お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 66




三重県のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





長い年月をまとう風格(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通骨董 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Autumn is the season of fragrant fragrance of fragrant rhinoceros, autumn leaves, roasted sweet potatoes, and rice with chestnuts. There is no end to the number of things to do, but one of my favorite things about autumn is the sound of singing from the neighboring junior high school as they practice for the school choir competition. Just before the competition, morning practice for each class begins. Boys in the midst of puberty sing energetically, and girls sing beautiful, clear choruses. It makes me feel refreshed.

Today, I would like to introduce some tools that have a stature and dignity with a sense of history. They have been handed down to the present day through the relay of people who have taken good care of them.


The disk-like tool in the foreground is probably the oldest of all. I was afraid to touch it, but when I lifted it gently while cleaning, it made a light and pleasant sound. Rolling? Rattle? Rattle? …It is hard to describe in words, so if you are interested, please come to the store and ask us about it.

This is a “bell mirror,” a type of bronze mirror manufactured and used in the late Kofun period (5th to 6th century), which emits sound with a bell. Bells were attached to the periphery of bronze mirrors, and seven types have been discovered to date, excluding nine bells, out of a range of three to ten bells. This one is a “five-bell mirror” because it has five bells. The excavation of these mirrors has been limited to ancient tombs in Japan, and they have not been found in other regions.

Both mirrors and bells were brought from the continent and the Korean peninsula, and it is believed that the Japanese of that time combined them into a single piece.


What was it like to feel unable to see one’s own image in an age when there were no mirrors? The desire to see oneself must have existed in any age. When I saw the “triangular-rimmed mirror” in a textbook, I wondered if it really served as a mirror, but it seems to have reflected the image quite clearly, albeit with a slight distortion. The common people may have been limited to the reflection on the surface of the water.

In ancient Japan, mirrors were more likely to be used to show off the power of the privileged class and to have religious or magical significance than to serve as a mirror. It is said that the powerful families of the time kept mirrors as treasures and placed them in coffins during burials to prevent the loss of their souls.


Bells have also been believed to have the power to exorcise evil since ancient times. The large bell (tsubo-ring) hung at the entrance to the shrine is said to be rung not to say, “God, please listen to my request,” but to purify evil spirits with the sound of the bell. I was completely in the mindset of “I came to visit the shrine….

The sound of the bell was also thought to have the power to “attract people’s hearts. The bells that miko (shrine maidens) hold in their hands and ring during dedication dances have this meaning, and the clear sound of the bells seems to have served the purpose of attracting the spirits of the gods.

People at that time thought of putting bells around mirrors to strengthen their religious and magical power! The people of that time came up with the idea of putting bells around mirrors, perhaps to strengthen their religious or magical power. Am I the only one who feels the Japanese temperament and sense?

I heard that some haniwa maidens had “five bell mirrors” attached to their waists. The Isuzu mirror in the Fukosha also has a part that looks like a string attached to it. Did it play a role in uplifting people and attracting gods at festivals and other events in ancient times?


It has been a long story about the Isuzu mirror. I will leave the other props for the next time.


Well, I will see you again.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



おわりよければすべてよかったです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通骨董 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today is the last spot in the Nara Bullet Drive that you have been with us since the other day. Thank you for your patience. The last sightseeing spot is Todaiji Nigatsudo Temple.


Nevertheless, each sightseeing spot is fast closing when you visit a tourist spot. Stores and restaurants around the temple are getting ready to close, which makes me very nervous, but I guess it is inevitable since they open early in the morning. The other day, however, I was watching a TV program titled “Two Hour Tour of Todaiji Temple,” and learned that the Nigatsudo Hall can be visited at night, so I went there for the first time.




Nigatsudo Hall of Todaiji Temple


The Nigatsudo is very famous for the Shuni-kai (Shunyukai) ceremony in spring, but I am not familiar with much more about it than that, so I did some research first.


As the name suggests, Nigatsudo was named after the “Omizutori (Shuni-kai)” held in February of the lunar calendar, and it is said to have been founded by Jichu, a senior disciple of Priest Rouben. The present building was rebuilt two years later. The original building was small in scale, but as time went by, it seems to have been enlarged to accommodate the Shuni-kai rituals, and gradually became a building that was truly suitable for the practice of the rituals, in terms of acoustics and the layout of the inner sanctuary, outer sanctuary, and courtesy hall.


So I went to Todaiji’s Nigatsudo Hall.

It is now late in the evening. As I walked eastward from the Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple, I began to wonder if I was on the right path, as people were becoming more and more sparse. The path seemed to be the right one.


We climbed the stairs from the side. I didn’t know that the other side of Todaiji Temple was such a mountain. I had no idea.


The hall is closed in the evening, so you cannot see the inside of the hall when you visit at night. However, the darker it gets, the more the lanterns’ lights gradually come into view.


This is the view from the stage.

The night view of the Nara Basin is also visible in the distance. The lanterns were so fantastic that the visitors were looking at the scenery in the darkness without talking much. When I came here, I felt that the complexities and emotions of my daily life became simpler and more neutral. I guess it means I feel calm.


During the Shuni-kai in February, the torches, the wild sounds of the ascetic practices, and the many people must be very different, but the Nigatsudo is usually so quiet.


The hall was designated as a national treasure in 2005.


It is a little difficult to see in the dark, but the Romben cedar in the photo is said to have been left behind by a legend that Ryoben, the first Bessho of Todaiji Temple, was kidnapped by a hawk when he was a child and left on the tree. This means that this cedar has been sharing time with Nigatsudo since that time.


It is now getting dark and we have descended the stairs of Nigatsudo, the last spot of the tour. I was feeling a bit melancholy as I realized that I had to return home…. However, the last visit to the Nigatsudo at night was quite tiring, and I was able to drive home.


It was quite a bullet train ride, but I hope it will be of some help to you on your autumn trip.

Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



神無月と神在月(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





秋の季節に気温が徐々に低くなっていく様子を表す言葉に「一雨一度」という言葉があります。 文字どおり“ひと雨”ごとに1度ずつ気温が下がるという意味で、ひと雨降るごとに秋が深まり冬になっていきます。体調も崩しやすくなりますので、体調管理に注意しながら近づきつつある冬に向けて準備を始めても良いかもしれません。




























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

The weather has become more comfortable, although it is sweaty during the daytime. Here in Nagoya, the weather is supposed to break in the evening.

There is a phrase that describes the gradual lowering of temperatures during the fall season: “one rain, one degree. It literally means that the temperature drops by one degree with each rainfall. It is easy to get sick, so it may be a good idea to start preparing for the approaching winter season while taking care of your physical condition.




October is also known as “Kanashizuki,” which is a Japanese name for the month of kaminashi.

It is called “Kanna-zuki” (meaning “no god” in Japanese) because all the gods who govern various things around us, including the local community, go to Izumo-taisha Shrine, and the gods are absent.

Kanna-zuki originally meant “month of the gods,” and “Mu” means “no” rather than “no.” “No” means “no,” and “no” means “no” or “no. Mizunazuki in June is also said to mean “month of water” rather than “no water.


On the other hand, Izumo Taisha Shrine is called “Kozaizuki” in the Izumo region because gods from all over Japan gather there.

The actual visit of the deities to Izumo occurs around October in the lunar calendar, or November in the new calendar.

It is said that once a year, the eight million gods from all over Japan gather at Izumo-taisha Shrine to discuss various matters of fate. This discussion is called Kamuhakari, and is said to include love, marriage, and other unknowable relationships, as well as life and death, climate, harvests, and other matters.

Since Izumo-taisha Shrine is considered famous for marriage, it is not only for love, but also for good marriages and relationships, so it might be a good idea to ask for “good luck in business.


If the Gods gather, does that mean that the Gods will be absent from the other regions? Don’t worry, there is no need to worry.

In fact, the deities that gather at Izumo-taisha Shrine are said to be the “Kunitsukami” who live in the mountains and rivers, and the “Amatsukami” who descended from the heavens to stay at home.

Ebisu-sama, a Japanese deity who is now a member of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune and the only god of good fortune in Japan since ancient times, is also said to be in residence. If Ebisu-sama is there, it is a great relief, isn’t it?


In October, festivals called “Ebisu-ko” are held in various places in Japan to express gratitude to Ebisu-sama for protecting each community during the absence of the deity. Ebisu-kou is a festival that brings many benefits to people, such as prosperous business and a good harvest.

In Aichi Prefecture, “Ebisu-ko” is held at Atsuta Shrine on January 5 every year. The festival is also called “Hatsu Ebisu” (meaning “first Ebisu” in Japanese), and it is a very lively festival to pray for prosperous business, family safety, and a good catch of fish.

It is also said that after receiving the o-fuda at Hatsu Ebisu, one must return home at once without talking to anyone or making any detours so as not to miss out on the good fortune.

Although the time of year is a little different from “Ebisu-ko” held in other places, it is still a way of expressing gratitude.

We also have a shining golden Ebisu-sama, who is always watching over us, our store, and the many people who pass by our store.


See you soon!













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



今年の冬は、お天気のことわざの真偽を確かめてみることにしようかと。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












「柿食えば 鐘が鳴るなり 法隆寺(ほうりゅうじ)」












柿の実は、結実初期が梅雨の頃になるので、梅雨に雨風が多い年は落果が多くなり秋の収穫期には実が少なくなり、梅雨に雨風が少ない年には落果が少なく秋に実が多く残るようです。 すると、梅雨に雨の少ない年は秋には冷え込んだり、寒暖の差が激しい年になったりするのかもしれないということなのですが 本当のような嘘のような。





雪に埋もれる程低いところに鳥が巣を作るとは思えないのですが、もし鳥が大雪になることを察知して、より高いところへと巣をつくるのなら、それは明日や明後日のような短期予報ではなく、中・長期予報が出来ることになのではということのようであります。 信じがたい事ではあるが、カマキリが積雪高さを予知して卵の高さを変えているという研究データも報告されているので、自然の動植物にはそれらを知る能力が備わっているのでしょうか。 今後、その仕組みが解明されれば、人間社会の中期予報ももっと精度よく予報することができるようになったりして笑。個人的にはちょっと期待したいところですね。









ご存知のように大根の白い部分は根っこ。地中で育っています。このため、大根の生育と地中温度とには密接な関係があるようです。一般的に地温の低い地域で育った大根は細く、地温の高い地域で育った大根は太くなります。 そして、一般的に地下深くほど温度が一定しており、気温が寒い年は熱を求めて地下深くまで伸びてしまい、逆に暖かい年は太く短くなる傾向があります。 ただし大根に限っては、残念ながらこの諺は「結果」を表しているのであって、残念ながら「予知」や「予報」などの真偽はできませんね。



植物のソバは夏に寒冷な地域で育ちます。日本ではイネが育ちにくい寒冷な地域で育てられ、主食として栽培されてきましたのですが、 夏に育つ作物なのでこの諺は予言のようですが、実際には当たっているようで当たっていないような諺だそうです。 どちらかと言うとソバが豊作になると、ソバの白い花が雪が積もったようにたくさん咲くことから大雪を連想させるのではないかと思われますから、これは真偽とまではいかないでしょうか笑。







Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, we received some persimmons from a friend of ours. I was looking at the orange, or rather, persimmon color while muttering to myself, “It’s the harvest season…”. It is said that there is a front crop and a back crop of persimmons, and this year seems to be a front crop, with lots of persimmons. I went to Nara yesterday and saw many persimmon trees with abundant fruits.


The scenery of temples and persimmon trees in Nara really go well together.

It is not Shiki Masaoka’s famous haiku, “If you eat a persimmon, the bell will ring, Horyu-ji Temple. Although it is my imagination, I believe that even Shiki may have unintentionally traced the scenery and had his haiku overflowing from his mouth.


Perhaps this is the reason why there are many reports of bears visiting homes in search of persimmons in some areas this year. I am sure people in those areas are worried about bears. It is still scary to encounter a bear, isn’t it?

Come to think of it, I remember that my niece who accompanied me on a hiking trip last year was walking with me while ringing a bear bell on her cell phone, which she found on YouTube.


Back to persimmons, there is a weather proverb associated with persimmons, “A year with many persimmon fruits is a year of intense cold.


Since persimmon fruits are in the early stages of fruiting during the rainy season, it seems that in years when there is a lot of rain and wind during the rainy season, more fruits fall and there are fewer fruits during the fall harvest season, and in years when there is little rain and wind during the rainy season, fewer fruits fall and more fruits remain in the fall. Then, it means that a year with little rainfall in the rainy season may be a year with cooler temperatures in the fall, or a year with a large difference in temperature between cold and warm.

The truth of what this proverb means seems to be unclear, but I wanted to check the truth of this saying for the past few years.


So I looked up “weather proverbs” only for winter to see if there were any other proverbs about the weather. Here are some of them.


If a bird nests too high, it snows too much.

It is hard to believe that birds would build their nests so low that they would be buried in snow, but if birds can sense that there will be heavy snow and build their nests higher, it would mean that they can make medium- to long-term forecasts, not short-term forecasts like tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It is hard to believe, but research data has shown that praying mantis predict the height of snow accumulation and change the height of their eggs. If the mechanism is clarified in the future, it may become possible to forecast the mid-term forecast of human society with more accuracy, lol. Personally, I have a bit of hope for that.


“Geese are migratory birds that live in warmer areas.

Geese are migratory birds that live in warm regions. Therefore, when geese form a procession to the south in autumn and winter, it seems to imply that a strong cold spell is approaching in the north, but it is difficult to observe geese in my area, so it may be difficult to confirm this….


The saying goes, “If the ducks come early, it snows early.”


but it is also difficult to confirm ducks in my area. The reason for this is that ducks are migratory birds, which lay eggs and raise their young in the cold northern regions in the summer and come to Japan in the winter. The ducks land in Japan around the end of September and gradually move south, but the earlier the season, the earlier the cold air arrives and the earlier the first snow may be seen.


Years with long daikon radish roots are cold.

As you know, the white part of daikon is the root. They grow underground. Therefore, there seems to be a close relationship between the growth of daikon and the underground temperature. Generally, daikon grown in areas with low soil temperatures are thinner, while daikon grown in areas with high soil temperatures are thicker. And in general, the deeper underground, the more constant the temperature is. In cold years, radishes tend to grow deeper underground in search of heat, while in warmer years, they tend to grow thicker and shorter. Unfortunately, however, as far as daikon is concerned, the proverb refers to “results,” and unfortunately, it cannot be true of “prediction” or “forecast,” can it?


A good buckwheat crop means heavy snowfall.”

The plant buckwheat grows in cold regions in summer. In Japan, buckwheat is grown in cold regions where it is difficult for rice to grow, and has been cultivated as a staple food. If anything, a good buckwheat crop may be associated with a heavy snowfall, since buckwheat’s white flowers bloom in profusion as if covered with snow, so this may not even be true or false.


I have been trying to confirm the truth of this saying for a few years now, and I will try to remember it and be careful, but what worries me the most is that I might forget it. The most worrisome thing is that the person himself might forget….


I will try to remember to be very careful.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






季節に影響されております(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The pleasant autumn weather is continuing, isn’t it? Life without the need for air conditioning is kind both mentally and physically. It is a season of luxury for a moment.

I was apt to look at the indigo-colored dishes in the heat of the season, but now I am attracted to the glossy Ko-Imari. Is it influenced by the climate or the season? The warm vermilion color makes me feel at ease.


The words “wealth, beauty, and long spring” are written in the high stand of the red-painted buckwheat noodle cup at the back left. It is said to symbolize prosperity, happiness, and longevity. Another auspicious design is the puffy sparrow, another name for a sparrow that has puffed up its wings to ward off the cold. The plump and swollen appearance of the sparrows is said to express the wish that they will never be hungry for food and that their offspring will prosper and flourish. Bamboos and bamboos grow very fast and have been treated as symbols of vitality and sterilizing power, so they have long been considered sacred and used to ward off evil.

The small bowl of children dressed in Chinese-style costumes is also adorable. Is that a cymbal in his hand? Is it a cymbal? My imagination is growing again.


The small red-painted plate is exactly the image I have of gorgeous Imariyaki ware.

As usual, only the image comes first, so please allow me to study it a little.

Akae refers to ceramics overglaze painted with red pigments on white porcelain, or overglaze paints of green, yellow, purple, blue, etc., mainly in red, fired at low temperatures. It is said to have been created in China since the Song Dynasty, and in Japan, Kakiemon introduced this technique in the 1600s, and Kutani began to use it at the same time.

The most difficult color to produce in the technique of akae was red. There is an anecdote that Kakiemon I devoted all his resources to red painting after much trial and error, and finally succeeded by tearing off the wallboard and using it as fuel.

These ceramics must have been revolutionary, as only monochrome underglaze blue ware was available at the time.


In the “Ko-Imari style” that followed the “Kakiemon style” and was born in the Genroku period (1688-1704), red, blue, yellow, green, and purple colored glazes were used, and the unique Arita style of red painting with gold color is called “Ko-Imari Kinrande”.

Like Kakiemon, it was favored in Europe and exported in large quantities from Genroku to Kyoho period. The gorgeous and various painted patterns, which are so rich that there is no space to spare, can be said to reflect the richness of the times.

The composition is characterized by the use of straight lines and curved lines of arabesque patterns radiating from the center of the vessel, and the alternation of window paintings and ground patterns. The patterns include arabesque and lion and peony designs.


In addition to this intricate design, the firing temperature must be changed for each color to express these lustrous colors, requiring at least four firings.

This shows the creator’s desire to create something beautiful, not just to meet the buyer’s needs.


So, I will see you again.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






長久手市のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





いつも無性に訪れたくなる唐招提寺。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It’s October and it’s getting a little easier to go out. It’s now or never! I have been going out quickly these days.

The other day, I had a sudden idea to go for a drive around Nara. I visited the East Pagoda of Yakushiji Temple and then went to a neighboring temple on foot.


Toshodaiji Temple.

It has been a long time since I visited this temple.



Although I do not collect red seal books, I have visited many temples and shrines, both famous and obscure, and this temple ranks first in my favorite temples among those I have visited. What attracts me to this temple? It is difficult to describe in a few words, but I think it is the whole appearance of the temple, including the presence of Ganjin Wajo.



Toshodaiji Temple is the head temple of the Ritsu sect, one of the six sects of the Southern Capital. After spending five years at Todaiji Temple, he was given the former residence of Prince Nittabe (now Gojo-machi, Nara City) as a gift, and in 759, he opened a training center for those studying the Buddhist precepts. When the temple was named “Tang-ryu-sho” and started as a private temple of Ganjin Wajo, it had only an auditorium, a sutra library converted from the former residence of Prince Shintabe, and a treasure house, etc. The Kondo hall was completed in the late 8th century through the efforts of Nyoho, one of Ganjin’s disciples. Today, the Kondo and the lecture hall, built in the Nara period, are a valuable temple complex that conveys the spirit of the Tenpyo period.


Passing through the gate and looking up at the shining roofs of Tenpyo-era buildings, visitors walk toward the Kondo Hall. The air itself seems to have already changed to that of the Nara period. I wondered if Ganjin Wajo had passed through the gate and looked up at the sky of Nishinokyo, and I slowly made my way to Kondo as if I were a person of the Tenpyo period.


First, we prayed at the main Kondo hall. Inside the main hall, there is a seated statue of Rushanabutsu in the center, a standing statue of Yakushi Nyorai on the right, and a standing statue of Senju Kannon (both national treasures) on the left. The Kondo is surrounded by a solemn atmosphere reminiscent of the Tenpyo period, and I am always overwhelmed by the elaborate structure itself, as well as its presence, and cannot think about such difficult things as enlightenment or looking at myself. Since I cannot take photographs, I am occupied with following the intricate workmanship of the large statues one by one.



I am always fascinated by the items of the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. I was always fascinated by the items of the 5.36-meter-tall statue of the Thousand-Armed Kannon, and this time again I was peering intently at each of its 953 arms (42 large side arms and 911 small side arms) to see what they were carrying. He looks a little strange when you look at him up close, but I wondered where the 1,000 hands that were originally thought to have been there really were… I was also impressed by the well-balanced arrangement of the many hands that did not seem unnatural, and the overall impression of spontaneity and graceful eyes and noses, The statue of the thousand-armed Avalokitesvara heals me, and I always feel excited and uplifted.


Starting with Kondo, Toshodaiji Temple is a treasure house of national treasures.


Among them, I particularly like this building.


Treasure house (8th century, Nara period): a storehouse with a hipped roof and a main roof tile



Sutra Repository (8th century, Nara period), storehouse, hipped roof, brick roofing



The two buildings, the Hozo and the Sutra Repository, are very valuable because, like the Shosoin Temple, they were both built in the Nara period (710-794) and are designated as national treasures.

The difference between the two is that the Hozo is slightly larger than the Sutra Repository, and while the Hozo was built at the time of Toshodaiji’s construction, the Sutra Repository is said to be older, having existed since the time when the area was a nobleman’s residence, before Toshodaiji was built. It is believed to be even older, having existed since the days when this area was a nobleman’s residence before Toshodaiji was built.


It is said that the Sutra Repository is Japan’s oldest storehouse structure, even older than the storehouse in Todaiji’s Shosoin. The Kyozo is said to have once been a gabled gable structure, although it is now a hipped-roofed structure, indicating that it was remodeled during its construction.

As those who have visited the Shosoin Temple will understand, the Shosoin Temple is a very strictly guarded environment, where one can only view the treasures from a distance. The Treasure House and Sutra Repository at Toshodaiji Temple are very close to the Shosoin, so it is quite exciting to see them.



Compared to the Shosoin, it is a very small storehouse, but this smallness also makes me excited. It is cute. (Sorry, I’m sorry…). Although it is a small storehouse, I think that it has been carefully and carefully preserved, and I can feel the feelings of many people who have wished to protect it for thousands of years from this small storehouse. I looked at it for a while while thinking about this.


Toshodaiji Temple is one of my favorite temples, which I have an irresistible urge to visit for some reason. I enjoyed it again this time without any worries.



I wish you all the best.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






古美術風光舎名古屋店 祝3周年🎊(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) 




















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Thanks to your support, the Nagoya branch of Fukosha Antiques will celebrate its third anniversary tomorrow, Monday, October 16, 2023.

We will be entering our fourth year of business very soon. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and those who read our blog. Thank you very much.




The year 2024, which marks our fourth year, is the Year of the Dragon, which in the original Chinese zodiac sign is “Ki-no-e-tatsu” (甲辰). It is said that the year of the Dragon will be a year full of power, with buds of success and growth sprouting.

With the power of the Year of the Dragon, we hope to continue to make Fukosha a place where everyone can be happy.

Please continue to support us in our fourth year.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





唐草文様の概念が変わりました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Autumn is the season of appetite, and fruits and autumn vegetables are delicious. Ever since I was a child, I have been fond of seed-based foods, and one of my favorite autumn delicacies is ginkgo nuts. Ginkgo trees in the Tokai region are plump and big, and I was surprised when I saw them for the first time.

I learned from an information program that there are currently only two wild ginkgo trees existing deep in the mountains of China, and all the others were planted by human hands. I am glad they survived.


Now today, I looked up “arabesque patterns. I am ashamed to admit that the only pattern that came to mind was that of furoshiki (wrapping cloth), but I was surprised to hear that this vessel’s design was an arabesque pattern. (An arabesque pattern does not mean that there is a plant called “arabesque,” but rather a pattern that is designed with leaves, stems, and vines growing and twining around each other.)

The type of arabesque pattern is called “fine flower arabesque,” and is said to be an arabesque pattern that is depicted only on ceramics. The small leaves of the arabesque are spread over the entire vessel, and small flowers are scattered among them.

Another arabesque pattern depicted only on ceramics is the “octopus arabesque pattern. It is commonly called “octopus arabesque” because the intertwining stems and leaves of the vine are depicted, and the whorled vines remind one of the suckers on the legs of an octopus. The vine’s strong vitality and uninterrupted growth give it the meaning of “prosperity and longevity,” making it an auspicious design.

The octopus arabesque pattern and the flower arabesque pattern have a strong hand-painted texture, which gives them a warmth and flavor that makes you feel relaxed when you look at them. I am tempted to write some of these patterns myself.

The arabesque pattern has spread throughout time and cultures as a decorative pattern for textiles and buildings, and it continues to evolve and become popular even today. The origin of the arabesque pattern is said to be the lotus (water lilies) of ancient Egypt. The lotus band pattern developed into the Palmetto arabesque with graceful lines in ancient Greece, and it was frequently used for decorations such as vase painting and architectural decorations.

Five to six hundred years after the arabesque pattern was born in Greece, it was introduced to China via the Silk Route. In the Tang dynasty, peony arabesques and hosoge arabesques appeared, copying the glamorous era. These arabesque patterns combined with the imaginary flower called hosoge are very gorgeous and graceful.

It is thought to have spread from China to Japan by the end of the Kofun period, and later spread mainly as a decorative pattern in Buddhist art. The Japanese name “arabesque pattern” means “plant pattern from China” or “pattern from abroad.

The arabesque pattern on the “Grape and Sea Beast Mirror,” which has been excavated from the Takamatsuzuka burial mound and other sites, is based on the grape design. Grapes, along with pomegranates, are considered a symbol of fertility and have long been revered as a sacred fruit in Central Asia and elsewhere.

In Japan, there are two types of arabesques: arabesque only and arabesque combined with flowers. I have visited there and would like to take a closer look next time.


In English, the arabesque pattern is called “arabesque,” meaning “Arabian-style decorative pattern,” and is also known as a piano piece and ballet performance. In music, it is said that it is positioned as a fantastical piece with decorative and technical sound patterns.


The world of “Arabesque Pattern” has expanded considerably in my mind. Incidentally, the angular spiral pattern of ramen shops is also said to be one of the arabesque patterns. I am sure we will see arabesque patterns everywhere from now on. I am looking forward to it.


See you again soon.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






