ブログ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 15




いかん、寝不足が続いております。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









先日は、BMX(Bicycle Motocross)の決勝、男子バレー、柔道などなど私は色々忙しかったですが、BMXはルールが分からないものの、あのエキサイティングな競技の技にだんだん自分が自転車に乗っているくらい気分だけは自転車に乗っておりました。ですから、空中で自転車ごと数回転なんかしたりして、ちょっと疲れておりました笑。


落ち着いて考えてみると、大の大人が明らかにサイズが小さく、ブレーキなし、ハンドルぐるぐる…。こんな状態でどうやってオリンピック競技になったのか…面白いものだな、と、ふと思うのですが、そんなBMX(Bicycle Motocross)、起源は諸説ありますが、有力とされているのは1960年代後半にアメリカ・カリフォルニア州で始まったというものらしい。オートバイ・モトクロスレースに憧れた子供たちがダート路に作ったジャンプ台や坂を自転車で走って遊んだこととされています。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Recently, I have been watching the live broadcast of the Paris Olympics late at night every day. I can’t help but watch the games and am a little sleep-deprived, but how about you?


The other day, I was busy with BMX (Bicycle Motocross) finals, men’s volleyball, judo, etc. Although I don’t know the rules of BMX, I was riding a bicycle so fast and so excitingly that I felt like I was riding a bicycle myself. So I was a bit tired after doing a few spins on the bike in the air, lol.


I thought about it and wondered how a grown man could have competed in the Olympics on such a bike, which was obviously so small, with no brakes and handlebars going round and round. It is interesting to know how BMX (Bicycle Motocross) became an Olympic sport in such a state… There are various theories about the origin of BMX, but the most popular one seems to be that it started in California, USA, in the late 1960’s. The most popular theory is that it started in California, U.S.A., in the late 1960s. It is said that children who longed for motorcycle motocross racing started riding their bicycles on jumps and hills built on dirt roads.


It is hard to know what kind of things can happen to make a sport become an Olympic sport. As the human race evolves, new sports are being born, which means that there will be many more sports to come.


Just as there are new sports being created and added, there are also sports that will disappear. Nowadays, you may be familiar with baseball and softball, but in fact, the familiar “tug of war” at athletic meets was actually an Olympic event.

Tug of war? Really? I am sure there are not many people who know about tug of war. Tug of war was held from the 1900 Paris Olympics to the 1920 Antwerp Olympics (the 7th Olympics).


Tug of war is a sport that was adapted from the skill of pulling a tug of war, which was once essential for sailors, and it became a popular sport because the period coincided with the start of the modern Olympic Games. However, many of the contestants were not tug-of-war specialists, but rather athletes from other sports, and the sport was later discontinued in order to reduce the overabundance of competition.


Although it is no longer an Olympic sport, I would be interested to see how it will be revived one day, if ever.


I went to bed a little early the other night, but when I closed my eyes, I found myself completely flying through the air on my BMX bicycle…. Oh no, this is a serious illness.


Have a good day.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





想像力を掻き立てられるフラスコです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

I feel heavy after sleeping with the air conditioner on, but I spend every day jumping out of bed because I am anxious about the results of the Olympic games. When I turn on the TV in the morning, I see various dramas unfolding, and every morning I wish I could have been there to cheer them on live.

Today, I would like to introduce a new addition to Fuhkosha, the “flask. They were made in the late Meiji and Taisho periods. The flask has a chunky form with a small spout, and the mouth is slightly distorted, giving it an indescribably cute appearance.


It has a slightly grayish color due to the presence of lead. The words “501g” and “Niken” are engraved on the surface, and they captured my imagination like a riddle-solving game.

First of all, “Niken”. I wondered if it was a unit of some kind, but when I looked it up, I could find no such unit notation, and what I arrived at was that it might be an abbreviation for “second laboratory” when it was used in universities and research institutes.

At this point, I am starting to have some fun. So what is “501g”? This 1g is a real mystery. Is it a number that those who are strong in science and mathematics can come up with?


Having no idea at all, I tried adding water for the time being. However, there was no mark that said “up to here,” so I filled it with water to the point where it did not leak from the spout and weighed it, and it exceeded 1500g. Without any marker, I wondered if I had put gas instead of liquid in the bottle, since it weighed 501g at this capacity.

It’s out of my hands now that it has reached this point. Does anyone have any ideas?


When did flasks, beakers, and other labware originate?

According to my research, around the 15th to 16th century in Western Europe, scientific ideas sprouted and what is called modern science appeared. Research tools evolved along with this development, and today, in addition to flasks and beakers, a variety of analytical and measuring instruments have been created. In Japan, modern science was introduced between the end of the Edo period and the Meiji period (1868-1912), and from the end of the Edo period, the manufacture of glass for chemical use also flourished, which is considered to have begun with the opening of the curtain on the history of modern science.

The flasks that arrived at the Fuhkosha may have contributed to the development of modern science.

Now, giving up on solving the riddle halfway through, what if we were to use this flask as a pretty glassware? I am now trying to imagine what would happen if this flask were used as a pretty glassware.

It could be used as a flower vase, a drinking vessel, or a pitcher. As a sake vessel, it has a very large capacity, so you need to be careful not to drink too much. It is definitely for enjoying with a large number of people!

It may be nice to put aroma oil in it and display it as a diffuser. Transparent glassware has no color statement and can be used for an infinite number of purposes.

After all, in this extremely hot summer, it might be a good idea to display glassware in places where you can see it in order to feel a little cooler.


See you next time.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




意外とひねりのないネーミングでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








































Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

I was woken up by the sound of cicadas in the morning, and I am a little sleep deprived. It’s hot again today…


By the way, I wonder if any of you have noticed…

We have changed our advertisement in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper to a summer version!


The summer version features a goldfish swimming in the cool, pale blue water.

We hope that you will be comforted by the vivid and cool blue goldfish that catch your eyes when you see them on the paper.


Speaking of goldfish, when I was a child, I used to look forward to “goldfish scooping” at festivals. I still vividly recall the thrilling moment when I wondered if I would be able to scoop the goldfish, or the scene of competing to see how many goldfish I could scoop.

Goldfish scooping has long been a popular game as part of Japan’s fair culture. It already existed in the Edo period (1603-1867), and records of the game can be found in ukiyoe (woodblock prints) and nishikie (woodblock prints). It was also a game enjoyed by noble people at that time. You can see that even back then, people were attracted by the uniquely beautiful appearance and movements of goldfish.



An indispensable part of goldfish scooping is a scooping net called “poi.

It is a bit of a strange word, isn’t it? However, this “poi” is the official name.

The word “poi” itself is used to describe an action, such as “littering cigarettes,” and it is also used as an action that means “to throw away with a light heart.

In fact, the origin of the word “poi” is the same: “poi” comes from the word “poit,” which means “to throw away” immediately after a goldfish scoop is torn.

It’s a bit rude, but it’s a name without a twist (laughs).

There is a theory that it was named “poi” because people scoop goldfish, but the National Goldfish Sukui Festival Office says that the origin of the name comes from the theory of “poi-poi” meaning “to throw away with a plop.


When you hear the word “poi,” what comes to mind is a thin piece of paper attached to a plastic frame. Actually, there is another type of “poi!

I had never heard of it before, but did you know that some places use “moi”?

I only have an image of “monaka” as a kind of bean paste or sweets…


In some parts of Hokkaido, this “monaka” is used to scoop goldfish. It seems to be more difficult than paper because it is more soluble in water.

Scooping goldfish with this is a tough task, of course….

Besides, the inside of the aquarium would be covered with melted monaka. Because of this, paper ladders, which do not contaminate the aquarium, gradually became the mainstream.


Goldfish scooping, which until then was limited to catching goldfish or scooping them with a net and not being able to take them home, became a tradition in the late Meiji period (1868-1912).

It was here that the “poi” was born!

The traditional methods of grabbing goldfish and scooping them with a net no longer worked for business because so many goldfish could be scooped. In order to make it more difficult to scoop goldfish, the poi was invented.

Early poi were made of Japanese paper attached to a frame made of wire, and were not disposable.

It was not until the 1950s that plastic “poi” began to appear.


Goldfish scooping has always fascinated people, but I don’t think I am the only one who is on edge as an adult thinking about what to do after catching the fish, while the children are on edge wondering if the poi will tear.


See you later.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




昨日は早々に諦めました・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















不眠状態を続けた世界記録として認められているのは、1964 年にアメリカの男子高校生による264 時間12 分(11 日と12 分)。実験には最初2 人の友人がつきそい、最後の90 時間はスタンフォード大学の睡眠学者が立ち会って行われました。

このときは、実験開始から3 日で記憶力が大幅に低下し、4 ~ 5 日目には極度のイライラ状態に。人に対して疑い深くなったり、白日夢を見たり、記憶障害が現れたり、簡単な計算をすることもできなくなったそうです。



11日間の断眠を達成した後、一体どうなってしまったのか。その後も幻覚に悩まされたのか? 記憶障害の後遺症が残ったのか? はたまた不眠症に陥ったのか?…いえいえ、彼は断眠終了後にたった(?)15時間ほど爆睡した後に自然に覚醒し、精神面でもなんら後遺症を残さなかったのだそう。眠りの質は必ずしも量だけで測れるものではなく、深く眠れば不足した睡眠を補うことができるのは驚きです。









調べていると夜更かし・徹夜はオススメできない! といった内容ばかりでした。しかし今は期間限定の夜更かしですので、仕事に響かないようにオリンピックを楽しみたいと思います。




Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Yesterday’s opening ceremony was wonderful. I was in tears listening to Celine Dion’s “Hymn of Love” at the end of the ceremony.

I am talking as if I saw the Olympics LIVE, but I have decided to give up on the Olympics as soon as possible (lol).

So I was busy checking TV for the Olympics yesterday.

I am now sitting at my computer, feeling a little tired because I was so busy watching the athletes’ heroic performances on TV.


However, if you think about it, I have always been weak at night, and from the beginning there was no way I could stay up late at night. Going back to my distant memories, I don’t think I stayed up all night that many times in my younger days…. I may stay up late, but I can’t stay up. Is there any difference between those who can stay up all night and those who can’t? I don’t feel like it is just habituation and energy….



In fact, how long can a person stay awake?


It is said that animals cannot sustain life if they remain in a state of no sleep at all for a long time.

The recognized world record for the longest period of insomnia is 264 hours and 12 minutes (11 days and 12 minutes), set in 1964 by a high school boy in the United States. He was accompanied by two friends for the first 90 hours, and a Stanford University sleepologist was present for the last 90 hours.

The subjects’ memory deteriorated significantly within three days of the start of the experiment, and by the fourth to fifth day, they became extremely irritable. They became suspicious of others, daydreamed, had memory problems, and were unable to perform simple calculations.

You can see that sleep is very important for the brain to function properly.


What happened to him after he achieved 11 days of abstinence from sleep? Did you continue to suffer from hallucinations afterwards? Did you suffer from memory loss afterwards? Or did he suffer from insomnia? …No, no, he slept only (?) 15 hours after the end of the sleep break. He awoke spontaneously after a 15-hour sleep after the end of his fast sleep, leaving no aftereffects in terms of mental health. It is surprising that the quality of sleep is not necessarily measured by quantity alone, and that a deep sleep can compensate for the lack of sleep.


Since it is inevitable that I will be sleep deprived for some time to come, I looked for tips on how to stay up late or stay up all night without feeling dull the next morning, and found that in order to stay up late or stay up all night without feeling dull, it seems necessary to take small portions of food that does not put a burden on the internal organs.

While a light meal is always a good idea when staying up late, a sugary snack is not. It has been found that the sugar contained in sweet foods provides energy rapidly, but the effect does not last long, and in fact, you may feel more tired than before consuming the food.



Caffeine, which seems to have a positive effect, is also a no-no, as are chocolate, coffee, and energy drinks, all of which are associated with all-nighters, if you want to achieve a less damaging all-nighter.

Although caffeine has a stimulant effect for about an hour, it does not relieve brain fatigue and may overload the internal organs, so it is not recommended.


I found that staying up late or staying up all night is not recommended! I was not sure what to expect. However, since I am staying up late for a limited period of time, I would like to enjoy the Olympics so that it will not affect my work.


See you soon.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




オリンピック開会式は、寝落ち派でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















開会式は慣例にならってギリシャの選手団が先頭の船で入場、難民選手団が続き、フランス語の国名のアルファベット順に各国の選手団が川を航行していきましたが、 バーレーン選手団が通過すると、セーヌ川上に浮かぶサンルイ島の先端に設置された階段に黒いドレスをまとったレディー・ガガさんが現れ、歌って踊りピアノを演奏して会場を盛り上げてているではないか!。なんだかミュージカルをみているようでした。ここまでは、まだ見る気満々。


さらに選手団の入場は続き、その合間合間に華やかな演出が披露されるような演出のようでして、 老舗キャバレー「ムーラン・ルージュ」のフレンチカンカン、フランス発祥のアクロバティック・スポーツ「パルクール」などなどフランスらしい演出。この頃になりますと自分も睡魔に耐えに耐え…。




その後、各国選手団がオステルリッツ橋から6km下流にたどりつくと、式典の舞台はエッフェル塔前のイエナ橋に移された。 オリンピック旗が掲揚され、フランスのマクロン大統領が開会を宣言した。 そして迎えたクライマックスの聖火台点火などなど開会式だったようですが、クライマックスを見届けぬまま朝を迎え、寝不足のままパソコンへむかっております。←いまここ。











Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The Paris Olympics have finally started.

In Japan, the opening ceremony was televised from 2:30 a.m. today. Or did you give up? Or did you give up? I’m curious to know which group Staff T was in.


As you know, the opening ceremony of this year’s Paris Olympics was held outside of the stadium, and the city of Paris and both banks of the Seine were used as the stage for the opening ceremony.


The parade of athletes will take place on the Seine River, and boats will be prepared for the national delegations, each boat equipped with cameras so that television and Internet viewers can see the athletes up close. The parade, which will travel 6 kilometers from east to west along the Seine River, will cross the center of Paris, where the competition will be held for 16 days, and will proceed to Place Trocadéro, where various ceremonies and shows will be held. The opening ceremony and other events, including the “Let’s enjoy this festival together, including the athletes. The opening ceremony was a different culture from that of Japan.


This style reminds me of the water parades and guerrilla live performances of idols that are often held in Dotonbori, Osaka. I personally would like to see this style of performance at least once in my lifetime, because the people on the boat, the people watching on the riverbank, and the people watching on TV all get very excited at the different way of seeing and presenting the event.


The weather for this morning’s opening ceremony was unfortunate, with occasional heavy rain, but the 320,000 or so spectators who filled both banks of the Seine River were excited to see the performance unfold on the water, and the athletes and performers on the boats and the spectators on the riverbank seemed to feel the same way about the scenery and the performance. The athletes and performers on the boat and the spectators on the riverbank seem to be in the same mood. Both sides must be looking at the scenery and the performances with excitement, wondering what is going to happen next.


As is customary, the Greek delegation entered in the lead boat at the opening ceremony, followed by the refugee delegation, and then the athletes from each country sailed down the river in alphabetical order of their country’s name in French. Lady Gaga appeared on the stairs at the tip of Saint-Louis Island on the Seine, singing, dancing, and playing the piano to the delight of the audience. It was like watching a musical. So far, I was still ready to watch.


The entrance of the athletes continued, and in between the entrance, there seemed to be a spectacular performance, including a French-style performance by the long-established cabaret “Moulin Rouge” and the acrobatic sport of “parkour,” which originated in France. By this time, I was also enduring sleep deprivation…


Finally, the Japanese athletes made their 93rd appearance, with Shigekix (breakin’) and Misaki Emura (fencing) serving as flag bearers. I was so satisfied that I fell asleep as if my battery had run out. From this point on, I have no memory.



Later, when the national athletes reached 6 km downstream from the Osterlitz Bridge, the stage for the ceremony was moved to the Jena Bridge in front of the Eiffel Tower. The Olympic flag was hoisted, and French President Macron declared the event open. The climax of the opening ceremony was the lighting of the torch. ←I’m here now.


I am not talking about last night’s “which group”, but I was a complete “sleep deprived” person, lol.

So, I am going to go home today and rewatch the second half that I don’t remember, and I don’t think I will be cheering for the Olympics at this rate this season.



Have a good day.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




いよいよ開幕!見る派?諦める派?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It is finally time for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics this evening. It is midnight in Japan time, but do you want to watch it in real time? Or do you want to give up?


This is the third time for Paris to host the Olympics, and only Paris and London have hosted the Olympics three times. The last time Paris hosted the Olympics was 100 years ago in 1924.

One of the themes of this year’s Olympics is “Bringing Sports to the City,” and many events are scheduled to be held in the city. The highlight of the Olympics is the “Opening Ceremony.

For the first time in the long history of the Paris Olympics, the opening ceremony will be held outside the stadiums. The main venue will be the Seine River, which flows through Paris, and spectators will be able to watch the ceremony from the riverbanks, bridges, and large screens. It seems fashionable to have a parade along the Seine, but how many people will gather? It is estimated that more than 300,000 spectators are expected to gather. I feel like I’m going to run out of acid just imagining it. However, I would like to feel the atmosphere of the event firsthand, since I will not have the opportunity to host the event in my own country while I am still alive.


Some of the events have already started their qualifying rounds, so I wonder if we will soon hear news such as “The first gold medal will be…” or “The first medal from Japan will be…”. Whether or not we win a medal, we will be thrilled by the passionate competition in sports that we usually watch, and we will also be able to see sports that we do not usually watch, including the new events that have been adopted for this year’s Olympics.


What events and athletes do you favor? If you have a favorite, you will be even more excited to watch the games. I have to watch the games and see what they are doing. I am looking forward to the Olympics. I will try my best to stay awake to watch the opening ceremony today. I wonder if I will be able to stay awake…. I think I’m going to be sleep deprived for a while.



See you soon.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




帝室技芸員 初代諏訪蘇山(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




先日から時々ブログにて少しずつ取り上げております 帝室技芸員。


昨年10月に石川県美術館にて行われました「皇居三の丸尚蔵館収蔵品展 皇室と石川」を訪れ、その際、帝室技芸員の作品を一度にたくさん鑑賞できたのですが、訪れた当初は感動し、お腹いっぱいといったところでした。そんなわけで思わず購入した図録を今頃思い出して眺めているのですが、図録を読み返していると「なるほど、そうなんだ。」といった新たな知識と感動したあの時の印象が今頃結びついてき、いろいろ噛み締めているところであります。


本日は、そんな中印象に残っております石川県生まれの帝室技芸員、陶工 初代諏訪蘇山についてご紹介いたします。






「皇居三の丸尚蔵館収蔵品展 皇室と石川」図録より




「皇居三の丸尚蔵館収蔵品展 皇室と石川」図録より



















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Since the other day, I have been writing a little bit about Imperial Household Artists in my blog.

Last October, I visited “The Imperial Household and Ishikawa” at the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art, where I was able to see many works by Imperial Household Artists at one time. I was so impressed that I bought the catalogue and now I am looking at it, and when I read it again, I was impressed by the new knowledge I gained. I am now looking at the catalogue I bought without thinking, and as I read it over again, new knowledge such as “I see, I see,” and the impressions I had at that time come together, and I am now chewing on various things.


Today, I would like to introduce Suwa Suzan I, a potter born in Ishikawa Prefecture and a member of the Imperial Household Artists’ Association, who left a deep impression on me.

First, I would like to introduce two pieces that I saw at the exhibition.


Celadon glazed vase with phoenix cloud design

From the catalogue of the exhibition “The Imperial Household and Ishikawa,” from the collection of the Imperial Palace San-no-Maru Shōzōkan




Celadon glazed incense burner with phoenix cloud design

From the catalogue of “The Imperial Household and Ishikawa: Exhibition of the Collections of the Imperial Household Museum” (Japanese only)


Suwa Suzan I (1851-1922) was a ceramic artist of the Meiji and Taisho periods. He was born in Kanazawa. His name was Yoshitake, and his other names included Kinsuido and Seisai. He initially studied martial arts in the Kaga Clan and served in the military, but later left the service. He studied pottery painting under Noda Tokuji (Saiunro Kyokusan) and began his career as a ceramic painter. After that, he worked at the Kutani Pottery Company and the Ishikawa Prefectural Industrial School before being invited to work at the Nishikozan Pottery in Kyoto.

In 1907, he became independent. He opened a kiln on Gojozaka and studied celadon, white porcelain, and colored porcelain, as well as glazes, such as the method of kiln transformation, and his celadon in particular is known as “Suzan celadon,” a characteristic of his work.


It is truly regrettable that I cannot show you the “Su Shan celadon” well in the picture, but I remember that I was drawn into the clear, glossy, pale blue color and felt as if I were melting away.


Su Shan’s celadon works are characterized by their exquisite molding and decoration as well as their beautiful pale blue color. He reproduced celadon porcelain more closely resembling the ideal by adding color to the clay, and the molding technique using plaster molds is indispensable for his exquisite modeling and decorations. The plaster molding technique is an indispensable technique for the exquisite molding and decoration of celadon porcelain. Plaster molds are excellent as a method to simultaneously achieve modeling and decoration, and it is evident that Sosan made full use of plaster molds from his early period.


In 1917, he was appointed as a member of the Imperial Household Artists for his reputation that “Su Shan’s celadon porcelain was truly close to the celadon porcelain of the Sung dynasty in China.


The production of these works was a process that allowed no room for failure. I still have a strong impression of being absorbed by this pale blue celadon, perhaps because I was able to feel the spirit with which Suyama responded with his best techniques. I still cannot forget the pale blue color of these two works, which makes me want to keep searching for words to describe them.


I will leave you with my best wishes for the future.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


中国では人気のキャラクター?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

I saw many parasols on my way to work this morning. It seems that parasols have become a necessity for everyone these days, from small children to adults, regardless of gender. I saw many different colors and shapes. There are many goods to protect us from the strong sunlight, such as sunglasses, hats, and sun-protective masks, but a parasol that we can simply put on and off is something we can’t do without. It may be a bit cumbersome, but….

A large Chinese flower vase is displayed in the window at the entrance of the Fuhkosha. It is called “Kochi-yaki.


Kochi-yaki was brought to Japan by “Kochi-ship,” a trading ship that came to Japan from this region via the southern route. It is said that the actual production area was in Shouzhou in the southern part of Fujian Province in China in the late Ming Dynasty.

Koji ware is lead-glazed porcelain fired at low temperatures and characterized by vivid colors such as green (blue), yellow, and deep purple and exquisite patterns. Currently in Japan, especially in Kyoto, other vivid colors such as lapis lazuli and asagi are being produced in addition to sansai.

The production of kojiki in Kyoto flourished in the mid-Edo period (1603-1868), when items from the Qing Dynasty in China were brought in by trading ships and became the favorite of Kyoto’s court nobles, Buddhist monks, scholars called “literati” and “bokaku” (writers and artists), and tea masters.

Tea masters used them as incense containers at tea ceremonies, and potters in Kyoto, the center of the tea ceremony, began to make koji-yaki pottery, which later came to be made throughout Japan, including Kutani. Today, koji-yaki is mainly made in Kyoto, where it still retains the unique colors and designs brought from Riku and East Asia, and is considered one of the most representative techniques of Kyoyaki pottery.

Fumikosha’s koji-ware flower vases have designs painted on all four sides. The first thing that caught my eye was the figure of what appeared to be “Cho Hakkai,” or “The Eight Preceptors of Wild Boar.

I wondered if the four paintings were members of the Journey to the West, but I could not find any figures that looked like Sanzang-houshi or Sun Wukong.

Speaking of Cho Hakkai, the TV drama “Journey to the West,” which I watched as a child, left a strong impression of a man with a voracious appetite who was always eating something, which led me to wonder what kind of character he was.

There are various legends about Choha-kai. Originally, he was a heavenly god who managed the Milky Way in the heavenly realm and commanded a large navy. However, he loved to drink and repeatedly did various evil deeds, and was cast down to the lower realms. So far, he is already a “What? He is a god with a “what?” feeling.

In the lower world, he entered the body of a sow and was reincarnated as a half-human, half-pig demon with a drum belly, pointed ears, and a protruding nose. In the Journey to the West, he is supposed to meet Sanzo and Goku and travel with them to Jersey.

Although Choha-kai is not viewed favorably in Japan, his honesty with his desires and his free-spirited, human-like nature are said to be popular in China, even more so than Sun Wukong’s popularity.

Although his name contains the Chinese character for boar, in China boar means pig, and in the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, the Japanese boar is represented by the Chinese pig. In China, the pig is a symbol of “fertility” and is considered a lucky animal not only because it means to have many children, but also because it means “money begets money and makes you wealthy.

Come to think of it, pig-shaped piggy banks used to be a standard item in Japan as well. When taking money out of the piggy bank, I used to smash it and break it, which is a very rough way of taking money out. I wanted to try it once, but they did not buy it. Do they still sell them now?

Well, I’ll see you next time.












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涼しさを感じられる絵柄のお品です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The strong sunlight has been shining on us mercilessly since this morning.

I would like to introduce a cool item to soothe you at least.

This is a chasen tsuzutsu, one of the utensils used in the tea ceremony.

It was made in the Edo period and is decorated with maki-e lacquer of crescent moons and autumn grasses. If you look closely, you can see small grains of silver scattered throughout the small tea whisk barrel, creating a fantastical world inside.


A tea box is a rectangular box about 20cm long used in the tea ceremony and is a portable box that contains a set of utensils for making tea.

The Chasen tsuzumi is a tube that holds the Chasen in order to stabilize it and to prevent other utensils from getting wet. The soft tip of the bamboo whisk fades and fits completely into this narrow tube.

Urasenke’s tea box tea ceremony includes Hana-temae(spring), Unohana-temae (summer), Tsuki-temae (autumn), and Yuki-temae (winter) according to the season. Was Fukosha’s Chasen-temae for Tsuki-temae?


The history of the tea box is long, and it seems that Sen no Rikyu used it for nodate (tea ceremony in the open air) and carried a set of tea utensils with him when he traveled.

In the latter half of the Edo period (1603-1867), the 11th Iemoto of the Urasenke School, Gentzai, is said to have invented the tea box tea ceremony based on the Rikyu-shaped tea box. Unohana-temmae is said to be a simplified version of the Setsugetsuka-temae, which is learned at the beginning of tea box practice, and was slightly modified by the 13th Ennosai to become the current style.

It is said that Ennosai the 13th added some improvements to it and made it into what it is today. It is nice to be able to enjoy it in any place.


By the way, about 30% of all tea whisks sold in Japan are made in Japan. And almost all of them are made in Takayama, Nara. The history of Takayama Chasen goes back to the late Muromachi period. The family inherited the technique of making tea whisks while farming, changed the name of the place from “Takayama” to “Takayama” and has continued to make tea whisks. It is said that there are only 18 families that make Takayama Chasen as their family business.

It is said that the art of making tea whisks has been handed down from one generation to the next. I have a feeling that it requires a great deal of dexterity.

If you want to make thin tea, it is said that “80 to 100 whisks” with a large number of whisks will produce beautiful froth, but the whisk with 80 whisks is recommended because the whisk tips tend to wear out quickly.

For Koicha (thick tea), in which matcha is kneaded with less hot water, “Araho” whisks with less than 50 tips are used in order to produce a firm clay without lumps.

The material and shape of the tea whisk seem to vary depending on the school, with Urasenke and Edo Senke using white bamboo with the tip bent inward, Omotesenke using reddish brown sooty bamboo, and Mushakoji Senke using purple bamboo with a straight tip.


In our busy days, it might be a good idea to make time for a quiet and leisurely tea ceremony.


See you next time.












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お祝いごとを彩ってきた銀製品(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today, I would like to talk about silver cups and bonbonnieres, which are often given as gifts for celebrations and souvenirs.


Silver cups

In Japan, silver cups have been used as traditional tea utensils and gifts for celebratory occasions. Silver is said to ward off evil spirits, and in the Edo period (1603-1867), it was used as a gift for shoguns and feudal lords, and for celebratory occasions such as marriages and births.

In Japan, the word “silver cup” may remind many people of the cup sent by the prime minister to celebrate the 100th birthday of a person who has reached 100 years of age. Initially, the cups were made of wood, but a few years later they were replaced by silver cups with the word “Kotobuki” (longevity) engraved in the center of the cup and the words “Prime Minister” on the reverse side.

For many years, the cup was presented in sterling silver, but since 2016 it has been replaced by a silver plated alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel.


Silver cups were also used in ancient Greece and Rome for ceremonies and celebrations. In medieval Europe, it was used by the nobility at festive banquets, and silver cups were considered a symbol of status, power, and glory. In churches, it was used as a chalice in Christian communion ceremonies, and silversmiths produced silver cups with intricate designs, enhancing their artistic value.



The French word “bonbonniere” has an elegant and lovely sound. Originally, sugar confections called “bonbons” were distributed at celebrations such as births and weddings in Europe, and the containers for these confections were called “bonbonnières. This form was adopted by the imperial family during the Meiji period (1868-1912) and is called a “silver bonbonniere” because it is often made of silver. It became popular from the Taisho period to the Showa period, and was also produced outside the imperial household.

Bonbonnieres first appeared in Japan on February 11, 1889, at the Imperial banquet held in conjunction with the promulgation of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan. After that, bonbonniere were distributed as gifts at court banquets to which foreign guests were invited, and at imperial ceremonies such as births, ceremonial hakama, coming-of-age ceremonies, coronation ceremonies, marriages, coronation ceremonies, and silver wedding ceremonies. They are decorated with Japanese auspicious patterns, the imperial family crest, and designs based on the “goin” seals that each member of the imperial family holds individually. The bowls are often filled with kompeito (kompeito sugar), and these adorable confectionery vessels, which are small enough to fit in the palm of the hand, have been passed down through the generations as items that add color to the Imperial family’s celebrations.

Although the form is Western in style, Japanese bonbonnieres have developed in their own unique way, including design.

Since swordsmiths lost their jobs during the Meiji period (1868-1912) when the Sword Law was abolished, swordsmiths were involved in the production of bonbonnieres in order to support their craftsmen and maintain the advanced skills that had been passed down from generation to generation. Many bonbonnieres were designed to resemble traditional Japanese objects such as helmets and wafune shapes, and were praised in foreign countries as metal crafts, serving as a medium for communicating traditional Japanese culture.


Silver products include tableware, cutlery, jewelry, tea ceremony utensils, sake cups, Buddhist ritual utensils, etc. In some cases, the appraisal value is higher than the price of the silver itself due to its value as art or antique. In addition to the purity and weight of the silver, the condition of preservation, fame of the creator, and rarity of the design may also add value.

Please contact us if you have any silver items at home whose value is difficult to be determined.


See you next time.












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