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3月と言えば・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)













また、英語で3月は「March」ですが、これはローマ神話の「マルス(Mars)の月」を意味する「Martius」に由来します。 マルスは「戦と農耕の神」で、「軍神」とも呼ばれます。 古代ローマ暦では、新年が3月であり、気候がよくなり軍隊を動かす季節、また、農耕を始まる季節に良いとされ、そこから3月はマルスを称える月となりました。














昭和世代は、卒業式の歌と言えば「蛍の光」と「仰げば尊し」が定番でした。ですが、 平成頃からは時代の変化で恩師への感謝を 強要しているという考えや、 古い日本語の表現を 理解することが難しいとの理由で 歌われなくなったようです。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

March has finally arrived. Every time I am surprised to see that another month has already passed.
There is a saying that goes “January goes, February runs away, and March goes away,” so it seems as if the time between the beginning of the year and March goes by in a flash.
And as I realize that a quarter of the year is over, the more I grow older, the more I feel a strange sense of impatience, wondering if March is already over.

Well, March is also called “Yayoi” in Japanese, which is a Japanese-style month name. Incidentally, of the 12 months, only March and December do not use the Chinese character for “month.
The word “Yayoi” is said to be derived from “Yayoi,” which means that all plants and trees will finally grow in the warm weather. Ya” means “finally” or “more and more,” and “Sei” means that plants and trees will sprout.
There are many other different names for March, such as “Sakura-tsuki,” “Hanami-tsuki,” “Kage-tsu,” and “Hanasaki-tsuki. From now on, it is the season for cherry blossoms and other flowers to bloom. I am looking forward to it.

March is also called “March” in English, which is derived from “Martius,” meaning “the month of Mars” in Roman mythology. Mars is the “god of war and agriculture” and is also called the “god of war. In the ancient Roman calendar, the New Year was in March, which was considered to be a good time for the weather to improve and for armies to move into action, and also a good time to begin farming, and from there March became the month to honor Mars.

What do you think of when you think of March?

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “March” is “graduation ceremony. The others are “Girls’ Festival,” “Vernal Equinox Day,” and “Spring Vacation.
In Japan, all schools and universities, including kindergartens, have graduation ceremonies, but in Europe and the United States, only university degree conferment ceremonies are held.
The school system began in Japan in 1872. At that time, diplomas were awarded at the end of the school year.
The graduation ceremony began around the mid-1870s (10th year of Meiji), when the awarding of diplomas at the end of the school year became an independent ceremony.

Graduation ceremonies, which we feel like a spring tradition, are actually a culture unique to Japan; only a few countries have graduation ceremonies in March, and in Europe and the United States, the graduation season is in September. In the southern hemisphere, it is held in December, and it varies from country to country.
There is an image of a moving graduation ceremony where everyone sings and cries together, but for me, I have no particularly moving memories of graduation ceremonies (laugh).
Looking back, I remember feeling a strange pressure to cry during the emotional scenes and feeling somewhat uncomfortable. I also remember that I was made to practice many times, which was a bit troublesome….

Graduation ceremonies and tears are like a set, but the songs also seem to have a special meaning. Japan seems to be the only country where so many graduation songs exist.
For the Showa generation, “Hotarunohikari” and “Aogeba Toutoshi” were the standard graduation songs. However, since the Heisei era, these songs are no longer sung because of the change of the times, the idea that it forces people to thank their former teachers, and the difficulty in understanding the old Japanese expressions.
Instead, “March 9” and the choral piece “On the Day of Departure” have come to be sung.

I feel that more and more songs are being sung to bid farewell but also to cheer those who are moving on.

The shape of graduation ceremonies may be changing, but I still think it would be better to have a culture in which everyone sings a graduation song together. We only get to experience this at least twice in elementary and junior high school, and maybe three times if you include high school.

So, see you again.














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