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ご近所の上野天満宮へ立ち寄ってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























We previously mentioned that there is a “Nagoya San-Dai-Tenjin-Mairi,” a tour of three shrines in Nagoya that are sacred places for prayers for success in school, but for those of you outside of Aichi Prefecture, you must have forgotten.

Let me recap, Nagoya’s three major Tenjin shrines. Ueno Tenmangu Shrine, Sakura Tenmangu Shrine, and Yamada Tenmangu Shrine.

Students in Nagoya often visit these shrines to pray for success in entrance exams.


Today, I happened to pass by one of them, Ueno Tenmangu Shrine, and made a side trip.

Ueno Tenmangu Shrine is located in Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, in a residential area just north of Himeike-dori Street, where Fumikosha Antique Art is located, and past Nittaiji Temple. It is quite close.

The origin of Ueno Tenmangu Shrine dates back to about 1,000 years ago in the mid-Heian period, when the family of Abe no Seimei, the Yin-Yang clan, lived in this area and worshipped the spirit of Sugawara no Michizane, a famous Buddhist priest.


I thought it would be a quiet visit to the shrine after the New Year’s holidays had settled down, but it was full of people. It is no wonder, as today is the last day of a three-day weekend. The common test will soon be held, and the examination day for private high schools in Aichi Prefecture is approaching, so people will probably be there since the weather is so fine.

I saw many people praying for their success, but I also drew a omikuji (oracle). This year, I chose the yellow color for Michizane-kun and made sure to draw a fortune.

However, there are many “Tenjin-mikuji,” a nickname for Michizane, placed here and there in the precincts of the shrine. Every year when I come to the shrine, I wonder when and how they were placed there. I am always amazed at how and when they put them there.



And speaking of Tenmangu Shrine, there is a petting bull. Of course, I pay a visit to greet the New Year, but this time, my main focus is on the petting cows. In fact, I have had a sore spot since the end of the year, so I stroked the cow with a desperation that was completely different from those of the students taking the entrance examination, hoping to be blessed by the blessings of the petting cow.

It is said that stroking a cow makes you smarter or that stroking a bad part of your body will make it better. There are two statues of petting cows at Ueno Tenmangu Shrine, so please try to pet them when you visit. I was told by a neighbor that the enclosed cow has been around for a long time and is said to be very beneficial.


The expressions on the faces of the students who were visiting the shrine for the entrance examinations did not seem so tense, but many of them must have been nervous during the time of entrance examinations for junior high school, high school, and university. I am sure that not only students but also their families are supporting their children and praying for them to take the examinations safely.

Now the real examinations are approaching. To all the students preparing for the examinations, I wish you all the best in demonstrating the results of your efforts to date.


See you soon. (Staff T)














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