春一番にはくれぐれもご注意ください(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)
重いコート脱いで出かけませんか♪ という歌詞もありますが、まだとてもコートを脱げる状況ではなく、春の訪れが待ち遠し今日この頃です。
Today, when the cold wave has eased up a bit, the “first day of spring” may be announced in the Kanto region.
In fact, the first day of spring was already observed in the Hokuriku region on February 3 this year, making it the earliest spring storm in observation history.
By the way, “Haruichiban” is also the title of an old song, and the word may be quite familiar to the Showa generation, but I actually did not understand it very well. The name of the word conjures up images of warm breezes that remind us of the coming of spring, but it is actually a phenomenon of strong winds that can cause disasters, a spring storm. Just because the weather has become warmer does not mean that you should be careless.
Around the time Risshun passes, the winter pressure pattern of high in the west and low in the east slackens, and the low-pressure system that had been passing over the Pacific Ocean begins to pass over the Sea of Japan side. When the southerly winds blow in toward the low pressure moving eastward over the Sea of Japan, and the southerly winds exceeding the standard values are observed, the “first day of spring” is announced by the weather stations in each area.
I thought it was announced nationwide, but it turns out that the first day of spring is not announced in Hokkaido, Tohoku region, Nagano Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture, and Okinawa Prefecture. The first day of spring may be followed by wintery weather or already warm weather, so there is no need to announce the first day of spring due to the characteristics of each region’s climate.
Even in areas where announcements are made, the definition of the first day of spring seems to differ, with wind speeds of 7 m, 8 m, and 10 m or higher. When the criteria are not met, it is said that “the first day of spring is not observed. Incidentally, in the Tokai region, the definition is “wind speed of 8m or more, temperature is higher than normal, and low pressure develops on the Sea of Japan side.
Although there is no certification by the Japan Meteorological Agency, “the first day of spring” is followed by “the second day of spring,” “the third day of spring,” and so on, which are also seasonal terms for spring.
Since there is no end to the numbering, strong spring winds are generally called “spring storm,” “spring storm,” “spring gale,” “spring gale,” and so on.
The origin of the word “Haru-ichiban” is said to come from a strong gust of wind in early spring that caused the mass disappearance of 53 fishermen in Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, in the spring of 1859 during the Edo period (1603-1868). At the time, people feared these strong winds, and the term was popularized as a marine safety measure. In Gonoura, Iki City, people still do not go fishing on February 13 of the lunar calendar, even if the weather is fine, and hold a “Spring First Memorial Service” for those who have been lost at sea.
Today, it has become a meteorological term. On February 15, 1963, the term “first day of spring” was used for the first time in newspapers, and February 15 is considered to be the anniversary of the first day of spring.
Hearing the words “the first day of spring,” those of us of the Showa generation may have been humming the songs of the idols of yesteryear.
I had completely misunderstood that the title of the song, which begins with the words “The first day of spring is coming to the freshly cleaned sash window,” is actually “Smile back,” and the title of the song, “The snow melts and flows down as a river,” is “Haruichiban,” or “The first day of spring.
I can hear you saying that it doesn’t matter which one it is, but I was a little surprised because I had always thought the former song was “Haruichiban”.
There is a lyric that says, “Let’s take off our heavy coats and go out,” but I am not ready to take off my coat yet.
I am looking forward to the coming of spring. (Staff H)
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