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ご近所でなにやらあるようですが・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Thanks to the rain that fell in the morning, Nagoya is cooler than it has been in a while. The first thing I said when I opened the window in the morning was “It’s cool! I was so happy to hear that.

The consecutive hot days in Nagoya finally stopped after 25 days. It was a long time… It is truly a blessing.

It would be great if the season would continue to progress toward autumn…. These days, just the right season is too short, as if there is only winter and summer.



Now, after taking a summer vacation, I came to work at Fumikosha for the first time in a while, and found something noisy around Shiroyama Hachiman-gu Shrine.

On the way up to Shiroyama Hachiman-gu Shrine, there is an old church-like or monastery-like structure that suddenly rises above the cliff, and around that area, trucks and heavy machinery are moving in, creating a big scene.

This building has been used in the past for the filming of the hospital scene in “Father of the Galactic Railroad,” so I was curious to know if they were filming something this time as well. I was tickled to see it again.



The building is not a shrine, a temple, or a gothic building, but a building with an unusual style centering on a pagoda. It is called “Kyu Showa Juku-do,” and although it is located very close to Hirokoji-dori, it is almost invisible from Hirokoji because it is blocked by trees and buildings. The building was built in the early Showa period (early 20th century) and stands out for its retro atmosphere and octagonal tower. It is now off-limits and can only be viewed from the outside.




The “Old Showa Juku-do” was built in 1929 by Aichi Prefecture to contribute to social education for young people, with architect Kisho Kurokawa’s father, Miki Kurokawa, participating in the design.

In 1943, the building was seized by the former Japanese Army and used as the headquarters of the Army’s Tokai Army during the war. After the war, the building was used as the Nagoya University School of Medicine’s basic medical school, the Aichi Prefectural Institute of Education and Culture, and the Chikusa Ward Office temporary government building, before being used as the research building of the Aichi-Gakuin University Graduate School of Dentistry.

Currently, the building is managed by Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, which was disposed of by Aichi Prefecture in 1967.




In the past, demolition of the building has been considered, but so far there are no concrete plans for its demolition. However, it will soon be 100 years old. Nowadays, old townscapes are decreasing rapidly, and I would like to see such buildings preserved for the sake of Japanese movies, if not in the near future, but it is not that simple.


Now, who in the world is coming to film here? I want to see it at a glance even if I have to crawl to see it! Is it that person you would like to see at first hand? I’m assuming that they are filming, but when I imagine it, I get a little excited. If they are filming, they will be on high alert, so you won’t be able to catch a glimpse of them, so please don’t hold your breath for further updates (laughs).


So, I’ll see you later.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN








暑さはまだまだ続きますが。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













ところでお盆は終わってしまったのですが、皆様の地区は「精霊馬・精霊牛」でご先祖様を迎える風習はありでしょうか。ご存じかと思いますが精霊馬とはご先祖様が家に帰るための乗りものなのですが、お盆になると盆棚に ナスやキュウリで作った精霊馬、精霊牛を飾ります。キュウリが「精霊馬」・ナスが「精霊牛」なのですが、お迎えは馬で早くご先祖様をお迎えして、帰りは牛でゆっくりと帰っていただくといった意味合いのようです。











Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It is really hot here….

I had a short summer vacation, but the heat is still intense, and it feels as if the season has not changed at all, but I have no motivation to do anything. It is almost time for me to miss the feeling of autumn.

Today, some of you may be on your way back home for the summer, but how was your summer vacation? My summer vacation was pretty normal, watching the Olympics, cheering on the athletes in front of the TV, visiting graves in the heat, and so on.

By the way, the Obon season is over, but do you have a custom of welcoming ancestors with “spirit horses and cows” in your area? As you may know, the Seirei Ma is a vehicle used by ancestors to return home, and during Obon, Seirei Ma and Seirei Uyu made of eggplant and cucumber are displayed on the Bon Festival shelf. The cucumber is the “spirit horse” and the eggplant is the “spirit cow.” The horse is used to welcome the ancestors early, and the cow is used for the slow return home. This is a custom that did not exist in the area where I grew up,

I have been admiring, or rather laughing, at the recent customization of the spirit horses and cows. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of them, but you should check them out because they have been customized to look like supercars, motors, and various characters. I would like you to check it out.
I don’t know what my ancestors would think, but I was thinking that I would be willing to drive a super car type…if it was a super car type. If you are interested, please search for it.

Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN








暑い時期にはあえて温かい飲み物も摂取しましょう(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It has been very hot here in Nagoya. How did you spend your Obon vacation?

Fukosha will be holding an in-home appraisal tomorrow, August 18 (Sun.) from 10:00 a.m. at the store.

Large items and items that are difficult to bring in will be appraised by photo.

There is parking space for one car in front of the store, so please stop by at your convenient time.

We look forward to seeing you.


Now, I am waiting for the Paralympics to be held at the end of the month, and am spending my time in the extreme heat cheered up by the high school baseball players at the Koshien Stadium.

It is so hot outside that I don’t have the courage to go out and stay in my air-conditioned room every day, but if I am not careful, it seems that I need to pay attention to my sensitivity to the cold even in summer. The difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors disturbs the autonomic nervous system, too much cold food and drink, and summer vegetables that cool the body can cool the internal organs, resulting in so-called hidden sensitivity to cold, which can cause stiff shoulders, headaches, lowered immunity, and a variety of other physical ailments.

I heard that it is effective to consciously consume warm food to cool the internal organs, so today, for the first time in a while, I brought a warm cup of tea in my water bottle. In an air-conditioned room, I feel relieved and relaxed when I take something warm into my body. I guess that is what my body needs.

In Japan, there is an iron kettle as a tool to make tea tasty. We have an iron kettle in our store that has been carefully handled for many years.

The rounded shape of the tetsubin is lovely, and the design features the auspicious motif of bamboo grass leaves. Bamboos and bamboo leaves are said to represent “immortality” and “longevity” because they grow straight and vigorously and do not wither in winter.

The tetsubin has two sides: the front side is when the spout is on the right side. The front side of the tetsubin is the side that is visible to guests when the tetsubin is held in the right hand, and is decorated with designs and characters, while the back side has a simple design. The tetsubin from Fukosha also has a slightly larger number of bamboo leaves on the front side.

The history of tetsubin tetsubin is long, and their prototype is said to have been created at about the same time as the kettles used in the chanoyu tea ceremony. The name of the kettle at that time was “te-tori kettle” because a handle was attached to the kettle of chanoyu. It seems that those with three legs on the bottom were used for medicinal purposes.

The small picks (knobs) on the lid handles are said to have various shapes, including plum, pine nut, and gourd shapes, as well as silver and jade.

There are also various types of shoulders, including round shoulders like those of Fukosha’s tetsubin, angular katatsuki shoulders, and gently sloping nadekata shoulders. Personally, I think round shoulders are cute.

The handle part is called “Tsuru,” and there are also “Fukuro-gen,” which is hollow inside so that the string part does not get hot even when the water boils. I am not good at holding hot things, so this is a nice touch.

The hail pattern on the body is well-known, but there are also some Kansai tetsubin with gorgeous three-dimensional patterns and decorations. Some of them are decorated with surprisingly three-dimensional patterns, as shown in the photo.

Here in the Tokai region, Kuwana tetsubin from Mie Prefecture is said to be famous. I had never heard of it.


The history of casting in Kuwana dates back to the Azuchi-Momoyama period, when Honda Tadakatsu, who became lord of the Kuwana domain, began manufacturing guns. The sand found on the beach was suitable for casting, and the manufacture of cast iron guns, lanterns, farming tools, pots, and other items flourished in Kuwana.

I had never heard of Kuwana Tetsubin, but a few years ago, “magic frying pans” made in Kuwana were the talk of the town. I was curious about it, and when I looked it up, I found that it was an extremely popular product with a two-year waiting list to receive it. It was a very popular product. It was rumored to cook meats and other foods incredibly well, and it is human nature to want to try it if you can’t get it. I thought about ordering it, but I couldn’t stand the long waiting time and gave up. Is it still hard to get? I’m getting curious.

Well, I’ll see you next time.







骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



お盆にむけて(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


First of all, I would like to express my condolences to those who were injured or suffered damage as a result of the recent earthquake.


Yesterday’s earthquake was accompanied by the keyword “Nankai Trough” in press conferences, and since Aichi Prefecture is included in the area, I have reconfirmed my own preparedness and actions. Also, recently I have heard that in urban areas where there are many people, it is necessary to prepare for home evacuation because it is impossible for everyone to go to evacuation centers. I guess it is better to be prepared, but we have no idea how much we should prepare, and our stock is growing.


Now, some of you may be on your summer vacation from this weekend.


We have been receiving an increasing number of inquiries and purchase requests from people who have returned to their parents’ homes for the summer vacation and are anxious to clean up their parents’ homes due to the recent decluttering boom. It is a good time to discuss these issues, though it is not advisable to take it easy during the heat of the summer.


Recently, some people have been sorting out their own belongings, but many of their parents are too old to do so, and it is often the family members around them who are starting to do so. Many of the family members around them are taking on the task. Or, they may have different opinions from their parents.

It may be a good opportunity to casually talk with the parents while seeing each other’s faces.


At Fumikosha Antiques, we are happy to consult with you about any concerns or questions you may have about your items at the time of such discussions or cleanups.

We understand that everyone has different concerns, such as wanting to purchase antiques, not knowing where to start, wanting to know if there are old items that are valuable, or wanting to clean out the entire house. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, no matter how trivial they may seem.








骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



名古屋は「まるはち」(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone, this is Staff T.



The calendar says that the first day of autumn has arrived and the greetings will change from “Shochu omisyo” to “Zanzogetsu omisyo,” but it is far from feeling like autumn, and I feel that the lingering summer heat is longer than the summer heat these days.

The Olympics are finally coming to an end. I have fallen asleep many times watching the games, and I am getting tired. How is everyone doing?



Today, August 8, is a day with many anniversaries, probably because it is the first day of the month and has a good pronunciation.

Perhaps because of its shape, or perhaps because of its sound, “August 8” has been designated as a day of commemoration. Here are some of them,


August 8 is the day of filial piety.

Day of the White Ball

Abacus Day

Octopus Day

Fatty Day

Fermented Foods Day

Leaf Day

Papaya Day

Laughter Day


The “88” can be read as “Mother” and “Papa,” two round white balls can be stacked to look like the number 8, and the “crackle” sound of an abacus can be heard, but it is an interesting Japanese way of sending out a message.
The “fat person’s day” is interesting, but who would benefit from such a day?


There are many anniversaries, but today is actually “Maruhachi Day” in Nagoya.

This morning, I saw an ad in the Chunichi Shinbun newspaper for Glico’s “Bisco-no-hi no Misagasagashi (Searching for the Wrong Bisco Day),” so I took a chance and found 85 out of the 88. Where are the other 3?


The “Maruhachi” mark is well-known on city buses and manholes in Nagoya. It is called “Maruhachi” from the character “8 in 0,” and is well known by Nagoya citizens. It is familiar to the citizens of Nagoya. It is an unusual design for a city symbol, but this is the city emblem of Nagoya.

It is derived from the “0 in 8” seal used by the Owari Tokugawa family as a joint seal, and to commemorate the 88th anniversary of the establishment of the Nagoya city emblem (the “Maruhachi” mark) in 1907, the city decided in 1996 to designate August 8 as “Maruhachi Day” every year. The day is celebrated every year on August 8, 1996, as Maruhachi Day.

The Maruhachi mark can be found on city buses and subways, on the covers of fire hydrants and sewer manholes, on business licenses for stores, and even on the “golden tea kettle” in the Ninomaru Tea Room at Nagoya Castle (made of leftover pieces of golden shachi that were destroyed by fire during the war).


If you come to Nagoya, please try to find it.

See you soon.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





竹の驚異的な成長の秘密とは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today, August 7, the first day of Risshu, the first day of the autumn season according to the calendar. I am sure everyone is muttering, “Unbelievable…. Since it is only based on the calendar, we just have to let it slide.

The “24 seasonal divisions” were originally created in ancient China as a guideline for agriculture, and became popular in Japan during the Heian period (794-1185). The 24 seasonal divisions represent a period of time rather than a day, and this year’s Risshu (the first day of autumn) starts today and ends on August 21.

It is said that the 24 seasonal divisions were originally created to match the cold climate of the Yellow River basin in ancient China, so it may be understandable that they seem far removed from the modern Japanese climate. However, I will wait and believe that we must be getting closer to autumn for sure.

Bamboo products are indispensable for summer decorations. Bamboo baskets with a tasteful appearance are now available at Fumikosha as well.

It looks roughly woven, but the design is calculated to be soft and rounded, and it has dignity.

The more you look at it, the more you lose track of where the bamboo is connected, and it looks as if the bamboo is growing naturally and freely, rather than being woven.

The body is wrapped with a twisted rope of thin bamboo, giving the design complexity and a three-dimensional feel.

The deep color of the bamboo is sure to enhance any flowers.


When arranging flowers in a porcelain vase, you may be conscious of the rules of arranging and the direction of the flowers, but with a bamboo flower basket, you can pick flowers from the garden and put them in as you feel like! It also gives a sense of generosity.

Even if you don’t put flowers in it, it has the appearance of changing the air around it, and I appreciate the fact that you can leave it out.


I have written before in my blog that bamboo is an environmentally friendly and eco-friendly material. This is because it absorbs carbon dioxide and eventually replaces it in the soil. Bamboo is a vigorous plant that grows without artificial fertilizers or pesticides. The old tale of “Kaguyahime” (Princess Kaguya) also grew into an adult woman in just three months.

One of the reasons for this rapid growth is the extremely large number of “growth points. Ordinary trees grow by cell division at a single point at the tip, but bamboo has division tissue at every “node,” and each node grows individually, resulting in phenomenal growth.

If you split a bamboo shoot lengthwise with a knife, you will see many ladder-like horizontal folds. These folds are nodes, and each node grows by cell division.

Bamboo shoots and slow-growing bamboos and newborns use the nutrients from the underground stems. A bamboo grove can be said to be a single bamboo tree, so to speak.

What an efficient way to reproduce, while other trees germinate from seeds and grow by themselves. It is truly a mysterious plant.

The sheer power of its life force may threaten the sphere of human life, but bamboo is such a multifunctional and eco-friendly material. I hope we can make good use of it for the future.


See you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





夏を乗り切る方法(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















最後に、ハッカ油はプラスチックを溶かしてしまう性質があるため、ポリスチレン(PS)製のものは使わないように注意が必要です。また、猫にも毒になるようなので、 もし使う時はよく調べて自己判断でお使いになってくださいね。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


I was born in summer, but I am weak in summer.
I am weak against heat, and I am also weak against air conditioning. In terms of the level of weakness, the cold air in the fresh food section of the supermarket gives me a stomach ache. If I eat shaved ice at a store, I get into trouble.

So in the summer, I am often overwhelmed by the heat and the cold of the air conditioning, but I got the information somewhere that “peppermint oil” is good, so I made my own “peppermint oil spray” and have been using it for the past few years.


Is there anyone who uses it? This “peppermint oil” does a really good job. It is easy to make. I am a lazy person, so there is no need to go through a tedious process.

Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of the peppermint oil. Then, just before spraying, shake well and swish.

I once heard that it is cooler if you apply a little to the protruding area behind the ears, so I put a little on my fingertips and applied it behind the ears before going out. It was a humid and warm day, but it was so cold that I felt a hissing sound behind my ears and almost shivered even in the weakly air-conditioned car of the train! After that, I stopped applying it directly and instead sprayed it on a hand towel or towel and used it to wipe my body while it was still damp. Even so, it is amazing that the oil is enough to cool you down.

However, if you are not comfortable spraying tap water on your skin, you might want to buy purified water at the drugstore and separate spray bottles for your skin.


I also use it for dusting floors and as a deodorant in the kitchen and other places.

I spend a lot of time barefoot in the summer, so I am always concerned about the floor. I don’t consider myself a germaphobe by any means, but I am of the school of thought that I would like to wipe the floor every day if I could. Why do rags turn so black when I just walk on them?

I am also motivated to use it more because I have heard that peppermint oil has enough disinfecting power to completely kill 0-157, the pathogenic E. coli bacteria that used to be prevalent in the past, with only a small amount.



The smell of the “peppermint oil” itself is more like peppermint or mint gum, so I did not pay much attention to it, but my family pointed out that the smell of peppermint oil is quite strong, so I may need to be careful when using it.

However, the smell is quite volatile after an hour or two, so I think I can avoid it to some extent by avoiding using it right before going out or using it mainly when taking a bath before going to bed. I think so.


Lastly, since hackberry oil has a tendency to dissolve plastics, care should be taken not to use those made of polystyrene (PS). It also seems to be poisonous to cats, so if you do use it, please do your research and use your own judgment.


What do you do to survive the summer? If you have any suggestions, please let us know.



See you soon.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



暑気払いを執り行いました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

I feel like every time I open my mouth these days, all I can say is, “It’s so hot…”. But we have only just started August, haven’t we? I think it is hot in all areas, but I think the summer here in Nagoya is the hottest of all.


So, to get over the recent heat wave, let’s eat and drink to get our strength up.

First of all, let’s have a party.

As the name implies, “shochi-ki-bai” means “to get rid of the heat,” or to eat something cold or something that has a cooling effect on the body during the hot season in order to get rid of the heat in the body.

As the name “hatsuki” suggests, it is not limited to heat or heat itself, but is also about restoring the weakened qi (energy) to its original state and becoming “energetic. In the olden days, people used to get rid of the heat by drinking, taking medicine, eating food, taking medicinal baths (loquat baths, peach baths, dokudami baths, etc.), running water, and playing in the river.

That is why…

We had a lot of food….

There were more dishes, but they looked so delicious that I forgot to take a picture of them and they went right into my mouth…. They were all delicious dishes that I can’t eat at home. They were 100 times better than the carrot rappe I make.

Thank you, owner. Thank you very much.



Now, I am fully recharged for the summer.

We at Fumiko-sha Nagoya will continue to get through the second half of this year, and we look forward to working with you all.

See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



友達のように大切に扱われた文房具たち(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The sun is shining brightly, and I am depressed because I cannot find the sunglasses I just bought, no matter how hard I look for them. I am sure that they will appear in such a place when the sun’s rays are getting weaker! I am wondering if I should buy a new pair. I am wondering whether I should buy new sunglasses or not.

The Olympic games have been going on day after day. Even though I am not participating in the games, I feel quite exhausted after watching them. I am happy and sad to be a part of the moment of the crystallization of the athletes’ longtime efforts.

The games in which the athletes won medals are also very moving, but for some reason, the defeated athletes remain vivid in my memory. Is it because of my age?


I could go on and on, but I was looking at the new items on display in the store today, which have a beautiful young grass-colored luster. It is called an “inkstone screen” of Shichikan celadon porcelain. The expression of the dragon floating in the center of the inkstone screen is so charming that it draws you in and makes you want to display it where you can see it, even if you do not use it as an inkstone screen. Although small in size, it has a strong presence and a heavy weight.


Celadon porcelain produced at the Longquan kilns during the late Ming and Qing dynasties in China is characterized by its luster, blue-green color, and the fact that it is pierced.


As the characters suggest, an inkstone screen is a small stand that stands next to the inkstone to protect it from wind and dust, and the Fuhkosha inkstone screen is about 15 cm tall. The Fuhkosha inkstone screen is about 15 cm high. It is also a highly functional piece of stationery with two tubular brush stools on the back.


The word “stationery” was originally used in China to mean “study,” and the word “stationery” was derived from the Chinese word “bunbou,” meaning “a tool to be kept in a writing room.

Originally, the term “stationery” included not only inkstones, brushes, paper, ink, brush washes, brush tubes, water droppers, paperweights, etc., but also art objects such as zithers, folding screens, paintings and calligraphy, and ceramics.

Later, in the Sung dynasty. Only the four items necessary for writing, namely the brush, inkstone, inkstick, and paper, came to be called the “four treasures of writing” or “four friends (yu). The Chinese character for “treasure” and its inclusion, and the fact that the stationery was even referred to as “friend,” shows how highly prized these four types of items were. In the Song dynasty, books on stationery were also compiled.

At that time, stationery was more for appreciation than for practical use, and inkstones in particular were considered more valuable than the other three because they could be used semi-permanently.

The inkstone screens were made to protect these important inkstones. Fuhkosha’s Chikan celadon inkstone screens must have been treated with great care throughout the ages.


It is said that stationery spread to Japan from the Koguryo Dynasty around 610. Many stationery items are housed as treasures in the Shosoin Repository. As in China, stationery in Japan, like in China, had a strong connotation of being for ornamental purposes.


Today, Japan is said to be an advanced stationery country, and its wide variety of pens and other easy-to-write products are highly appreciated as souvenirs from abroad.

The stationery department is full of new stationery products that are not only functional but also full of fun, and you can spend a lot of time there.

We live in an age where we can do just about anything with our smartphones, but it is one of the things we don’t want to see go away.


I’ll see you next time.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





夏に欠かせないものといえばビール!?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


I am getting tired from watching the Olympics late at night as well as the heat every day. I feel as if my chewed-up abscesses are making me even more sleepy.

However, today is “Huakin” (meaning the same thing as in 2038, but the word “Huakin” instead of “Hana-kin” is more modern). The first Friday in August is World Beer Day, and beer lovers around the world are sure to get excited.

World Beer Day is a day to celebrate the wonderfulness of beer, and was started in Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A., in 2007. It was started in Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A., in 2007 and is now celebrated in more than 200 cities, including Japan.



Beer is an indispensable summer beverage and is the second most popular drink after taking a bath.

There are many theories about the birth of beer, but the first depictions of beer making date back to around 3000 B.C. The first human civilization was in Mesopotamia. The first human civilization is said to have been the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia, where beer was already being consumed. The clay tablet ruins of “Monuments Bleu” depict the making of beer in cuneiform script.

The first beer was called “shikar,” which was made by crushing “bappil” bread made from powdered malt, dissolving it in hot water, and allowing it to ferment spontaneously. There was no filtration, so naturally, this beer contained “barley husk pomace.

In ancient Mesopotamia, beer was as valuable as currency, to the extent that beer was sometimes given as part of the salary. Workers were allotted one liter of beer a day, lower-ranking officials two liters, senior officials and court ladies three liters, and the highest-ranking officials and priests five liters.


Beer was also drunk in Egypt around 2000 B.C., and wall paintings inside the pyramids depict beer making.

The pyramid construction site had a beer brewery attached to it. Beer was supplied to those involved in the construction of the pyramids, and it is said that “beer built the pyramids”.

Beer at that time had a high alcohol content of 10%. It was rich in nutrients and effective in relieving fatigue.

Around 500 B.C., Germanic people began to make beer by making wort in a pot and allowing it to ferment naturally. This is the same method used to make beer today. Thank you, Germanic people.




Does this story make you want to drink beer? I don’t at all (laugh). (laughs) I’m afraid beer lovers would be angry with me.

The first sip is good, but then I take another sip. but when I take another sip, I still find it somewhat bitter. I am getting over the bitterness as I get older, but one of the biggest draws of beer, the sizzling carbonation, is the least of my worries…. I am not very good at carbonation. Beer is said to go down your throat, but I haven’t been able to enjoy the goodness of a beer that goes down my throat for any length of time.

When I go out for a drink, the first thing I always say is, “Beer is fine for now, right?” I always wish I could say “Yes” without hesitation. ……


Well, see you later.












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