本日2月29日、うるう年です。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




本日2月29日、うるう年です。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


















また、そんなうるう年、英語では「leap year(リープ・イヤー)」と言うようです。「leap」には「跳ぶ、跳ねる」という意味があるようで、たとえば、平年の場合は、2021年1月1日は金曜日、翌年の2022年1月1日は土曜日という具合に、同じ月日を見ると、翌年はひとつ先に進んだ曜日に当たります。


しかしうるう年の場合は、翌年の曜日が2つ先に進むこととなります。たとえば、2020年1月1日は水曜日ですが、2021年1月1日は金曜日でした。そのように、曜日がひとつ先に飛ぶことから、「leap year」という名前がついたのではないか、と言われています。面白いですね。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Today is February 29. Yes, this year is a leap year.
I feel like I only pay attention to it once every four years. Please read it when you want to take a break.
Originally, the word “leap” itself means “more days or months than in a normal year,” and a leap year is a year with a leap. A leap year is a year in which one more day is added than in a normal year.
The solar calendar, which is based on the cycle of the earth’s orbit around the sun, is widely used in the world today. However, it takes 365.2422 days (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds), which is a quarter of a day longer than 365 days, for the earth to make one full revolution around the sun, This was discovered by astronomical observations since BC, and the leap year was established to compensate for this fact.


The history of leap years dates back to 45 B.C., when Julius Caesar, a Roman hero, was born. The Julian calendar was introduced in 45 B.C. by Julius Caesar, a Roman hero, but the Numa calendar, which had 355 days in a year, was used until then. However, due to negligence on the part of those in charge, the leap month was not inserted correctly, resulting in a situation where the calendar and the actual seasons did not match.


Therefore, Julius reformed the calendar with the Julian calendar, which set the normal year at 365 days. The Julian calendar at that time also established a leap year once every four years.
At that time, most people in Japan probably did not have the concept of a calendar and were just gazing at the sun in a daze, and I feel the gap in civilization very keenly.
In English, such a leap year is called a “leap year. For example, in a normal year, January 1, 2021 falls on a Friday and January 1, 2022 falls on a Saturday.


However, in the case of leap years, the following year’s day of the week is advanced by two. For example, January 1, 2020 is a Wednesday, but January 1, 2021 is a Friday. It is said that the name “leap year” may have come from the fact that the day of the week jumps ahead one day. Interesting.
I also mentioned that a leap year was established every four years in the “Julian calendar,” but over the long, long years, a discrepancy between the calendar and the seasons occurs, and eventually it reaches a level that cannot be ignored. Pope Gregory XIII, however, demonstrated through astronomical observations that the earth’s orbit around the sun was only 0.2422 days longer than 365 days, and in 1582 the calendar was changed to the “Gregorian calendar,” which is still in use today. In the Gregorian calendar, leap years are defined as follows (1) A leap year is a year in which the western calendar is divisible by 4. (2) A leap year is a year in which the western calendar is divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400.


In addition, since the time that needed to be corrected was 0.2422 days instead of 0.25 days, it seems that not only did a leap year need to be inserted “once every four years,” but also a slight correction was required. It is true that it is difficult to handle the error in order to properly adjust the movement of the earth and the sun to the calendar.
By the way, there are people whose birthdays are on February 29 sometimes, and I am wondering when they celebrate their birthdays. Do they move it forward or change the date on their birth certificate in the first place?

Today is just a once-every-four-years birthday, so I hope that everyone who has a birthday today will celebrate it in a big way for the past four years.

Have a good day.














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