ご成人おめでとうございます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
The freezing cold weather of the past few days has eased up a bit, and yesterday seemed to be a mild Coming of Age Day.
Congratulations to all the new adults.
I was watching from afar as they headed to the venue in their brightly colored costumes. (Not that it was anything suspicious…)
I was deeply moved when I saw them taking pictures with their parents, even though they are not my own children.
In the district where I live, the elementary school where I graduated is the venue for the ceremony. When I tell my friends from outside of the prefecture about it, they are quite surprised, but I think it is a good opportunity for them to realize how much they have grown up, passing by their old school route, seeing their classmates whom they have not seen in a long time in their old school building.
Every year, children from a music school in the neighborhood play a celebratory violin performance, making it an at-home ceremony.
It is easy to suddenly forget that the age of adulthood is being lowered from 20 to 18 years old with the revision of the Civil Code in 2022. I wondered at the time what would happen to the Coming of Age Ceremony.
Seijin no Hi (Coming of Age Day) is a national holiday of the Japanese people to celebrate new adults, and since 2000, with the introduction of the Happy Monday system, it has been changed to fall on the second Monday in January (the Monday between January 8 and January 14 of that year).
In many areas, coming-of-age ceremonies are held on “Coming-of-Age Day” for those who turn 20 years old. In 2023, the first coming-of-age ceremony held after the lowering of the age of adulthood, most municipalities except for three held ceremonies for 20-year-olds.
The situation is a little more complicated now that only 18-year-olds come of age, while 20-year-olds participate in the ceremony. Therefore, many municipalities changed the name of the ceremony to “Hatachi no Tsudoi” (coming of age gathering) or “Hatachi wo Celebration Kai” (party to celebrate 20 years old).
Many local governments have not changed the age of eligibility for the ceremony from 20, and some areas that had previously targeted 18-year-olds seem to be moving back to targeting 20-year-olds.
Many people have said that making 18-year-olds eligible for the coming-of-age ceremony should be avoided because it may coincide with entrance exams and job hunting.
Personally, too, the concept of becoming an adult = 20 years old is still ingrained in my mind, and it will take time to change my mindset.
Each national holiday has its own defined significance. According to the Law Concerning National Holidays, the significance of Coming of Age Day is to “celebrate and encourage young people who are aware that they have become adults and are trying to live their lives to the fullest.
Coming of age brings with it new rights and responsibilities. I say this with a lot of pride, but when I think back to my own coming-of-age ceremony, Staff H, I don’t think I was aware of such a thing.
It is hard to imagine how many years have passed since then, but I wonder if I am getting closer to the adulthood I had envisioned.
I wonder if I am getting closer to the adulthood I had envisioned.
I will see you next time.
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