’s more, my head and shoulders are wet even though I’m holding an umbrella, and it seems that my favorite umbrella has a hole.

Furthermore, when I looked at my hand, thinking that I was worried about the line of sight around me, the crab ball I bought earlier was vertical due to the wind.

I’m drying it with a fan right now, but it’s very cold even though it’s summer.

I usually don’t turn on the fan because it’s cold, but it’s useful in such a place.

If it keeps raining like this, you might buy rain boots.

Please be careful of sudden temperature changes and heavy rain.


Well, I had a valuable experience the other day.


Do you know the sword registration examination committee?


It is prohibited to possess, transfer, or sell Japanese swords without a gun sword registration certificate, and you cannot own or sell Japanese swords found in your parents’ home as they are.

I’m about to have a professional look at these swords and register them, but N, who came with me without knowing anything, was excited.



Dozens of ordinary people in a spacious conference room, and professional grandfathers who are investigating by hitting a sword in the back.

There were dozens of people carrying Japanese swords, and it was a strange atmosphere.

I misunderstood that I would just go to the government office or somewhere and write a piece of paper and submit it.



Because it is an old one, it may be a daily occurrence from the judging committee, such as the one that I could not open in the middle and struggled for several minutes and finally came out, the one that the pod was broken even in the middle of the examination, but N is throbbing. I was watching while watching.

After a few minutes of waiting, it was our turn to go to the desk in the back.

It is said that the 5 cm dimension for registration was different, but since it was appropriate in the past, it seems that such mistakes are common.

The city hall’s older brother went to the next building to look for documents, and was finally able to register by fluttering.

Since it was registered decades ago, I think it would have been difficult to find it from the information stored on paper without information on the Internet.

There is no information again, and if the sword is different, it will be inquired nationwide, so I’m glad that the dimensions are different this time.

While I was judging the sword, there was a distance, and even though I knew that I was a professional, the judge got rid of it every time I turned the sword.

I wondered how many swords there are here, and as the waiting time became longer, I imagined that I wouldn’t know what to do if a strange person came and had a break.

Speaking of swords, ivory and Japanese swords were displayed in front of the TV at my grandfather’s house, and what I thought was a replica was actually the real thing.

I heard that my grandfather died and disposed of it, but I’m wondering where it is and what kind of sword it was.

By the way, the game Touken Ranbu is also popular.

I also saw the musical being broadcast for free, but I thought it was interesting that the good-looking guy, the sword, the cosplay, and the history were fused, and I couldn’t understand that I was addicted to it.

For a moment I wanted to make an antique art boy, but it’s something different to dance with a jar (laughs).

“When I was organizing the warehouse, a Japanese sword came out, but I couldn’t find the registration certificate.” “When I was organizing my parents’ house, an unregistered Japanese sword came out from the back of the closet.” If you have a problem with a Japanese sword without a registration certificate, please feel free to contact us.


See you soon









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN






















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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


三連休最終日…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff M.


How are you spending three consecutive holidays? Today, the last day of the three consecutive holidays, is “Marine Day”, so speaking of the sea …

There is a drama that I started watching recently, and the story is that the main character with autism spectrum disorder who has a genius brain of IQ164 grows up as a new lawyer at a major law firm through various cases.


In the same drama, there are many scenes where CG images and characteristics of marine creatures such as “whales” and “dolphins” are talked about when expressing the mental landscape of the main character. A small inspiration or awareness is one dolphin, a flock of dolphins as they approach the truth little by little, and a whale or orca when they make a big discovery. The beauty and power of CG images are becoming more and more fun every time.


I think you often hear the word “SDGs” these days, but it’s not directly mentioned in this drama, but it’s an effort to protect the environment through marine life such as whales and dolphins. It was a drama that made me think about eliminating inequality between people and countries. And the scene that left a strong impression in the drama was the scene where whaling was taken as an example to talk about the parent-child relationship, but I was full of heart because I felt the depth of love of the mother whale. After all, parents with children are the same for all living humans and whales.


I told you that there are many scenes that make me think, but it is not a negative or sad content, but a wonderful story that depicts prejudice and discrimination but is wrapped in warmth. If you are interested, please take a look at “Woo Young-woo is a genius skin” on Netflix. The delicate expressive power of the starring Park Eun-bin is a highly acclaimed drama! !!


The story is far away from “Marine Day” and it’s about the drama that Staff M is addicted to recently, but if you start work from tomorrow, please do your best. And the one who is working from today is a messenger. The photo is a commemorative photo because the flowers I bought the other day have begun to bloom. 









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


夏を感じる必須アイテム(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today’s Nagoya It is a very steamy weather with rain and stop. I wondered if the humidity was about 100%, and when I checked it, it was 94%. I just regretted that I didn’t look it up.


In Kyoto, it seems that the Yamahoko floats will be patrolling the center of Kyoto at the Gion Festival for the first time in three years.

During the Gion Festival (859-877), when a plague broke out in the capital of Kyoto, a boy in Rakuchu sent a portable shrine of Gion Shrine to Shinsen-en to pray for the elimination of the disaster. It seems that there were times when the twists and turns of the times were interrupted, but the Gion Festival was revived by the spirit of the townspeople each time, and it continues to this day.

If you think about the revival in the history so far, it may be a scene in the long history, and the meaning of wishing for the extinction of the plague of the past also overlaps, and this revival for the first time in 3 years is the enthusiasm and power of the festival. I feel very much.




I also wanted to go there for the first time in a long time.

I used to live in Kyoto a long time ago, but by the way, during the Gion Festival, people often talk about not going to the festival, and when the rainy season is over and the Gion Festival comes, I feel that summer has come. It must be an essential item for the people of Kyoto to feel the summer.




Currently, in the area where I live, there are no festivals like essential items that make me feel summer, and the areas where festivals and events are held are still more enviable and nostalgic.


I went to work this morning after seeing such news, but sometimes I passed by a nearby stadium.


Is it the district qualifying for the summer national high school baseball tournament? The announcement of “Short XX-kun” leaked from the stadium, passing through the loud volume of the cicadas that would be in the trees beside them. I’m sure that the hot summer battles of high school baseball players are unfolding in this stadium. This is definitely a hot summer …

Do you feel summer for high school kids? It was a must-have item, no, I was able to feel a really hot summer by the battle over this summer.

Good luck to all high school kids.


Well then, good luck.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


イケメンに眼福でした笑。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

There are some areas that are very worried due to heavy rainfall caused by the recent linear precipitation zone. Please pay attention to the latest information and spend your time.

By the way, today is the sequel to the Ikuo Hirayama Silk Road Museum in Yatsugatake the other day.

In this museum, the masterpiece of Japanese painter Ikuo Hirayama, “Gandhara Tokizu” (1964), the Great Silk Road Series (2005), etc. are exhibited, and he has been greatly influenced and collected for about 40 years. The collection of antique art from the Silk Road has been exhibited one after another, but this term, the beautiful Buddha statues in the Gandhara region (northern Pakistan) where the Buddha statues were first made, and the Silk Road, from India to China. Buddha statues that were handed down to Southeast Asia, and Japan were exhibited.

When you look at the Buddha statues in each region, the first thing you notice is the genuine handsome Buddha faces of the Buddha statues in the Gandhara region. The hair is also richly wavy, the nose is squishy, ​​and the archaic smile tends to be prone, and it is a Buddha statue that is more like a person.

You can see that it is influenced by Greek sculpture.

That should be it.

In the first place, it was forbidden to express the appearance of Buddha after the death of Buddha, but at the end of the 1st century, Buddha and Bodhisattva statues will be built in the Gandhara region around Peshawar in northwestern Pakistan.

Since the ancient Greeks established the Kingdom of Bactria in the middle of the 3rd century BC, ancient Greece (Helenism culture) has flourished here, and it is a culture of many ethnic groups such as Indians, Persians, and Greeks from the east and west. Perhaps because of the exchange, the Buddha statue is influenced by ancient Greek (Helenism culture) based on Indian culture.

Not only the face, but also the wavy hair is bundled, and when you see that many of them come in clothes with good physique and Greek drapes, how various styles are mixed in this region. It may be that it was, and I wonder if everyone was well integrated with it, and how to incorporate it is exquisite. Even so, fusion creates such a beautiful thing.

The Buddha’s face seems to have changed to various facial expressions through the Silk Road, but this Indian Buddha statue has a slightly plump face and body compared to the Gandhara region, and the meat Maybe because I liked it so much, my face is real.


The Buddha statue was introduced to Japan in 538 AD. Buddhism was introduced from the present Korean Baekje during the Asuka period, and temples such as Horyu-ji were built in Japan, where Buddhist statues began to be produced. As you can see in the statue of Shakyamuni Shakyamuni at Horyuji Temple, the realistic expression of Greek sculpture has disappeared, but you can see Archaic Smile in the textbook.


And this is a 12th century Japanese Amida Nyoraiji statue, but the form is somewhat plump, the shape of the nose is somewhat familiar to Japanese people, and the expression of that Gandara Buddha statue is a face. The structure is a little different … However, I also have a slight smile on it.


Various things are carried by the Silk Road, but even if the structure and appearance of the face has changed somehow, the smile continues forever.

Well, I was associated with my childish appreciation for a while, but it was very interesting to appreciate the Buddha statue and the Buddha face. I couldn’t convey it well, but many scholars have already studied these academic studies, so if you are interested, please explore a little more.


Even so, I’m wondering which Buddha image looks like a real Buddha.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


線状降水帯(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

It rained heavily last night, and many of you may have had an uneasy night. In Nagoya, it rained and stopped, and in the worst case, it was so rainy that I couldn’t see the front. Please be careful if you are driving or are out.


Earlier, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced the forecast information of the linear precipitation zone in the northern and southern parts of Kyushu in a breaking news. From tonight to tomorrow morning on the 16th, the risk of a heavy rain disaster may increase sharply.


Specifically, what is the “linear rain zone”? Heavy rain for several hours in the same place. There are “fast-moving” and “stagnation” rain clouds that look linear. Among them, those that stay in the same place cause torrential rain that leads to a big disaster, and it is said that it is sometimes called a linear precipitation zone. In the linear precipitation zone, cumulonimbus clouds that cause heavy rain are continuously generated and lined up in a line, and the scale is 20 to 50 km wide and 50 to 200 km long, and sometimes heavy rain falls for 3 hours or more at the same place. It may continue, and it will be a heavy rain that I have never experienced.


It seems that there are several types of rain clouds called the linear precipitation zone. (1) Cumulonimbus clouds are first generated due to the convergence of wind and terrain effects, and they move slowly while being swept away by the wind in the sky while causing heavy rain. (2) A new cumulonimbus cloud is generated again at the same place and slowly moves downwind. (3) By repeating the same cycle for several hours, heavy rain continues to fall in a narrow area leeward from the point of occurrence.


Heavy rain from the linear precipitation zone will continue unless either the water vapor supply that causes the cumulonimbus or the factors that cause the updraft are eliminated, or the wind flow over the cumulonimbus is changed. It will be. Recently, it is possible to collect the latest information with apps etc., but it seems difficult to accurately predict the time and place where the linear precipitation zone will occur. It is very important to prepare and prepare for evacuation whenever a linear rain zone occurs … I would also like to check in advance on hazard maps etc. the rivers that may be flooded and the places where there is a risk of sediment disasters. And finally, may no disaster occur.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

犬王(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









室町の京の都、猿楽の一座に生まれた異形の子、犬王。周囲に疎まれ、その顔は瓢箪(ひょうたん)の面で隠されていました。 ある日犬王は、平家の呪いで盲目になった琵琶法師の少年・友魚と出会います。名よりも先に、歌と舞を交わす二人。 友魚は琵琶の弦を弾き、犬王は足を踏み鳴らします。一瞬にして拡がる、二人だけの呼吸、二人だけの世界。 「ここから始まるんだ。俺たちは」 壮絶な運命すら楽しみ、力強い舞で自らの人生を切り拓く犬王。呪いの真相を求め、琵琶を掻き鳴らし異界と共振する友魚。乱世を生き抜くためのバディとなった二人は、お互いの才能を開花させ、唯一無二のエンターテイナーとして人々を熱狂させていきます。頂点を極めた二人を待ち受けるものとは? 歴史に隠された実在の能楽師=ポップスター・犬王と友魚から生まれた、時を超えた友情の物語でございます。





犬王(いぬおう、生年不詳 – 応永20年5月9日(1413年6月7日))は、観阿弥と同時期に活躍した近江猿楽日吉座の大夫でございます。猿楽能の名手として観世座の観阿弥・世阿弥と人気を二分した。阿弥号の「道阿弥」でも知られます。














Hello everyone. This is Staff N.

Recently, on Spotify, I’m addicted to a program in which an entertainer named Manzai makes a 30-minute story with a single shot.

It’s really amazing to have a gein who makes you laugh by all means with just your ears and eyes.

Imagine that if you’re an entertainer, I’m sure this blog will be interesting, but I can’t do it as an amateur, so I’ll write a story that doesn’t have a punch line today.

I bought loquat the other day.

The movie “Inu-Oh” that I saw the next day had a loquat at the right time, so I thought it was something to do with it.


Inuou, a strange child born in the troupe of Sarugaku, the capital of Kyoto in Muromachi. He was estranged from his surroundings, and his face was hidden by a gourd. One day, Inu-Oh meets a boy named Tomoyo, a Biwa Hoshi who was blinded by the curse of the Heike. Two people who exchange songs and dances before their names. The friend fish plays the strings of the pipa, and the Inu-Oh stomps on his foot. A world of only two people, a breath of only two people that expands in an instant. “Starting here. We are.” The dog king who enjoys even a spectacular fate and opens up his own life with a powerful dance. A friend fish who seeks the truth of the curse, strumming the pier and resonating with the other world. As buddies to survive the turbulent world, the two will develop their talents and make people enthusiastic as the one and only entertainer. What awaits the two who have reached the top? It is a story of timeless friendship born from a real Noh performer = pop star Inuou and a friend fish hidden in history.

The voice actors will be Mirai Moriyama and the queen bee vocalist Av.

It is very interesting that Masaaki Yuasa portrayed the real Noh performer Inu-Oh, who fascinated people during the Muromachi period, as a pop star.

There are some amazing and shocking videos, so you may like or dislike them, but since it’s a musical animation, you can enjoy it as if you were watching a PV.

It seems that there were also events such as silent cheering screenings, and there are also events that can be enjoyed in the same way as the townspeople in the movie.

Inuou (Inuou, year of birth unknown-May 9, 20 (June 7, 1413)) is the great husband of Omi Sarugaku Hiyoshiza, who was active at the same time as Kan’ami. As a master of Sarugaku Noh, he divided his popularity with Kan’ami and Zeami in the Kanze theater. He is also known as “Michiami” on the Ami issue.

Although his birth year is unknown, it seems that he is the same generation as Kan’ami or a little younger than Kan’ami from the time of his activity.

He well embodied the artistic style of Omi Sarugaku, which is based on the style of Kabuki, as opposed to Yamato Sarugaku, which mainly imitates, and gained widespread popularity.

He suffered the disappointment of his patron Ashikaga Yoshimitsu at one point, but was later forgiven and received a letter from Yoshimitsu’s legal name “Doyoshi” and changed his Ami name “Inuami” to “Doami”. rice field. Until his last years, Yoshimitsu’s love did not decline, and when Emperor Go-Komatsu went to Kitayama Daiichi in 1408, he served as a spectator.

He also said that he always held a memorial service on the 19th, the anniversary of Kan’ami’s death, when he admired Kan’ami, the pioneer of Sarugaku Noh.

Zeami highly valued Inuou, and stated in “Sarugaku Dangi” that “Inuou did not fall to Nakagami at Kamisanka.” In the 20th century, Mikio Takemoto’s dissertation “Study of Tennyo Mai” proposed the theory that Zeami tried to enhance the dance by incorporating “Tenjo Mai”, which was the specialty of Inuou.


A dolphin swims toward the Heike ship with 1,000 and 2,000 tails, and Munemori, who was surprised by the hordes of dolphins, made the fortune-teller fortune-telling.
“If the dolphins turn back, Genji will be destroyed, and if you pass by as it is, your allies will be in danger.”

Inuou is in the play and the singing scene is powerful and very cool.


In this way, I think it’s good to learn in terms of being able to learn actual events in a musical and enjoyable way.

He also buys classical musical instruments such as loquats.

See you soon


愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』TEL052(734)844410:00-17:00 OPEN





