特別展「宝石 地球がうみだすキセキ」行ってまいりましたよ。
約200種類もの多種多様な宝石のラフ(原石)・ルース(磨いた石)や、アルビオン アートをはじめとする世界的な宝飾コレクションのジュエリーが展示されており、原石誕生のしくみ、歴史、性質、多様性、加工技術など、実物を見せながら科学的・文化的な切り口で総合的に「宝石」を紹介するもりだくさんな内容であります。


展示スペースは数ブロック内容ごとにわかれておりまして、まずは「第1章 原石の誕生」。地球内部のどういった環境下で原石が形成されるのか、原石を含むさまざまな岩石の大型標本を4つの産状タイプ(火成岩、熱水脈、ペグマタイト、変成岩)にわけて紹介しております。

次の「第2章 原石から宝石へ」では、原石の採掘からカット(成形や研磨の工程)の加工技術などの紹介。
そして「第3章 宝石の特性と多様性」では、「輝き」「煌めき」「彩り」「強さ」といった宝石の価値基準となる特性を科学的に解説しながら、ラフ(原石)、ルース(磨いた石)をメインに200種を超える宝石を一挙に紹介。キラキラしたいわゆる宝石の展示が増えてまいりますので、女子はここでため息が出てまいります。


優れたセッティングがジュエリーにさらなる付加価値を与えることを示すため、王族や貴族たちの所有物や、パリに本店を構えるハイジュエリー メゾン「ヴァン クリーフ&アーペル」や、兵庫県芦屋市発のジュエリーブランド「ギメル」の芸術的デザインの逸品の数々が紹介されておりましたが、こちらのコーナーは残念ながら撮影禁止。
Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.
I wonder if the children have finally entered the summer vacation, and the children in the neighborhood were catching cicadas in the park from early morning. Looking at the big chorus of the cicadas, I think I was caught quite a bit, but I’m curious about the inside of the insect cage.
The other day, this was also a big chorus of cicadas, but it is being held at the Nagoya City Science Museum in Shirakawa Park in the middle of Nagoya.
I went to a special exhibition “Jewelry, the miracle of the earth”.
Approximately 200 types of gemstones, including rough and loose (polished stones) and jewelry from the world-famous jewelry collection, including Albion art, are on display. It is a content that comprehensively introduces “jewelry” from a scientific and cultural perspective while showing the real thing such as diversity and processing technology.
Earlier, it was held in Nagoya after the opening of Tokyo, but a friend of the museum who always invites me said “I definitely want to go!” I would like to thank my friends and I would like everyone to go, so I recommend you to go ahead. Please come and visit us during the summer vacation, regardless of age or gender.
First of all, when it comes to the feeling of the entrance, it’s a science museum, and I think it’s the glue of the exhibition of research and learning during the summer vacation of elementary school students, but that is suddenly overturned.
A huge amethyst dome with a height of about 2.5 m, which was excavated on the lava plateau in Brazil, suddenly dawns. A large amount of amethyst glitters … The scale is completely buggy. This is the highlight of this exhibition.
The exhibition space is divided into several blocks, and the first is “Chapter 1 Birth of rough stones”. Introducing the environment in which rough rocks are formed, by dividing large specimens of various rocks including rough rocks into four types (igneous rocks, lodes, pegmatites, and metamorphic rocks).
For example, the rough stones found in “igneous rocks” formed by the cooling and solidification of magma are diamonds and peridots. Amethyst and rock crystal are the rough stones found in the “lode”, which is the trace of high-temperature hot water that exists deep underground and rises through cracks in the bedrock. The visuals of rough stones are unique, such as tourmaline, which looks like an artificial object, and malachite, which is round and crystallized like hyphae. In addition, the pallasite meteorite containing peridot is also exhibited as an extraterrestrial rough stone.
There were many other kinds of minerals that I didn’t know about, but it seems that there are more than 5,000 kinds of minerals in the world. In fact, it seems that most of them are not well known, and new minerals may be discovered in the future, so it is possible that the types of minerals will increase.
Even so, I was very worried whether these minerals, a mass of about 50 cm square (maybe it was bigger), could convey this sense of scale, but anyway, it was probably a crane or a forklift that brought it in. Hey lol.
Even so, I was suddenly impressed by the blessings of the ancient earth that produced minerals of various shapes and colors, and mineral lovers are utterly disappointed with the size of the scale.
In the next “Chapter 2 From Gemstones to Gemstones”, we will introduce the processing techniques from mining rough stones to cutting (molding and polishing processes).
For example, we exhibited a process sample of a round brilliant cut (58-sided cut) designed as a cut that maximizes the charm of diamonds, and explained in an easy-to-understand manner how the rough stone becomes a beautiful gem. Therefore, real gems will appear from minerals around here.
And in “Chapter 3 Characteristics and Diversity of Gemstones”, while scientifically explaining the characteristics that are the value standards of gemstones such as “brilliance”, “glitter”, “color” and “strength”, rough (raw stone) and loose (raw stone) Introducing more than 200 kinds of gems, mainly polished stones). As the number of glittering so-called jewelry exhibits increases, girls will sigh here.
You can also learn about the characteristics and variety of each gem, from the four major gems of diamond, sapphire, ruby, and emerald to rare stones such as phosphophyllite and biological gems such as pearls and corals. I can do it.
And I enjoyed the “Hashimoto Collection”, which was collected by antique collector Nuki Hashimoto (1924-2018) at auctions all over the world for 15 years. An exhibition of about 200 rings arranged in chronological order. You can trace the history of jewel cutting for about 4000 years, and it is surprising that people have been dressing their hands with rings since 2000 BC. Moreover, the quality was quite good.
And the last “Chapter 4 Jewelery Techniques”. These exhibits are at the height of jewelery, and the focus is on the technique of setting (tailoring) jewels, which is completely deprived of the soul.
To show that excellent settings add more value to jewelry, the property of royalty and aristocrats, the high jewelry maison “Van Cleef & Arpels” with its head office in Paris, and the jewelry brand “Van Cleef & Arpels” from Ashiya City, Hyogo Prefecture A lot of gems of artistic design of “Gimmel” were introduced, but since shooting was prohibited in this corner, I can only convey the excitement of my “It was such a great thing!” It’s a pity, but I would like you to actually visit and experience this, so let’s call it around here.
If you are not impressed this summer, please visit the “Jewelry Exhibition” to be deprived of your soul by stones.
Well then, good luck.
愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
10:00-17:00 OPEN