お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 65




ハッピーハロウィン、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















マムとは菊の学名であるChrysanthemum(クリサンセマム)の略称して、ラテン語で「黄金の花」を意味という意味です。 日本で古くから親しまれている菊の花が幕末に日本を訪れたイギリス人により本国へ持ち帰られ、イギリスを中心とした欧州で大ブームになり、革新的な品種改良が行われ現在では様々なマムが誕生しております。



















Happy Halloween everyone. This is Staff Y.


Since the other day, I have already seen people on the streets dressed up in virtual costumes, but how are you doing? I am from a generation where Halloween has not been a part of our daily lives, so I spend it normally every year, but I am more surprised that tomorrow is November. This year, I have the impression that summer was longer than usual, so I wonder if the second half of the year will continue to run through to the end of the year with the feeling of a tightly packed autumn and winter.


In the midst of all this, I actually participated in a live viewing event for the first time the other day.


I was invited to a live viewing of a Korean idol group, and I attended the event without any preparation. Their performance for 4 hours was really impressive, and their skin and appearance were so beautiful. They gave me so much energy and power, and I am already thinking that I definitely want to go to their next concert.


I have always found that I have a new sense of indescribable feeling when I experience something new. It is good to master one thing that you like, but it is also good to increase the number of new sensations in this way, because it gives you a different kind of pleasure and satisfaction, which is not bad at all.


I have found another new sensation that I am interested in for the fall.

The other day, I saw a chrysanthemum exhibition at a temple, which is often held during this season. It was very beautiful, but there is a new world of chrysanthemums. Recently, they are also called “mums” and are evolving into fashionable flowers. The other day, I received a bouquet of magnificent “mums” as the main flower, which was very cool.


Mum” is an abbreviation of “Chrysanthemum,” the scientific name for chrysanthemum, meaning “golden flower” in Latin. The chrysanthemum flower, which has been popular in Japan since ancient times, was brought back to Japan by an Englishman who visited Japan at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), and became a huge boom in Europe, especially in England.


There are two main types of mums in circulation today. There are two main types of mums in circulation today: the spray mums and the single-flowered “disbud mums,” which are grown with the side shoots removed. There are also many flower colors, such as white, red, pink, yellow, green, purple, etc., and some have shades and gradations, making them very popular in gift bouquets and arrangements.


For Japanese people, the image of Buddhist flowers tends to be associated with them, but in Japan, instead of carnations for Mother’s Day, white mums have long been given as gifts in Australia, and the image of mums varies from country to country.


Mums are also known as flowers that last for a long time. By performing basic maintenance such as changing water frequently and removing damaged leaves and flowers, mums can be enjoyed for more than two weeks.


Above all, their boldness, elegance, and variation are so wonderful that I have recently started checking them out first at the flower shop.

It is exciting to see new varieties when I visit.But, as I mentioned earlier, when you remove the likes, dislikes, and images of Korean idols from your mind, a new sense of things opens up, and above all, it excites people.I have felt such a sense from “Mumm” and “Korean Idol Live Viewing” this fall, so please try to find your own new sense.


I hope you will find your new sensation.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



秋の夜長に空を見上げてみるのも良いかもしれません(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

I’m sure many of you will be out and about this weekend for Halloween events. Our cake shop next door has been receiving many customers since this morning, and many of them are leaving with pink boxes in their hands, looking very happy.




It seemed that a partial lunar eclipse was visible across Japan at dawn today, October 29, but I wonder if you were able to see it.

Unfortunately, I was too early in the morning to see it, but it seems that the partial lunar eclipse could be seen from the beginning to the end almost all over Japan.

A lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are aligned in a straight line and the moon is hidden by the shadow of the earth, allowing us to enjoy the sight of the moon as it fades from the earth. This time, we saw a “partial lunar eclipse,” in which part of the moon appears to be missing, and it seems that 12.8% of the moon’s diameter was hidden in this lunar eclipse.




The full moon can be seen every month, but each lunar full moon from January to December has its own name.

Native Americans gave names to the full moons seen in each month to keep track of the seasons as a guide for farming, fishing, and hunting.

In addition, it is also used as a name for the month that includes that full moon.

Each month is called differently, such as “Pink Moon” in April, “Strawberry Moon” in June, and so on.

The full moon in October is called the “hunter’s moon” because it is the time to start hunting. The Hunter’s Moon carries messages related to money and abundance.


Also, the Moon and Jupiter are likely to make a sharp approach at night. Keep your eyes on the moon both before sunrise and after sunset.

See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



日進市のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



強面ですが、とても優しい霊獣でした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The weather has been unstable nationwide for the past few days, with lightning strikes, tornadoes, hail, and heavy rain. Last night, I had a frightening experience when I was driving in a heavy rainstorm that took away my vision. Please be careful, everyone.


Now, I have been curious about this platter for a long time. It is from the Qing Dynasty in China, and I think it is a washbasin. The color of the bluish ground and the dusky pattern on it are very elegant. The figures depicted on the tray are very lively, and the imagery is very imaginative.

The central figure is said to be a “kirin-sending child,” a celestial maiden riding a kirin and holding a child, representing the legend that a kirin will bring a talented and promising boy from the sky. It is said that newlywed families used to display this picture to wish for the birth of a talented boy to be their heir. It makes you feel the age.

The story of the stork bringing a baby is well known, but in China, it is the celestial maiden (or Avalokitesvara) and the Kilin, a legendary animal, that bring the baby.


In Japan, too, the term “qilin child” is said to refer to a bright child, but I have never heard of it. Is it often used?

Flowers such as lotus, peony (a symbol of wealth and nobility) and magnolia (or is it a fragrant osmanthus?) are often depicted with “kylin-booster”. The “kilin sendzhi” is often depicted with flowers such as lotus, peony (a symbol of wealth), mosei, nyoyibo, and sho (a musical instrument).

The lotus fruit and flowers are well known in China as auspicious symbols of “lotus births and noble offspring,” which wish for a succession of good things, the birth of a son, and mating and prosperity for the offspring. The word “sho” is also often seen in auspicious motifs because it has the same sound as “shou” (生). If you look closely, you can see the figure on the right holding what looks like a sho (bamboo shoot). I thought it was a bamboo shoot.


Speaking of kirin, they were the focus of attention in the historical drama “Kirin ga kuru,” starring Mitsuhide Akechi. They are believed to appear as a harbinger of good things to come, a sign of a peaceful world, and a being that brings happiness. In ancient legends, they are said to appear as an omen for the emergence of a saint with a heart of benevolence, or when a king is conducting benevolent politics.

The Chinese characters for kiilin are “ki” for male and “rin” for female. They have a dragon face, a deer body with scales, a cow tail, a horse hoof, a single horn, and are said to be able to live for 2,000 years.

The kilin depicted in Japan have a slightly frightening atmosphere, but in China they seem to be more gentle. Perhaps this is influenced by the image of the “kilin Sending Child” painting.

They are said to be so gentle and gentle that they do not harm any living creature, and are so averse to killing that they are afraid of stepping on insects or breaking grass under their feet.

This washbasin also depicts grass and insects, making the kylin appear to be floating.


The kylin are said to have yellow scales, and there are four other types: blue, red, white, and black. This is because the five types of kilin are based on the five elements philosophy, a natural philosophy that originated in ancient China. Is this kilin black? Black has the element of water. Black has the element of “water” and governs human wisdom.


A peaceful and tranquil world where the kilin appear. Everyone desires it.It is a world, I think, but why is it so difficult? Maybe it is time to test human wisdom.


Well, I will see you again.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




若冲をみたい方、今です。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















みなさまご存じ若冲ですが、記憶に新しいところですと、2016年に東京都美術館で開催された「生誕300年記念 若冲展」には、なんと40万人以上の来場者を動員するなど記録的な大ブームを起こし大変話題となりました。SNSで話題になったり、TVなどで特集が放映されたりと当時は大騒ぎでしたね。



その「動植綵絵」(どうしょくさいえ)の補足情報を少しいたしますと、伊藤若冲(いとう じゃくちゅう)が江戸時代中期にあたる宝暦7年頃(1757年)から明和3年(1766年)頃にかけて制作された33幅からなる日本画であります。動植物を描いた彩色画のことでして、もともとは臨済宗・相国寺にあったもでありました。






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Last week, on my way back to my hometown, I took a short detour and visited the National Arts and Crafts Museum in Kanazawa.


I was in a hurry, so I skipped the sightseeing and only stopped by the National Arts and Crafts Museum. The purpose of my visit was to see the exhibition “The Imperial Family and Ishikawa,” which is part of the collection of the Imperial Household Museum in Kanazawa.

The emperor and his wife had just arrived in Kanazawa, and the city was in an uproar because of security, so sightseeing was difficult. After all, it is the tourist season, and there were many people.


The exhibition “The Imperial Family and Ishikawa” was held at the Imperial Palace San-no-maru Shōzōkan, and I really wanted to see Jakuchu’s “festooned festooned paintings” this time.


As you all know, Jakuchu became the talk of the town when the exhibition “Jakuchu: 300th Anniversary of Jakuchu’s Birth” was held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in 2016, attracting more than 400,000 visitors, a record-breaking number. It was a big deal at the time.


This time, I was able to see the famous “Gundori” (group of chickens) from the “festschrift” collection. It is a very famous painting, isn’t it?

To give you some additional information about “festskritten”, it is a Japanese painting consisting of 33 paintings created by Jakuchu Ito between 1757 and 1766, which is in the middle of the Edo period. The paintings depicted plants and animals, and were originally housed at Shokokuji Temple of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism.


It is said that these 33 paintings were hung and opened to the public during the “Kannon Penance Puja” held every year on June 17, and the temple was so crowded that the approach to the temple was lined with stalls. The 30 panels of “Festschrift” were presented to the Emperor Meiji together with a letter of donation from Jakuchu and a line of calligraphy by Sacha O. The gift of 10,000 yen was given to the temple. Thanks to the gift of 10,000 yen, Shokokuji Temple was able to maintain its grounds of 18,000 tsubo.

The “festskritten festskritten” became a personal possession of the Imperial Household and was used as decoration for receiving important guests, and its powerful lines and dark colors harmonized well with the Western-style interior of the Meiji Palace.


Among the “festskritten” paintings, the very famous “Gunjiki-zu,” depicting 13 chickens, is on display, so I arrived at the museum as quickly as possible to see it.



Here is a photo I took of the panel at the entrance.

The swirling patterns of the feathers, the bright red crests, the eyes that seem to be staring at something, and the vivid contrast between the chickens all give the painting a raw, realistic look. The realism of the painting is so realistic as to be disastrous, but the vivid colors and the expression of the chickens, which seem to have a strong ego, are more beautiful than reality, making it a truly mysterious painting. Once you see it, you will never forget it.


I counted thirteen chickens by counting their crowns. This painting gives the impression of being more intricate than thirteen, so much so that it makes one wonder if there might be others hiding behind the other chickens. Is this a trick, as it is not clear at first glance how the heads and bodies of the individual chickens are connected to each other?



The chickens are all drawn from an almost horizontal perspective, but when looking at the grass on the ground, they are drawn from a slanting perspective looking down. This may be the reason why the painting gives the viewer a mysterious impression. The artist is also particular about coloring, and all the chickens in the painting are back-colored, which seems to hide a trick not only in the composition but also in the coloring.


I was thinking about this for a while in front of the painting.


By the way, you may have noticed. By the way, you may have noticed that I was able to face the chicken for “a while. Perhaps it was a good time of day, but there were almost no people around. In the quiet space, I was alone with the chicken flock. I will probably never have such an experience again, so I thought I would like to keep this luxury in mind for the rest of my life.


Even now, when I close my eyes, the vivid colors of the feathers and the brush strokes come back to me, and I can’t get the mysterious chickens out of my mind. I guess this is how people get swamped by Jakuchu.


If you want to see Jakuchu all to yourself in a quiet space, please hurry to the Kanazawa National Crafts Museum. I highly recommend it.


Have a nice day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



スパイスの国から伝わった仏具(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通骨董 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The warmth of the futon is getting comfortable. As the seasons change, we may find that our resistance is weakening without even realizing it. I feel it is important to take care of myself and not overdo it.

This is a continuation of my blog from the other day. This is a Buddhist ritual utensil called a “patterned censer,” which has a handle attached to the censer, and dates back to the Muromachi period. Some of you may be familiar with the patterned censer, which is still used today as a Buddhist altar utensil.


It is believed that incense burners originally originated in India and were brought to Japan with Buddhism via China.

Ancient India, the place of origin of Buddhism, had a long-standing custom of burning incense. The reason seems to be due to India’s climate and spice culture. Because of the extreme heat throughout the year and the abundant use of spices in cooking, there was a custom of smearing incense, produced by blending a rich variety of fragrances, on the body to prevent the smell of incense. This culture was incorporated into Buddhism and introduced to Japan, and the incense burner was positioned as an important Buddhist utensil as an incense offering to purify the space.

The handle of an incense burner is not straight, but rather bent downward at the end to provide stability when placed on a desk or other surface. While common incense burners are used by a wide range of people, including monks, aristocrats, warriors, and commoners, the patterned incense burners are basically used only by monks. Of the incense burners that came to Japan as Buddhist ritual utensils, it is thought that the stationary incense burner became popular among the general public, while the patterned incense burner was specialized for use as a Buddhist ritual utensil.

Incense burners with handles are used to burn incense and purify the space during memorial services and ceremonies. There are detailed rules on how to hold and handle it, and it should always be held with both hands when carrying it. The right hand holds the curved end of the handle from above, while the left hand holds the handle from below, slightly closer to the center of the censer.


There are a variety of shapes, including the “lotus flower-patterned incense burner,” in which the furnace is shaped like a lotus flower, the seat like a lotus leaf, and the handle like a lotus stem; the “magpie tail-patterned incense burner,” in which the end of the handle is divided into three parts to form a magpie’s head; and the “lion-patterned incense burner,” in which a lion is attached to the end of the handle.

The patterned censer shown here has a lotus pattern around the censer and the seat looks like a lotus leaf, so it could be called a lotus-patterned censer.


The bottle-shaped incense burner is also called a Taishi-type patterned incense burner, named after Shotoku Taishi. Many paintings and standing statues depicting Shotoku Taishi as a boy are still in existence with the patterned incense burner. I must have seen it somewhere too.

The statue is said to be a replica of Prince Shotoku with his boyhood hairstyle tied up, praying for his father, Emperor Yomei, to be cured of his illness when he was 16 years old. It is not known how the patterned incense burner was introduced to Japan, but one theory is that it was used by Master Huija, a monk who taught Prince Shotoku the philosophy of Buddhism. Priest Huija is said to have been a monk who came from Koguryo, which flourished in the northern part of the Korean peninsula, and was a central figure in Buddhist culture during the early Asuka period.


This patterned incense burner must have been touched by many people. I took a few steps in the formal way of holding it. After all, it is not enough just to have a tool. I will strive to accumulate small virtues every day.

I hope to see you again soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



秋のお散歩は気持ちがいいですね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通骨董 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










鶴舞公園は、1909(明治42)年に名古屋市が初めて設置した第1号の公園で、2019年に開園110年を迎えた歴史ある公園なのです。大きさは「バンテリンドーム ナゴヤ」5個分の約24ヘクタールもあります。




そして今回のリニューアルで、多彩なグルメが揃う新たな商業施設『ツルマガーデン』が誕生。 飲食店をはじめ、テイクアウトショップなども出店しておりました。











Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


The mornings and evenings are getting colder and colder. During the morning commute to work and school, I feel that people are gradually putting on their winter clothes. It looks like we will have sunny autumn days for the rest of the week, so this is a good time to go out.




The other day, I visited Tsuruma Park, which is not far from the Fukosha.

Tsuruma Park was just renewed in May. I hadn’t visited the park since it was renewed, so I took a walk on a nice day and took a peek.

There are many large parks in Nagoya City, and Tsurumai Park has a history of more than 100 years.

Tsurumai Park was the first park established by Nagoya City in 1909, and it is a historic park that will celebrate its 110th anniversary in 2019. It is about 24 hectares in size, equivalent to five “Bantelindome Nagoya”.

It is also registered as a national monument, and from spring to summer, visitors can see cherry blossoms, tulips, roses, irises, hydrangeas, and many other flowers. It is particularly famous for its cherry blossoms, which have been selected as one of the 100 best cherry blossom viewing spots.

The names of the places and stations in this area are called “Tsurumai” and the park, library, and elementary school are called “Tsuruma,” which is a bit confusing, but the park is directly connected to JR and subway lines, and many people always visit the park.

The park is directly connected to the JR and subway lines, and many people always visit. The park has historical buildings, flower spots, a library, and sports facilities, making it a very attractive place, but we had hoped that there would be more cafes and restaurants in the park.

With the recent renovation, a new commercial facility called “Tsuruma Garden” was created, offering a wide variety of gourmet foods. There were not only restaurants but also take-out stores.

The cafes are attractive and unique, offering their signature waffles and gelato on the terrace, and can be enjoyed not only during the day, but also at night. Café time spent in a perfect location surrounded by nature is sure to be exceptional.




Tsurumai Park is also home to many historic facilities, such as the Fountain Tower, which has graced the site since 1909 and has become the symbol of the park, Sogakudo, a Renaissance-style circular stage, and Tsurumatei, a traditional Japanese-style room built as a tea ceremony room, where parents and children can naturally learn about the passage of time. And we must not forget the zoo. Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden is famous today, but before Higashiyama, it was located in Tsurumai Park. As times changed, the zoo became too small and moved to Higashiyama, but if it were still the Tsurumai Zoo, what kind of town would Tsurumai be today?



Tsurumai Park is one of the best cherry blossom viewing spots in Nagoya City, a sacred place for a certain application, and a photo spot for cosplayers.

The park is now a good place to stroll around and feel the history, or just relax at a café, so I think I will be visiting more often from now on.


See you soon.

Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


The mornings and evenings are getting colder and colder. During the morning commute to work and school, I feel that people are gradually putting on their winter clothes. It looks like we will have sunny autumn days for the rest of the week, so this is a good time to go out.




The other day, I visited Tsuruma Park, which is not far from the Fukosha.

Tsuruma Park was just renewed in May. I hadn’t visited the park since it was renewed, so I took a walk on a nice day and took a peek.

There are many large parks in Nagoya City, and Tsurumai Park has a history of more than 100 years.

Tsurumai Park was the first park established by Nagoya City in 1909, and it is a historic park that will celebrate its 110th anniversary in 2019. It is about 24 hectares in size, equivalent to five “Bantelindome Nagoya”.

It is also registered as a national monument, and from spring to summer, visitors can see cherry blossoms, tulips, roses, irises, hydrangeas, and many other flowers. It is particularly famous for its cherry blossoms, which have been selected as one of the 100 best cherry blossom viewing spots.

The names of the places and stations in this area are called “Tsurumai” and the park, library, and elementary school are called “Tsuruma,” which is a bit confusing, but the park is directly connected to JR and subway lines, and many people always visit the park.

The park is directly connected to the JR and subway lines, and many people always visit. The park has historical buildings, flower spots, a library, and sports facilities, making it a very attractive place, but we had hoped that there would be more cafes and restaurants in the park.

With the recent renovation, a new commercial facility called “Tsuruma Garden” was created, offering a wide variety of gourmet foods. There were not only restaurants but also take-out stores.

The cafes are attractive and unique, offering their signature waffles and gelato on the terrace, and can be enjoyed not only during the day, but also at night. Café time spent in a perfect location surrounded by nature is sure to be exceptional.




Tsurumai Park is also home to many historic facilities, such as the Fountain Tower, which has graced the site since 1909 and has become the symbol of the park, Sogakudo, a Renaissance-style circular stage, and Tsurumatei, a traditional Japanese-style room built as a tea ceremony room, where parents and children can naturally learn about the passage of time. And we must not forget the zoo. Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden is famous today, but before Higashiyama, it was located in Tsurumai Park. As times changed, the zoo became too small and moved to Higashiyama, but if it were still the Tsurumai Zoo, what kind of town would Tsurumai be today?



Tsurumai Park is one of the best cherry blossom viewing spots in Nagoya City, a sacred place for a certain application, and a photo spot for cosplayers.

The park is now a good place to stroll around and feel the history, or just relax at a café, so I think I will be visiting more often from now on.


See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




