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螺鈿が気になります(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































This is an inkstone wall with mother-of-pearl inlay in the store. The period is Ming Dynasty.


Today’s tweet is about the raden.

I remember that when I visited the Shosoin exhibition for the first time five or six years ago, I was able to see the only existing five-stringed biwa in the world, the Raden five-stringed biwa, which is famous in textbooks and a national treasure. It was at the Tokyo National Museum, and I recall that the entire back of the biwa could be seen through the glass case in which it was displayed, and that the crowds were so large that it was like a one-way worship service.

Putting that aside, I was very moved by the fact that the raden inlay scattered on the front, back, and even on the sides of the piece still retained its brilliance and the fineness of the inlay after more than 1,500 years, and I was glad that I could see it in my lifetime even though I was squirming around the glass case. I was so glad to be able to see it in my lifetime while squirming around the glass case… I was caught up in the crowd.


Raden, as you all know, is one of the decorations applied to lacquerware, etc., using beautiful shells such as luminous shells to create a jewel-like beauty. In detail, “螺” refers to spiral shells, and “鈿” refers to decorations using shells and metal. All shells are characterized by their beautiful colors and sparkling appearance.


As you know, raden is a technique of carving shells and inlaying them into the surface or wood of lacquer ware. Raden (sea shell inlay) can be used to create a variety of patterns and designs, and the finished product varies depending on the type of shell used.

This is both an advantage and a difficulty. I often buy shellfish buttons, but since they are natural, none of them have the same radiance, which changes its appearance like a rainbow, and when I buy several of them, I have a bit of trouble trying to get the same radiance as much as possible, although it is a different dimension. I have already been working in Japan since the time of the Shosoin.


Raden has a very long history in Japan, having already been introduced to Japan during the Shosoin period (the period of the Shosoin storehouse). It is said that the first raden was made in Egypt in 3000 B.C. Considering that the first raden was made more than 5,000 years ago, it is amazing how advanced the Egyptian technology was at that time. 5,000 years ago, people cut and inlaid the beautiful shiny parts of shells as they do today, and many splendid decorative objects inlaid with raden were excavated from ruins that are believed to date from the early dynasties. Many splendid raden ornaments have been excavated from ruins that are believed to date back to the early dynasties.


Raden was introduced to Japan during the Nara period (710-794), not from Egypt, but from Tang China. When it was first made, it was often used in combination with amber and tortoiseshell to decorate musical instruments, such as the five-stringed biwa (biwa) with mother-of-pearl inlay in rosewood that was introduced earlier.


In the Heian period (794-1185), the technology of raden (sea shell inlay) developed rapidly and was used in combination with makie (gold-relief lacquerware) to create even more beautiful decorative objects. The technique and sense of style of the National Treasure, a hand box in mother-of-pearl inlay in maki-e lacquer on a single wheeled carriage, make it hard to believe that it was made in the Heian period.


In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), mother-of-pearl inlay became so popular that it was used to decorate saddles on horses’ backs. Raden is often seen in exhibits, and it is easy to wonder if warriors who wanted to be frugal and dignified in their everyday lives also wanted to be fashionable in such places…but when raden is applied, the harness is instantly seen as an ornament rather than a practical item.


In the Edo period (1603-1867), people began to dye shells in their favorite colors, which expanded the range of expression in their work and led to the creation of a variety of works of art. One of the most famous works in mother-of-pearl inlay from that period is the “Yatsuhashi inkstone box in maki-e lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlay” by Ogata Korin, which some people may think looks a little like the Heian-period “Katabashira maki-e handbasket” already known as a specialty of that time. The compatibility of maki-e and raden may have inspired Korin in some way when he saw this work.


I have been on a journey of raden delusion for a while, and I was fascinated by the delicate and varied radens in each piece, which were skillfully arranged here and there. People have been attracted to the beauty of mother-of-pearl inlays, which change their expressions from face to face, for 5,000 years, and it seems as if the brilliance of 5,000 years of history is shining back at us, as if to say, “You are one of those who were fascinated, aren’t you?


So long, and have a good day.















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