知らなかったことづくしの「橘」(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)
また、学名はCitrus tachibanaというようでして、実は沖縄のシイクワーサーと橘の2種類だけが日本原産の柑橘種のであります。これまた知らなかった…。シトラスはさわやかな柑橘類の香りが特徴で、この香りがいつまでも消えないことから、非時香菓(ときじくのかぐのみ~いつまでも香りが消えない果実)ともいわれており、また、葉も肉厚で常に緑を保ち艶やかであり、永遠性と神秘性を併せ持つ植物として、古代から不老不死の木とされています。
It has been a while since the beginning of Setsubun, and I decided to stop by Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine in my neighborhood to pay a little visit. Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine has often appeared on our blog.
This season, the sacred tachibana tree is covered with bells of fruit. I did not know that tachibana was the sacred tree of Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, but I had no idea about all the things I did not know about tachibana, so I tweeted a little about it.
Tachibana is also famous for the “Sakon-no Sakura, Ukon-no Tachibana” in the Shikikinden Hall of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, as well as the tachibana that is displayed in Hina decorations. There were a lot of fruits on this one, a little bigger than kumquat and smaller than small tangerines of early season…. I didn’t know that, it was my first time to see them.
Tachibana, the sacred tree of Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, is planted on both sides of the main shrine, and it is still a magnificent tree.
Tachibana is a small evergreen tree belonging to the tangerine family and is a type of citrus fruit. It seems to be an endemic citrus that has been wild in Japan since ancient times, growing wild in the mountains near the coast, and is in bloom from early to mid-May.
The fruits look like small tangerines and look delicious, but they are actually sour and not suitable for eating as they are. The peel can be used as a garnish because of its fragrance.
The scientific name is Citrus tachibana, and in fact, there are only two species of citrus native to Japan: the Okinawan shikuwasa and the tachibana. I didn’t know this either… Citrus tachibana is characterized by its refreshing citrus aroma, and because this aroma never fades, it is also known as tojikunokagumi-no-kagumi (fruit whose aroma never fades). It is also said to be a tree of eternal youth and immortality.
It is also said to be a lucky flowering tree because its flowers bloom around May with thorns on the branches, it bears fragrant small five-petaled white flowers and small fruits, its leaves are green throughout the year, and its yellow fruits remain for a long time.
The white flower often appears in family crests and classical motifs, and the flower is also used in the design of the Order of Cultural Merit.
Also, from a health perspective, citrus stimulates adrenergic receptors in fat cells and promotes the breakdown and burning of body fat, which is good for weight loss.
This morning I looked up at the yellow fruits of tachibana in the clear sky and felt refreshed, but the more I learned about tachibana, the more impatient I became, thinking that I must decorate my house soon.
Have a good day. (Staff Y)
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