信楽へ行ってきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




信楽へ行ってきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


























































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It’s March and pollen is a concern for some of you, but I think it’s time for those of you who cannot stay still.
In the midst of all this, Staff Y visited Shigaraki the other day.


The purpose of the trip was to have a lunch of rice cooked in a Shigaraki earthenware pot with Shigaraki ware and to walk around Shigaraki.


It was my first visit to Shigaraki in a long time, and the weather was perfect, so please bear with me for a moment as I write about my trip.


Shigaraki is an hour and a half drive from Nagoya.
As you may know, Shigaraki is famous for Shigaraki ware, one of the six oldest kilns in Japan, but it was also the setting for the popular NHK drama “Scarlett. There are many places where the drama was filmed (it is fun to visit the filming locations). There are many facilities where you can experience Shigaraki pottery making, and many Shigaraki tanuki (raccoon dogs) will welcome you when you walk around the town.


The earthenware pot store we visited this time also uses Shigaraki ware, and there are also cafes and restaurants in the tranquil scenery that use such ware. It is a very relaxing town.
The theme of my trip will be Shigaraki ware,
Shigaraki ware is mainly produced in the area around Shigaraki Town, Koka City, Shiga Prefecture, because the hills in the vicinity produce high-quality potter’s clay. Many kilns are located along the road along the hillside, and the scenery is very picturesque.


The area is also known as one of the six oldest kilns in Japan and has produced many works of ceramics and porcelain representing Japan.
After the climbing kilns, there is a café.
This one is now a gallery.


The unique texture of this pottery is created by mixing various types of clay, such as kibushi, mizuchi, and garome, with other materials, resulting in thicker and firmer pottery.

The clay is also suitable for making large pieces of pottery because of its firmness, and its high fire resistance is one of its charms, giving it a unique texture when fired at high temperatures. It is interesting to note that the finish changes depending on the firing method and the temperature in the kiln, and each piece is unique, making it a fun pottery to choose.


The history of Shigaraki ware, which has been produced from the Middle Ages to the present, is long, and it is surprising that it is said to have started when Emperor Shomu started building the Shikaraku Palace in 742, when he fired Nunome tiles and Sue ware (soup bowls).


However, the somewhat wild skin texture certainly reminds us of Sue ware, doesn’t it? It is also said that the pottery gradually developed by adopting the techniques of Tokoname ware, which had already begun to develop at that time, and since there seems to have been exchange between potters from that time, the craftsmen of that time must have been eager to explore.


Unglazed pottery made before the Meiji period is called “Koshigaraki,” and until around the end of the Muromachi period, it was mainly made into pots. Later, with the popularization of the tea ceremony in the Edo period, Shigaraki ware developed rapidly, but at the end of the Edo period, it flourished as a ceramic production center, but then entered a period of recession. The reason for this was that the demand for ceramics such as Shigaraki ware declined drastically due to the spread of metal products.


As time went on, Shigaraki-ware tiles and umbrella stands were produced to break the depression, and in the Meiji period (1868-1912), tanuki figurines, which are still commonly seen today, began to be produced. This is where the tanuki finally made its appearance. It is said that Emperor Showa, who was pleased with these tanuki figurines, wrote a poem about them when he went to Shigaraki, and this is how they spread throughout the country.


Come to think of it, I always wondered why Shigaraki is called “Tanuki.
By the way, “tanuki” has the meaning of “good luck charm for prosperous business” because “tanuki” means “to overtake others” and “nuki” means “to overtake others”. I was a little curious, so I took the liberty of checking the entrances of homes in the Shigaraki area. I guessed that about 95% of the houses had a tanuki at their entrance (according to our staff Y). (According to Staff Y’s survey).


We left Shigaraki with such a survey of tanuki placement, and found Shigaraki to be a very relaxing place.

Why don’t you include Shigaraki as a candidate for your trip this spring?


Good bye.















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