長年勘違いしておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




長年勘違いしておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

This winter, with its extreme differences in temperature, even if you think you are coping well in your head, your body may not be able to keep up with the change. Please take it easy and stay warm when you are having a hard time.


This morning, as I was passing by, I saw a magnificent lantern placed in the garden and took another look at the iron lanterns at Fukosha. The Yukimi Lantern stands with a strong presence in the center of the store. The openwork pattern looks like paulownia leaves, but because it is made of iron, it also looks like a Western design. It would be nice to see the pattern beautifully floating in the air when the lantern is lit.


Most lanterns are made of stone, such as granite, and few are made of iron. When they were first made, they probably emitted a dull light, but the rusted appearance of today’s lanterns is also tasteful, showing the passage of time.

There are various types of lanterns, such as “Kasuga type” and “Oribe type,” but “Yukimi Toro” is characterized by its large shade part, which is usually round or hexagonal, and is called “Maru Yukimi” or “Hexagonal Yukimi. The foundation part is generally three-legged with four legs.


As for the origin of the name, there are some theories, such as “the shade looks like snow piled up” or “people enjoy appreciating the snow piled up on the shade,” but a leading theory is that it is because it resembles “Ukimi-do” in the eight scenic spots of Omi in Shiga Prefecture. It is said that “ukiimi” changed to “yukimi. Lanterns are often placed near the water’s edge with large shades, mainly to illuminate the water’s surface.


Lanterns have long been used as traditional lighting fixtures in East Asia, and were introduced to Japan in the Nara period (710-794) with the arrival of Buddhism. In Buddhism, it is believed that lanterns ward off evil spirits. Lanterns are also believed to have been used to guide the deceased so that they would not get lost in the afterlife. Lantern Floating Ceremonies and Lantern Festivals have been held throughout Japan for the purpose of memorial services and the repose of souls since ancient times.


It is believed that the introduction of lanterns into Japanese gardens was influenced by the tea ceremony culture that spread during the Momoyama period (1573-1600). Lanterns were incorporated into tea gardens to illuminate the garden during tea ceremonies at dusk. With moonlight as the only light, the gentle glow of the lanterns would have illuminated the feet of people walking down the alley.


It is hard to imagine living without electricity today, but it seems that people in the past also tried to find light in the pitch black night. Tens of thousands of years ago, oil from animals was used, and 3,000 years ago, oil lamps burning plant oil began to be used.

In Japan, during the Heian period (794-1185), a small dish filled with oil was placed on a pedestal and lit indoors, called a “todai,” or lighthouse. A lighthouse? When I heard the word “lighthouse,” what came to mind was the “lighthouse” at the end of the cape, so I looked it up. I came across the fact that the lighthouse referred to in the saying “living under the lighthouse” was not a lighthouse on the cape, but an old indoor lighthouse. I had completely misunderstood that it was a lighthouse on the cape. This proverb has existed since the Edo period, and lighthouses on the cape were not called “lighthouses” until the Meiji period (1868-1912), and until then they were called “toromyo-dai” (lighthouse tower), among other reasons.

The oil was in a dish placed on a high pedestal, and directly below was dark in the shadow of the dish, thus creating a proverb meaning that even those who know much about the world are unfamiliar with familiar things, and that the answer they were looking for was right in front of them.


When I was researching about the lighthouse, I came across a longstanding misunderstanding. It is a little strange to think that from now on, when we say, “I live under a lighthouse,” we are not thinking of the lighthouse on the cape, but of the lighthouse that faintly illuminated the room in the Heian period.


See you next time.















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