


あまり理解していなかった銀製品の純度とは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

In my previous blog, I wrote about the history of silver production, and this time I would like to talk about the properties of silver and the purity of silver products.


After the Age of Discovery, silver came to be distributed in large quantities all over the world. Since then, silver has been used in various kinds of silver products and has been a part of people’s daily lives.

Today, silver products are often given as gifts to celebrate milestones in people’s lives, such as job-hunting, childbirth, silver wedding, 60th birthday, and retirement. In Europe, it is said that if a baby is fed with a silver spoon, he or she will have a happy life and never have to worry about food for the rest of his or her life.


The silver case on display at Fuhkosha was also presented to Mr. Taizo Ishizaka, a Japanese businessman, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs before World War II. It emits an austere light with a taste.


The purity of silver is expressed as a three-digit number, with 1000 being pure silver and the percentage of silver contained in the alloy.

As a general rule, the purity of silver used in the production of silver products is 925/1000 or higher, but depending on the product, purities such as 950/1000 and 970/1000 may also be used. The higher the purity of silver, the softer and more difficult it is to process, and the more easily it scratches, so other materials such as copper are added as an alloy to maintain a hardness that makes it easy to process into products.

In Japan, silver products are generally called “silver products” if the purity is 925/1000 or higher.

Silver 925” with a silver content of 92.5% is stamped with ‘925,’ ‘SV925,’ ‘S925,’ etc. Copper” is usually used for the 7.5% split in silver 925, but zinc, aluminum, nickel, and cobalt may also be present.

Among 925 silver, only those pieces in which only copper is used as the remaining 7.5% of the alloy are called “sterling silver. Sterling silver originally denoted the purity of British silver coins.

In Japan, according to the standards set by the Jewelry Association of Japan, any metal mixed with metals other than copper cannot be called sterling silver.


Sterling silver is made of only copper as a split metal, giving it a bright white shine close to that of pure silver. Silver 925 may have a slightly yellowish tinge, and if it contains nickel or cobalt, it may have a bluish tinge. Some people have allergic reactions to nickel, so care should be taken when using it as jewelry.

Both sterling silver and 925 silver have a tendency to tarnish. This is because silver reacts with a small amount of sulfur in the air to form silver sulfide. The degree of discoloration depends on how the item is cared for and how often it is used, so care should be taken to wipe off any dirt after use and to be careful about how it is stored.


At the recent Wimbledon Tennis Championships, a gold-plated sterling silver men’s championship cup and a sterling silver “Rosewater Dish” platter as the women’s trophy are handed to the winners after the final. The actual items are kept in a museum, and the winners are given miniature replicas.


I was surprised when I learned that the gold medals in the Olympics were also silver, but I believe that the athletes are not concerned with such trivial matters and are competing with more noble aspirations.


I will see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN








今年もご近所城山八幡宮茅輪くぐり、始まりました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















先ず、茅の輪の前に立って軽く礼。左足からまたいで輪をくぐり、左回りに回って元の位置に戻ります。 次に茅の輪の前で軽く礼をし、 右足からまたいで輪をくぐり、右回りに回って元の位置に戻るそうです。各神社にて多少の違いはあるとは思いますが、後ろの方などがおりますと早くせねば…と、焦りもあってか、毎年のごとくミスっております笑。

















城山八幡宮 大茅輪くぐり
日時:7月15日㈪~17日㈬ 9:30~21:00
交通手段:地下鉄東山線 本山駅、覚王山駅



Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It seems that summer festivals were held in various places during this three-day weekend, including the Gion Festival in Kyoto, and here in Nagoya, the summer festival season has finally started with the fireworks display at the Port of Nagoya!

However, there are always concerns about bad weather during the summer festivals held at this time of the year, as the rainy season has just ended or is about to end.

The summer festival will be held again this year at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine in the neighborhood of Fumikosha Antique Art House.
The “Oochi-wa Kiguri (thatched-rope procession) and Summer Festival” will be held from July 15 (Mon., holiday) to 17 (Wed.), 2024.

Ouchi-no-wa-kuguri, also called “ring-kuguri” or “thatch-ring-kuguri,” is an event to pray for good health, protection from bad luck, and safety in the home by passing through a large thatch-ring set up in the shrine precincts. I am sure that there is a ring at your neighborhood shrine during this season.

This is a summer ritual to pray for good health and longevity, to get rid of all illnesses, to get rid of various troubles, to get rid of pestilence and disease, and to be blessed with good health and longevity by the action of thatch. Every year, Staff Y forgets how to go through the thatched roof and gets nervous, but is it just me?

Let me review it a little,
First, stand in front of the thatched ring and bow lightly. Then, you cross the ring with your left foot, turn to the left, and return to the original position. Next, you stand in front of the thatch ring, bow lightly, step over the right foot through the ring, turn clockwise, and return to the original position. I am sure there are some differences between shrines, but I always make a mistake every year, perhaps because I am in a hurry to get to the back of the line… lol.

I am always in a hurry to get it done, and I miss it every year. I am afraid that I will not be able to receive the prayers for good health, good health, good luck, and long life… I am so greedy that I have to do it all over again, but it is really not a good way to go around the circle every year.

I put such things aside for a moment, and I immediately put up the owner’s “purification ashi” that I went around the ring the other day in the store. A purification ash is a kind of “kanten,” which means to invite good things by changing “ash” to “yoshi,” so I would like to be in this space and do something good. The cool appearance of ASAHI ASHI, which was quickly stretched out, invited good things to happen and also brought a sense of “coolness” by making the gloomy weather a little lighter.

The “Great Kayawa-kuguri” at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine will be crowded with stalls from the evening, so if you have time, please visit the shrine.

I am ready to go through the shrine in style this year, but I will probably be in a hurry, but I will be there after work.

I will probably be in a hurry, but I will be there on my way home from work.

Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine Grand Kayuri (thatched-rope procession)
Date and time: July 15 ㈪~17 ㈬ 9:30~21:00
Address: 2-88 Shiroyamacho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Access:Honyama Station or Kakuouzan Station on the Higashiyama Subway Line
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN








銀製品、涼やかさだけではありませんでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

In the humid summer heat and humidity, the coolness of glass and silver products in the store catches my attention.

Silver products are not only cool but also used in various products as they are expected to have deodorizing and antibacterial effects according to recent studies.

When silver is put in water and an electric current is applied, it is electrolyzed to produce silver ions, which adhere to bacteria and stop the action of enzymes that are necessary for bacteria to maintain life. Therefore, when washing clothes in water containing silver ions, the silver ions penetrate into the fibers, inhibit the growth of bacteria, and enhance the deodorant effect.

It has been used for silver coins, jewelry, and tableware since ancient times. A somewhat frightening story is that arsenic was widely used as a poison in the Middle Ages, and there is a theory that silver tableware, which reacts with sulfur and turns black in response to sulfur, was used as protection against poisoning because the low-purity arsenic of the time contained sulfur.


Silver has a long association with people, but what were its origins? We looked into its history.

The earliest known history of granulated silver is said to date back to around 4000 B.C. in Cappadocia on the Anatolian Peninsula (now in central Turkey).

The oldest silver jewelry was found around 3000 B.C., made of silver at the burial site of the ancient Sumerian city of Ur. During the Middle Ages, silver was used to make important ornaments.

At that time, silver was also produced as natural silver, but it had to be extracted from ore less than natural gold, and since it was technically more difficult to obtain silver of higher purity than gold, silver of higher purity was extremely valuable and was said to be worth 2.5 times as much as gold.

Around 2500 B.C., the ash-blowing method of refining silver was invented, and silver production increased dramatically, making silver less valuable than gold.

In the ash-blowing process, ores containing gold or silver are mixed with lead and heated to produce an alloy. The lead oxidizes and melts to silver oxide, which seeps into the ash, leaving the gold and silver with few impurities on top of the ash.

The earliest silver coins were made in the Kingdom of Lydia around 650 B.C., and were later minted in Greece. Mining required the hard labor of many slaves. There must have been a lot of sacrifices.

From the end of the 15th century, Portugal and Spain began to explore new sea routes, and by the 16th century, the continents and seas of the earth were connected by ships, beginning the unification of the world. About 50 years after Columbus’ Atlantic crossing, silver ore was discovered in the Andes mountains of South America under Spanish rule, and silver was mass-produced and spread throughout the world.

In Japan, the ash-blowing method was introduced in the 1530s, and the production of Japanese silver, mainly from the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine, increased, turning Japan from a silver importer to an exporter.

The mass production of silver in Japan and the Americas is said to have supported the expansion of trade in silver as an international commodity during this period.

At that time, demand for silver was increasing in China, and Chinese silk fabrics and ceramics, which were considered valuable at the time, were exchanged for silver and shipped in large quantities to Europe.


Silver, which became the center of trade during the Age of Discovery, has been transformed into daily necessities and works of art, and is now a part of our daily lives.

In my next entry, I will write about various silver articles.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




髪や肌でも感じる湿気です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













「不快指数」は高温多湿の日本人にとっては、単なる暑さだけではなく、湿気感としての「蒸し暑さ」を程よく表す目安といいましょうか。 気付けばすっかり市民権を得た言葉となりました。実際の数字はどうであれ、堪え難い日本の夏を代表するにふさわしい言葉であることは間違いありませんね。
















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It’s a three-day weekend, but the weather is not so clear. It is supposed to rain in Nagoya this afternoon, so the humidity is increasing and the discomfort level is at its maximum. Compared to the heat like the other day, when I felt as if I was burning myself, it is a little better, but sometimes I feel hotter than during the rainy season.


The “discomfort index” is an index of discomfort caused by hot and humid weather, and is an indicator of the temperature you feel in your body, calculated from the air temperature and humidity. The higher the discomfort index, the higher the temperature you feel.


The specific formula is (and you don’t have to remember it): 0.81 x temperature + 0.01 x humidity x (0.99 x temperature – 14.3) + 46.3.

When the discomfort index exceeds 77, most Japanese people feel uncomfortable.

For example, when the temperature is 38 degrees Celsius and the humidity is 0%, the discomfort index is 77, meaning that if the air is dry and crispy, even a heat wave of 38 degrees Celsius is not uncomfortable. On the other hand, when the humidity is 100%, the discomfort index is 77 when the temperature is 25°C. This means that a bathroom full of steam is uncomfortable when the temperature exceeds 25°C.


The “discomfort index” is not just a measure of heat for the Japanese, who are used to high temperatures and humidity, but also a good measure of humidity, or “hot and humid”. The term has become a household word. Regardless of the actual number, there is no doubt that it is an appropriate word to represent the unbearable Japanese summer.

By the way, compared to “humidity,” which is expressed as an objective numerical value, “humidity” is a strange and even familiar word. Just putting a desiccant, which people in the past called a “moisture stopper,” in a can of dried laver gives me a sense of relief, perhaps a Japanese habit of dealing with humidity for many years.


Also during this time of year, the “laundry index” and “clothing index” in the weather forecast are very useful.

When I looked at weather-related websites out of curiosity, I found a number of unfamiliar indexes, including “throat lozenges,” “ice cream,” and even “stains/rebounding. I was tempted to ask, “Is anything possible? But the essence of the “XX Index” is how to connect weather data, which is an accumulation of numbers, to the ease of living. It seems that it is not “anything goes.


Most of the indexes are derived from the Japan Weather Association’s vast amount of meteorological data, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation, and from original formulas.

The “throat lozenge index,” which indicates how dry one’s throat tends to get, and the “blemish/rebound index,” which promotes measures against sunscreen and other skin damage, are certainly things that, when you see them in your daily life, make you think about adopting them with a little care. Although I feel that we are a little bit dancing around such figures, they certainly seem to have permeated our daily lives.


Here is a piece of trivia. According to the Japan Weather Association, the top three most frequently accessed online weather data are the “laundry index” and the “clothing index,” which are useful every day, and the “starry sky index,” which is a guide to astronomical observation, are on a par with the “laundry index” and the “clothing index.

It may seem impossible in today’s weather, but the higher the starry sky index, the more beautiful the starry sky will be.

For those of you who feel that your daily life is lacking in romance, please take a look at this for reference (laughs).


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




たくましさと美しさを併せ持つ芙蓉の花(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






さて本日は中国製の「古染付 芙蓉手」をご紹介します。



























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

With the Paris Olympics coming up in two weeks, I have had many opportunities to watch the past Olympic games on TV.

Looking back on those days, I can’t help but feel the passage of time. The moment Japan’s men won the silver medal in the 400m relay at the Rio Olympics, I shared my joy with total strangers on the TV in the station. It was nostalgic.


Today, I would like to introduce a Chinese-made “Kozuke (old dyed blue) Fuyote”.

I don’t know much about it, so I did some research on my own.

Ko-zome porcelain was produced in Jingdezhen private kilns mainly in the late Ming Dynasty of China. The shapes and pictures were free and unrestrained, and the beautiful white porcelain, dyed in clear cobalt, was favored by the Japanese, and it is thought that some of the pieces were made to order by Japanese tea masters.

Many of the designs depict wishes for longevity, wealth, prosperity, and offspringhood.

The Dutch East India Company specially ordered and imported hibiscuses from China at the beginning of the 17th century, and their gorgeous indigo color only became popular in Europe. The indigo color of this gorgeous ware became popular in Europe.

Later, during the upheaval that accompanied the change of dynasties from Ming to Qing, exports of Chinese porcelain were curtailed, and instead, Japanese Imari ware produced Fuyo-te porcelain, which was mainly exported to Europe.


The Fuyou-te plate at Fuhkosha is surprisingly thin and light in weight when you pick it up. The faint incision at the mouth edge of the dish allows you to feel the delicacy and lightness of the petals.

The pale indigo-colored underglaze blue gives the dish a gentle atmosphere, but the flowers, birds, and auspicious motifs on the edge of the plate are all painted on the surface, giving it a gorgeous appearance befitting its name “Fuyote.


By the way, what are hibiscuses?

It is said that hibiscus rosebay is also a member of the hibiscus family and is a flowering tree with large flowers of about 10 cm in length from July to October. However, it can be enjoyed for a long time because it keeps producing new flowers one after another.

In ancient China, it frequently appeared in poems and paintings, and was often planted in imperial gardens as a symbol of beauty and elegance.

In Japan, it is also loved as a decorative element in gardens and tea rooms, and has been written about by poets such as Soseki Natsume and Tekkan Yosano. Fuji was also called “Fuyo-bo” (Mt. Fuji) because of its mysterious and beautiful appearance, so the flower must have been familiar to Japanese people.

The “drunken hibiscuses,” a type of hibiscuses that blooms around October, are named “drunken hibiscuses” because their white flowers bloom in the morning and gradually turn pink in the evening, making them look as if they are drunk. It is not easy to spend a whole day looking at them, but I am very interested in them. I would love to see it.

I was not familiar with hibiscuses, but I will try to look for them this summer.

I heard that hibiscuses are used as roadside trees along expressways because they are resistant to the heat of mid-summer, sprout from asphalt or concrete if there is sunlight, and bloom without being affected by exhaust gas. Unlike my own image, it was a very strong flower. I would like to be blessed by them.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




初代帝室技芸員 田崎早雲 (愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




本日は、初代帝室技芸員にも選ばれた 日本画家 田崎早雲 のご紹介です。


日本画家 田崎草雲は1815年に生まれた日本を代表する画家の一人です。











代表作は「蓬菜山図」「富嶽図」です。彼の各作品は国内だけでなく国外でも高い評価を受けています。「絹本着色 蓬莱仙宮図」に描かれた海と蓬莱山。「絹本墨画 富嶽図」の望遠鏡さえ使ったといわれる富士山の見事な風格。「絹本着色 花鳥図 3幅対」からは、喧嘩っ早い彼が小さなものをも愛していた様子が伺われます。



Today, we would like to introduce Soun Tasaki, a Japanese-style painter who was also the first Imperial Household Artist.



Japanese painter Soun Tasaki, born in 1815, is one of Japan’s leading painters.

He was born on October 15, 1815, in the Ashikaga domain residence in Kanda Ogawa-cho, Edo (present-day Tokyo). He began to study painting in earnest under Tani Buncho and Watanabe Kazan, two of the great masters of Japanese painting. In 1853, he became a painter for the Ashikaga clan.

Although highly regarded as a painter, Soun Tasaki was also active as a samurai. He formed a militia called “Seishintai” to maintain public order during the upheavals of the late Edo period and the Meiji Restoration, and protected Ashikaga from the fires of war.


Tazaki Soun is known for his highly realistic works. After the death of Tani Buncho and Watanabe Kazan, his teachers in nanga, Soun’s reputation in the calligraphy and painting circles was low. It is said that although Soun was in awe of Buncho, he did not want to write works that imitated him. He was highly professional and eager to learn herbology for the sake of realism, and while he was a world-famous artist who wrote kite paintings and ukiyoe, he never wavered in his belief in his own art, and it can be said that his “willfulness” as an Edo native made him a great artist.


The works of Soun Tasaki are characterized by their landscape paintings, flower-and-bird paintings, and human figures. In “Baihua Shurozu,” the artist has faithfully depicted the basics, such as a bridge and an emotional temple peeking out from a steep rocky cliff, following the landscape style. The unique strength and delicacy of the painting’s style give the work a distinctive atmosphere and atmosphere.

It is said that Soun Tasaki did not receive high acclaim in his early years, but he gradually gained a high reputation. In 1890, he was selected as a member of the Imperial Household Artists’ Association, the most prestigious honor for an artist, along with Hashimoto Gaho and others.

He also devoted himself to the education of future generations, building the Shiraishi Sambo (White Stone Mountain Studio) on Mount Rendaiji (now Ashikaga Park) and teaching painting to many students in Ashikaga. However, he did not accept those with low aspirations who only wanted to paint, and only allowed those who were good in his eyes to study under him.


He was also the model for Ryotaro Shiba’s novel, “Kenka Soun,” and can be considered a writer who was recognized as he grew older rather than a precocious artist. His pupil was Suiun Komuro, who was a representative of his time and trained junior painters.

His representative works are “Bokkaisan-zu” and “Fugaku-zu. Each of his works has been highly acclaimed not only in Japan but also abroad. The sea and Mount Horai depicted in “Horai Sengu Zu” (Coloring on Silk). The depth of the painting. Fuji, which is said to have even used a telescope in “Fugakuzu (Mt. Fugaku)” (ink painting on silk). The “Coloring on Silk, Flowers and Birds, Pair of Three Pairs” shows how he loved small things as well as quarrelsome ones.

Ashikaga City is also home to the Soun Tasaki Museum of Art, which exhibits the works and belongings of Soun Tasaki, an Ashikaga-born painter of the late Edo period. Located at the southern end of Ashikaga Park, next to the museum is the Shiraishi Yamabo, which Soun used as his painting studio and residence.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




緑、何色あるのか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It has been raining continuously. I wonder if it is not only because of the rain but also because of the heat, and there have been reports in the news of worries about crops such as cherries not growing beautifully, vegetables growing too big, and so on.


The other day, I wondered how the rice was doing…so I took a side trip to the shopping and passed by the Mikanda of “Hinokami Anemi Shrine”.


I was wondering what Ina was like…so I took a shopping detour and walked by the Mikanda of the “Hinokami Anemi Shrine”.

According to the legend, the shrine was founded in 195 AD. This shrine is dedicated to Miyasuhime-no-mikoto, the wife of Yamatotakeru no Mikoto, who used to live here. In fact, the Kusanagi Sword, one of the three sacred weapons, was originally enshrined at this shrine, and after the death of Takemikoto, his wife Miyasumahime no Mikoto moved the Kusanagi Sword from this shrine to Atsuta and enshrined it there, which is said to be the beginning of Atsuta Shrine.

In short, the shrine seems to have existed before Atsuta Shrine was built. Although it is now a subordinate shrine of Atsuta Shrine, it is well known as the guardian deity of Odaka-cho, Midori Ward, Nagoya City, and still retains the appearance of the rich forest it once had.


And sometimes we pass by this “Odaka Saida,” the Mikanda of the Hyokami Ane no Mikami Shrine. The rice harvest is offered to the main shrine of Atsuta Jingu and other shrines for their annual festivals.

I once went to see the Ojinden at Ise Jingu Shrine because I was curious about it, but the location of the Ojinden is not so conspicuously marked, so it is quite difficult for a stranger to find the place.

But once you get there, you will be impressed with the feeling of “There it is! and you feel as if you have discovered an unexplored region. As is the case with both of the Mikanda, I am even more impressed as I bathe in the clear wind blowing through the area, but I guess not many people come to see the Mikanda.


The “Ohtaka Saida” of the Hikami-no-Mikoto Shrine is said to hold a traditional rice planting ceremony on the fourth Sunday of June every year, where people wear matching costumes and perform a rice planting dance to the accompaniment of a rice planting song. It would not be true to say that I am a true Mikanda enthusiast if I have never observed the event, but here is a picture of the rice plants after planting that I passed by yesterday.



It seems to be growing well. The cloudy sky, the forest of the shrine, and the young greens of the growing rice plants are all very attractive. I wondered if the green color, which becomes even more diverse this time of year, would look good even without clear skies… I was taking pictures while feeling the green and the wind.


The green color changes with the seasons, time, and weather throughout the year, but the exuberant green of this time of year is beautiful with its power. I wanted to take some of that enthusiasm and green became the theme color for the day.


Wishing you a bountiful rice harvest this year as well…Have a good day.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




広重の世界に浸ってまいりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

I dropped by the usual art museum again on my way by. It is easy to visit the museum because it is directly connected to the station in this extremely hot summer, but the posters of this museum are always full of power, and I am always drawn into the museum. The theme of this year’s exhibition was Hiroshige Utagawa Hiroshige, an ukiyoe artist of the Edo period, and his “Hiroshige: The Ultimate in Printmaking. I had never seen Ukiyo-e with my own eyes, so there was no way I could miss this opportunity.

However, since it was an impromptu visit, I didn’t have much time to spare, and what was supposed to be a quick peek turned out to be more than a quick one, with nearly 340 works on display. While exhibitions of Katsushika Hokusai, who was active in the same period, are held somewhere every few years, it seems that large-scale and comprehensive exhibitions of Hiroshige’s works are rarely held, so visitors can enjoy the charm of Hiroshige’s works from his early years to his later years, including rare first prints.

It seems that different works will be exhibited in the latter half of the exhibition, so if you have a chance, I would like to take the time to view them again.

I had just watched the TV drama “Hiroshige Buruu” starring Sadawo Abe the other day, and when I heard the name Hiroshige, I couldn’t help but think of Sadawo Abe, but I was able to get rid of it when I saw the first picture of Hiroshige drawn by Toyokuni Utagawa III.

As the title of the drama suggests, Hiroshige’s blue is called “Hiroshige blue,” which refers to a clear and vivid blue. In fact, this blue is a scientifically synthesized pigment that was accidentally discovered by a dyer in Berlin, Germany, who made a mistake in mixing raw materials, and was imported to Japan in 1747. Berlin indigo, named after the place where it was discovered, eventually became known as “Vero indigo.

The people of the Edo period were amazed at this unprecedentedly vivid blue, and ukiyoe paintings by Hiroshige and Hokusai, which were printed with this Bero-Ai, became very popular.

Hokusai’s “Kanagawa Okinamiura,” which is also the design for the new 1,000-yen bill, is said to have been created with this vivid shade of blue to create the power of the waves.

Until then, most of the blues used in Ukiyo-e were derived from plants, which fade rapidly, and mineral pigments, which produce a bright blue color, were too expensive to use in Ukiyo-e for the general public.

The blue of Hiroshige and Hokusai’s Ukiyo-e, called “Japan blue,” astonished the world, but that blue was born in Berlin.


When I visited the exhibition, I was fascinated by the variety of Hiroshige’s blue. From the morning scene in the light of dawn to the depths of dusk, the shades of blue are delicately depicted.

The red and white of the snow on the kimono obi and lanterns were also impressive. From an amateur’s point of view, the compositions were interesting, and one never got tired of looking at the many works. Although the tour was a bit rushed, I was able to fully immerse myself in the scenery of Edo.

Reading glasses (or reading glasses?) are required to enjoy Hiroshige’s lively portraits, which are characteristic of his paintings. reading glasses are necessary to enjoy Hiroshige’s lively portraits, which are characteristic of his paintings. The paintings are very detailed. Even figures who seem to be silent or only in the back are telling a story, which stirs the viewer’s imagination.

Speaking of Hiroshige, only “53 Stages of the Tokaido” came to mind, but he also painted “69 Stages of the Kiso Kaido. This one I was allowed to photograph.

I think it is difficult to convey the beauty of the colors in my photographs.

He also left many works such as flower-and-bird paintings, beautiful women paintings, caricatures, pictures of actors, and picture envelopes. I purchased several postcards.

This picture of a beautiful woman has movement, and don’t you feel the wind blowing through the darkness of the evening?

This fan painting, named “Autumn Flowers on the Moon,” is said to be the only one of its kind in the world. It is very cool with flowers and grasses such as Japanese pampas grass and gynostemma against the full moon.

I left the exhibition feeling regretful that I could not spend more time viewing the works, imagining the extreme heat outside.

See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




帝室技芸員と人間国宝 何が違うの?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






「帝室技芸員(ていしつぎげいいん)」?聞き慣れない言葉、何それ? という方もいらっしゃるかと思います。 かく言う私も、知りませんでした……。



1888年(明治21年)に帝室より「宮内省工芸員」が制定され、1890年(明治23年)にそれに変わる「帝室技芸員」制度が発足されました。最初に任命されたのは高村光雲(彫刻)、石川光明(彫刻)、柴田是真(漆工)、橋本雅邦(画家)、田崎早雲(画家)、森 寛斎(画家)、狩野永悳(画家)、伊達弥助(織物)、狩野夏雄(彫金)等がいました。













とはいえ、単に「人気があるから」というだけで任命されるものではなく、任命されるに不足ない優れた技術を持つ作家が厳選されていたことは、最後に任命が行われた1944年までの55年間に、絵画 45名、彫刻7名、工芸 24名、建築2名、写真1名、計 79名しかいないことを見れば明らかです。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Today, we will learn about “Imperial Household Artists.
A “Teisho Gijin” (Imperial Household Artistician)? What is this unfamiliar term? Some of you may be wondering, “What is it? I didn’t know it either. ……

Even if you say “Imperial Household Artists,” I have no idea what you are talking about: ……. It is not surprising that it is an awarding system that no longer exists today.
The Imperial Household Artists were a system of honoring artists and craftsmen that was administered by the Imperial Household (Imperial Household) from 1890 to 1947.
The purpose of the program was to protect and encourage artists of Japanese arts and crafts who had lost the patronage of the shogunate and clans and were in dire straits, while traditional Japanese culture was in a slump due to the Meiji Restoration. Under this system, Imperial Household Artists were selected for the position of Imperial Household Artists, an honorary position with duties such as producing works of art and crafts for the Imperial Household by imperial order and in consultation with the Director General of the Museums.
The number of museum curators was limited to 25, and they received imperial appointments and pensions. 79 curators were appointed until 1944, when the system was abolished.

As the name “Artist-in-Residence” implies, there were a wide range of artists appointed, including Japanese and Western painters, sculptors, goldsmiths, potters, lacquer workers, swordsmiths, and photographers, and it is said to be the forerunner of the current “Living National Treasure” system.

So what is a “Living National Treasure”?
The term “living national treasure” is a common name for a person who has been certified as an individual holder of an important intangible cultural property. It is not a physical object, but a person who possesses the “technique” that is considered a “cultural asset.
The “intangible cultural properties” are recognized in the performing arts such as gagaku, Noh, bunraku, kabuki, dance, and drama, and in the crafts such as ceramics, dyeing, lacquer, metalwork, and wood and bamboo crafts.

If there are “intangible” arts, there are naturally “tangible” arts as well. If there is an “intangible,” there is naturally a “tangible,” such as paintings, antiques, and architectural structures.
It seems that Japan is the only country that has such a system to protect its own artists, while other countries do not. Am I the only one who feels a bit proud?

It is said that the main purpose of the current Living National Treasures is to “protect traditional culture,” while the Imperial Household Artists were intended to “promote Japanese arts and crafts to foreign countries.
Nevertheless, it is clear from the fact that during the 55 years until 1944, when the last appointment was made, only 79 artists were appointed, including 45 painters, 7 sculptors, 24 craftsmen, 2 architects, and 1 photographer, rather than simply because they were “popular”. This is evident from the fact that there were only 79 artists in total.

Now that you have become a little more interested in the subject, let’s take a look at who are the “Imperial Household Artists” in the next issue of “Who are the Imperial Household Artists? I would like to learn more about the “Imperial Household Artists.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




今年は織姫と彦星、再会なるか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















どんなシチュエーションなのか気になって調べてみますと、彦星様が牛に乗って織姫様に会いに行く説、 彦星様が天の川を渡ることができないときに、無数の鳥が飛んできて天の川の橋になってくれた説が存在するようです。












Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today is Tanabata day.

If I remember correctly, it has been a long time since it has not rained on Tanabata day here in Nagoya. Will Orihime and Hikoboshi be able to meet again this year?


Since the memories of bad weather on Tanabata day have been so ingrained in my mind, I was wondering how often Orihime and Hikoboshi were able to meet again at the same place. The data is a bit old, but it seems that in the 60 years from 1961 to 2020, they met only 18 times based on the weather conditions at 3 pm. That’s a probability of only 30%.


I have come to think that a date with only a 30% chance of success, when there is only one chance a year to begin with, will definitely cool down the couple’s relationship, and I have come to think that there is no prospect for future development. It was a result that I somehow knew, but it seemed that Orihime and Hikoboshi rarely met each other after all.


Also, if we counted cloudy weather as “meeting,” it seemed that there was a 75% chance of a successful date, and even including cloudy weather, there was a 25% chance that even one date a year would end in failure…. Isn’t that a catastrophe waiting to happen?


Oh, no…I cry. I am so sad to hear that. But there is no need to worry. Legend has it that a flock of birds called “Kasasagi” felt sorry for Weaver and Hikoboshi, who could not cross the Milky Way due to rain, so they spread their wings to form a bridge so that they can meet no matter what the weather is like. In short, the two can meet again regardless of the weather. Oh, thank God…


I was wondering how Orihime and Hikoboshi would meet on Tanabata day, including the “magpie theory” I mentioned earlier, when I fantasized about their reunion. I was also curious about the situation.

I was curious about the situation, so I looked it up. There is a theory that Hikoboshi-sama rides on a cow to meet Orihime-sama, and there is a theory that when Hikoboshi-sama could not cross the Milky Way, countless birds flew to her and served as a bridge over the Milky Way. Both of them seem to be possible, and I think the theory that Hikoboshi-sama rides on a cow to meet Orihime-sama is more well known, but it seems that Hikoboshi-sama goes to meet her either by riding on a cow or by crossing the Milky Way.


I am not sure if it is a dangerous river or not, but when I think of Hikoboshi crossing the Milky Way, I want him to cross the Milky Way without being defeated by the catastrophe theory or bad weather…” I hope Hikoboshi will be able to cross the Milky Way, despite all the theories of catastrophes and bad weather…” It was the day of Tanabata.


Have a good day.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN





