


夏の風物詩・鵜飼(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎












鵜飼は、時の権力者と関りが深いだけでなく多くの文化人にも愛され、1688年に鵜飼を観覧した松尾芭蕉が「おもしろうて やがて悲しき 鵜船かな」と詠んだことは有名であります。



















Hello everyone. I am Staff K. The rain until yesterday has completely stopped, and today in Nagoya, the strong sunlight is shining as if the rainy season is over. Everyone please stay hydrated and take care of your physical condition.

The other day, my family went on a viewing tour of “Cormorant Fishing on the Gifu Nagara River”. I myself have never experienced it, and I was envious. A bird called a cormorant is a wild bird that you often see in the river near my house. I was interested in the appearance of cormorants and had researched them, but when I looked through the pamphlets my family brought home, I discovered things I didn’t know or rediscovered, so I researched cormorants again. rice field.

Cormorant fishing is a fishing method in which cormorant fishermen manipulate cormorants to catch fish, and has a history of over 1,300 years. According to the oldest document, the name of a person who made cormorant fishing called “Ukaibe Mezurame” was recorded in the family register of Kakamigagun, Mino Province (now Gifu Prefecture) in 702. I was surprised that there were people who made a living from cormorant fishing in the Nara period, and that there are records of this. During the Heian period, it was appreciated in the imperial court and in the ponds of court nobles’ residences, and in the Kamakura period, when Minamoto no Yoritomo was defeated in battle, he was helped by cormorants and served sweetfish sushi. increase. It is said that during the Sengoku period, Nobunaga Oda protected cormorant fishing by granting him the status of ‘Usho,’ and used cormorant fishing to entertain Shingen Takeda. Also, Ieyasu Tokugawa and his son Hidetada watched cormorant fishing on the way back from the Summer Siege in Osaka. And from this year, the presentation of ayu sushi to the shogun family began in earnest. Cormorant fishing was not only closely related to the people in power at the time, but it was also loved by many cultural figures. In 1688, Matsuo Basho, who saw cormorant fishing, wrote a poem, “It’s interesting, but he’ll soon be a sad cormorant boat.” Be famous. With the Meiji Restoration, the shogun family lost the protection of cormorant fishing, and it declined. The governor requested the Imperial Household Ministry (currently the Imperial Household Agency) to establish a cormorant fisherman as an official post, and it was approved and became the Imperial Household Agency Shikibushoku cormorant fisherman. If the governor at that time had not made a request at that time, the traditional culture of cormorant fishing might have become obsolete.

By the way, did you know that cormorants include cormorants and cormorants? And which cormorants do you think are used for cormorant fishing on the Nagara River? I thought it was a great cormorant because they fish in the river, but the correct answer was to use a large and strong cormorant. Great cormorants and cormorants look alike, so you can tell them apart at first glance, but if you look closely at their faces, you can see that there are different parts. Here’s how to tell them apart. Please forgive my poor illustration (lol)

When I asked my family about their impressions of watching cormorant fishing, I felt a sense of trust with the cormorant fisher. “I was saying.

Finally, I would like to talk about the bond between cormorants and cormorant fishermen. When I read an interview with a cormorant fisherman who lives and sleeps with the cormorant, he said that the cormorant was his family, partner, and important person. He always cares about the health of the cormorants, takes care of them on a daily basis and teaches them how to catch fish. Without the bond between cormorants and cormorant fishermen, the tradition of cormorant fishing that has been passed down since ancient times cannot be preserved. Someday soon, I would like to come and enjoy this world-famous Japanese summer tradition. See you soon.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN









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