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大名行列は想像とはかなり違っておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















なにしろ、藩主が日々の生活で使う生活用品を一切合切江戸に持ち込むため、かなりの荷物だったと想像できます。衣服、什器、囲碁将棋の娯楽道具、鷹狩の道具 などまるで城ごと移動するようだったと言われています。

















Today I am looking at a small Satsuma-yaki incense burner, about 7 cm high, in which I can no longer see the details of the design with my naked eye. A procession of feudal lords is painted all around the side.

To be honest, I could not see it clearly even with my glasses on, so I took a picture of it with my smartphone and enlarged it to take a peek. At first glance, the procession looks peaceful, with kimono pulled up to the waist, without a sense of tension.

I had thought that the Daimyo procession was a world where people paraded in an ostentatious manner, shouting, “Down, down, down,” and if anyone tried to interfere, they would be cut down. I had also learned in school that the procession was conducted to put pressure on the feudal lords’ finances by having them travel back and forth between Edo and their territories every year, so that they would not have the power to oppose the Edo shogunate, and I had always believed this, but now it seems that the view has changed a little.


To begin with, it is said that the “daimyo” (feudal lords) used to visit Kamakura during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and Toyotomi Hideyoshi also called the feudal lords to Osaka Castle and had his wife and children live in his home base, Osaka, to prevent them from betraying the shogunate.

When Ieyasu Tokugawa took over the reign of the shogunate, he personally went to Edo to swear fealty to the feudal lords, but the third shogun, Iemitsu Tokugawa, institutionalized the system as the “daimyo’s visit to the castle. As a result, the daimyo’s finances became strained due to the visit, but this was not the purpose in itself, and the emphasis was on making the feudal lords swear loyalty to the shogunate and confirming the relationship of master and servant.

During the daimyo’s procession, the procession was held at the side of the road so as not to disturb the procession, and it seems that watching the procession was also a pastime for the common people.

I had imagined how difficult it must have been to walk such a long distance in such a large group, but in reality, the procession only showed off its splendor just before entering an inn town, and when passing through mountain paths and villages, the feudal warriors walked freely amongst themselves in comfortable clothing. It is a bit disconcerting.

Also, it is said that “ninzoku” were hired at each inn to carry luggage, and the luggage was relayed to the next inn.

The luggage was quite heavy, as the feudal lords brought all the daily necessities they used in their daily lives to Edo (now Tokyo). It is said that it was like moving the entire castle, including clothes, furniture, tools for playing Go (Japanese chess) and Shogi (Japanese chess), and tools for falconry.

And above all, how did they secure lodging for all of them? Many of the foreign feudal lords were required to go to Edo in April, so were there any double bookings with other clans? In an age without computers and smartphones like today, it seems extremely difficult to plan without making mistakes.

If a traveler was stranded due to flooding of a river or other cause, all subsequent reservations for lodging would be delayed, resulting in a large cancellation fee and other expenses. I can only imagine the hardships faced by the reservation staff.


When the procession finally entered Edo, it would be seen by even more people. In order to make the procession look as luxurious as possible, part-time workers called “watarimonos” were hired on a temporary basis to make the procession look bigger.

The pretentiousness of the procession escalated to such an extent that the cost of the procession became as much as half of the clan’s finances.

This was not what the shogunate wanted, and even the “Laws of the Warrior Clans” stated, “Recently, the number of attendants has become too large. The shogunate also issued an order in the “Laws of the Warrior Clans” that the number of retainers should be reduced to a commensurate number, as it was becoming a burden on the local people who had to cover the cost of the retainers’ services.

However, it seems that the rivalry to show off to other clans did not stop.

However, when one thinks about it, as a result, the roads were improved, commerce in the inn towns flourished, and various cultures had opportunities to interact with each other.

This may have been one of the factors that nurtured Edo’s rich culture. And the fact that there were no more wars is the most important result of all.

By the way, there was a movie starring Yo Oizumi about the journey to Edo. I have an irresistible urge to see it.

See you next time (Staff H)















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN









「真・行・草」(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















It is a warm and sunny day in Nagoya today. The easing of the cold weather is very welcome, but the pollen is forecast to start flying out early…. Isn’t it a little early? It could be later, but….

The sanshouyu (Japanese sand daisy) that is on display in the store has blossomed, probably due to the warmth of the outside air. The name “sanshuyu” sounds peculiar, but it seems to be a Japanese name derived from the Chinese botanical name “sanshuyu” (山茱萸), which is read phonetically. It is also known as “harukogane bana (spring golden flower).

In spring, it produces yellow flowers, and in autumn, we can enjoy its coral-like glossy red berries. The berries are edible, but they are too astringent to eat raw, so they can be enjoyed with jam or fruit wine. It was originally brought to Japan in the Edo period (1603-1867) for medicinal purposes, and was also drunk as a health tonic and to relieve fatigue.


Along with these gorgeous branches, you may also notice the copper vase.

In the tea ceremony, flowers arranged in the tea room play an important role, and the flower vase, the container for the flowers, is indispensable to presenting the flowers.

In the tea ceremony, kodo hanabi vases are considered to be the “true” hanabi vases among the “true,” “action,” and “grass” vases. The “true” type is made of old copper and Chinese celadon, while the “flowing” type is made of glazed porcelain. Gyo” is glazed Japanese ceramics. Kusa” is bamboo, baskets, gourds, and unglazed ceramics. Vases were selected for use in tea ceremonies, hanging scrolls, and in combination with other utensils.

Shin, Gyo, Kusa” is a classification system for tea ceremony and flower arrangement, with ‘Shin’ being the highest grade, followed by Gyo and Kusa. In calligraphy, the same division of rank is used for “kaisho,” “gyosho,” and “sosho,” so this may be more familiar to some people.


Shin, gyō, and sō are the three brush strokes used in calligraphy. Kai-sho is called shin-sho, which means “block style,” and gyosho, which is broken down, and sosho, which is further broken down, meaning three brush strokes. The three strokes are used in tea ceremony, flower arrangement, haikai, gardens, etc., and are also used as a form of expressing the prestige of a Japanese room, especially in architectural styles.


As many of you may know, the Chinese characters were first written in seal script (tensho), then in clerical script (reisho), followed by cursive script (sosho), line script (gyosho), and standard script (kaisho). In fact, the last to be born was the standard style, but when you learn calligraphy, you learn them in the reverse order.

If you know the origin of cursive script, you will understand that cursive script was created in order to write clerical script faster. Therefore, cursive is not a corruption of the standard style. Therefore, there are many characters that are not related to each other in character form.

When I studied cursive in the past, it was quite natural that I thought cursive was like a foreign language.


See you soon. (Staff T)















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN









知っている人は毎年買っている?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















Tomorrow is the 24th day of the year, “Daikan”. It is supposed to be the coldest time of the year, but the cold seems to be easing and we can already hear the footsteps of spring. For students preparing for exams, it may be the warmth that relaxes your shoulders a little.

Do you know that there is a food that brings good luck on the day of “Daikan”? It is… “Daikan no Tamago (Eggs for the Great Cold)”.
What? Eggs? It sounds like “eggs”, but…

However, it is very difficult to find “eggs for the big cold” in supermarkets. This is because even though supermarket eggs have an expiration date on them, it is hard to tell when they were laid.


Daikan tamago” refers to eggs laid on the first day of the coldest day of the year. Nowadays, advances in technology have made it possible to lay eggs all year round in temperature-controlled henhouses, but this was not the case in the past. Chickens are essentially creatures that do not lay eggs in the winter. So in the old days, chickens ate a lot of food before winter, stored nutrients without much water, and stayed still, not laying eggs in the cold season. Therefore, it was rare for them to lay eggs during the cold season.

Therefore, it is said that the eggs born around the time of the “big cold” were packed with nutrients and had higher nutritional value per egg than those born at other times of the year.
Thus, eggs born during the “big cold” period are called “big cold eggs” and are regarded as a good luck charm…. Because they are rich in nutrients, they are believed to bring “good health” and “good health,” and because the yolk of the egg is particularly dark yellow, they are believed to bring “good luck in money.

Eggs are an ingredient that one always has to have in the refrigerator to feel a little uneasy, but the word “fluffy” used for egg dishes has actually been a common expression since the Edo period. It is a common expression for “egg dishes. It is quite interesting that the word is used in such a modern way.

And what a surprise, there was a dish from the Edo period with the exact name “Tamago Fluffy. Fukuroi City in Shizuoka Prefecture is located right in the middle of the Tokaido Highway. A dish called “Tamagofuwafuwa” that has been handed down since the Edo period is said to be a local gourmet dish. It is said to have a unique flavor different from chawanmushi, and to have been served for breakfast at Fukuroi-juku. It is said to have appeared in “Tokaido Chu Hizakurige,” and was also a favorite dish of Isamu Kondo, the director of the Shinsengumi Bureau.

Thanks to this dish, the expression “fluffy” became a major adjective, especially for the texture of egg dishes.

If you are familiar with “Daikan Tamago”, you have probably already purchased it, but if you learned about it through this blog, please try to purchase it next year.

Incidentally, this year’s “Daikan” is on January 20 (Mon.), and the “Daikan period” is the 15 days from Daikan to Setsubun on February 2 (Sun.). There may still be some cold days ahead, but let’s keep ourselves in good shape with lots of nutrition and sleep.

See you soon. (Staff T)














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





本日はふるまい酒をご用意しております。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































It was a very cold morning here in Nagoya this morning.

I always pass by a certain national university on days like this, and I saw students who looked like them heading toward the campus with a nervous look on their faces. I am sure it must have been a tough morning in the cold, but I am a stranger passing by, and I am secretly cheering for them to be able to show the effort they have put in for this day.


Today, we would like to thank you all for your continued support and wish you a Happy New Year by serving sake. We have prepared some sake cups and cups for this occasion.

We have prepared some sake cups and cups for this occasion, and we have also prepared some sake cups and cups for this occasion.

Today’s sake reception is also a style in which guests choose from a variety of sake cups and cups to enjoy their sake. We have chosen gûrinomi for those who only need a little and oinokuchi for those who want to enjoy a little more, but gûrinomi and oinokuchi actually seem to have different characteristics.

We wanted to know more about the definition of “gugunomi” and “oinokuchi” and the differences between them so that we could enjoy sake even more, not only during the New Year’s holiday, so we decided to write a little about them.


First of all, gugunomi and oinokuchi are sake cups used mainly for drinking sake, and it is said that the “name” of gugunomi comes from “gulp” or “gulp and grab it and drink it”. Although it is not known for sure, it is generally too large to drink in one or two gulps. It may be made in a size that allows people to enjoy their drinks in large gulps. They are made of various materials such as ceramic, glass, tin, and wood.


The Chinese character for “ochoko” is “oinokuchi. The word “o-inokuchi” is said to be a transcription of “ちょく (inokuchi). The word “bo-inokuchi” is thought to have originated from “chiitsu,” meaning a small thing, and “nao,” meaning simple and straightforward, and is generally large enough to be consumed in a single gulp.


As explained in the definition of “guchonomi” and “ochoko,” the biggest difference seems to be “size.” There is no specific definition of size, such as “how many centimeters to a guchonomi,” and it seems to be safe to say that a “choko” is one that you can finish drinking in a single gulp, and a “guchonomi” is one that you can drink in a gulp. It seems to be okay. Also, there is a larger container for holding Soba-Soup like “Soba-Inokuchi”, so it seems that size is not the only difference.


Basically, you can enjoy your sake with your favorite design, material, etc., but to enjoy sake even more, how should you use a gurinomi and a choko? For sake that can be consumed in a single sip, we recommend drinking sake cold or ginjo-shu to enjoy the aroma of sake. Since the flavor and aroma of sake changes depending on the temperature, it is better to drink sake in small sips from a cup, so that the sake can be enjoyed at the proper temperature. On the other hand, for those who want to enjoy the flavor that changes with temperature, gugunin are recommended. Junmai sake’s flavor and aroma changes with temperature, so by drinking it in a gugunin, you can enjoy the changes with each sip.


As explained in the definition of “guchomi” and “ochoko,” the biggest difference seems to be “size.” There is no specific definition of size, such as “how many centimeters to a guchomi,” but it seems to be safe to say that a guchomi is one that you can finish drinking in one gulp, and a guchomi is one that you can drink in one gulp. It seems to be okay. Also, there is a larger container for holding Soba-Soup like “Soba-Inokuchi”, so it seems that size is not the only difference.


Basically, you can enjoy your sake with your favorite design, material, etc., but to enjoy sake even more, how should you use a gurinomi and a choko? For sake that can be consumed in a single sip, we recommend drinking sake cold or ginjo-shu to enjoy the aroma of sake. Since the flavor and aroma of sake changes depending on the temperature, it is better to drink sake in small sips from a cup, so that the sake can be enjoyed at the proper temperature. On the other hand, for those who want to enjoy the flavor that changes with temperature, gugunin are recommended. Junmai sake’s flavor and aroma changes with temperature, so by drinking it in a gugunin, you can enjoy the changes with each sip.


The sake cups and cups in the store are made of various materials and from different periods of time, and when you pick up one of the cups and look into the world of these small vessels, you will certainly feel a little happy.


Today, we will be serving sake. We have a variety of sake cups and sake cups, so please come and visit us. We look forward to seeing you at our store.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





日々の暮らしを見直す機会に(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




1995(平成7)年 午前5時46分、兵庫県の淡路島北部沖を震源とするマグニチュード7.3の阪神・淡路大震災の発生から30年を迎えました。犠牲になられた全ての皆様に心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。



















It has been 30 years since the magnitude 7.3 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred off the northern coast of Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture at 5:46 a.m. in 1995 (Heisei 7). We pray from the bottom of our hearts for all those who lost their lives.


The Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake was criticized for the delay in response by the government and administrative agencies, but it was later called “the first year of volunteerism in Japan” because of the active volunteer activities mainly by students. This led to today’s January 17 being designated as “Disaster Prevention and Volunteer Day.

This day is also known as “Omusubi no Hi (Day of Omusubi)” because of the large number of omusubi (rice balls) that were delivered to victims of the earthquake and tsunami by volunteers who helped to prepare and serve the rice in soup kitchens.


For those of us of that generation who watched the city engulfed in flames on TV, it was an unforgettable and shocking event, but the memory seems to be fading as the number of those who were not born at that time gradually increases.

According to an awareness survey conducted among people in their teens to those in their 60s or older, 30 years will soon pass since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that occurred on January 17, 1995,

According to the survey, a total of 80% of respondents “know details” or “know only the name” of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, while 10% “know nothing about it. About 10% of the respondents said they knew nothing at all about the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and 70% of them were either not born at the time of the disaster or were still in their childhood.

Even among those who “know” about the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, 32% do not know that the disaster occurred on January 17. It is hard not to feel the 30 years that have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.


In addition, 63% of all respondents answered that learning about past disasters such as the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake through news on TV and in newspapers “influenced or changed my thoughts and actions on disaster prevention. Specifically, they “started a new disaster prevention stockpile,” “checked the hazard map of the area where they live,” and “reviewed their disaster prevention stockpile.


It may be a good idea to review your home to see if there are any unexpected dangers lurking in your home.
It is often said, “Is there any danger of becoming trapped under furniture or being unable to escape?

One thing I have tried to keep in mind is to wash dishes immediately and put them away, instead of storing them in the sink. If you are evacuated from your home and the water is cut off when you are planning to do it later, you will be left with dirty dishes for days, which will add to your stress. We tend to put things off until later, but we should try to clean up everything immediately.


Although “emergency preparedness” may seem like a special thing, in fact, just being organized can lead to disaster prevention, and there are many ways to improve the safety of your home and prepare for emergencies just by reviewing your daily habits a little bit.

If you have items to get rid of when you clean out your house, please contact us. Maybe it is something of value.


See you soon.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





毎月21日持込鑑定会を開催いたしております。今月は1月21日(火)開催です。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎



今月は1月21日(火)10:00~17:00 開催となっております。














FUKOSHA holds an appraisal session on the 21st  of every month.

This month, it will be held on Tuesday, January 21st, from 10:00 am ~17:00


No prior notice is required, so please drop by at your convenience.

If you have any items at home or at your parents’ house that you wonder how much they are worth, please bring them in for evaluation only. If you have large items that are difficult to bring in, we will be happy to assess them by photo.

We look forward to seeing you at our store.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



万年筆は想像以上に精密に作られておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Thankfully, over the year-end and New Year holidays, we are receiving an increasing number of requests from people who are cleaning out their homes and family homes to evaluate and purchase items.

We try our best to carefully look at the items we purchase, keeping in mind that items that have been cherished by the owner or collected by family members are filled with their own feelings and emotions.


The other day, we visited a lady who had a very nice collection of fountain pens.

We had a great time talking with her about the time when she was active in her business. I would like to thank her for sharing her treasured fountain pens and many other items with us.


I am ashamed to admit that I have almost no knowledge of fountain pens, and although I know Montblanc, when I heard the name Waterman, I thought, “Why water? I was wondering why a fountain pen is made of ink and not of water.

I went back and looked it up, and found that the name was derived from the American Lewis Edson Waterman, the man who developed the basis of the fountain pen. In 1883, he developed the world’s first fountain pen “Regular” that applied capillary action to ensure a stable supply of ink.

Capillary action? Some of you may have heard of this phenomenon, but to explain it simply, when a thin tube is inserted into a container filled with water from above, the water is sucked up into the tube. The narrower the tube, the higher the water is sucked up.

The quill pen often seen in old movies is based on the same principle. The shaft of the quill pen is hollow and sucks up ink, which is then in contact with the paper to write letters. The phenomenon of ink moving into the air between the fibers of the paper is also said to be a capillary phenomenon. It is true that the question arises, “Why doesn’t the ink drip down after being sucked up? The more I look into it, the more I understand the science and physics behind it.

The more we investigate, the more complicated the mechanism becomes, full of knowledge of science and physics. I had fantasized about writing letters elegantly with a quill pen, but it was not as simple as simply dipping it into ink and writing.


However, quill pens did not have space to store the ink they sucked up, and one had to carry an inkwell with them at all times and dip them in ink frequently. As industry and education developed, so did the need for practical pens.

Many developers tried different methods and seemingly ended up with the Waterman. The revolutionary thing about the fountain pen developed by Waterman is that he created a mechanism that allows smooth ink refilling by creating an air passage and an ink passage in a single tube. I watched a video that explains it in detail, but my mind is not up to it and I can’t explain it well. I can only compensate for the fact that it is interesting.

The pathway is now divided into two, and a groove has been made to prevent ink leakage.

The heart-shaped hole in the nib, which I thought was just a cute decoration, seems to have served as an air intake port in the beginning.


In Asia, there are traces of the use of animal hair attached to bamboo or wooden sticks in China about 4,500 years ago, and it is said that the prototype of the modern brush using animal hair was born during the reign of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty. The brush also utilized the capillary phenomenon of sucking up ink into the thin layer of air between the bristles, and the ink contained in abundance could be used to write more characters than a quill pen. Once again, I felt the greatness of the brush.

Even so, I had no idea that fountain pens come in so many different colors, shapes, and forms of ink refilling.

It is said that the nib of a fountain pen grows to match the owner’s “writing habits” as it opens and wears out during use, and that the shading and strength of the pen allows for the writing of letters with a certain flavor.

The famous Soseki Natsume began using fountain pens around 1907, and loved to use the “Onoto” pen made by De La Rue, which left behind many masterpieces.

Since I am easily influenced, I am beginning to think that one day I would like to have a fateful encounter with a fountain pen that suits me.


I will see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





螺鈿が気になります(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































This is an inkstone wall with mother-of-pearl inlay in the store. The period is Ming Dynasty.


Today’s tweet is about the raden.

I remember that when I visited the Shosoin exhibition for the first time five or six years ago, I was able to see the only existing five-stringed biwa in the world, the Raden five-stringed biwa, which is famous in textbooks and a national treasure. It was at the Tokyo National Museum, and I recall that the entire back of the biwa could be seen through the glass case in which it was displayed, and that the crowds were so large that it was like a one-way worship service.

Putting that aside, I was very moved by the fact that the raden inlay scattered on the front, back, and even on the sides of the piece still retained its brilliance and the fineness of the inlay after more than 1,500 years, and I was glad that I could see it in my lifetime even though I was squirming around the glass case. I was so glad to be able to see it in my lifetime while squirming around the glass case… I was caught up in the crowd.


Raden, as you all know, is one of the decorations applied to lacquerware, etc., using beautiful shells such as luminous shells to create a jewel-like beauty. In detail, “螺” refers to spiral shells, and “鈿” refers to decorations using shells and metal. All shells are characterized by their beautiful colors and sparkling appearance.


As you know, raden is a technique of carving shells and inlaying them into the surface or wood of lacquer ware. Raden (sea shell inlay) can be used to create a variety of patterns and designs, and the finished product varies depending on the type of shell used.

This is both an advantage and a difficulty. I often buy shellfish buttons, but since they are natural, none of them have the same radiance, which changes its appearance like a rainbow, and when I buy several of them, I have a bit of trouble trying to get the same radiance as much as possible, although it is a different dimension. I have already been working in Japan since the time of the Shosoin.


Raden has a very long history in Japan, having already been introduced to Japan during the Shosoin period (the period of the Shosoin storehouse). It is said that the first raden was made in Egypt in 3000 B.C. Considering that the first raden was made more than 5,000 years ago, it is amazing how advanced the Egyptian technology was at that time. 5,000 years ago, people cut and inlaid the beautiful shiny parts of shells as they do today, and many splendid decorative objects inlaid with raden were excavated from ruins that are believed to date from the early dynasties. Many splendid raden ornaments have been excavated from ruins that are believed to date back to the early dynasties.


Raden was introduced to Japan during the Nara period (710-794), not from Egypt, but from Tang China. When it was first made, it was often used in combination with amber and tortoiseshell to decorate musical instruments, such as the five-stringed biwa (biwa) with mother-of-pearl inlay in rosewood that was introduced earlier.


In the Heian period (794-1185), the technology of raden (sea shell inlay) developed rapidly and was used in combination with makie (gold-relief lacquerware) to create even more beautiful decorative objects. The technique and sense of style of the National Treasure, a hand box in mother-of-pearl inlay in maki-e lacquer on a single wheeled carriage, make it hard to believe that it was made in the Heian period.


In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), mother-of-pearl inlay became so popular that it was used to decorate saddles on horses’ backs. Raden is often seen in exhibits, and it is easy to wonder if warriors who wanted to be frugal and dignified in their everyday lives also wanted to be fashionable in such places…but when raden is applied, the harness is instantly seen as an ornament rather than a practical item.


In the Edo period (1603-1867), people began to dye shells in their favorite colors, which expanded the range of expression in their work and led to the creation of a variety of works of art. One of the most famous works in mother-of-pearl inlay from that period is the “Yatsuhashi inkstone box in maki-e lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlay” by Ogata Korin, which some people may think looks a little like the Heian-period “Katabashira maki-e handbasket” already known as a specialty of that time. The compatibility of maki-e and raden may have inspired Korin in some way when he saw this work.


I have been on a journey of raden delusion for a while, and I was fascinated by the delicate and varied radens in each piece, which were skillfully arranged here and there. People have been attracted to the beauty of mother-of-pearl inlays, which change their expressions from face to face, for 5,000 years, and it seems as if the brilliance of 5,000 years of history is shining back at us, as if to say, “You are one of those who were fascinated, aren’t you?


So long, and have a good day.















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ご成人おめでとうございます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























The freezing cold weather of the past few days has eased up a bit, and yesterday seemed to be a mild Coming of Age Day.

Congratulations to all the new adults.

I was watching from afar as they headed to the venue in their brightly colored costumes. (Not that it was anything suspicious…)

I was deeply moved when I saw them taking pictures with their parents, even though they are not my own children.


In the district where I live, the elementary school where I graduated is the venue for the ceremony. When I tell my friends from outside of the prefecture about it, they are quite surprised, but I think it is a good opportunity for them to realize how much they have grown up, passing by their old school route, seeing their classmates whom they have not seen in a long time in their old school building.

Every year, children from a music school in the neighborhood play a celebratory violin performance, making it an at-home ceremony.

It is easy to suddenly forget that the age of adulthood is being lowered from 20 to 18 years old with the revision of the Civil Code in 2022. I wondered at the time what would happen to the Coming of Age Ceremony.

Seijin no Hi (Coming of Age Day) is a national holiday of the Japanese people to celebrate new adults, and since 2000, with the introduction of the Happy Monday system, it has been changed to fall on the second Monday in January (the Monday between January 8 and January 14 of that year).


In many areas, coming-of-age ceremonies are held on “Coming-of-Age Day” for those who turn 20 years old. In 2023, the first coming-of-age ceremony held after the lowering of the age of adulthood, most municipalities except for three held ceremonies for 20-year-olds.

The situation is a little more complicated now that only 18-year-olds come of age, while 20-year-olds participate in the ceremony. Therefore, many municipalities changed the name of the ceremony to “Hatachi no Tsudoi” (coming of age gathering) or “Hatachi wo Celebration Kai” (party to celebrate 20 years old).

Many local governments have not changed the age of eligibility for the ceremony from 20, and some areas that had previously targeted 18-year-olds seem to be moving back to targeting 20-year-olds.


Many people have said that making 18-year-olds eligible for the coming-of-age ceremony should be avoided because it may coincide with entrance exams and job hunting.

Personally, too, the concept of becoming an adult = 20 years old is still ingrained in my mind, and it will take time to change my mindset.


Each national holiday has its own defined significance. According to the Law Concerning National Holidays, the significance of Coming of Age Day is to “celebrate and encourage young people who are aware that they have become adults and are trying to live their lives to the fullest.

Coming of age brings with it new rights and responsibilities. I say this with a lot of pride, but when I think back to my own coming-of-age ceremony, Staff H, I don’t think I was aware of such a thing.

It is hard to imagine how many years have passed since then, but I wonder if I am getting closer to the adulthood I had envisioned.

I wonder if I am getting closer to the adulthood I had envisioned.


I will see you next time.
















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ご近所の上野天満宮へ立ち寄ってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























We previously mentioned that there is a “Nagoya San-Dai-Tenjin-Mairi,” a tour of three shrines in Nagoya that are sacred places for prayers for success in school, but for those of you outside of Aichi Prefecture, you must have forgotten.

Let me recap, Nagoya’s three major Tenjin shrines. Ueno Tenmangu Shrine, Sakura Tenmangu Shrine, and Yamada Tenmangu Shrine.

Students in Nagoya often visit these shrines to pray for success in entrance exams.


Today, I happened to pass by one of them, Ueno Tenmangu Shrine, and made a side trip.

Ueno Tenmangu Shrine is located in Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, in a residential area just north of Himeike-dori Street, where Fumikosha Antique Art is located, and past Nittaiji Temple. It is quite close.

The origin of Ueno Tenmangu Shrine dates back to about 1,000 years ago in the mid-Heian period, when the family of Abe no Seimei, the Yin-Yang clan, lived in this area and worshipped the spirit of Sugawara no Michizane, a famous Buddhist priest.


I thought it would be a quiet visit to the shrine after the New Year’s holidays had settled down, but it was full of people. It is no wonder, as today is the last day of a three-day weekend. The common test will soon be held, and the examination day for private high schools in Aichi Prefecture is approaching, so people will probably be there since the weather is so fine.

I saw many people praying for their success, but I also drew a omikuji (oracle). This year, I chose the yellow color for Michizane-kun and made sure to draw a fortune.

However, there are many “Tenjin-mikuji,” a nickname for Michizane, placed here and there in the precincts of the shrine. Every year when I come to the shrine, I wonder when and how they were placed there. I am always amazed at how and when they put them there.



And speaking of Tenmangu Shrine, there is a petting bull. Of course, I pay a visit to greet the New Year, but this time, my main focus is on the petting cows. In fact, I have had a sore spot since the end of the year, so I stroked the cow with a desperation that was completely different from those of the students taking the entrance examination, hoping to be blessed by the blessings of the petting cow.

It is said that stroking a cow makes you smarter or that stroking a bad part of your body will make it better. There are two statues of petting cows at Ueno Tenmangu Shrine, so please try to pet them when you visit. I was told by a neighbor that the enclosed cow has been around for a long time and is said to be very beneficial.


The expressions on the faces of the students who were visiting the shrine for the entrance examinations did not seem so tense, but many of them must have been nervous during the time of entrance examinations for junior high school, high school, and university. I am sure that not only students but also their families are supporting their children and praying for them to take the examinations safely.

Now the real examinations are approaching. To all the students preparing for the examinations, I wish you all the best in demonstrating the results of your efforts to date.


See you soon. (Staff T)














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