熱田神宮の大楠に住むといわれる蛇(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




熱田神宮の大楠に住むといわれる蛇(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Yesterday, I paid a belated visit to Atsuta Jingu Shrine for the first time. Although I have been to the shrine many times, I had no idea that snakes have been living in the camphor tree next to the hand-watering basin for a long time, and I looked at the camphor tree again with great interest. There is no explanation about the snake on the camphor tree, but a sign says, “This camphor tree is said to have been planted by Kobo Daishi and is said to be over 1,000 years old,” which made me feel grateful.

I was not sure if snakes still live in the tree, but it is said that it is good luck to encounter one, as eggs were once placed as an offering. A shrine was also placed at the top of the sacred tree.


Atsuta Jingu Shrine enshrines the Sword of Kusanagi, one of the three sacred weapons. The sword is said to have many legends about snakes, so why don’t you join hands with the camphor tree where snakes are said to live in this year of the Snake?


Today, January 11, is Kagamibiraki. Kagamimochi is the place for the New Year’s god who was welcomed on New Year’s Day, and it is believed to be a yorishiro, a place where the god’s spirit resides.

I remember learning about this from my parents, but why do we have Kagamibiraki? As usual, I had been receiving rice cakes without giving it much thought, so I did a little research.


In ancient Japan, there is a belief that a person’s soul is renewed on the first day of the year, and by opening and eating the Kagamimochi, in which the New Year’s god resides, the person intends to take its power into his or her body. The reason why the word “Kagami” is used is because mirrors are enshrined in shrines such as the Ise Jingu Shrine as one of the three sacred treasures. Mirrors are used in Shinto rituals as a boundary between this world and the next, and are also enshrined as the sacred object of Amaterasu, the sun god in mythology. In ancient times, mirrors were bronze and round in shape.

According to one theory, the rice cake represents the Yatagami, the orange the Yasakani no Magatama, and the persimmon the Kusanagi no Tsurugi (sword of Kusanagi), and the decorations of the Kagamimochi represent the three sacred objects.


Kagamimochi already existed in the Heian period (794-1185), and is mentioned in “The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari),” and some say that the two-layered decoration represents yin and yang, the moon and the sun, and is based on Chinese yin-yang philosophy that all things are composed of the interaction of yin and yang.

I also found another interesting story.


Kagamimochi contains “Toshidama,” the spirit of the New Year’s god, and at Kagamibiraki, the family head of the family shares the Toshidama with his family, hoping that the family will spend the year safely by eating it.

As you may have already noticed, this “Toshikama” is said to be the origin of the “New Year’s gift” given out at New Year’s. Originally, Kagamimochi (mirror-shaped rice cakes) were given to the family. Originally, Kagamimochi (mirror-shaped rice cakes) were given as New Year’s gifts, but around the Edo period (1603-1867), they were replaced by money.

By the way, Kagamimochi must not be cut with a knife, but must be broken with a mallet or something. It sounds quite difficult, doesn’t it?


Usually, after watching the Kohaku Uta Gassen, I would visit the nearby Tenmangu Shrine while listening to the bell tolling the New Year’s bell (you don’t hear it very often these days). I used to feel real pleasure in visiting the shrine while being pushed by the crowds, but now it is hard to watch Kohaku all the way through, and I immediately fall asleep with a sense of accomplishment after watching the show.

I was so optimistic that I would be able to visit the shrine by the 15th to avoid the crowds, that I decided to pay my first visit to the shrine yesterday.

I hesitated to go out because it was snowing in the morning, but I decided it was time to go to Atsuta Jingu Shrine. It is always a refreshing place to visit, but after the snow, the air was even clearer and I felt more relaxed.


See you next time.















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