ブログ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 13




今朝は温かい珈琲をいれてみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This morning, I feel like making a cup of hot coffee for the first time in a while.


It is generally said that the temperature at which you feel like drinking hot coffee is when the minimum temperature falls below 17℃, and when the maximum temperature reaches around 22-23℃, it is said that this time in October is the standard time to switch between hot and iced coffee. This time in October is said to be the time when the vending machines switch between cold and hot drinks. It seems that my sense of hot beverage sensor was about the same as the general public.


I was making a cup of warm coffee with this in mind, and I remembered that the coffee I drank the other day in Hita was delicious. It was a take-out coffee that I bought on the spot at a certain cafe, but it was surprisingly tasty and free of any unwanted flavors. I don’t know if the beans are good, the water is good, or the way it is ground and brewed… I have no idea, but it didn’t stick in my throat, and it had a taste that didn’t make me feel like the original flavor of the coffee had been lost due to the strange taste! Even I, with my poor taste buds, could tell that this was different!


By the way, in my blog the other day, I mentioned soft water and hard water, and it is said that coffee made with low hardness water (soft water) tends to have a lighter consistency, while coffee made with high hardness water (hard water) tends to have a higher consistency. Hard water tends to have a so-called over-extracted flavor, in which more of the ingredients are extracted. I imagine that hard water, which contains more minerals, is more difficult to dissolve ingredients (due to osmotic pressure).


The main reason why there is such a difference in taste between soft and hard water is related to the mineral content (magnesium and calcium ions). Magnesium and calcium ions easily cause transformations and reactions when they combine with the flavor components of coffee, and this can have various effects, such as hindering the extraction of coffee components, or conversely, extracting more bitter and astringent components. Hard water with a high mineral content is more likely to produce a change in the extracted taste.


Conversely, coffee made with ultra-soft water seems to lack in taste and aroma, and the influence of minerals seems to be extremely small, making it impossible to fully extract the ingredients. Therefore, it is said that the water suitable for coffee extraction is water with moderate minerals (soft water).


Incidentally, the water I drank the other day in Hita varies slightly depending on the water purification plant, but it was generally soft water that is easy for Japanese people to drink. I think there is probably a lot of difference in mood due to the exuberance of the scenery and atmosphere of the destination, soft water, hard water, mineral composition, once put aside, it is certain that it became an unforgettable cup of coffee. I would like to go back for another cup.


Have a good day.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






千種区民まつり、残念ながら行けず…。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


As Staff H reported the other day, this weekend has been full of festivals here in the Chikusa Ward area. The Japan-Thailand Culture Festival was also very exciting the other day. I, like Staff H, was interested in the tuk-tuks, so I would like to take a picture of myself leaning forward a bit to pose for a photo…. Tuk-tuks are cute.

The Japan-Thailand Culture Festival is still being held today, so please come out and enjoy it. I was passing by today and saw many people heading towards the Nittaiji temple, so it must be a very exciting event today as well.


And one more thing to do today. I went to the Chikusa Ward Citizens’ Festival at Heiwa Park Metasequoia Plaza in Chikusa Ward to check out the festival, or rather, to have a bit of fun, but it was already too late. The parking lot and the street parking allowed in the Peace Park area were all full, and I could not get to the venue.


I am not a resident of Chikusa Ward, so my information was limited, but it seems that there is a free shuttle bus service from Hoshigaoka, Chayagasaka, and other nearby stations on the day of the event. If you are heading to the event, please walk, ride a bicycle, or take public transportation. I was completely unprepared for the event and only saw it from the car window, but there were already many people at the food stalls and special stages, so it seemed (probably) to be a very exciting event here as well.


As you can see, the Chikusa Ward area is very crowded this weekend. The rain stopped last night, so for those of you whose plans for today are still undecided, please go out in the afternoon!


If you do, please stop by the Fuhkosha Antique Art Gallery.


Have a good day!
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






覚王山日泰寺の「日・タイ文化フェス」を覗いてきました!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.


I just had a quick peek at the “Japan-Thailand Culture Festival” being held at the Nittaiji temple in our neighborhood.


Many people came to enjoy the autumn breeze.

Although I was not able to take my time because I was at work, I was able to enjoy the exciting atmosphere of the festival.

There were also authentic Thai food restaurants lined up.

There was also a corner where you could ride in a tuk-tuk and take pictures, which was very tempting, but I held back.

There were also many other stores such as Thai massage, zazen experience, and general stores.


The festival will be held again tomorrow, so please come and visit.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




明日、平和公園にて千種区民まつりが開催されます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








平和公園メタセコイア広場にて「第35回 千種区民まつり~みらいへ翔べ ちくさ~」が開催されます。































The higanbana (cluster amaryllis) is blooming beautifully and we can finally feel the autumn season.

Various events are being held in the vicinity of Fumikosha.


Tomorrow, October 6 (Sun.) from 9:30 to 15:00

The 35th Chikusa Ward Citizens’ Festival “Fly to the Future, Chikusa” will be held at Heiwa Park Metasequoia Plaza.

There will be Japanese drum performances on stage, a flea market, a ladder truck ride, and much more.

Why don’t you take a look at it while you take a walk?


Now, higanbana (higanbana) blooms at this time of year. It is also called manjusaka (manjushage), right?

It is derived from the Sanskrit word “manjusaka,” meaning “red,” and is said to have the meaning of “flowers blooming in the heavens. It is also said to be “a flower that falls from the heavens as a sign of good fortune” in Buddhist scriptures. (Personally, I am reminded of the lyrics of a song by Momoe Yamaguchi…)


Originally a perennial herb native to the Chinese continent, it puts out buds in mid-September and produces clusters of flowers about 10 cm in diameter.

These higanbana were in bloom at a nearby Shiroyama Shrine. I have not seen white higanbana before, but they look gorgeous and have a different beauty from the red higanbana we often see.


For some reason, I was told not to get too close to higanbana when I was a child, so I never really took the time to look at them.

It was a beautiful sight to see bright red higanbana blooming all over the place like a carpet, but perhaps I was a little scared of them in my childish mind.

I found out that the bulb part of the flower is poisonous. The poison inhibits the growth of other plants, so it was often planted along the roadside to prevent weeds and to repel rats and moles from destroying the rice paddies.


However, in times of famine, people used to grind the bulbs and soak them in water repeatedly to remove the poison, and then eat them mixed with dumplings or cereals. This shows the wisdom and resilience of the people of that time.


White higanbana grows naturally mainly in Kyushu, but it is a crossbreed between red and yellow higanbana, so its fertility is weak and it is rare throughout Japan. Since they are often planted near cemeteries, they also have a flower language that says “look forward to the day we meet again” for the deceased. The color white is also said to express a pure heart that is single-mindedly devoted to a partner, and the flower’s language is said to be romantic and wistful: “You are the only one I think of.

It seems to change the image of higanbana.


See you next time.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




今年も日泰寺フェスが開催されます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























  1. 重色目
  2. 襲色目
  3. 織りによるかさね色目

















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Recently, I have been absorbed in the historical drama “Hikaru Kimi e” (To the Luminous Kimi). I am especially looking forward to seeing the colorful designs of the junihitoe (12-layered kimono) and sokutai (a ceremonial kimono worn over a kimono), and I imagine that there must be various messages or characteristics in the colors of the costumes… I watch the drama with my imagination, or while looking for information behind the drama. The main character, Mahiro, is also called Murasaki Shikibu, and as her name suggests, she often uses purple in various parts of her costumes. I often look for such “hidden purple.


There is a lot of research and information on Heian costumes, especially juni-hitoe, and I am sure everyone is already familiar with them, but it seems that people also enjoyed the “kasane-iro-me,” a color layered with different colors, patterns, and materials. We modern people can never be this particular about fashion, but judging from the popularity of personal color diagnosis, it is likely that people will always be interested in what colors they wear.


For reference, I looked into it and found that there are three types of color coordination points for Heian costumes.


Double-colored eyes
A combination of the color of the front and the color of the back. Silk was thin at that time, so the lining was transparent, resulting in complex colors and a wide range of variations.
Soushoku-keime (a color combination of two colors)
This is a layered dress like the so-called juni-hitoe, in which the gradation of colors is enjoyed. This is probably the most conspicuous point.
Kase-iro-me by weaving
The colors of the warp and weft threads were changed at the stage of weaving the fabric to enjoy the iridescent colors.


It seems that court nobles enjoyed the colors of the seasons in their daily lives. The number of variations was so great that one wonders how many kimonos they had for each season. But this is the daily life of aristocrats. But this is the daily life of an aristocrat, and only his “impatience” reveals how much of a commoner he is.


I was curious about this “kasane-iro-me,” but when I looked it up, I found a tremendous number of them. This is just a small part of the autumnal kasane-iro-me that have been handed down to the present day,


For example, “Momiji” and “Aomomiji. Even if the same keyword “Momiji” is used, the colors are different depending on whether the leaves are exuberant or just starting to turn red, and the “red,” which represents autumn leaves, is also slightly different. The red color for autumn leaves is also a little different. The fact that they created different color schemes and landscapes even for a single autumn leaf, and expressed them in layers and layers of costumes, shows how sensitive the Heian aristocrats were in their observation and love of the seasons.


In comparison, today, we should be able to wear whatever we like without any restrictions on season, color, or design, but for myself, I find myself in a rut every day. I have a feeling that this endlessly expanding “Kasane-iro-me” may be of some help to me in getting out of this autumn rut, so I would like to go home and pull out my autumn clothes.


Have a good day.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




若冲と応挙の合作の屏風が発見されたそうです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























そんなことをいろいろめぐらしておりますと、早く直接拝見したくうずうずしてきますが、なんと来年6月に大阪中之島美術館で開幕されます「日本美術の鉱脈展 未来の国宝を探せ!」にて一般公開される予定だそうです。「いや、これ行くでしょ!」と、思わず独り言かでました笑。







Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, we received a big news.

It is said that a joint work by Jakuchu Ito (1716-1800) and Okyo Maruyama (1733-95), both painters in the mid-Edo period, has been newly discovered, and the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka, opened it to the press in Tokyo on the 2nd.


As you may know, these two painters were representative of the Kyoto art world at that time, but this is the first time that a joint work has been confirmed, which is a surprise to many people.


First of all, we are surprised that the two artists were in contact with each other at that time, but according to Yuji Yamashita, a professor of Japanese art history at Meiji Gakuin University, the two paintings were newly confirmed by Jakuchu Ubukawa, a professor at the University of Kyoto,

According to Yuji Yamashita, professor of Japanese art history at Meiji Gakuin University, the two newly identified works are Jakuchu’s “Chikkei-zu Byeongbu” (before 1790) and Okyo’s “Bairi-zu Byeongbu” (1787). They are ink and wash paintings of two paintings in one set, and it seems that each of them worked on one ship.


From the way they were painted and their signatures, he judged that the left screen, which depicts bamboo and chickens on a gold ground, was painted by Jakuchu and the right screen, which depicts plum blossoms and carp, was painted by Okyo. The joints of the paper are also symmetrical. Tadao Tsuji, a leading researcher on Jakuchu, said, “There is no doubt that this is a work of Jakuchu and Okyo”, and it seems that there is no doubt about it.


Even to the untrained eye, the two artists had different styles. The direct connection between Jakuchu, a popular painter, and Okyo, the founder of the Maruyama school, who emphasized realism, is hardly known, so this is an important work in terms of the relationship between the two artists. The work will be important in considering the relationship between the two artists, and the historical connection between the two will also be explored in the future.


The client is quite greedy or extravagant, needless to say. Needless to say, the client was very greedy or extravagant, but we can only say “Thank you! I guess….


And what we are wondering is whether Jakuchu and Okyo had a direct meeting or not, but Mr. Tsuji says, “They seem to be aware of each other. Mr. Tsuji says, “They seem to be aware of each other. Jakucho must have seen Okyo’s paintings and painted them as if he would not be defeated. We don’t know if they met face to face or not, but it seems that we can sense that they saw each other as rivals.


As always, news like this comes in from time to time, and I can only dream of the undiscovered masterpieces that are still out there in the world. Perhaps that “thing” in your home or at your parents’ house may be an undiscovered masterpiece….


This collaboration of Jakuchu and Okyo is scheduled to be shown to the public at “The Veins of Japanese Art: In Search of Future National Treasures” which will open at Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka in June next year. which will open at the Nakanoshima Museum of Art in Osaka in June next year. No, this is definitely something you should go see! I couldn’t help but think to myself.

Have a good day.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




温かいお茶で残暑を乗り切りたいものです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It has been over 30 degrees Celsius during the daytime in Nagoya in October. However, my appetite is growing, as if it were a seasonal clock instead of a biological clock. As the season changes, we need to take care of our physical condition.

The mornings and evenings have become somewhat cooler, so I have more time to relax with a cup of hot tea.

Looking at the display shelf in the store, I found a lineup of silver bottles that are just the right size for tea time at home.

I have never used them myself, but I have admired them when I have seen them during purchases.

Since sterling silver bottles are luxury items made of silver, which is an expensive material, they were circulated mainly among aristocrats in the past, and it is said that they served as a status symbol of power and status. Demand for silver bottles increased during the period of rapid economic growth, and processing techniques were developed, resulting in the distribution of various types of silver bottles today.


Silver and iron bottles are not merely tools for boiling water, but are crystallizations of artistry and techniques cultivated over a long history, and are highly valued as antiques.

With their luster and cold beauty, sterling silver vases are valued not only as tea utensils but also as objects of appreciation.


Japanese silver vases are valuable pieces of metalwork made using a technique unique to Japan, in which a single piece of plate is used and produced with a hammer, with engraved and inlaid inlay work. One of the most popular types is called “arare (hail),” which has protrusions all over its surface. It is said that to make one beautiful protrusion, a tool must be pressed and hammered not once, but several times. The sharp end of the protrusion is considered good quality, and the larger the protrusion is in the center of the body, the more gorgeous the whole body looks. I would like to take a closer look at it next time I have a chance to see it.


It is said that silver does not change the taste of hot water, making it an ideal water heater for sencha and other teas. It is also said to conduct heat very well and boil water. Silver bottles are resistant to rust even if they are left filled with water, and if used carefully, they can be used for a long time. If you wipe it dry frequently, it will gradually take on a silver-like appearance, and you can enjoy the change in expression as it ages.

I would love to have one someday.


By the way, a signboard with a cute apple picture has been displayed just outside the exit of Kakuozan Station since around August. I have always been curious about it, and the other day I saw an introduction of this store on TV, and was told that it is an apple pie store.

It seems to be open only in the morning, and a closer look at the sign shows that they are open from 8:00 to 9:00.

I think only one hour is too short…. It seems to be very difficult to get it. However, if you can’t eat it, you always want to eat it. I have a faint hope that one day I will be able to buy it at the right time.

After all, my appetite seems to be increasing.


See you next time.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




天高く馬肥ゆる秋ですが…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It’s October from today, and I’m in a kind of unexplainable hurry, but the sky is clear. It is so nice in short sleeves that it is almost like summer today. It’s so nice here in Nagoya that you can wear short sleeves.

Aside from the weather, the news that Mayor Kawamura is running for the House of Representatives is also a surprise to the citizens of Nagoya.

The season is autumn. It is “autumn, when the sky is high and horses are fattened,” but starting in October, there will be a rush of price hikes that will be hard on our wallets.

Speaking of autumn, it’s time for field trips. This morning, I watched cute kindergartners with backpacks as big as my own body pass by the Fumikosha, and I felt a warm feeling.

What I remember from the annual elementary school field trip was the cost of snacks. It is a strange “system” now that I think back on it, but there was a limit to the amount of snacks we could bring. As a child, I desperately tried to figure out what to buy and what not to exceed the budget. What to keep and what to give up. It would be an exaggeration to say that I was taught not only the meaning of practicing arithmetic in real life, but also life decisions.


I think the upper limit when I was a child was 300 yen, but how much is it now? I somehow think that 500 yen is the norm, but what do you think?

In October, the standard for excursions? The price of “Umaibo,” a popular snack that is a staple for field trips and a great way to adjust the price, will increase from 12 yen to 15 yen per stick for shipments in October. The price of “Umaibo” (Yaokin), known as a typical “candy you can buy for 10 yen,” will increase to 12 yen (excluding tax) in April 2022. Every time Umaibo raises its price, it becomes a big topic of conversation on the Internet, but the feeling is more like, “How did you make it this far?


I tried to come up with a 300 yen worth of snacks to try, but with the current rush to raise prices, a budget of 300 yen is quite tight.

Chocolate and rice crackers, the kings of field trip snacks, have also gone up in price, with my usual standard marble chocolate alone costing over 100 yen per piece. In addition, just three pieces of potato chips and Hi-Chews are also lightly overpriced. I feel that sweets have become about 1.5 times more expensive than they used to be.

Although I knew this, I was also surprised at the change in content. Potato chips used to weigh 90 grams, but now they weigh 60 grams, much less. It is impossible to share a bag of chips with siblings. It is the age of one bag per person.


Can I bring snacks that have been in the house for a long time? I remember the standard laughable questions before a field trip. Come to think of it, when I was a child, I remember breaking off a large bag and sharing it with my siblings to make it look like it was somehow in the prescribed amount, but now I wonder if that was not out of the question.

Will this be the fall of price hikes that are hard on the wallet, and will this be the fall when children learn not only arithmetic but also prices and social conditions?


Well, I’ll see you soon.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




色々と秘密の多い三毛猫でした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Last night I was awakened several times by heavy rain and thunderstorms. I couldn’t believe that everyone in my family except me seemed to be sound asleep.

So, I went to work feeling a little sleepy and found “Kutani Yaki Sleeping Cat” peacefully sleeping as usual. I am troubled by the fact that it seems to be luring me to sleep as well.


In fact, today, September 29, is “Manekineko Day,” which means “beckoning cat day” in Japanese because of the Japanese word “9” (come) and “29” (good fortune). The beckoning cat was originally modeled after the “tortoiseshell cat” that is often seen in Japan.

I am sure cat lovers will scold me for this, but until now I thought there was a breed of cat called “tortoiseshell cat”. In fact, the term “tortoiseshell cat” refers to cats with three distinct coat colors: white, black, and brown (almost orange). It is generally considered to be a cat unique to Japan, and is more often seen in mongrel cats than in pedigree cats.

They have long been considered lucky cats. White means purification, black means protection from bad luck, brown means prosperity, and the number “three” is also considered auspicious because it is crossed with “fullness,” meaning that your wishes will be fulfilled. In the old days, it was customary for merchants to keep tortoiseshell cats in the hope that their business would prosper.


Tortoiseshell cats have been prized not only for their good luck, but also for their rarity. Tortoiseshell cats are not necessarily born with tortoiseshell parents, and most are born as females.

Usually, cats have one or two hair colors, even if there are shades of color, and to understand how a black, white, and brown cat is born, it is necessary to understand the relationship between chromosomes. The chromosomes that determine the sex of both humans and animals are XY for males and XX for females. Cats originally have a gene that makes them white, and the gene that determines black and brown fur colors other than white is found only on chromosome X. Therefore, females with two X chromosomes are likely to have black and brown fur in addition to white, while males with only one X chromosome are more likely to have two colors.

However, in rare cases, a genetic mutation can produce a male with an XXY chromosome, but the probability is said to be as low as 1/30,000, which is quite rare. Because of its rarity, a male tortoiseshell cat became a symbol of good luck, and in the Edo period (1603-1867), many ships were believed to have kept a male tortoiseshell cat on board to guarantee their safety when they sailed. In fact, a tortoiseshell cat named Takeshi was on board the Antarctic research vessel Soya and was adored by the crew.


Another famous example is “Tama Ekicho,” the tortoiseshell cat stationmaster of Wakayama Electric Railway’s Kishigawa Line, who became popular for his adorable personality. He attracted tourists to the Kishigawa Line, which was in danger of being shut down due to a decline in the number of passengers, and saved the station, which was on the verge of closure. It is a true “beckoning cat.

Personally, this “Tama Ekicho” is my image of a tortoiseshell cat, but there seem to be various patterns depending on the color scheme of the three colors. The “Shima-Shimei,” which is mostly white with black and brown stripes, is quiet and gentle. The “Tobiti-Triplet,” which has a white base with black and brown flying in some places, is sensitive to sounds and smells. There are other categories such as the “Kiji Tortoiseshell,” which has little contrast and no distinct pattern, and the “Pastel Tortoiseshell,” which has soft colors and light tones.


The origin of today’s domestic cats is said to be the Egyptian Aedes aegypti. They were kept by farmers and others as a means of exterminating rats and other vermin. Through repeated mutations and crossbreeding, cats of various coat colors and patterns were born. In Japan, there has long been a unique breed of cat called the Japanese Bobtail, which is characterized by short hair and a round tail.

The tortoiseshell cat is very popular overseas, and is called by fashionable names such as “calico” in English and “tricolor” in France. In North America and Europe, the Japanese Bobtail, which is native to Japan, is called “MIKE” and is well-loved.


I have never owned a cat, so I don’t know, but I hear that tortoiseshell cats are often hybrids, so they are relatively hardy and have an intelligent and whimsical personality that is full of cat-like qualities. They are also called “cats among cats” because of their pride, their own pace, their cool side, and their sweet nature.


Is the cat that the owner often encounters here in Kakuozan also a tortoiseshell cat? It seems to be very wary of her.

Please let me know if you know.


See you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



宗像大社をゆく(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























金製指輪 沖ノ島【国宝】(5~6世紀)




















金銅製心葉形杏葉【国宝】 (6~7世紀) 約9.0㎝










金銅製帯金具【国宝】(6~7世紀)〔鉸具〕〔各〕長約12.0cm 〔帯先金具〕〔各〕長16.0cm





金銅製香炉状品【国宝】(年代不詳) 経13.5cm


奈良時代とされているようですが、近年は5世紀後半の中国北魏に由来する文物や北魏様式の系譜をひき、6世紀後半から7世紀前半に朝鮮半島か日本列島のいずれかで製作された頸総金具 (馬の喉元に下げる頸総を留めるための装具)との指摘がなされているいるようですが、類例がなく用途不明のようで形状から“香炉状”とされているそうです。香炉にみえますが香炉じゃないとなんでしょうか…。真ん中の部分に龍が描かれているようで、探してみてください。



金銅製高機【国宝】(8~9世紀)長48.0cm 台外幅16.7cm






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The other day, I went on a bullet trip to Kyushu with an up-to-the-minute schedule like a student. I visited the village of Ojikada-yaki (Hita) the other day, and now I am thinking back on the other places I visited as if I just put a seal of approval on my trip. I would like to write about Munakata Taisha Shrine, which I would like to return to this time as an adult traveler with more time to spare… I would like to write about it for my own review.

I visited Munakata-taisha Shrine.

Three daughters of Amaterasu, the three goddesses, are enshrined at Okitsumiya Shrine on Okinoshima Island, Nakatsumiya Shrine on Oshima Island, and Hengtsumiya Shrine on the mainland, collectively called Munakata Taisha.

The other day I visited Hengu, the head shrine of the three shrines. The main shrine and the hall of worship are nationally designated important cultural properties, and many visitors come to pray for safe voyages and traffic safety. The curved roof of the main shrine pavilion is indescribably beautiful. The vermilion color of the shrine pavilions and the blue sky are a perfect match.

In addition to the main shrine pavilion, I was eager to visit the “Shimbokan” on the grounds of the shrine. It is a large four-story concrete building that houses some 80,000 treasures designated as national treasures, including mirrors, gadama, and gold rings excavated from Okinoshima Island, which can only be landed on by Shinto priests. These items were dedicated to Okinoshima Island, and their diverse histories reveal the interactions between East Asia and Japan at that time. The vast number of objects also shows the changes in the rituals that took place over the 500 years of the shrine’s existence, and the changes over time are also very interesting. Other important cultural properties that have been handed down in Munakata Taisha are also stored and exhibited, making it impossible for self-proclaimed “national treasure enthusiasts” not to visit…. Moreover, since photography was allowed in all of the museums, I was getting more and more excited.

As soon as we entered the dimly lit museum, we suddenly saw a shining gold ring.

It was a small ring of about 1.8 cm, but it was a design loved by the royal family of Silla at that time, and the taste of 1,500 years ago is still really intact with its shine.

Gold Ring, Okinoshima Island [National Treasure] (5th – 6th century)

A number of bronze mirrors, which are said to be from the 3rd to 4th century, have been excavated from Okinoshima Island, and no two mirrors have the same design. The different patterns on each mirror were so detailed and elaborate that I wanted to see them one by one, but time was short.

There were also many jade objects (6th-7th century) among the exhibits, which are delicate in type, color, and processing. All are national treasures.

There are two types of jade and boulder jade: thin jade with a diameter of about 0.5 cm and large thick jade with a diameter of a little less than 1.0 cm.

The metalwork is also said to have been “fashionable…” and some rude words were also used.

Gilt bronze heart-shaped apricot leaf [National Treasure] (6th – 7th century) approx. 9.0 cm

This is a metal fittings to decorate a horse by attaching it to the leather belt (bosozuna and shiritsuzuna) that extends from the saddle to the horse’s chest and rump. Each apricot leaf is decorated with a bird’s face pattern and other details. The design of birds flapping their wings is said to be found on the continent in a variety of objects, including murals on Koguryo tombs.

Gilt Bronze Apricot Leaves in the Shape of Thorny Leaves [National Treasure] (6th – 7th century), Length 13.4 – 15.5 cm (overhang + body)

This is also a leather belt (bosozuna and shirizuna), but it is said to be so named because of its shape like a holly leaf with thorns. The gold leaf remains in some places, and the design hammered into the metal is also beautifully preserved.

Gilt bronze obi fittings [National Treasure] (6th-7th century) [buckle] [each] approx. 12.0cm long [obi tip fittings] [each] 16.0cm long

The attachment of these metal buckle fittings is not known for certain, but it has been pointed out that they are similar to the “Yako” decorative band fittings on both sides of the rear wheel on Chinese saddles of the Heian period and later, and the Yako is also found on the horse mount of the crane-shaped carved horses of the Jingu Shrine at Ise, so the connection with the Yako is of interest.

Gilt bronze censer-shaped article [National Treasure] (date unknown), longitude 13.5cm

Although it is believed to date from the Nara period (710-794), it has recently been suggested that it is a neck brace (an ornament used to fasten a neck brace around a horse’s throat) made in either the Korean Peninsula or the Japanese archipelago in the late 6th or early 7th century, drawing on objects from the Northern Wei Dynasty in China in the late 5th century and on the lineage of the Northern Wei style, but there are no similar examples and its use is unknown. However, there are no similar examples and its use is unknown, so it is considered to be “censer-like” in shape. It looks like an incense burner, but what if it is not an incense burner? There seems to be a dragon in the middle part, so please look for it.

ilt-bronze Koki [National Treasure] (8th-9th century), length 48.0cm, width 16.7cm outside the stand.

This is the most exciting treasure for me this time. It is a miniature gilt bronze loom.

It is a very elaborate loom with almost all of its parts, and when assembled, it can actually be used for weaving. The exhibit also displayed the loom in its assembled state, weaving a piece of cloth about 10 cm in width. It is said to be valuable as the oldest existing material that preserves the appearance of ancient machines as it is. Anyway, it is cute.

Gozen Hinagata Gozen made of gilt bronze [National Treasure] (7th century), Koto length 27.1cm.

This is also a miniature of the Japanese koto, a stringed instrument unique to Japan. It is said to have been made into a model of the instrument used in rituals to play music and used as a mihakubaku.

As I was doing so, I was running out of time for my next schedule….

I had no choice but to leave. I had to take revenge…. I left the venue with a lot of unresolved feelings.

I hope you will also consider it as a candidate for your autumn excursion.

Have a good day.













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10:00-18:00 OPEN




