知っている人は毎年買っている?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
Tomorrow is the 24th day of the year, “Daikan”. It is supposed to be the coldest time of the year, but the cold seems to be easing and we can already hear the footsteps of spring. For students preparing for exams, it may be the warmth that relaxes your shoulders a little.
Do you know that there is a food that brings good luck on the day of “Daikan”? It is… “Daikan no Tamago (Eggs for the Great Cold)”.
What? Eggs? It sounds like “eggs”, but…
However, it is very difficult to find “eggs for the big cold” in supermarkets. This is because even though supermarket eggs have an expiration date on them, it is hard to tell when they were laid.
Daikan tamago” refers to eggs laid on the first day of the coldest day of the year. Nowadays, advances in technology have made it possible to lay eggs all year round in temperature-controlled henhouses, but this was not the case in the past. Chickens are essentially creatures that do not lay eggs in the winter. So in the old days, chickens ate a lot of food before winter, stored nutrients without much water, and stayed still, not laying eggs in the cold season. Therefore, it was rare for them to lay eggs during the cold season.
Therefore, it is said that the eggs born around the time of the “big cold” were packed with nutrients and had higher nutritional value per egg than those born at other times of the year.
Thus, eggs born during the “big cold” period are called “big cold eggs” and are regarded as a good luck charm…. Because they are rich in nutrients, they are believed to bring “good health” and “good health,” and because the yolk of the egg is particularly dark yellow, they are believed to bring “good luck in money.
Eggs are an ingredient that one always has to have in the refrigerator to feel a little uneasy, but the word “fluffy” used for egg dishes has actually been a common expression since the Edo period. It is a common expression for “egg dishes. It is quite interesting that the word is used in such a modern way.
And what a surprise, there was a dish from the Edo period with the exact name “Tamago Fluffy. Fukuroi City in Shizuoka Prefecture is located right in the middle of the Tokaido Highway. A dish called “Tamagofuwafuwa” that has been handed down since the Edo period is said to be a local gourmet dish. It is said to have a unique flavor different from chawanmushi, and to have been served for breakfast at Fukuroi-juku. It is said to have appeared in “Tokaido Chu Hizakurige,” and was also a favorite dish of Isamu Kondo, the director of the Shinsengumi Bureau.
Thanks to this dish, the expression “fluffy” became a major adjective, especially for the texture of egg dishes.
If you are familiar with “Daikan Tamago”, you have probably already purchased it, but if you learned about it through this blog, please try to purchase it next year.
Incidentally, this year’s “Daikan” is on January 20 (Mon.), and the “Daikan period” is the 15 days from Daikan to Setsubun on February 2 (Sun.). There may still be some cold days ahead, but let’s keep ourselves in good shape with lots of nutrition and sleep.
See you soon. (Staff T)
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